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I attended a government certified test event today. We either had to show a negative test result from less than 48 hours, or proof we’d had Covid or the vaccine. Every person was scanned in, that was over 18. The vaccine passport produces a bar code, a negative test shows in the nhs app and also you can show you’ve had Covid too, or at least I can in mine. We were also told a doctor’s letter saying we’d had Covid was acceptable. There’s no exemption unless you are under 18 and it was a ticketed event so if you were under 18 the ticket showed that. People who tried to not show proof were turned away and there were police there keeping an eye on things. The only other exemption we’ve been told is someone with serious mental health or learning difficulties and again, a medical letter was required.
It took longer to get in and get to our seats but it all worked ok. Everyone knew it was happening and people just got on with it.
How did you get your covid recovery to show because it’s not coming up on mine and I can’t seem to get any answers as to how to fix it?


VIP Member
Anybody else know if nurses have been aspirating when vaccinating people? Dr John Campbell on YouTube said aspirating when vaccinating is important.

Anybody know much about this? In the comments people have said they asked their nurse when getting the jab and were told no they don't aspirate.


VIP Member

They are going off the amount of people being admitted to hospital, but the number in hospital is still the highest number since middle of March. By the end of next week numbers should be a lot better though.


VIP Member
It's here. After the NYT got busted by the Eagle Eye public they retracted the pictures.
Problem is BBC, itv, sky, you name it had already shared it so the damage via propaganda was done
Wrong pictures on articles happen a lot, though I see the point as to how misinformation can spread.

Looks like the nypost replaced the image with one of someone looking at a yard full of burning funeral pyres, to go with the other pictures on the article of arrays of funeral pyres and relatives in hazmat suits so it's good that incorrect content was fixed but I'm not convinced this made much difference in terms of overall impression and message.


VIP Member
There will always be something else, it's a virus and it will always change. That's why the cock and bull passports and mandatory vaccines are pointless. Even if everyone took a jab it will never change, even the scientists have said that. Viruses are built to evade immunity and survive, its not a new thing, its centurys old basic science.
The only difference with this is the fear mongering that's gone with it
Yeah especially as it’s been found in the animal kingdom so it’s just not possible


VIP Member
Thank you! The unvaccinated (just 10% of adults) make up 60% of hospitalisations. Why people are still saying that the vaccines don't reduce risk of hospitalisation when such a small minority makes up the majority in hospital is beyond me.
From July 19 to August 2, 55.1 percent of the 1,467 people hospitalised with the Delta variant were unvaccinated, PHE said, while 34.9 percent – or 512 people – had received two doses.


VIP Member
Will be interesting how isolations will work next Monday if it does go ahead. Do Test and trace have access to our medical records to see if your double vaccinated? I had mine via an NHS trial and mine still isn’t showing in my electronic records 😂🤦‍♀️


VIP Member
Best to my knowledge the hospital that had closed temporarily last year is now open again.

We're just back from Cornwall and yes it's super busy, but we spoke to a few people working at the hotspots like Eden Project, Tintagle ect and they said that whilst they're busy, tourism is down where holiday makers from abroad aren't visiting.
They were saying that usually there are coach loads being dropped daily, but thats not obviously been happening this year.
Interestingly the local news was saying how its far busier than normal and how businesses can't cope, but there are job adverts everywhere and the locals weren't quite agreeing with the news.

Case numbers are going down weekly overall if you look at the government dashboard, and are lower than the national average.

What I will say is that nowhere we went is promoting masks, or social distancing, which didn't bother us.
You do have to book ahead to go places, but they're still packed.. so I assume they're doing it for T&T rather than limiting people.

We've been back almost a week, and based on our experience if none of us test positive then its a miracle.. or not as contagious as you'd think. Which based on mine and my husbands jobs and not having tested positive all this time, is maybe a more logical reason
Was it Treliske? That's reopened and now Launceston miu has closed. I'm in Devon, no idea how busy it is as we've been in isolation since 23rd, another 6 days to go 😭😭
You have said on other threads ' that's proof the vaccines are working ' when I asked for it you had none ? why then do you keep jumping on people with opposing views to yours if they don't bother you .
I have spoken that there is proof of vaccines working (like many other users have done) in reducing severe illness and death and I have linked studies. I am not jumping on people with opposing views to me.

I replied to a comment @Notgonnalie made regarding vaccines not working against transmission by simply saying that they do work to a certain level (something like 60%) from what Prof Hayward was saying. That is hardly jumping on people.


VIP Member
All different ages have had blood clots. Until a age group had the jab they didn't know if it caused them. All the vaccines have had blood clots. Pfizer at the highest ratio between jabs to clots.

