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Say What

Chatty Member
I think it’s an insult that Connie thinks people won’t question such obvious things. She clearly thinks her audience is so stupid or doesn’t care about a fraudulent giveaway
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She’s moaning again about being a mum and having to ‘run a house’ she’s so lazy! It really disengages anyone who has children and works full time. I could relate to her if she was positive, got on with it and motivated people. She’s an embarrassment to her brother. She needs to take a leaf out of Gemma Atkinson’s book. She is in the same situation with one child but embraces it and has a day job too. Rant over...... god she presses my buttons.
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Her latest post has really irked me. Not saying Ricky shouldn’t help around the house but she is also home all day and allows it to get into that state... I hate chores as much as everyone else but at the end of the day, I just get on with it because I like living in a clean house. And that’s with a full time job!
Also: he ain’t your husband because he STILL hasn’t proposed despite constant hints (nagging) can’t imagine why not
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Also after ditching Macie at her Mums to “work” she has the cheek to put up a grid post saying all she’s doing 90% of the time is parenting 🤣
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Say What

Chatty Member
I’ve got a suggestion for our new thread....Covid Connie’s obsessed with weight. DNA nutrition tests, life coaching and man hate!
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Oh here we go more denials about the giveaway. Didn’t she say it was 500 and now it’s 490? Connie hun it’s no good getting shitty on your stories saying you don’t have the time or energy to sabotage giveaways. We know that’s bullshit because you have a lazy day every day according to your own stories!
If there was nothing wrong why not leave it up?! She leaves her shit ads up so why go through the trouble of deleting that....the actions of someone who knows what she did was wrong and now desperately backpedaling....dont be mean guys she’s only trying to do something nice.....the only person she’s doing anything for is herself to try to increase her terrible engagement and earn those bad boy commissions
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Her job is to provide content and she can’t even manage to get the date right? So embarrassingly obvious she has no idea what International Women’s Day is actually about... then straight in to chat about her birthday plans and the main thing... “Have you booked a holiday”. She’s so naive to think this will all be over come April?? As an “influencer” she does an awful job at influencing.


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I don't have kids but all my friends do and have had from a young age.
Some have worked full time whilst being single parents, some have been stay at home mums with multiple kids and no support, I know mums from lots of different scenarios and I have never ever heard anyone moan about their kids as much as she does.
Its not refreshing, it's not an insight into real life, its just t bloody cruel.
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Drops hints that she might be pregnant, mentions she wants to be pregnant by summer and then gets upset when people ask if she’s pregnant....
While I don’t get the fascination with asking random strangers if they’re knocked up, if you don’t want questions don’t drop matter how desperate you are for engagement
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Also why does she think she’s some sort of foodie....that book contains a recipe for a bacon sandwich.....and let’s not forget the restaurant reviews...
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Obviously lots of people have shared their experiences and I’m all for it but Connie just doesn’t have a place to and yet had to offer her opinion on everything. I stopped watching when she said “I’d like to think I’d fight them off” - as someone else pointed out, she just adds to the victim blaming. She’s so thick and yet if you call her out you’d either be blocked or she’d argue the toss because SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Having 60K followers doesn’t make you right Connie. I wish I never needed to walk home alone. Clearly she’s never worked a day in her life when the sun sets at 5:30pm currently and most people would be on their way home from work and would have to walk. Is she under the impression all these people come out after 8pm? She also loved having another dig at men didn’t she, smirking throughout. Has she got Daddy issues? Because she really dislikes men.

How exactly does she think she’s going to put up a fight? Wayne Couzens is a large strong man who is a trained firearms officer. What chance does a woman of Sarah’s size have against a man like that? What a stupid naive comment. It shows how little she really knows. Most people are grabbed from behind for starters which leaves very little chance to fight anyway. Usually the predator picks someone physically inferior to them and will have to do their reconnaissance to find an isolated spot. It’s not just men who attack people, women attack people too but that doesn’t suit Connie’s narrow minded narrative
Exactly! 🙌🏼👏🏻

Who’s to say Sarah didn’t put up a fight as well? I’d love for Connie to tell us all the last time she had a fight with a grown man and won? I work in trauma/PTSD and what she’s saying is bullshit. It’s more than just fight/flight. In these circumstances naturally we would respond with freezing, fright, flag (the body surrenders and para-sympathetic activation occurs in order to protect itself from prolonged trauma) and in some cases fainting.
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Say What

Chatty Member
I just find it so disappointing that she tried to make out that she gifted the other pram when she was touting it for sale on the sly just a few weeks ago. She’s blatantly sold it and been given another one which is just unspeakable really. The only charity thing she’s done was those poor quality T-shirt’s which she would have earned from. I never see her donating stuff or even selling stuff and giving the proceeds to charity. I give away 90% of my unwanted things to charity and try to buy there where I can.
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Say What

Chatty Member
So Asda have decided not to bother with her after the initial 6 months (shock 😂) yet Connie seems to think this now makes her a mid height and size fashionista. The problem here is that you can’t take advice from someone who blatantly misleads about their size despite not being massive and is so lazy about their job that they’ve posted a handful of posts for Asda. I don’t personally rate her choice in clothes- a lot of it is borrowed from other influencers and she does wear a size too small sometimes which is unflattering on her shape.
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He wasn’t very ‘kind’ to her. Shared her exercise thing from misguided saying she wasn’t very good and should leave it to the professionals. He deleted it but it caused a stir. She shared some on her stories about it. I was really disappointed in him. I see him in a completely different light after this. View attachment 405842
What an entitled wanker. She’s never claimed to be a fitness guru or PT. Something she’s doing obviously works wonders so he shouldn’t be such a spineless know it all! Also lols at ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ - looked at your sisters page recently? 😂
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I think she does these kinds of posts from a faux feminist type position. She wants people to know it’s not her ‘job’ to clean/cook and keep house etc, but what she doesn’t realise is that the absence of her having an ACTUAL job means that it’s surely down to her to keep on top of these things, seeing as she’s home all day? I’m currently on maternity leave and have taken on 90% of the household tasks because, you know, I’m home all day!
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I’m pretty sure that I don’t have anything booked in April. I also won’t be celebrating being able to go out when so many people have died and so many are still suffering. I’ve never known such a self centred person, it makes me despair 🤦‍♀️
Exactly! How stupid to think like that... “we have to celebrate this pandemic ending” - who announced the end of the pandemic? Let’s celebrate hundreds of thousands of deaths? Celebrate all those that have lost their livelihoods? Celebrate the education all those kids lost? Celebrate the huge hit on the economy? Self-centred is exactly the term I’d use for her. Her privilege alone is what makes her the worst candidate to be a life coach.
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