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I am really worried about getting my vaccine now on Wednesday. In some ways I wish I had just had when I should have because the more that’s being published about the side effects is off putting. Has anyone here had the Pfizer vaccine ? I know someone on here mentioned a family member had heart failure and due to me having sinus tachycardia I am beyond worried.
I posted about my best friend in the vaccine forum. She had a heart , lung and kidney transplant as a teenager. She currently has kidney failure and she has been double vaccinated with pfizer and she has been fine. I wont have a vaccine but that is my friends experience, she will also be taking the booster when it comes out. She is 45 and quite frail. Perhaps you could delay it and research a bit more if you feel very anxious. My friend would say talk to your gp. She said it to me tonight, but i made my mind up long ago. Im sorry i havent got any specific advice but i can only tell you her experience. xx
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here’s footage the bbc didn’t show yesterday, of protesters respectfully liaising with the police to hand in a notice to bbc and itv.

They’re pushing the police in the first video, that is hardly respectful. 😒 If we randomly started pushing into police we’d be arrested. There is nothing okay about this.
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Chatty Member

Actual deaths as dated and not reported. The media likes to make it look horrific. Any death is awful. I’m not making light, but it’s not quite as scary as the media wants us to think it is.
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They’re pushing the police in the first video, that is hardly respectful. 😒 If we randomly started pushing into police we’d be arrested. There is nothing okay about this.
I’m clearly referring to the video below where they are speaking with the police respectfully. Not everyone is an arsehole, admitting that doesn’t take away that some people are dickheads.
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Hi i do not read/watch/buy Main Stream media but i read this on the bus (Metro newspaper which is free) and thought it was sad ( i am double jabbed). We got rid of Polio and other diseases thanks to vaccine. I understand (but dont believe in) peoples rights to conspiracies (evil men from Mars taking over the Earth etc) but this is the end result of not taking vaccines.

OK, your opinion, I'm not going to argue, but can you please explain why so many doubles jabbed are in hospitals?
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So why did you feel the need to say that when you apparently don't think it applies to the morons who took part in the protest at the former BBC HQ yesterday? Surely it wasn't simply to deflect from the embarrassment that these idiots caused your 'movement'?
When did i say i was part of a movement ? You are just making up stories about me . You know absolutely nothing about me. Presumption as per usual. For the last time i was talking about historically protests have always been infiltrated. Its not that hard to understand is it. I dont like your condescending tone. Im an adult not some stupid kid you can talk down to.
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Chatty Member
Would you be exempt from testing for the events if you'd recently had confirmed positive case ( but completed your isolating period) . Like if you've tested positive within the last 90 days?
I attended a government certified test event today. We either had to show a negative test result from less than 48 hours, or proof we’d had Covid or the vaccine. Every person was scanned in, that was over 18. The vaccine passport produces a bar code, a negative test shows in the nhs app and also you can show you’ve had Covid too, or at least I can in mine. We were also told a doctor’s letter saying we’d had Covid was acceptable. There’s no exemption unless you are under 18 and it was a ticketed event so if you were under 18 the ticket showed that. People who tried to not show proof were turned away and there were police there keeping an eye on things. The only other exemption we’ve been told is someone with serious mental health or learning difficulties and again, a medical letter was required.
It took longer to get in and get to our seats but it all worked ok. Everyone knew it was happening and people just got on with it.
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VIP Member
You hadn't read the article before you posted it? That sounds very unusual. I thought CT-ers always did their own research. The 'protesters' thought (though!!) they were going to BBC HQ. Like I said, morons.
I didn't post any article

My post was to the poster who posted the article with the misleading headlines... who said these people were idiots for going to the BBC as they have nothing to do with covid passports

. I explained why they would be there. My reply had nothing to do with the article as I'm not interested in it. I read it because of what you said, in reading it, I found out they were there because of the live programmes going out.
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VIP Member
They were working and under government rules they were allowed. So would you if you were attending a conference that needed to go ahead.
Nope, our annual staff conference was cancelled this year as it was against covid rules
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VIP Member
God this thread is just one big long percentage at the moment. It hurts my brain 😜😬 Just piss off with your %%%%%% eh 🤣🤷‍♀️

I suppose it’s about 70% likely that I will be told to stop moderating, which feels about 40% fair, but even so- I fucking hate percentages. It is however approximately 95% likely that I will calm down if I go and enjoy a red beverage of the grape variety of around 12% proof so I’m going to go and complete that now.

It’s 99% accurate that I will come back and check how many likes my comment has before bed, as opposed to turning off my gadget an hour before bedtime like 100% of studies advise. I am clearly overtired.
I absolutely love this!! 😂
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My friend and colleague is 29, BMI probably 23, fit and well, doctor, double vaccinated, on a ventilator

It’s a slow wean in that she’s not been weaned at all

We don’t know what’s going to happen
I hope she recovers.
This virus seems to be a lottery on how it affects people. 😟
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I think I’ll go with the first hand experience of my sister rather than the papers
I went 3 times, I do not see how anyone could've got in there without a valid NHS Covid Pass, whether someone lied about taking an LFT and put in a fake result would be a different matter but that would be fraudulent so would be on the person that did that not the event.
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VIP Member

Two things I can't believe about Australia who are usually a reasonable country.....

1) They think covid can be eliminated.

2) They are so heavy handed with the army and drones that China and Russia would be proud of them.
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I understand you don’t intend to segregate people but the thing is using language like this and fueling that fire does segregate even when unintentional. We can have differences of opinions, it’s part and parcel of life it doesn’t mean one persons view is more superior to that of another persons view and that’s how it often comes across when people share their opinions about things on these particular issues.

Life would be pretty boring if we all agreed on the same thing but the common ongoing theme is if one person believes they are better off without a vaccine they’re often stereotyped to be anti mask, anti lockdown, anti modern medicine etc. Its not right to treat people like that. I know it’s not just you personally so please don’t feel I’m blaming you - I’m really not. It’s just something I’ve observed a lot. I notice people who have declined a vaccine get shouted down and the catty “ha ha” emojis and “angry” emojis even come out to play on their posts it’s almost embarrassing at times to be part of the human race.

So yea I guess it’s not just a two way street there’s a whole realm of “sides” to the coin. Eg some people who accept a vaccine might not agree with masks, some who decline a vaccine might accept a mask, it’s not an all or nothing approach as such.

TLDR: be kind to people regardless of their choice, we don’t know their struggles.
I’m not taking it that you are blaming me but not quite sure what you mean by ‘you know it is not just me personally’… I have my views and opinions which I openly discuss on here (for the most part) and I don’t always agree with everything said but I’d like to think I am respectful in the way I approach a discussion or engage in conversation.

No one claims to be superior in their beliefs but when you believe in what you do or have an opinion about something, you will feel strongly about it. Equally there are laughing emojis or puke emojis being left on comments that people make regarding vaccines or masks, again I will repeat that no one is angelic. We are all different and that makes life interesting, unfortunately conversations can not always be had without there being upset. Being kind works both ways.

(That’s such a long post, sorry) 😅
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VIP Member
I've cancelled plans to met unjabbed friends. They also refused to lateral flow. It's not worth the 'risk' for me ATM. Suppose it's a bit like brexit, that caused rifts in friendship groups and families, the vaccine is no different
Isn’t it more likely though that someone who is vaccinated could have covid and not know because they won’t have such bad symptoms if any? Whereas your unvaccinated friends are more likely to be symptomatic and therefore know. Do you ask vaccinated friends to do LFT prior to meeting?

(I am vaccinated btw, and pro vax, just asking the question)
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