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VIP Member
We’ve never had problems like we’re having now where there’s no ambulances available no staff in hospitals that they’ve had to have military doctors help out our GPs and dentist’s are seeing people it’s hospitals where the pressures lie if they’re struggling like this with falling numbers what’s it going to be like if there’s a surge we’ve been on more lockdowns than the rest of the UK you’ve had it easy over there in comparison.
I beg to differ. My local hospitals are on black alert every winter. There are always reports of no ambulances and them stacking up at the hospital as no beds.
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Haaaa my Trust has just sent out an email "strongly advising" staff not to do any socialising outside of work due to the number of staff now off waiting for PCR tests.
So you’re basically just living to work because leaving the house for anything else is a terrible idea
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I haven’t applied for one but ours are photographic I think? View attachment 928836
No photos on the UK NHS covid pass (well not on the "domestic" non-travel one anyway), just name, date of birth, 30 day expiry date, and a QR code. And the option to add it to the Apple Wallet in an even plainer and more basic form, ripe for screenshotting and sharing. Maybe the idea is you are supposed to show photo ID alongside it, I don't know, nor do I know what info is in the QR code or what equipment venues are supposed to have to scan that QR code. But anyway all they did at Winter Wonderland was glance at the phone screen and wave us in.

When I worked for a supermarket I had a discount card I could store on my phone and even that was more secure just by having the date/time on the "card" and a little animated logo in one corner that was constantly changing colour thus showing in an instant that it was not a screen shot.

Just seems like lunacy, the NHS has thrown millions if not billions into this covid pass and the related procedures and you can just bypass the whole thing by screenshotting and sharing.
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So now we have a "Panicdemic" because we've widely distributed a test kit for the common cold.

The world is repeating March 2020.

What will happen when those Russian tanks start rolling into the Ukraine?
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For me the problem is that we were told the vaccine would lead us out of the pandemic.

But most of us have had 3 vaccines and it's still not enough.
This is the frustration. Millions complied and got their vaccines but guess Pfizer/Moderna et Al haven't made *quite* enough that they'll keep going until all 66 million have it which won't happen.

Oh my this pandemic has made me most cynical. I'll be honest I got vaccinated (bar legal job requirement but that came much later) for it being "freedom". It just affirms more that it actually makes shit all difference as seems to be about something else. I'm so confused so I'll stop thinking about it.

Hell means I can get pissed with me cat NYE 😂 the cat will not be drinking of course
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That’s just utter rubbish! It’s not exactly in her interests to make these unpopular decisions, but sitting back and doing nothing is worse.

Yet she announced money to assist businesses yesterday and has asked for more but been told no.
Who is supposed to give her this money? If she wants to impose tighter rules surely its then on her and the scottish government to find the cash?
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It is really awkward, and some colleagues have caring responsibilities for older parents so they are very concerned about Covid. I've just been going along with their assumptions that I'm vaccinated, but doing that feels wrong. I am known for being honest and saying what I think, so I feel like I'm not being true to myself. I almost want to just announce it in a team meeting just to stop hiding it, but Im worried about how colleagues will react and if I end up being the office pariah. I also don't want to get drawn into any conversations about vaccines or end up having to defend myself. That wouldn't be pleasant to work in every day.

Luckily my best friend is also not vaccinated, and a couple of other friends aren't either. My husband is vaccinated for health reasons and he doesn't give me any grief, nor I him. We both agree on how wrong Covid passports and mandatory vaccinations are.
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VIP Member
Plus they can twist it as 'unvaccinated spread Covid about over Christmas'
Ah of course. The great unvaccinated ruined it for everyone. Everyone turn on them at once!

I'm respecting choice tbh. Like I said I got it for "freedom" as I suspect many others did too. Seems that wasn't enough. Naughty little virus. It's like they have no cure....oh wait
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VIP Member
No photos on the UK NHS covid pass (well not on the "domestic" non-travel one anyway), just name, date of birth, 30 day expiry date, and a QR code. And the option to add it to the Apple Wallet in an even plainer and more basic form, ripe for screenshotting and sharing. Maybe the idea is you are supposed to show photo ID alongside it, I don't know, nor do I know what info is in the QR code or what equipment venues are supposed to have to scan that QR code. But anyway all they did at Winter Wonderland was glance at the phone screen and wave us in.

