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Active member
Covid is obviously different, though, as it has spread far more rapidly and caused more death and disability than your run of the mill flus and colds. If not, why would all this have happened? Have all the countries decided to get together and all pretend the severity is more than it really is? I give up sometimes lol.
But you don’t know the real death figures of covid do you? No one will ever know apart from those in power. Remember a COVID death is within 28days of a positive test.
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VIP Member
Its getting so tiring listening to people be so critical over socialising now the drama is all kicking off again. If you don't want to socialise that is fine, but its your decision - don't try and guilt others because they aren't doing the same as you.
Me and a few school mum friends are meeting for lunch and some fizz tomorrow and it’s the only Xmas meet up il get due to work cancelling ours and we’ve had a few comments about whether we should or not. Most of us are still pressing on with it - we’ll do a lft before plus our kids have been mixing all term in class so I’m not going to be guilted out of it.
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VIP Member
So the new symptoms are "cold like symptoms". That's what I had for delta so....

Is there a possibility that it's just a cold? COURSE NOT. Nothing else exists anymore. And the cold isn't a coronavirus...oh wait
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Well-known member
Boris needs to grow a pair quickly and remove all obligation for positive cases to isolate.

He's about to properly fuck the country up by collapsing all our supply chains and infrastructure but insisting millions of healthy people stay at home.
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Chatty Member
If your going to try pick apart my views then I wouldn't bother because you wont like them.
Views such as I'd rather my taxes went towards an animal style NHS than contribute towards smackheads methadone 👍 I think people on the dole should also pay for prescriptions. Basic dentistry should be accessible for all not just dole dossers. Benefit claimants shouldn't get supermarket vouchers during half term holidays... many of these you'll probably get upset about but regardless of if you agree or not doesn't make my opinions any less valid than yours 😁
You seem nice.
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Has anyone had a reaction to the booster jab?
It made my mum really poorly unfortunately. Her first 2 were AZ and her booster was Moderna. She woke up in the night freezing, still couldn’t get warm after putting 4 layers on. Was sick, had a poorly tummy, then the next day could not get out of bed. Her eyesight went fuzzy for around 6 hours (she couldn’t see properly at all) and had the worst headache. She said it made her feel worse than the covid she had a month prior!
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Chatty Member
I believe there should be an option to opt out of paying national insurance and not using the NHS. If people want to pay private and actually get seen then great we should be allowed to chose. But we shouldn't be forced to pay for a service we arnt getting or dont want (everything online/appoontments unavailable).
I genuinely cant believe how many people are so reluctant to say no to restrictions and push back against all this ridiculousness.
Do I think boris is going to push for another lockdown? Yes. Do I want one? No. But while everyone is just allowing this madness to continue it will never end and I'm sick of hearing the words "due to covid" constantly about everything.
This is stupid.

What if you don't use public transport? Or roads? Or trains? Or don't have kids? Should you also be able to opt out of paying portion of tax for roads if you walk everywhere? I don't have kids, should I ask for a tax rebate for schools?

Services like the NHS are for the benefit of all. They make a healthier society for us all.
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For people being stressed out, don't forget to switch off time to time from news/social media and focus on things that can make you feel good. It's not like anything will change much these next days.

At the moment as I am hoping to celebrate christmas with my family and then travel with my husband to see his family in his country I have had drastically reduced my social contacts (anyway I am under the water because of work so it's not like I've much spare time for anything else than sleeping). No idea if we would make it to go abroad as rules change way too often. As we are vaccinated we (for now) don't need to get tested for our travel - but will see to do it anyway - it would suck to developp symptoms later and having to quarantine while abroad and also to diminish the risk of transmission. Will need to do a pcr anyway when coming back home (no those different rules for each country don't make sense). Wish me good luck. We would love to be able to visit the old relatives of my husband - one of them lost their lifelong partner from covid about a year ago - it's not the easiest time for them and has asked us if we could come this year around christmas.
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Chatty Member
I’ve never taken a covid test, not an lft or a pcr. Mainly because I’ve never displayed symptoms, but I refuse to test for the hell of it when I have no symptoms either.
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Chatty Member
I've got one Monday and they just told me to wear a mask.
What would the point of wearing a mask when going for a dental appointment...... Doesn't that mean looking at your teeth so mouth needs to be exposed....🤔
Seems a pointless request 🙂
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We didn’t end up going today because a family friend of my boyfriend’s passed away this morning (not covid related) so we didn’t feel it was right to go today.

Tomorrow it’ll be 3 weeks since I last left the house… I’m so scared of making my parents ill since I live at home with them still 😖

All I’m seeing on twitter currently is people testing positive and saying their struggling to breath and their chest feels tight, the fear is never ending for me.
I’ve had colds and viruses before that have left me wheezing and out of puff. It’s a common symptom of a respiratory virus.
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Chatty Member
from reading your post covid is the least of your worries, you already got rid of a virus. 😐
Id take covid all over again, every year for the rest of my life, than ever see that scruffy tosser again hasn’t even got his own teeth

But thankfully I didn’t end up with any other viruses 😂 I did have to check 🤷‍♀️

sorry to derail!
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VIP Member
Another fucking lockdown, my god. When will it end. Another variant will come about in a couple months time, then we'll be back to the same situation again. It's so frustrating.
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VIP Member
Saw this for you all. Seems similar positivity rate to us in the US, with testing panic or requirements as well.

Latest UK Covid figures: 78,610 cases from 1,319,891 tests, hence 5.96% positive test rate.

Previous peak cases: 76,128 cases on 4 Jan 2021 from 464,611 tests, hence 16.39% positive test rate.

Today’s figures show 3.3% increase in cases over Jan peak, but required 184% increase in tests.

imagine all the cash wasted on testing was put into hospital capacity and hiring especially with an older population we have with the boomer generation. But nah, that’s not important!
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Chatty Member
Is there anybody here NOT having a booster? I’m thinking of cancelling. Are they thinking about second booster? How long does this go on for?
I haven't had any of the vaccines and don't want them.

I'm sure I heard Boris waffle on about the elderly and vulnerable to go get their 4th booster shot (may of heard wrong) sadly I think it will be none stop vaccines from now on..... Or for a good few years at least
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VIP Member
No I’m saying we’lll see how healthcare copes and we’ll know for sure then how bad it is they’ll be no more speculation it will be in front of us.
We won't though. Because all they have to say is oooooooohhhhhh look at all the cases! The NHS is crippled! and that's it, restrictions.

They never *actually* tell us how healthcares coping, because the truth doesn't hurt and instill compliance.
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VIP Member
That’s what I questioned last night where are all the cases coming from if 90% of people ( according to the ONS) have natural immunity. The UK only counts a covid infection once in the case data so these are all new infections ? What I gathered from this morning’s questioning it’s not cases or deaths they’re worried about its the health service collapsing from within with the sheer number of staff that stand to test pos.
Thats on them though, not us. They're the ones not investing, spending millions on nightingale hospitals, spending millions on covid daily and generally wasting money.

Their expenses alone could hold up quite a few nurses, increase wages for carers or save a care home from collapsing!

The vaccines were never going to save the NHS because the vaccine has never fully stopped transmission, this was always going to happen and its really no surprise.

Best hope this fake mixed up variant that they're trying to scare us with never happens, because come March not only will be not have carers, we'll also be at best up to 62,000 social care staff down, including the NHS staff.. and then what
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