That sounds pointless. Nobody is going to wear a mask just because they have been pinged as a close contact. Most will just take a LFT not even the PCR they are saying and then get on with life.
They were more common in certain age groups - that was the rationale behind changing the guidance.
I had my first vaccine yesterday Pfizer and my heart rate is through the roof. I went to a and e last night as I felt dizzy and spend eight hours there I hope it doesn’t cause permanent damage as I have sinus tachycardia and put off getting the vaccine for a long time it’s too late now but I have to say I feel awful. I hope it’s all anxiety related.
I would definitely keep an eye on it as cardiac issues have been reported in the Pfizer vaccine so you done the right thing going to a&e. Anxiety can also make you doubt yourself when things are actually happening because you think oh it’s just my anxiety so if you do feel unwell do go to hospital and get checked out. I hope you feel much better soon. Xx


VIP Member
3 hospitals in a 15 mile radius that’s crazy! What size is the population in that area?!
Crazy as in a lot? The hospitals cover a mix across three boroughs in the southeast/south London. Couldn’t tell you but I’d say it is highly populated. There is only one A&E.


VIP Member
Also you'd still be asked. If you then say that you, and the rest of your family who are also attending the event, are exempt from testing then I guess they have to let you in anyway. But I find it extremely hard to believe that nobody was even asking.
It states on the nhs website about covid passes and being exempt from testing and exempt from vaccination “You must not ask for proof of their medical exemption and it is not essential they show any form of exemption card at any point.”


VIP Member
Have you seen how much stuff it made in China that we rely on in everyday life .
Exactly and we have a couple of million in the UK without a job and a lot of the still two million on furlough will be looking for work soon too, so the government could have been working at helping people back in to work making things China do for us so we don't need them.

What a sobering read that is. Doctors think the worse of something so when it's not as bad as it could have been it's a result. There are too many people registered to the same GP surgeries across the country. Where I live has massively increased in size since childhood with way too many houses being built on fields, but the village surgery being the same size. As a kid and teenager you could get to see your doctor easily and now it's far harder.
I find that interseting because where I live, whilst there has been housebuilding, it's only increased the Village size by roughly 10% but both our Surgeries are way bigger than they were when I was young. My previous surgery originally had 2 F/T GP's and a PT GP plus a practice nurse over 2 locations now 1 of those locations has gone and the other one has about 10 GP's in it. I could previously always get an appointment within 24 hours with the same GP because he was pretty much the only 1 there and I always walked out happy. When he sold up and it was taken over the quality of the GP's disintegrated, I never saw the same person twice, I didn't feel comfortable that my health issue had been adequately diagnosed and eventually after 40 years I moved to the other practice. All they ever wanted to do was hand over anti depressants, they even tried to get my then 18 year old son on them before they found out he actually had a vitamin d deficiency


VIP Member
Does have any similar stories whilst I’m waiting for track and trace to contact me?!
I developed a cough on Sunday before last so had a test last Monday which came back negative.
My work requested that I take an LFT as my husband then developed symptoms, and that came back positive yesterday, so I did another PCR and that has come back positive too. Do i self isolate 10 days from yesterday or 10 days from the start of my symptoms (which would be today)? I think my first PCR was wrong and that I did have it last week. I feel fine now and my cough has nearly gone.
I have read online you can test positive for a certain period of time after the virus has gone.
10 days from the positive test. Your husband will be 10 days from his, it doesn't need extending to the same as yours


VIP Member
This article is misleading as the guy did have under lying conditions.
Does anyone feel Wembley as test event did not go well as so many caught covid despite claims everyone had negative covid results.
So sad he died at 39 maybe being double jabbed made him feel safer.

All I will say to people on here
The ons claim 1 in 75 people have covid
Testing is down
Theres massive variation geographically in terms of infection levels and how many have been vaccinated I my city only 52% have been vaccinated so far.
Delays in tests and wrong symptoms to access a test.
Many are going on holiday uk and abroad so travelling one end county to the other.
Disparity between official covid figures which let's face it 30k cases is still high.

Just be cautious. I am as I don't want to get covid.
I use hand gel, I try and distance and I wear a mask indoors and I try and eat outdoors and shop at less busy times.
I am double vaccinated but my 2nd was only 10days ago.

Its about looking at wider picture sometimes and practical.
I don't want to get ill or spend August looking after poorly children.
If we catch covid husband off work in low level if she pay.
I can't take kids out to do nice activities and back to school shopping.
I want to catch up socially with family and friends outdoors as worry come autumn and winter things will lock down again.
My local hospitals least in a & e are struggling and accessing gp still is problematic.

I can't find where the article is misleading. It says he was in the vulnerable category and was on immunosuppressants right after the headline

  • Danny Bailey, 39, caught Covid after watching England play at Wembley in July
  • The Arsenal fan, who was classed as vulnerable, died after a two week battle
  • Danny, who was on immunosuppressants, had both jabs when he caught virus


VIP Member
Half and half, if new pingees don't have to isolate at all, surelyreleasing the older pingees a few days early isn't going to make any difference?

Given that the delta variant has taken over, this would mean if you don't have symptoms within a week (instead of the ten days that is fine for the alpha variant), then it's odds on that you won't develop symptoms at all, assuming you even have it.
And maybe loads of tests to make sure.
I don’t know how the pinging works I’ve never had an app I don’t know how to use all that stuff. Not very accessible for folk like me.

I was talking in general about coming out of isolation before your time I feel it’s careless - like I said in my original post I don’t mean to cause offence

Look at the lengths you have to go to to be allowed on a train in France. Awful country.

I wouldn’t say it’s an awful country. Draconian measures certainly uncalled for. But a beautiful country I’m very fond of France.