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The woman said she had been double jabbed. She wants to take her son to the cinema. She's going on holiday. All great happy things. She's assuming her sister in law had covid with no proof just thinking the worse. She can get the sister in law to take a test.

When would be the right time for people not to worry? It's not insensitive to ask the question. Do you not agree that after a year and a half the longer people leave it to get back to normal the harder it will be when they do? We have a lot to be thankful for as we are in one of the best positions in the world. Of course people can be scared and shouldn't be complacent, but life is for living and people hiding away are missing out on making memories.
No I don’t really agree as I cannot possibly know how each and everyone deals with things and to them, remaining cautious might be what feels right for whatever reasons or personal circumstance.

Sure life is for living, but people make choices based on what is right for them. People remaining cautious or feeling anxious DOES NOT mean they are hiding away or not wanting to make memories.
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hospitalisations of patients with covid which are lower numbers than they’ve been anyway, but actually if of those hospitalised with covid 35% are fully vaccinated and 10% partially vaccinated then it’s just over breaking even.
Yes, but you are failing to take into account the fact that the numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated people are not the same.

If the vaccine didn't reduce the risk of hospitalisation, we'd expect the percentages of vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalisations to be similar to the percentages of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. ie. we would expect 10% of those in hospital to be unvaccinated and 90% to have had at least one dose. However, what we actually see is 55% are unvaccinated and 45% have had at least one dose. The percentage of vaccinated hospitalisations is far lower than the percentage of vaccinated people, and the percentage of unvaccinated hospitalisations is far greater than the percentage of unvaccinated people. We can therefore conclude that the vaccines do in fact reduce risk of hospitalisation.
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I can only talk for me but I won't be complying. You can shut hospitality, have events behind closed doors etc but never again will I be avoiding friends and family even indoors.
Same. Fucking madness when you think about really. It will be looked back on with sheer disbelief that we complied with saying no you can’t have people round.
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Isn’t it more likely though that someone who is vaccinated could have covid and not know because they won’t have such bad symptoms if any? Whereas your unvaccinated friends are more likely to be symptomatic and therefore know. Do you ask vaccinated friends to do LFT prior to meeting?

(I am vaccinated btw, and pro vax, just asking the question)
Yep. All of my social circle do LFT including those that are vaccinated.
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Deaths are almost identical(if not slightly higher now), but we have 10s of thousands more cases now, even with vaccines.
Read into that what you will.
You can either say that vaccines are stopping deaths, or that vaccines are creating a problem with spread. Remembering that masks weren't mandatory this time last year, and we had freedom to do pretty much anything just like now and no vaccines or herd immunity at all
I think vaccines have created an issue. I have been in isolation for what feels like forever, first stepping out into the world at large today.
Before I had to isolate, week one of freedom day, people were wearing masks.
I live in Devon. So many out of towners around not wearing masks, and even as someone on the CT board this pisses me off.

Believe it or not, I am still wearing mine. Mainly because although I have the all clear to be out in public again, I feel the need to protect others, if even slightly by my mask. I feel vaccines have made people over confident. The messages that vaccinated people are safeer then the unvaccinated haven’t help either.
We could debate the wearing of masks etc, but the lack of them denotes a huge shift in attitude and that’s something we are all vulnerable too.

Covid is not fun, even with a mild dose. Yes we have to learn to live with it, but the messages from this government is all wrong.
Just look what idiot man is doing today ( also why I have no defences stoping me from calling him a prick 🤣😂🤣)

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I have done all this. Not because I think the vaccine is a coat of arms, but because I think they were unnecessary measures in the first place.

I only wore a mask because it was the law to do so. As soon as it was no longer law I stopped wearing one.

Re: hand washing, I always wash when I return home. But don't when entering a shop. There is usually hand sanitiser, but as soon as you touch your phone or something you are putting germs back on your hands.
I am the same, I do not for one minute believe the vaccine makes me immortal but I have stopped wearing a mask.

I always wash my hands, have carried sanitiser around with me everywhere way before 2020. I usually like to keep away from people and I would much rather keep a distance than wear a mask.

I have accepted that I have done all I can and if I get it, it was just the way it was meant to be. A friend who was very very cautious all the way through has just got it, after being jabbed and to me there seems to be little rhyme or reason about who gets it, it’s just luck (or not).
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OK, your opinion, I'm not going to argue, but can you please explain why so many doubles jabbed are in hospitals?
74% of the adult population have had 2 doses - a much higher percentage of people that are unjabbed / single jab.

For example - 100000 people are jabbed but all high risk, 1000 people are unjabbed but younger / less at risk - we're going to see maybe a more even mix in the hospitals. The key factor is 1. who is dying 2. long covid 3. how many of the jabbed are getting positive.