When I worked for a supermarket I had a discount card I could store on my phone and even that was more secure just by having the date/time on the "card" and a little animated logo in one corner that was constantly changing colour thus showing in an instant that it was not a screen shot.

Just seems like lunacy, the NHS has thrown millions if not billions into this covid pass and the related procedures and you can just bypass the whole thing by screenshotting and sharing.
Even better you can download a pdf version to print off.

I downloaded mine last week incase they asked for it at my Xmas party on Friday to save my phone battery on the night.

It means I'm currently positive for covid but have a bit of paper that says I'm safe to get into venues until 12th January when it expires...
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The anxiety around covid and lockdown for me has been rife this week. 😪 I was really getting somewhere with going into the office 5 days a week and seeing my friends. Now I'm just terrified that clown is going to try locking us down soon.
My anxiety has been through the roof as well with it. I’m afraid another lockdown will send me into a mental breakdown again or worse even dead🙁
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Chatty Member
What is a good answer if someone asks if you are vaccinated?

I haven't had the question yet, but I need a good response (not ending in 'off'), which is polite, reasonable, but can also shut down any further questions. Something which doesn't make that person put me in 'angry anti vaxxer' category, but said in a way that they respect and understand my decision.
I'll tell you my medical history if you tell me yours 😉
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This year has been the worst year of my life.. if they put in new restrictions I will crumble! I’ve had the jabs for freedom but like you said it’s not enough.
Easier said than done but just try to focus on the things you can control, rather than bumbling Boris & twitty clan. It helps with anxiety and stress. Choose to feel happiness for things in your life rather than the focus on whatever mess they're creating. It helped me ALOT as I was approaching breakdown life for sure. But I realised nothing I do (clearly lol) changes the outcomes of the government so I make the choice to be happy and grateful for things I do have and can do (and will continue to do, lockdown or not they can piss off if they think I'll comply again 🤣)
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Great, the last time Boris had pressure on he implemented Plan B to distract.

Wtf is he going to do to us with this bombshell...
Glad I smuggled 2 friends round for my birthday now. Literally smuggled we were all so panicked 🙈 feel a mug now mind but wasn't spending my birthday alone and it was buggering freezing outside lol
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And what do you call the people who will react to this person dying with a laughing face?
I reacted with a laugh not because someone died but they had to say they were an anti-vaxer. We already know they were probably vaccinated because if not its screamed from the rooftops right away. Im not buying what they are selling


Just want to say to those getting their boosters or just got them. sending love and hope any reactions are very mild as I know a few of you have had a hard time with the vaccine.
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VIP Member
exactly this. I live alone and have been working from home since March 2020, I’m allowed to go into the office but there is never anyone else there. I end up sometimes working up to 14 hour days and don’t leave the house sometimes for days on end

im going to be much less dramatic than I was the last time around on here but I sometimes do wonder how I would survive another lockdown
Telling friend, family, a forum or your company that you're lonely and isolated isn't dramatic. It's real and needs to be acknowledged.
As I've said, your company also needs to safeguard your mental health because they have duty of care while they pay you.
Never ever suffer in silence, speaking out isn't dramatic, it's real to you and will help prevent unnecessary, or further mental health problems.
Never also compare your worries to other people's. Isolation and loneliness is personal to you and everyone has their own limit.

At this point the government couldn't give two flying fucks. They just want their end result, so its up to us to to use what we have to fight and look after ourselves
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VIP Member
Sad to say if it was more deadly it would be over quicker these mild circulatory viruses can cause havoc for years 😕

I’ve a feeling we’re headed for more restrictions it’s not good when they call a meeting between the devolved governments that’s the second this week.View attachment 925638
And they have been causing havoc for 100s of years but because its not shoved down everyone's throat 24/7....nobody cares about the NHS every winter when the general flus/colds and hospital favourite norovirus wipe their way round. When they stopped shoving covid in everyone's face like a constant cream pie, everyone just carried on enjoying life.

I certainly didn't and still won't be locking myself up every winter due to the flu/colds etc I'm afraid
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