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VIP Member
And he knows nobody would listen this year.

Plus they can be like well we gave you Christmas so....enjoy lockdown 400 until July again bitches!

Plus they can twist it as 'unvaccinated spread Covid about over Christmas'

And - 'cases rose dramatically over Christmas - see, we TOLD you last year this would happen which is why we cancelled Christmas first time around'
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Fuck, no way! That's disgraceful, I'm sorry ☹

Do you work in healthcare? Again, none of my (or your employer's) business and I definitely do not support mandating health workers being forced to be vaccinated.
Social care so we were mandatory end of November. I had colleagues having to get speed vaccines to keep their jobs 🙄
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I just don't get the point of this? Do we have evidence that COVID doesn't spread before 8pm hence the cut off?!
I'd heard its because it originated from a bat and bats turn into vampires and vampires prefer the dark and are stronger in the dark than in the daylight....

Don't know if it's related to people's awareness being less the more they have to drink and therefore ignoring social distancing etc (relevant to pubs/restaurants/nightclubs)
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Caffeine Fiend

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I hear you Monga. I feel like you have a balanced and fair view throughout all of these threads and arent scare mongering with your perhaps valid concerns if it happens.

NHS England / Scotland vs NHS N.I is very different.
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I can’t sleep because I’m so so so scared of being locked in Wales again, whilst my boyfriend and friends are all out living their lives across the border
They can shut down what they want but they will categorically never be able to stop people seeing loved ones. Even during the absolute height of lockdown here in wales when we couldn’t even buy a fucking duvet set in Asda I still managed to travel to see my friends in England on a regular basis, what can they do? They can’t stop every single car. Please try not to worry.
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Chatty Member
Apparently there's been 1.3 million tests done today.

Even at the cheapest £26 pound per test that's over 26.5 million pounds!
It can cost up to £43 pound depending on where its sent though.

If they're sequencing at the cheapest cost of £19 per test then that's 36.4 Million!
It can go up to £69, again depending on who they use

That's just what one day has cost! 😱

Just imagine if they had used the untold billions spent so far to improve the NHS
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Go have fun and try not to worry. It's around, it will always be around, and that's just life. Winter Wonderland sounds like such fun!
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Brian Butterfield

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Thats fucking ridiculous, how can they keep asking people to help NHS when they fuck itnup themselves, people should be able to access GP appointments to sort their issues rather than go a&e and possibly get covid or waiting till its too late.

I’m so fucking angry at this shit show now, where is the money going for NHS!? what happened to the nightingale hospitals!? why are we not having someone other than GP’s administrating shots!?

I don’t believe Boris is behind all these decisions, who the fuck is making these decisions?
The government are in the pockets of Big Pharma 💰💰💰💰💰
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Oh gosh that sounds really awkward for you. Try not to worry too much! Let them assume all they like it’s really none of their business.

I don’t get why people get so bothered whether others have had a vaccine or not. I mean it’s really no one else’s business.

I’ve never discussed vaccines with anyone at work or even in my friend group until covid. It’s bonkers. Really sad too actually, I had a friend fall out with me because she asked me if I’d got an appointment for my jabs ok and I told her I didn’t and wasn’t planning on and she went batshit crazy about how I was contributing to the spread of covid and how could I sleep at night knowing I could be killing a granny. It stopped and ended there for me I don’t explain myself to anyone and no one should explain themselves to me. Live and let live as my granny always said!
Wow thats pretty sad that its ending friendships however I am sadly not surprised, its a totally personal choice as much as getting a smear test and similar is. My mum has a friend who has been woe vocal about 'the unvaccinated' in a very similar vein to your friend and its so tiresome.

I haven't been vaccinated (against covid) either for a number of reasons, it is solely down to each individual as to whether they get jabbed or not and I respect everyones autonomy and choice to do so. However I have not seen half as much hate coming from those who are not vaxxed towards those that are as much as vice versa. I also feel there is a lot of misinformation surrounding it - my mums friend is adamant that now she's had the vaccine she is bulletproof and doesn't seem to get that she can still carry, transmit and be ill with covid, and that the hope of the vaccine is to reduce severity and in turn reduce hospital admissions and ultimately fatalities. On the few occasions I have been asked if I'm jabbed, I have replied that I have medical reasons not to which is the truth but I really do think that its quite rude in general to go up and ask someone personal health information. No one should have to explain their choices either way to someone else!
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In meant to be going out on the 29th for a day trip weve had planned for months. Im terrified it wont happen. I dont think my mental health can take another lockdown.
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It may not have happened where you are but our health service was practically crippled

it makes a lot of difference where I am we don’t have a health service ( pre covid) if there’s 3 months worth of admissions at the one time I wouldn’t like to think what would happen it mightn’t concern you as England have a big health service we don’t.We’ve never been out of restrictions since they were brought in we’ve never had the freedom England has.
But like you say, it *started off* crippled, that's the point I'm making. Lots of people having a stuffy nose with Omicron isn't killing the NHS. It was dead anyway. Plus, you cannot trust their data. That's what I'm trying to get across. Just because they wave around 100k cases a day, doesn't mean those people are in A&E. I think it's naive and falling for the hype to automatically assume increasing counts of Omicron means society is fucked. That's exactly what they want us to think and so far, there has been fuck all evidence of that other than their data twisting. Society is fucked because of their reaction to this all, not because of a new variant.

If we stopped testing people who aren't sick, the counts wouldn't even be newsworthy.

Also my experience of the NHS in England is utterly bollocks regardless of how big you might think it is. As is many people's. Covid or no covid.
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I think it's worse this time around because people can only tolerate stuff so many times. To begin with it was new, we didn't know the real risks so we almost felt like they were doing us a favor, the weather was nice etc. Now, we are very much been there done that, expected it all to be done with, it's winter etc.

People have had enough and rightly so. The data doesn't justify going back to March 20.
I think this time is worse. because most have now seen its a farce hopefully they won't obey this time and just live as much as they can if things are closed etc
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Chatty Member
I got this today, so they are definitely cancelling appointments in favour of giving the boosters
I got my NHS letter saying my smear test is due and to book with my GP...... Yip haven't been able to get through constantly engaged... No doubt prioritising booster appointments... So can't see me getting my smear this year.
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Kim Mild

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No I live in a council house and work minmum wage and so does my husband. Don't have a lot of money but I'd rather have a good mental health wellness than need to spend money and be fearful of restaurants, pubs and shops shutting down? I find people are just obsessed with spending and eating.
Maybe people feel rather trapped if they can't go out and about as they please.
Doing things for fun / leisure is important for well-being for a lot of people

And it is supporting local businesses.

I went out to eat recently, as a treat and it really kind of perked me up a bit. People don't have to be denied that because they have food in the house.
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