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VIP Member
If you haven’t downloaded the app and don’t check in and haven’t got the tracking on I don’t really see how you can judge anyone for not isolating.
Or - to go back to the question - not a complete lack of self-isolation but leaving the self-isolation two days early, on the day that nobody has to isolate any more.
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They are there because they are morons. The BBC hasn't been at White City studios since 2013.
I didn't read the article, why are the headlines saying they descended on the BBC if the BBC isn't there?

just read it. it's the headlines that are misleading (there's a surprise) they were protesting outside the live broadcasting of loose women.

Currently, the site is used by BBC Studioworks with ITV live programmes such as This Morning and Loose Women filmed there, as well as some live BBC shows. The BBC Worlds News is filmed nearby.
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Iconic Member
No, I’m sick of seeing any mention of it tbh.
it’s why I’m never on this thread anymore, it’s consumed so much of our lives, it’s like the number on a scale dictating what you can eat, but it’s just a number, once you’re healthy and happy and keeping well, and obviously not medically on a dietary plan etc, etc.....
why is a number controlling your thoughts and feelings and actions....

that makes no sense. 😐 I’m derailing 😂
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VIP Member
I agree with that.

I don't agree that we were sold the jab as a magic bullet to prevent any deaths as the other poster stated.
The vaccine was never a miracle preventative. The government have never portrayed it this way. It was always explained that it ‘lessens’ the chance of serious disease, not that it stops all serious disease and that no one vaccinated will get Covid.
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I just don't get this, me being vaccinated does not protect anyone, not even me from covid. Anyone who tries to justify what is going on is either stupid, brainwashed or just pissed off they got vaccinated and others didn't.

It does not make any sense so stop trying to make it make sense.

Double vaccinated will no longer have to isolate etc when travelling. covid will still spread and the unvaccinated will get the blame. How can people not see what is right under their noses.

The emperor is stark bollock naked, open your eyes and look
You see that is the thing. You are less safe with vaccinated people with all restriction removed then the unvaccinated.
If you are safe around the vaccinated you are equally safe around the unvaccinated, it’s making zero logical sense.
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Genius! Under 25s are at a greater risk of myocarditis, so let's jab them and send them off to dance, drink and get hot at sweaty and raise their BP and pulse.
Seems perfectly safe when after everyone's jab they tell you to go home, rest, drink water and to leave or limit alcohol for a day or 2.
What could possibly go wrong!
& they wonder why people are growing ever more sceptical by the day that this is about control and not health! If it was about health you wouldn’t bribe someone!
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VIP Member
Why? From everything I have read lately, vaccinated people can still catch the covid, and they can still spread the covid.
They are just less likely to need hospitalisation or die.

So what good does limiting the customer base to only the vaccinated actually do?
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If he wanted a car he would listen to a car salesman. If he wanted a holiday he would listen to a travel agent. If he wanted a house he would listen to an estate agent. If he wants medical advice he will ignore all the experts and listen to dodgy people on social media and You Tube.
How do you know his only research was social media or YouTube?!

I can’t speak for everyone, but when I want to book a holiday I avoid the travel agents and book everything myself it’s always cheaper. I also don’t listen to a car salesperson those folk could sell ice to eskimos so again I’d rather do my own research looking at reviews and prices on the market before buying one.

not everyone does things the same itdoesn’t make them wrong, the told you so attitude when someone unvaccinated dies is appalling but yet when people mention their family members getting ill directly from the vaccine some people laugh!!!!? It’s crazy to me what has happened to humanity.
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One thing that baffles me is why people who are lucky enough to believe that the vaccine is working brilliantly, who are happy to go along with vaccine passports, boosters and endless tests, who are double jabbed and ok for the young to be jabbed...why the need to get angry,gloat and call anyone who hasn't had a vaccine "antivaxxers" . Or why the need to try and provide proof for everything.
If everything was going along with my way of thinking and I could see no reason to doubt or question most covid related reportings or vaccine rollouts I wouldn't be bothered about the "minority" opposing views. I certainly wouldn't be getting outraged.
Have they all got shares in Pfizer 🤷

I wish I was in that camp . But I'm not
And I don't get my views from fb etc, never been there and never will.
You cannot put everyone in the same group. People who get the vaccine get it for their own reasons and it doesn’t mean they are ‘happy to go along’ with vaccine passports, boosters and tests or think it is okay for children to get jabbed. Not everyone who is pro vaccine gloats and calls others anti vaxxers.

