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VIP Member
I can see that point. I am against kids being forced it to the point where parents shouldn't even be allowed to choose if their kid has the jab. If you're at school and have a health issue then exceptions should be made if the person who would be jabbed wants it. The opinion of the parents doesn't matter.

China will always get away with it. The rest of the world is scared they will end the world with a nuclear world war 3 if provoked and Brits are still buying made in China labeled products to fund their world dominance. After what China have brought to the world I can't believe any decent person would buy any product that was made there still.
Have you seen how much stuff it made in China that we rely on in everyday life .
LFTs for a start 🤣😂🤣
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VIP Member
The headline is misleading.
Doesn't mention hes vulnerable.
But it does raise worries for cev double jabbed people.
We don't know when he had his jabs or which vaccine he had.
Maybe he failed gain decent immunity from the vaccine some do particularly is they immunosuppressed.
It’s a harsh reminder that vaccines don’t mean you will survive a deadly virus, especially if you’ve already preexisting conditions, this is important for people to know. Just like it’s important for people to know vaccines too can cause severe side effects. Just like it’s important to know for most people they will respond well to vaccination.
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Active member
Thanks for posting this. I do not pay for a TV Licence (100% legal - i dont watch live TV nor does any of my immediate family and neighbours). Its legal to read/watch Tattle links though :). Every one has equal choice about Vaccines upto them.

The conspiracy things are on a different thread. Take both/all vaccines offered to you. As soon as they are offered. Students are busy people i know 6 hours study 6 hours bar work 6 hours clubbing :). Takes 30 seconds to have a jab (so 1 minute for 2 jabs). Most on here are 'older' folks, parents etc you can 'order' your kids to get it done. Do it.
who are you to tell anyone to get a vaccine or force their children too?
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VIP Member
If a business owner does try playing that card then they need to tread carefully as vaccines aren't mandated and legally they might be open to being sued
I don't see how they could be sued for running the safety of their own business how they see fit. It's not like they are being racist by not allowing people of colour in.
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VIP Member
That means people will have to be jabbed forever more then as they wane after 6 months .

Would UK teachers be happy with this
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VIP Member
I posted a few days ago about people being discharged from hospital as soon as they’re able to stand, even elderly with no care packages….
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Hospitals struggling isn't a new thing. The brand new episode this week of Casualty 24/7 filmed at Barnsley hospital recorded before the pandemic has a bed shortage and no beds available in the whole of Yorkshire for children....

Hospitals were built decades ago. In that time the population has sky rocketed not helped by do gooders wanting to allow anyone on to our island no matter what. Now those same sized hospitals that were fine at the time they were built are far too small to cope in the modern day.
A huge amount of hospitals were closed. My own large London town had three hospitals and two were closed and the nearest A&E was in Harlow Essex .

The masks and social distancing were completely pointless as everyone there will have had a PCR test to form their own bubble that the public could get nowhere near.
Just Biden on his own travelled with 400 entourage, that's without all the other heads of state and their entourage then all the workers there. Each one of those would have friends and family who had been with them in the days before. Are you telling me they all tested neg as well?
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Does anyone really think that if this was all that bad that they would honestly risk the health of the future King and his family, regardless of being vaccinated?

Same happened at the G7 summit, all of the leaders were allowed right up to The Queen with no quarantine at all.
Don't give me the "they were all tested" spiel, because we know how inaccurate LFT tests are, and we know you can be negative one day and positive the next, so still potentially infectious before that positive test.

In theory we can't continue without world leaders, but they seem to be able to risk their health and their colleagues health, and royalties health.

The ordinary joe though has to spunk over 2k to stay at the governments quarantine hotels or fly home early to avoid that cost, meaning they lose the money they've spent on that holiday because they're just so dirty and dangerous to society, again, regardless of vaccination status and testing.

These ministers are still mixing with the public and media, so no one can argue that they aren't as much risk - everyone they mix with all have families and kids who work and socialise, so able to spread their germs into a community.
Their germs aren't as dirty as ours though!

