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Chatty Member
"Chikin, pepperz, unyins and bibby boils!"

It's like nails on a chalkboard 🤢

How pissed off did Paul look that she was filming at the dinner table. Swear I seen a throbbing vein in the side of his head. 😂 Bet he wishes he'd come out now.
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She's a complete a**hole!!! I have a teenage daughter with complex needs and I would never dream of clearing off on hols without her, the mere fact she feels comfortable leaving him so flipping often especially when his seizures have become more frequent and more serious is beyond me. Even an animal wouldn't leave their young as often as she does. The fact she's laughing at the 3 ambulances attending him when she was away swanning off before and telling him to behave is disgusting, any decent parent would be terrified to leave their child after that. She does NOT deserve that gorgeous boy at all!!!
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They all need to learn that people are entitled to have an opinion and call them out on their lies and how they mistreat people, this does not make ypu a troll it makes you an intelligent person with their own mind who won't buy into the BS that all these instahuns spiel
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Chatty Member
Naw sorry guys I'm going to be really harsh here, youse have all lost your minds!

Toni was a vicious wee bitch as a wain, she was hateful to teachers, hateful to her fellow school pupils and hateful as fuck to her family. She built herself a wee gang of bullies and ok maybe she didn't throw a punch herself but she was queen bee in her gang and there was plenty of punches thrown by her orders.

She lost 15 teeth cos all she did was eat sweets. Her ma might've been a bit mental but at the end of the day Toni was not innocent.

Toni has driven a wedge deliberately through the family between the siblings and parents, there is one sister who claims abuse the rest have been involved in bust ups where Toni was involved/instigated.

Toni has been determined to be the "only child" to care for the ma knowing full well that when the money comes in she would be the only one to be able to claim it/h LP the ma spend it. She's said this many many times in different ways over the years.

Youse can blame Toni's parents "for the way she is" all youse like but at the end of the day Toni is responsible for her behaviour and even at the age she is she sees no wrong doing in her behaviour.

I didn't have a great childhood (not the worst but not the best) and I have spent time in my life resetting those bad behaviours learned from parents and peers in childhood so that my children don't grow up the way that I did. Show me where Toni has done that? MM is growing up to be a right wee bitch too and you can't blame Toni's parents for that 🤷🏻‍♀️

Youse have been sucked into Toni's wee poor me pantomime and victim play.

She is disgusting, she treats the people that pay her money like shite, she has no friends because she treats them like shite and she has a husband that she openly treats like shite but we're all supposed to think "poor wee Toni no teeth had it rough" there are plenty that had it far worse than her that don't go on the way she does.
💯 this!!!

Toni may be a victim of generational trauma and bad parenting but also did absolutely nothing to break that cycle and be a better parent herself because it suits her to he an unwashed scrounging venomous selfish bitch like her mother and just like the type she's influencing her bully of a daughter to be.

It's a vicious cycle that keeps going until someone has the sense to say I'm not going to be like my mother.
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
New thread for CMB folks…… I get palpitations when they go over 1000 comments 🙈

It wasn’t strictly the winning title, had to tweak a little so as not to offend our community.

Congratulations to @Kizzyd33 and thank you for the suggestion 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿

There was a tie between thread suggestions, both had 17 votes so I just picked one 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry not sorry 😜

Thank you and better luck next time to our runner up @No tea just coffee with the suggestion “Tonis a vulgar imbecilic prick and her husband likes the d##k”

Devastated my personal favourite by @Left Phalange, inspired by Toni’s rodeo chic, ”Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye To?” wasn’t a winner 🤣

Ask this every time but anyone fancy the recap? Anyone?
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Who in the right frame of mind would be thinking of Instagram if their husband had just collapsed and fell down the stairs???
Only “Titless Toni from Tetris Towers” could be this self centred.
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why would you go and get your nails done when you have had an infection for weeks on your finger, she has no regard for her own personal hygiene or that of others
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Chatty Member
Has Toni been homophobic at some stage or something that you think she'd be bothered by gay scenes?
Well she threatened a gay man in his workplace and his own home with being "Silenced at the bottom of the foyle" but that was more for releasing a tell all video about her darling husbands hobbies behind closed doors than the gay thing.
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Chatty Member
How many times in this past 24hrs has she mentioned about paying in for things?
She paid in for the windows, she's paying in for a new sofa, putting money away to go on holiday at Xmas. What she getting at?
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Can't believe she stood there and watched Paul cart them bags up and then come back for more while she did what? Stood there cackling getting it all on video! I'm a weakling, I can't carry loads but I absolutely would carry the bags at least one at a time up the stairs if my husband had just collapsed the night before. Awww I try really hard not to comment on her that often coz I'd never cope with stuff like this site if it was me but that girl is just something else. I can't beleive she craves the fame of instagram THAT much that she won't just delete her account and be with her family, giving us nothing to write about but she can't help herself.

And the ma doesn't look like the easiest of people to travel with, surely if she's as sick as Toni says then she needs caring for too. So Maddison's too much hassle to take but her mother isn't? I know it's not the same scale but ffs she can work around her mas needs when it suits her but Maddisons are just a no way.

Oh and I know some of Pauls family. The mas lovely (from what I know of her) but I've never heard any of his relatives say anything about Toni. Bad or good. I get the feeling they know all hell would break loose if they said the wrong thing so they say nothing for fear of her reaction. I think how much we see HER family in their house (parties/xmas etc) shows that it's all about HER family and never Pauls so they're probably not involved much.
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Chatty Member
SCRABBLE THE EGGS. 😂😂😂😂😂😂Paul shouting scrambled. I am sorry, and I hate to say this about anyone, but that's a whole other level of being thick. Tears tripping us watching that.
Shocked cuz there was ice in the frozen veg so they took it out. Aw Jesus we are screaming at the pair of them. Dumb and dumber wouldn't have a look in. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'm howling! 😂😂 Why is she acting like a Scrambled Egg is such a foreign concept! "It has teyy go all funny lukkin" the only reason she's never heard of a scrambled egg is because it's not fucking fried! 🤣
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No sign of the warehouse recently?
I still believe that the warehouse was only rented to get more in the covid grants, she's not the only one who was at that scam..She would have been able to claim for a second premises
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
She’s not showering after the gym, never mind washing her mop. She’s completely, utterly gross. Wearing a hat on a day out (I assume indoors) cause you’re so much of a hallion! Never mind what way Paul is inclined, she’s enough to put any man off women for life 😳
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Can ya smell the chip oil from her hair in real life? 🧐🥴
I was the original person who told this thread that she stinks of bo in real life (different account now though). I be in regularly but not with her, a friend rents a chair. They all can't stand her, she's a passive agressive narcissist. The other employees openly talk about her when she isn't there.
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I will say fair play to her for getting up and doing a bit of exercise, credit where credits is due but imagine going and setting your phone up by the pool to record yourself doing it 🙈 if someone was doing that next to me in the gym I’d be telling them where to go! Especially when they are in a pool in swim wear, I’m pretty sure most pools have no cameras signs
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She has a cheek to talk about trolls, her that talks non stop behind peoples back and was plastered all over fb with her nasty mouthpiece about brides and anyone else she could talk about!
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