As to your question why the feel the need to provide proof for everything, same could be asked for those who do not believe in the vaccines. Plenty of people trying to prove that vaccines do shit. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Another day of cases and deaths going up. We are starring to see the result of society opening again as we have to accept deaths.

In January when we had roughly this number of cases we hit 1000 deaths a day. This is not the same. You just have to look at the full site for the data. We aren’t not on 1000 deaths a day and probably won’t go back to that unless the cases rocket again. Whether people like or not the vaccine is clearly doing something.
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VIP Member
If they jab school children as well that would take a lot of manpower.
If you Google nurse immuniser then hundreds of jobs will appear throughout England and Scotland.
Now, it could be for the normal role out for flu/hpv/teen booster jabs.
However, they're asking for the applicant to be up to date on the Gillick test, which I know is now mentioned on school vaccine letters and it never has been before.
Maybe, and more likely, it's for the covid vaccines for secondary age children. This is one I'd love to be proved wrong on, but my gut says otherwise 😔
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VIP Member
Any idea how much shares in Andrex are and how to go about buying some :LOL:

Interesting she's dropped people from her social circle for not having the jab. I couldn't care if friends or family have had it or not it's their body. Anyone on here got shut of someone from their life for not getting jabbed?
I've cancelled plans to met unjabbed friends. They also refused to lateral flow. It's not worth the 'risk' for me ATM. Suppose it's a bit like brexit, that caused rifts in friendship groups and families, the vaccine is no different
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Active member
here’s footage the bbc didn’t show yesterday, of protesters respectfully liaising with the police to hand in a notice to bbc and itv.

Theres some very condescending people on here. In particular the same people who laughed at me who didnt even know what was in the vaccine. They spoke to me like shit then got proven wrong but are still ok to be condescending. If that was me i would be embarrassed. Some people need to get off their high horses. xx
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Chatty Member
View attachment 698102
What is with all the Twitter comments like this? They’re usually posted several times from different accounts. Who is actually behind them? What’s the point? Is it just people trolling?
Check out Zero Covid Zoe on twitter, I’m convinced she’s got massive mental health issues and is going to have some sort of breakdown. She wants people imprisoned in their houses and all sorts til next year. She’d be happy in China, frankly.
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Well-known member
Yes that’s the one! Not quite sure where they’ve gone.
Makes me wonder if the whole family came down with covid-19 after the trips to Wembley, Wimbledon, anti-lockdown protests, anti-mask protests, sports days, everything! Hope they're well, and it wasn't all just BS. 💩🙉
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Record peak infections, eleven and a half thousand in hospital and mid 80s percentage for capacity used which is expected to run out of space in the next week.

It's serious in Florida and shows again it's not a seasonal cold weather virus for those who just presume later this year we will be ravaged by covid again. Good news the vaccines work with less than 3% being those at highest risk.
For the love of god why do I need to keep repeating myself, people in Florida spend a lot of time indoors in the Summer due to the heat and humidity, Covid is an indoor illness, there is a far higher chance of being infected by someone carrying covid if you spend time with them indoors than there is if you spend time with them outside. This has been known for over a year now. It's 95 degrees and 98% humidity in Florida in June/July/August, barely anyone that lives there is hanging about outside right now unless they are young.
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VIP Member
my best friend just turned 23 a couple days ago, her brother tested positive the day before her bday and she’s been in bed all day unwell for a day now and she’s not vaccinated I can’t help but worry 😢
So to hear about your friend, I am older then your friend, unvaccinated and just recovering from covid with no complication. Hopefully you can find some comfort in that.
I wonder how many unvaccinated do make fully recoveries, because it’s never talked about. We only hear if the ones that die, and yes it puts the fear in all of us, myself included.
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