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My friend and colleague is 29, BMI probably 23, fit and well, doctor, double vaccinated, on a ventilator

It’s a slow wean in that she’s not been weaned at all

We don’t know what’s going to happen
I hope your friend makes a full recovery. It’s very frightening how aggressive this virus is and is becoming. They need to highlight cases like this that show the vaccines really aren’t enough so people can exercise caution as there has been so much complacency from the vaccine uptake has increased.
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I haven’t read the whole thread and I’m relatively new here but I would say, if you are pinged or contacted by Test and Trace please do isolate and for the entirety.

I‘ve ran too many codes and called TOD on too many people that I couldn’t stand 1 more death that can be avoided, happening.
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Anyone else think this story about "fit healthy man" dying of covid is disingenuous?

Terrible for his family and my heart goes out to them. But lots of "fit" bodybuilders have died of covid and often their inside aren't in that good of a shape with all the substances they've taken. (Like Sean Pratt). You can see in the hospital photo he's had cosmetic surgery around his nipples - often bodybuilders have this due to steroid abuse. I think it's a stupid scare storie cause just because someone is muscular does not mean they are the pinical of health!

Unfortunately, just based on the law of averages, seemingly healthy people will die. There's no knowing what the virus will do to an individual specifically, just more what the trend is per age group.
I wish people and the media would stop scaremongering. Yes it isn't a nice virus and people should still be aware of what they're doing to protect the vulnerable but at the end of the day, the vaccine is an individuals choice just like wearing a mask is.
I've had it but I wouldn't judge someone who decided not to. The media have been so bad for whipping up fear throughout this whole pandemic!

I can’t sleep

My best friend is 29, double vaccinated in December, caught covid on Friday

She’s been admitted to hospital and I’m just thinking of the worst
Thinking of you and your friend. I hope she's OK 🤞
And look after yourself as well as much as you can ❤
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my best friend just turned 23 a couple days ago, her brother tested positive the day before her bday and she’s been in bed all day unwell for a day now and she’s not vaccinated I can’t help but worry 😢
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But the vaccine DOES stop you getting severely sick. It DOES reduce transmission and we ALWAYS KNEW we'd need boosters.... When did this turn into the anti vax/conspiracy thread?!?!
Exactly. The vaccine.......

1) Makes you three times less likely to catch Covid, thus far less likely to spread it.
2) Makes you far less likely to get seriously ill.

Win/win all the way.

I am already really confident next Winter will not be bad :)
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It is not an excuse when there really is conflict on both sides. Neither side is angelic.
It’s not sides though, why segregate people because of a single choice on a whether to accept a drug. That’s part of the problem.

We’re all in this together until we’re making a choice about whether to take a vaccine 🙄
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I don’t think there’s many positive stories because people are just too busy getting on with life 😂
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I'm with you. 100% torn on how to feel. This weekend was the first weekend that I wasn't as careful, went and played sport that I haven't played in 18 months and then i find out yesterday one of the people I played with tested positive for COVID. And now I'm worried that I've got it. Weirdly though, because we weren't in "close contact" I don't have to isolate. Based on how quickly it can spread though, I'll be amazed if I come out of it negative.

I spent last night worrying and feeling shit that I'd let my guard down yet my partner is very much if it happens it happens. I'm just so frustrated that it's been 18 months and now I've finally come into contact with it.

Honestly I think it's going to take a while before some people feel comfortable and that's OK. It's such a weird time and there's no right way to feel. You just have to do what is best for you and your physical and mental health.
Easy for me to say but please try not to worry. Covid if it hasn't already will find us all at some point. If someone manages to forever avoid covid they should buy a Lotto ticket because they would be very lucky. Order a box of LFTs on the NHS website so you can quickly put your mind at ease whenever you want. I think it's great you were out and about and I am happy for you that after so long away from something you enjoy you were back doing it :)

Kebabs for jabs is stupid. The government want us to protect the NHS and eat better and then they try and bribe people with unhealthy food by doing deals with companies that sell junk food. At least if you want to bribe young people do it with healthy things like gym memberships.
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Yes, had inside knowledge on how the whole of India was because of her husband. Never masked or sanitised since moving back, also managed to get into all the big sporting events with no proof of a negative result.... 🤔🤥
Plenty of people here have also said they got into events without having to show their tests results. The poster went to Wimbledon twice not every sporting event, and she also went to the protests as did 100s of 1000s of other people
She lived in a small village, as do I, and I have found the same. I've said many times if I didn't know there was a virus then I would not know there was anything wrong if I just stayed in my village, no one in my village wears masks at least not in the village
She and the children moved back when it got bad in India but her husband stayed, the media were still reporting things were dreadful over there when things had actually calmed down. Other people were posting videos from India showing people just going about their day without the sensationalism of media reporting.