Covid is everywhere at the moment, we're seeing breakthrough cases due to Delta - it stands to reason that there will be vaccinated people in hospital getting help (or in there for another reason!)

No vaccine is 100%, may not be as effective in immune suppressed, a lot of the people double jabbed are older with more health issues, etc etc etc etc etc and another etc on top.

If we're going to use the tired old (not directed at you just in general) excuse that people dying from covid within 28 days could have been hit by a bus (seriously how many buses are hitting people these days!) then we can also use that reasoning that double jabbed in Hospital with covid could be there for another reason as well.
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Tell that to local authorities when the Gov wants to know why their cases are rising when they request extra help ,they'll be told to make sure clubs are enforcing them.
Then clubs will be empty and not worth opening because young that generally go won't because they don't want to be jabbed and older people that go but far less often won't start paying £6 a pint for the honour. Anyway we will be at home with the shits and tummy bugs for un naturally trying to protect our immune systems from natural illnesses for 18 months......

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Another anti vaxxer passed away
because it was too late to get jabbed once he had it.
Not everyone who isn't taking the jab is an anti-vaxxer. This is where people who push this BS narrative will come unstuck with having to take boosters for the rest of their lives because to decline for any reason at any stage will put you firmly into the anti-vax bracket and therefore pushed out of society.

It's a shame these papers didn't show how many are dying or have been injured from the vaccines and strangely the few they do show always have families who urge people to still get the vaccine. You can't have informed consent when you are not being fully informed.
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We can engage in difference in opinions and we will not always agree. I’d like to think it can be done in a respectful and tasteful manner regardless of what one believes in.
'Engaging' with anyone who believes that the 'narrative' about Covid is 'BS' is a waste of your time. There is no evidence or information that you can present that will make them concede an inch in their beliefs. If you continue to press the point or offer more evidence then eventually it will be cast as a personal attack and they will disengage / flounce.

They are not interested in my opinion and I am not interested in their's because to be fair there is nothing that they can present that will achieve anything other than to make me even more convinced that they are nuts.
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I’ve been to the cinema a few times and really impressed with the measures in cinemas, l would just go for quieter time and/or a cinema like the Everyman where you are more spread out anyway
Thanks everyone for the replies. I rang the cinema and they're leaving one seat free between them. So not sur show much distance that us maybe 1/2 a metre not enough for a 2hr film for me. But, I get that we are returning to a sort of normal and this has to happen. Just feels hard ATM.
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60 million doses of Pfizer on order according to this , but we may need more boosters for variants of concern once they’re ready 💉
I know not everyone is for the jab but this is great news for me and my family - my husband will be in group 1 I think - this has made me feel a little glimmer of hope for the first time in ages!

Thank you for sharing
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Wrong, recent studies into the vaccines show a rapid decline at 6 months down to 16%. So sorry, not superior to natural immunity.
If you want to support segregation, that’s your choice, just like it’s mine to oppose it.
Pfizer is 84% after six months.....

Moderna after six months is 93%....

I don't support segregation I support everyone having the right to choose to make their own decision so much like you don't want the vaccine companies might want people to if they are to work for them or be a customer and that is also their choice. It's not up to the unvaccinated to tell people how to run their businesses and it's not up to the government to tell people to take a jab.
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It’s been a tough year for university students, paying so much money for fees and accommodarion but not being able to have face to face learning and interaction. Hopefully it will be different this September and you will graduate. 🎓
I feel for you.
Uni students have been treated appallingly.
Yesterday I read that some Uni’s are asking new students that they’ve offered places to for September 2020 to defer. They’re offering a nice incentive of £10k plus a years free accommodation when they start in 2021 (approx £6k).
Yet due to Covid and lockdowns, current students have had to pay full fees this year for what has amounted to an Open University experience.
So Universities can’t afford to reduce the fees for the students they already have but they can afford a £16,000 bribe for future students!
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What is with all the Twitter comments like this? They’re usually posted several times from different accounts. Who is actually behind them? What’s the point? Is it just people trolling?
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Some of the protest movement has been infiltrated to make people look like morons. That way genuine people with reasonable objections can also be made to look idiotic. That has always happened at any protest. Decent people then have their voice tarnished.
It sounds more like some of the morons have been infiltrated by people but I don't think many infiltrators were at White City yesterday. The members of "Official Voice" who organised (using the word out of context) the protest, 'DJ' Pat Wilson who presented the 'demands', Piers Corbyn who held an umbrella and Gillian McKeith who egged them on on Twitter all apparently think (again using that word out of context) that the BBC are still at White City 8 years after they moved out. It really doesn't say much for their research skills that not one of them can use Google.

Any 'reasonable' people who associate themselves with these morons are stretching their right to claim to be 'decent'.
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