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It was Antonia herself who said that her sister accused the father of abuse. I don't think we need to shy away from that, when Antonia said it. That's not us saying it's true it's merely repeating the accusation made against him.
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Anybody but her looks after her children. Obviously Caitlin is heading the same way. I would love her to take them wains to the park or to the beach for a day. She wouldnt though cos all she cares about is herself. Poor wains.
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it says on the Companies House site she's June 84 and he's February 80. was Paul 40 this year? i don't remember seeing a big production?

she's very middle aged for a girl in her 30s
Aye they had a 40th for him this year. I see someone hounded her phone all night 🙈 that’s bound to be worrying and hateful to wake up to.
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I didn’t know where else to post this but the Mayor of Derry and Strabane (Michaela O’Boyle) had a party at her house on Saturday past. I know because my mate lives behind them and they could hear it, from a distance away in the country so it was quite a big group of people!! He wasn’t sure if it was the Mayors son or daughter or the Mayor herself who organised it but imagine a figure like that doing this in the middle of lockdown!
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Dropped them then brought out her own brushes with cliona. Zero loyalty from her to anyone.
powder and pout have their own drama 🙈 John and aisling have split lots of times and John even had a boyfriend. Though I’ve heard those same kind of rumours about Paul so who knows what happened 🙈
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Donegal Doll

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Seen her use the magic wand it looks like cheap shit for £14.99 absolute rip off you'd get better brushes in primark
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Sure she loves to spend... am pure lurd sure you know me I cant buy one of anything.. I have to buy two. Womans no self control and is sooo materialistic buying all that stuff makes her feel better. Feeds the ego
sounds right! Does nobody else think her garden looks out of place In her area? You know how travellers houses stand out in a housing estate.That’s how I think it looks. Almost cheap looking! They definitely think they are brand beckham or brand bootiful lol and live beyond their means it is obvious! They holiday and shop as if they are on 200k a year salaries. If you want to come across as down to earth then spend and act down to earth for the love of the man above
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Shame on her getting a delivery when the vulnerable are struggling to get one. Suppose she will use the excuse they are vulnerable, not so much when she drags that poor son of hers to a car showroom to promote some shitty promo. There are people out there who are are out of work and can barely afford the basics, yet there she is mutton dressed as lamb at the showroom. Pathetic!!
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If its true that Paul is gay I wonder does Antonia know? I mean she's obviously been reading this thread but I wonder if that's the first she heard of it. Must be awful for him pretending to be someone he's not, I actually feel very sad for him 😔
I would say she is questioning it herself, I would be if half of the country thought it and I lived with him plus the only straight guy I know to do lashes..
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Paul once went on a weekend away and the whole time he was away she cried and cried about having Maddison on her own. It was the first time she’d ever been his sole carer and that struck me as being slightly strange.
They definitely have a lot of help with him and I agree that respite is necessary as he will most likely need residential care when older.
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I think the critter sends messages to herself for attention
You need prayers Toni for that vulgar cheap tat you have put your name on 🙏🙏🙏
go into your own instagram messages- there is a wee circle icon beside the senders message with the senders profile on it. and their name is at the top of the page. their message is also in a darker shaded box. none of these on that message::: this idiot has typed out this whole message herself, screen shot it and posted it with her 'reply' . 🙄 sweet suffering christ, she's pathetic. i hope she alerts all her followers to the existence of this site, even just so as they find out you can buy the tat for a few £ on ali express.

just a thought- who are her target audience/ customer? her behaviour is like something you'd see in a group of young teenage girls. no harm to her if she thinks that age group are going to be keeping her business afloat with their pocket money. does she really see women with their own homes putting a mirror like that on their dressing table? she is on a downward spiral in the tat department- she reeks of desperation. and all the time she thinks everyone in the town is jealous of her- god love her wit, what little wit she has on display.

I just went back on to her stories and she has deleted the message of support so I'd say she permanently keeps this page open 🤣 obvs realised people could see through her and deleted it. Wee pet!
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Jedus christ,all those unopened gifts,what a disgrace. Work so hard i dont get time to open them. What bullshit.
This is what I could never get my head around. How does she, even in her own delusion, believe that she works hard. We literally see her whole day ( or I did before I unfollowed her 😂), we all know she does fuck all! Even before lockdown she did about 3 sets of brows a week and spends the rest of time talking about how busy she but not actually doing anything. Just constant flow of chatting shit and believing her own hype. I had to unfollow for my own sanity 😂

I think not opening the gifts is just rude. Quite a few of us are busy juggling work and home Toni and we manage to have the decency to open gifts!
She has absolutely no manners mixed with a really over inflated sense of her own importance. Those couple of years when she was really the go to wedding make up artist and her social media following shot up, really went to her head.
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Yeah I agree she could definitely do more and lockdown has prob been a shock to her system and she’s lucky Paul is so hands on. I’ve said before on here some things are probably hard for her to do given the fact Madison is a big boy now and physically it would hard for her to change him etc but I don’t see why she couldn’t do the peg feeds for example and if she spent less money on tat they could invest in a hoist that would enable her to do more. All that said it’s still definitely more difficult than caring for a typical 13 year old, poor Madison can’t do anything independently. As much as she melts my head I also get a bit annoyed when people mention the fact that they get DLA for Madison, of course they do and they’re entitled to it like any other carer of a child with complex needs. Not aiming that at you btw, a few people have mentioned it here before.
That child is entitled to every penny of his DLA and I can only imagine how much extra has to be spent on his needs, like if an i pad broke etc as they are his lifeline but there doesn't seem to be too much wrong with the hubby and I heard that he's on top rate PIP for haemophilia although it might not be true
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