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More employers are now looking at mandating them
The problem is that it's not mandatory unless you work in a care setting that is overseen by CQC. Companies can ask, but they need to be very careful about mandating, even ACAS and other legal bodies are giving that advice as it can be seen as discriminatory to pressure anyone and insist

Businesses aare free to choose who they deal with as long as they don't break any discrimination laws and chossing not to be vaccinated is not a protected characteristic. Comes down to good old choice, freedom to choose not to vaccinate and freedom to choose not to interact with people that make that choice.

They won;t be sued, vaccination choice is not a protected characteristic and aslong as business follows equality laws they can choose who and who not to do business with. Businesses also have a responsibility to protect their staff so I would say they are more at risk of being sued by a member of staff who catches covid at work.
No, vaccination isn't a protected characteristic, but asking for medical history isn't something they can insist on. If you say you're exempt, then it's illegal to ask why. It's illegal to ask your medical history, so to sack you based on your rights is discrimination, or against employment law if you've done nothing else wrong to do with your job
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View attachment 698102
What is with all the Twitter comments like this? They’re usually posted several times from different accounts. Who is actually behind them? What’s the point? Is it just people trolling?
This happens all the time!


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I’ve never ever condoned attacks on anyone or any organisation. Its unfair to assume everyone who declines a vaccine or supports a protest also supports attacking people the two don’t go hand in hand.

there might be name calling on both sides but there isn’t news articles talking about pro vaxxers and the things they do wrong, or even any balance about vaccines that have went wrong for a minority of people.

I care that people have freedom of choice. I find the die hard pro vaxxers very hypocritical for religiously encouraging and promoting vaccination but failing to cooperate with other health advice and disregarding it as unimportant but we actually have more data on those measures than we do the vaccine to know they’re important and safe 🤷‍♀️
Oh for goodness sake, I never said 'everyone' who declines a vaccine or supports a protest also supports attacking people. Can we please stop with this playground crap. I just said I do not support people who do it.

The balance of the vaccine is clear, I get that if you don't want it/believe it in your view is not going to be of that of the NHS/majority but it doesn't necessarily make their view unbalanced. The vaccines are working for the majority of people and a very very small minority have an issue, therefore it cannot be a balance viewed as the results are not balanced. It is working therefore that is what is going to be reported in the media, Karen's facebook may say something different.

At then end of the day if you are happy with your research and your decision why do you care what anyone else thinks. If the 'anti/no long/not covid' vaxxers want to be in the papers, get writing. If there are so many with that view it will get out there.

EDIT TO ADD - I am by no means a die hard pro vaxxer, I've had mine yes but couldn't give two hoots if you've had yours. You do you boo.
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If he wanted a car he would listen to a car salesman. If he wanted a holiday he would listen to a travel agent. If he wanted a house he would listen to an estate agent. If he wants medical advice he will ignore all the experts and listen to dodgy people on social media and You Tube.
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I am really worried about getting my vaccine now on Wednesday. In some ways I wish I had just had when I should have because the more that’s being published about the side effects is off putting. Has anyone here had the Pfizer vaccine ? I know someone on here mentioned a family member had heart failure and due to me having sinus tachycardia I am beyond worried.
It was my 36 year old cousin who had heart failure after his second Pfizer vaccine. He didn’t have any pre existing conditions. His consultant said it was a rare reaction so it certainly isn’t something that will happen to everyone; they are unclear as to why it happened to him though.

It would be best getting cardiology input to see if there are any known risks for someone with your condition having the vaccine. You could call the cardiology department in a hospital and ask to speak to someone, or call the hospital and ask if there is a dedicated line for vaccine queries and they may be best place to answer your concerns.

apologies to those without a subscription 🤣
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NHS workers need covid boosters FIRST and we need them now

My friend is a fellow doctor 29 double vaccinated in December

We were the first to get the vaccine

She’s currently on a ventilator

Government should spend less time pandering to / encouraging anti vaxxers / reluctant people and should focus on those who WANT the vaccine
I agree, stop wasting the money and time on those who don't want it and help those get to centers and speed up getting it to those who do.

Yes I have lived experience examples because I see people every day, like I mentioned previously above, who are vaccinated now so disregard the masking, hand washing, 2 meter distancing. If you’re not a die hard pro vaxxer then I’m obviously not referring to you specifically.

I never said that was the case for everyone and I’ve been clear about that above.

It would be transparent to disclose that there are a minority of people with severe adverse reactions to the vaccine, which would make it more balanced reporting. The no reporting on it at all adds and heightens skepticism.

I felt I needed to make clear I don’t support attacks because of how you worded your last post.
You really don't need to keep making things 'clear' how about not assuming that people think EVERYONE is the same or does the same actions because of their view of a vaccine.
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Yes. The longer people leave it to live normal life, the harder it will get for them. People are already really used to living differently and being told what to do more. I think it's fantastic for businesses getting to operate again as they were built to and that so many people who have really suffered are getting back out there and not worrying about what might happen. Another drop in infections today as well so much more to be happy about.
Your reply is really insensitive to the original poster as they clearly have their reasons for feeling the way they do. It is OKAY to feel anxious and nervous, it doesn’t mean they do not want to get back to some form of normality.