Remember China and people keeling over and dying in the street? that's media for you,. It didn't happen Same with India many of the photos and videos were from a gas leak a few years before.

Maybe they can't understand what' I don't want one ' means in Geordie 😂

How do they test for flu 🤧 View attachment 702436

OT for a moment. My sister's stepson took that photo of the wedding :D

back on topic. How do they test for the varients? The tests are not that reliable so wondering how they know what variant people have :/
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Jeez they’re even trying to entice people to watch Newcastle by offering them a vaccine 😜
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I don't think such a thing exists tbf and if it does you won't find it there 🤣
No I've searched for pos rona stories and all it's showing me is every vaccination is bringing us closer to normal 😂 …I’ve found one 🙌🏻 Chris Whitty is donating his compo to charity 😂
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From what I've read there isn't a definitive answer for this.
If you read science articles then the jury is still out, words like 'may' and 'might' are used.
The NHS and CDC say you should still get the vaccine, but then they would say that, other scientists say different as is normal in any other medical situation.
With both natural immunity and vaccination the odds of future infection and level of illness are both dependent on age, comorbitities ect

Surely if vaccines were the only way to secure longer immunity, then proof of previous covid infection wouldn't be used on the domestic passports 🤔

If a business owner does try playing that card then they need to tread carefully as vaccines aren't mandated and legally they might be open to being sued
There’s also evidence to suggest people with vaccine immunity are 6 times more likely to develop a reinfection when compared with people with natural immunity. This study was carried out in Israel I believe!
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Not true.
We’ve never cared about asymptotic viral illnesses before so why should we care now?!

it’s good to allow viral illnesses to spread it helps build up your immune system, a hospital in have put out a statement in Northern Ireland saying how many respiratory bugs are circulating because people haven’t had the opportunity to get sick anymore because of the sanitisation and inability to be around germs anymore.
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No one is disputing that they are doing something, but the fact is they aren’t doing what we want and need them to do. Herd immunity is out of the question with the delta variant that exists, it’s going to be worse with emerging variants.
How are they not doing what we want them to? If it wasn't for the vaccine deaths would have been way higher and society wouldn't have been allowed to open back up.
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Glad you said not forced. That’s my own personal fear, forced.
I caught covid from my child who picked it up from school. So the link is there.
I can see that point. I am against kids being forced it to the point where parents shouldn't even be allowed to choose if their kid has the jab. If you're at school and have a health issue then exceptions should be made if the person who would be jabbed wants it. The opinion of the parents doesn't matter.

China will always get away with it. The rest of the world is scared they will end the world with a nuclear world war 3 if provoked and Brits are still buying made in China labeled products to fund their world dominance. After what China have brought to the world I can't believe any decent person would buy any product that was made there still.
Have you seen how much stuff is made in China that we rely on in everyday life .
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Would you be able to share a few examples? I've seen you refer to these images quite a few times but I'm not sure if I've actually seem them (or if I have I don't remember). I agree it's not unheard of for images to be used inappropriately or taken out of context (by both mainstream and nonmainstream media).
How can you not remember being shown Wuhan at the beginning of all this, as far as I'm aware these images were shown on all the main TV channels and newspapers.

The India photos that were from a gas leak

Could be my mistake, but I'm sure I saw them share it.. maybe I saw it on the evening news 🤔

It's good it was retracted, but I feel it was only because it was spotted, and two days is a long time! Especially at a time when the world is in panic stations and inward fighting with each other over things like this.

Here's another example, with enough googling you'd probably find loads
There are loads ( and not just about covid but terrorist acts, mass shootings etc) one of my nephews explains them all away with lazy journalists. What a crock. it's easy to see if a photo is fake or not. I do it to all photos that are shared to disprove or prove a CT
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Great news!
I think I will take that as 'duly noted' but with a caveat about 'realistic possibility' that goes into the same place as all the coulds and the mays and probables so although it's always sensible to have a degree of caution I won't be locking myself in the bunker just yet.
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What I meant by that is I find you sometimes to be very defensive when I post if you don’t agree with what I’m saying, just my own observation!

I’m not doubting people do other emojis on other posts I was just using an example of the childishness that goes on!

I am always kind, or at least I try to be so if someone feels I’m being unkind I can only apologise.
I also find people getting defensive but I think it comes more from them being passionate in what they believe in, just as much as I can get this way when conversing. 😅

I’d like to think we are all trying to be kind as life is hard enough as it is at the moment. I wish everyone well.
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