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Ffs her latest podcast... 2 things that irritated me.

Spoke about being reported to the ASA 8 times in 1 day and the reports were ‘wrong’ ok Connie.

Then she spoke about diversity and how brands always use skinny models, or really big models and there’s ‘no in between’. I completely disagree! I’d say the in between people are on plenty on campaigns at the moment. I don’t ever see really large models? She’s just pissed off she doesn’t get asked to represent brands. It’s not all about you Connie!!

Also no one represents me. I am really petite - 5 foot and slim. No one who looks like me is used in any campaigns; but she doesn’t mention that because it’s not HER body type.

Tbh I think Connie is unhealthily obsessed with body image, particularly her own. She seems to think this is what her ‘brand’ is all about but actually I find the focus a bit over the top. I think when you draw attention to things like this, it sometimes creates more of an issue.
Ha ha I reported her and got a response from them saying that she had indeed broken the rules and would be dealt more lies from Connie. They also suggested reporting her to the competition and markets authority about that dodgy giveaway...
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Well-known member
Ffs her latest podcast... 2 things that irritated me.

Spoke about being reported to the ASA 8 times in 1 day and the reports were ‘wrong’ ok Connie.

Then she spoke about diversity and how brands always use skinny models, or really big models and there’s ‘no in between’. I completely disagree! I’d say the in between people are on plenty on campaigns at the moment. I don’t ever see really large models? She’s just pissed off she doesn’t get asked to represent brands. It’s not all about you Connie!!

Also no one represents me. I am really petite - 5 foot and slim. No one who looks like me is used in any campaigns; but she doesn’t mention that because it’s not HER body type.

Tbh I think Connie is unhealthily obsessed with body image, particularly her own. She seems to think this is what her ‘brand’ is all about but actually I find the focus a bit over the top. I think when you draw attention to things like this, it sometimes creates more of an issue.
You’re right she is TOTALLY obsessed with body image. If she was truly ‘body positive’ it wouldn’t be on her mind 24 hours a day to talk about it, she’d just be getting on with life and hardly mentioning it! She’s such a drag with those quotes and the ‘glow differently’ one made me LOL, should have an * at the bottom stating ‘unless you’ve got naughty DNA that won’t let you lose weight’. Where does she think this fat-holding DNA comes from? Cos it’s not her parents or grandparents? Funny that Ricky is overweight too, is his DNA out to get him? More like you both shove too many mini magnums in your gobs of an evening.
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She’s just shat on herself by reposting Elliots video of Macie. We all said she wouldn’t be sticking to the rules and what a surprise here’s Corona Connie in a house full of Simmonds. Give it a week and they’ll all be infected and she’ll be preaching again.
She really isn’t very bright. That’s why she can’t find a normal job... she hasn’t got the skills.
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This woman has an encyclopaedia of excuses. I have never met a woman who uses her period as an excuse to not do stuff. It’s not an illness, it’s part and parcel of being female and you just get on with it! I’m sick of these people using feeble excuses to try and hide their laziness.
Imagine if she had a real job, she’d be phoning in sick every month because she had a period 🙄
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Say What

Chatty Member
I’m ashamed to admit that I bought Healthy Forever and then discovered what a crock of crap it is. What Connie classes as cooking could really be defined as heating up in my opinion. No new or innovative recipes in there. Frankly a waste of money. I think everyone’s seen my thoughts on Corona Connie and her selfishness. Yesterday was definitely a new low with the pedicure. I’m so pleased that I can’t see my immediate family for months on end so Connie can have her trotter seen to, ready to squash into some seriously naff heels from H&M...
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Say What

Chatty Member
Connie has now gone to a new level of a video taking a pop at Tattlers 😂 what Connie can’t seem to understand is that no one here has had a go at her for the way she looks etc. What everyone takes issue with is the way she behaves like not declaring ads but plugging the hell out of them so she can earn that bad boy commission. That’s dishonest Connie. Also the constant moaning about everything and everyone. She’s got a pretty good life from what I can see so really she just lacks gratitude. Then there’s the preaching and bandwagon hopping often on topics she doesn’t understand eg BLM. That’s just an insult Connie, at least be informed if you’re going to preach and then stick to the topic. So if that makes me a troll for taking an issue with her dishonesty, lack of gratitude, poor understanding preachy behaviour then fine but at least I don’t pretend to be an authority on kindness whilst taking pot shots at influencers who are gifted products that I wasn’t. How bizarre 😂
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Sorry it’s taken her until 1.30pm to get dressed/hair/make up and make the bed? Fucking hell seriously what a slug
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Good to see Connie wearing her mask in the hairdresser...don’t let a pandemic get in the way of a selfie.....
Also the hairdressers is slough based...what’s the bet that’s where they’ve moved to and that’s why she won’t say where they are.....
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I’m assuming the freebie dental work didn’t include removing the plaque from between her teeth 🤢

Also her make up look with the ‘cheap’ products....she hasn’t managed to pick any of the right colours for her face, I wouldn’t trust her near mine if that’s the case....
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Yes I remember that they went to St Mary's University and got all these measurements etc done but we never saw the results..... would be interested to ask what happened 🤔
I think we all know what happened....😂

Connie putting her foot in it again....saying she’s back to having to entertain Macie indoors again, surely she should have been doing that for the last week if she’d been sticking to the rules....
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If you want to feel shit, that’s your choice?! Has she actually put that. We are in the middle of a pandemic/lockdown, it effects everyone differently but I can probably say, everyone has had a bad day or two. Maybe even three! Not by choice, because we are all in a really shitty situation. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Is that what Caroline Flack chose to do?

Gosh, it is the MOST INSULTING thing to say for anyone suffering from mental health issues. I am actually speechless. How dare she!!
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VIP Member
Is she alright in the head? Actually sick of her. This treatment is not essential. Why is she travelling to central London for treatment. Surely this isn’t allowed?

Does she realise this is a lockdown and you can only go out for exercise once a day, travel to work, essential appointments and to the supermarket.

If I’m unclear on the rules, please can someone correct me.
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She’s such a twat. If there was a free M&S meal on the side of the road she’d have found somewhere to pull over. I’m sure I wouldn’t want this massive twat getting in my business if I was having a tough day with my kids anyway. Fuck off you do-gooder
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I came here to say this! Not all of us ‘choose’ to be in a bad mood 🙄, might be due to the pandemic/recession/unemployment/lack of childcare you moron. Get a grip on the real world. You’ve got childcare, seemingly no money issues, and are flouting the rules left right and centre, hardly anything for her to bloody worry about. If only we were all so lucky!
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Say What

Chatty Member
100% it’s a classic example of her bandwagon jumping. Sadly it won’t be put to use in a productive format I.e. informing her platform of free support available. No doubt it’ll be a moan and a bitch about NHS waiting times and a hidden ad

Someone needs to tell her self care isn’t about tanning and doing your hair. Nor is it about a new skincare routine which is the route she’ll take to make it in to an ad. She hasn’t got the first idea.
She’s still blaming having a baby on her weight. Macie is nearly 2!
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It is what it is

Active member
She has literally just shown us how stupid she is.
any course which involves dealing with peoples emotions needs more than 20 weeks training! And £3,500 I think not! Someone’s getting a good deal and it’s not her!

really Connie? Yet again trying to take a short cut and she will just fail. Same with her weight loss same with her nutritional diploma (which doesn’t make her a qualified nutritionist btw) and we’ve all seen the short cuts she takes as a mum. Taking macie to her mums so she can just sit around even more.
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