There are people who are not worrying about what might happen, but you will equally find people who will remained worried and cautious and that is OKAY. People will do what they deem is best for them and what they are comfortable with.
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It’s interesting to see a media agenda play out - every headline I see at the moment is all about people who refused the vaccine, now dying. Trying to get those on the fence to take it up!
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Piff paff puff

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Chillingly I predicted this. Here's a post of mine from a few weeks back..........

Nothing to sign? 😯
I know it's highly unlikely but that could have been a random person jabbing people with good knows what. Just because someone looks like a medic and may even have some sort of i.d, please everyone, be careful, especially in these situations when you are in a vulnerable situation and your life is in a strangers hands, check all is OK and if you are in any doubt or something doesn't add up don't do it.
Nothing is more important than your own personal safety, not even covid or any other person. It's easy to trust what you are seeing in front of you but ask questions and be sure you are getting all the info you require and if they can't take a few minutes or can't answer your questions then don't feel pressured into anything.
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Exactly. Also not everyone who protests and not everyone who declines a vaccine would accept being called an “anti vaxxer” for declining one vaccination on the schedule.

I think aswell that because the population is being categorised into 2 groups I.e vaccinated and unvaccinated it somehow translates to others that everyone who declines a vaccine is somehow a conspiracy theorist tin foil hat nutter. That’s simply not true it’s an attempt to discredit people who make a choice for themselves.

Ive witnessed a fair few vaccinated folk ditch their mask and not wash their hands entering shops etc anymore as if they’re under the illusion that their vaccine is a coat of arms - does this make me assume that all vaccinated people do this? No, because they don’t and you can’t judge an entire group of people based on the fact they came to the same decision on a choice about being offered a medication.
Thank you. The media are creating this two tier society and people are falling for it. People are very judgemental now. I have never judged anybody for vaccinating or not, but i get judged every day by people who dont even know why i object. Peoples true colours are certainly coming out. xx
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HELP - today I received a text message from
NHSTracing telling me I need to isolate.

Shocked at this as I don’t have the ap, nor have I been anywhere in this last month where I have wrote my name or number down, or have I seen anyone the last 3 days.

On closer inspection the message reads To Abby.
My name IS NOT Abby.

So I am guessing someone has used my number, changed a digit in their own.

I am just nervous i don’t know what to do? Just ignore it?
I would phone test and trace sounds like someone has given a fake number and used yours!
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The 200,000 infections a day, 4,000 deaths a day etc experts are now trying to worry people in to thinking over twenty million people in the UK could die. The other day it was vaccines spread covid more and now it's immunity is a bad thing. So have they realised it makes it all sound very much like we shouldn't have had the vaccine or build up protection.

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They didn’t always make the message clear a lot of people still believe their life will return to normal once they get jabbed.
I agree with that.

I don't agree that we were sold the jab as a magic bullet to prevent any deaths as the other poster stated.
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I believe the same person also said they fled India to get back to U.K. as it was so bad in India. Then a few weeks later said nothing was happening in India and it was all propaganda
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Isn’t it more likely though that someone who is vaccinated could have covid and not know because they won’t have such bad symptoms if any? Whereas your unvaccinated friends are more likely to be symptomatic and therefore know. Do you ask vaccinated friends to do LFT prior to meeting?

(I am vaccinated btw, and pro vax, just asking the question)
To me there is no rhyme or reason as to why one person does or doesn't show symptoms. Many have reported to have had the vaccine but been ill and via versa.

I guess it's all personal choice. I don't ask about virus or jab status from my friends, I trust they respect our friendship enough to be safe. I haven't been nor do I think my friends are doing LFTs.
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Double vaccinated Sharma meets double vaccinated Charles. They are far enough away from each other in the photo and both probably took a PCR test before meeting up to make sure. This isn't the conspiracy thread.
What about G7 all wearing masks and SD for the official photos and as soon as the cameras were off they were hugging and maskless. Nothing CT about pointing this BS out
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I've been in hospital again, another unexplained allergic reaction, my face went up like a puffer fish. Still advised against having the vaccine for now.

Antibodies test has come back positive. I tested positive in January this year.

One room at work has closed because a member of staff tested positive. Staff sent home to isolate. Track and trace didnt contact the positive case or anyone else so they've all treated as a bonus 10 days holiday, one of who has gone to a wedding, Liverpool for night out and drive to Cornwall yesterday till Sunday.

I know after the 16th they can but it just infuriates me!!

My Moms home, was fine, starting to get up and then had another 3 falls. Cant find an obvious reason for it
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Quite pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that the morons thought it was still BBC HQ and that you didn't read the article that you commented on.

They didn’t believe it was the BBC, you're the biggest moron believing everything the newspaper tells you, if you were not there then you can’t comment. Plus if you look hard enough you’ll see it was mainly peaceful but of course only the argy bargy gets cherry picked to report on.


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