Infections haven't been broken because it's the school holidays, it's that parents aren't testing all the time. There is still absolutely no need imo to vaccinate anyone of school age as we have herd immunity with the figures they give us, but that's an argument for another thread
This is exactly what I keep banging on about, and have done throughout, but if people still choose to believe what they hear rather than what they see with their own eyes then they are never going to see the truth of it.

No wonder the rich and powerful laugh at us and keep us down. Even those who pride themselves on being very intelligent cant see through this because real intelligence has F-all to do with academics, those people are schooled, not educated.
Those same people call Boris an idiot, he isn't a idiot, you are the idiots for falling for this BS and not only falling for it but making up little scenarios and excuses for the BS and trying to patiently explain the BS to those who see right through it.
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VIP Member
Fantastic!!! I’m really not surprised and if I had the choice I’d drop out now and return to studying later on but I’m trapped in a tenancy which is technically my own fault for signing out of hope of things being better! Absolutely shocking!
It’s terrible. My son paid approximately £5000 for his accommodation this academic year and he has never even collected the keys because his lectures were all online so he stayed at home. He signed a tendency agreement so still had to pay for an empty room. Last time he saw a uni lecturer or tutor was end of 2019!!
It’s been independent learning since then at the cost of £9250.
The government forgot all about uni students.😟
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Active member
Hi i do not read/watch/buy Main Stream media but i read this on the bus (Metro newspaper which is free) and thought it was sad ( i am double jabbed). We got rid of Polio and other diseases thanks to vaccine. I understand (but dont believe in) peoples rights to conspiracies (evil men from Mars taking over the Earth etc) but this is the end result of not taking vaccines.

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VIP Member
Can someone who understands more than me explain how the green/amber/red list thing works? Am I right in that even if we move a country to green, they also have to allow us in? Just because somewhere is green doesn’t mean we can just rock up there on holiday right?

*some overzealous/overworked friends have jumped onto manic holiday planning and I’ve tried explaining I don’t think it’s as simple as they seem to think but I’ve given up as just coming across as a massive party pooper!
Yes of course, USA has been green but they won’t let us in so it’s a no go.

The UK has to say it’s ok to go (green) and the country has to accept you or you’ll be straight back ok a flight or forced into quarantine over there.
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VIP Member
Can someone please explain to me why I still can’t see an NHS doctor or dentist face to face. Is there even a reason anymore?
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Chatty Member
But they aren’t dead are they? You can’t deny the massive difference in people dying between now and January before the vaccine roll out.
Correct me if I'm wrong chaps but I seem to remember a massive difference in deaths this time last year also and we didn't have the vaccine.
Or threats of missing out on things if non vaccinated
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I’m going out Fri and Sat night. Can’t cope with it at the best of times, I will need to isolate due to the hangover 😂
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Well-known member
Good question, I was wondering the same.
I became yet another casualty of the pingpocalypse yesterday and my self isolation is due to end on the 18th - though as it's technically only advisory I thinnk I could manage to summon the spirit of rebellion and break it two days early, on tiptoe and with a mere string quartet instead of a fanfare.
i work for the NHS visiting vulnerable people in their homes. Part of my work can be done from home, over the phone. I’ve told my manager that if I’m pinged I am not happy to go on home visits. She agreed.
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VIP Member
Once again, I was talking to someone who blamed someone who died for their own death because they were not vaccinated.

"This is the end result of not taking vaccines"
But you do be to accept if you don’t take the vaccine your chances of dying fro Covid are higher. You have been given the option to try and prevent it and decided no to do it may have been the result of not taking the vaccine. You take that chance by not taking the vaccine.
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VIP Member
I noticed this in the bottom part of the highlighted information. Every death is awful. These are obviously the stories they are going for now to instill doubt in those who have not had the vaccine

View attachment 696597
It's completely obvious to me what happening, but if that doesn't make others realise then I don't know what will
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