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Screenshot_20221102-222312_Samsung Internet.png

(figures in mega tons - million tons)
Screenshot_20221102-222333_Samsung Internet.png

(co2 emissions per person)

Where is the UK in this list?

Why are these protesters not going to China, the U.S, India, Russia, Japan, or Iran to make their point?

China produces 11.6 billion tons of co2 annually!

They insist on making our lives hell, when the UK is not even a top contributor to co2 emissions worldwide.

Therefore they can just F*** off with their disruptive tactics and blatant criminal activities.
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Aww I love bagpipe guy, pisses me off that he gets moved off by the police yet they are allowed to just disrupt everyone. Let him play his bagpipes next to them!
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I dunno, I just can't think of any other explanation for why they're not just being dealt with promptly and efficiently back on day one.
The Police have to act legally and proportionally. There were times when I would have loved to have been able to wade in with a taser, asp, and handcuffs to arrest a particularly obnoxious "protester". But if they aren't being violent and posing no imminent threat then proportionality is king. This isn't China.
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A woman who had taken her dying mother and as a treat took her and paid for a night in a posh hotel and spent a LOT of money on travel etc, all ruined.
No words.
These people are so pointless. Selfish self-entitled and gullible. Why do they think they are so relevant?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I hope the police actually charge them this time. They've been turning a blind eye so far.
They keep getting away with vandalism, its disgusting🤬
Yet my neighbours got sent a fine for 500 quid from the council for putting cardboard in the wrong bin 😡
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We already had a scheme that offers low income families grants to insulate their homes and it's stuff everyone can get from B&Q or homebase cheaply if it hasn't been done already. How does stopping traffic convince people to think "yes I must consider insulating when I get home." No info or real advice to the benefits which could have been done simply by handing out leaflets and actually talking to people.

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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Why are so many people unaware of what will happen if 'just stop oil' and the net zero supporters get their way?

The world is still very reliant on fossil fuels for a huge number of things and to replace them we would have to build vast numbers of nuclear power stations, which doesn't appear to be happening.

Modern healthcare uses a lot of plastic for sterile equipment. What will this be replaced with? Do we want to go back to the days when people will die unnecessarily due to equipment not being sterile.

Modern agriculture uses synthetic fertilisers (made from petroleum) and without them half of the global population will not have enough food.

So if all these people get their way we'll be too poor to heat our homes, won't be able to travel very far, health care will be a lottery and there won't be enough food for everyone.

Net Zero will result in the population being greatly reduced. Maybe this is the true aim 🤔

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I work near one of the junctions they have closed, it is absolute choas. It's wet, everyone is cross and late and it will and has caused accidents. I took me over an hour to get to work, which should take 30 mins max.

Surrey Police are getting ripped apart on facebook, everyone is saying leave them be and let the motorways run as normal. They are blaming highways saying they have told them to close them for 'safety'. Sorry but no, they got up there when it was open, leave them be and let us carry on. Things are shit enough right now without this on peoples plates as well.
Surrey Police like most other 'forces' nowadays are effing useless.

They'll happily stop you in the street to ask what you're doing at 10pm at night, yet fail to take action against those that cause problems like the lunatic protesters.

If the Police don't step and do what they are paid to do, uphold law and order -as far as I'm concerned - they have zero grounds for complaint when the public step in to do what they should be doing to begin with.

The Assistant Met Commissioner, Mark Rowley, is another overpaid arsehole, paid at our expense. His attitude towards these protesters highlights what is wrong with the Police.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Yeah it washes off and all but I wouldn't fancy copping a lung full of that orange stuff like it seemed one woman did.
I loved that elderly woman taking them on. I would have done the same if I was there and kicked them in the nuts.
Why the hell didn't the whole crowd leap on the fuckers 😒
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I'm thinking of the people waiting for medics and careworkers to bring strong painkillers, care for those choosing to die at home, help people to the loo or change incontinence stuff, etc... IB says the cold will kill and cause suffering, but there's direct suffering being caused when people (not in marked emergency vehicles) are being delayed.

My husband is in construction and one of his trusted builders has told him he turns down work to retrofit cavity insulation. When it goes wrong it goes badly wrong. We need better houses but trying to improve our existing housing stock is like polishing a turd.
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Piff paff puff

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It's highly embarassing for Stansted Airport that's for sure. I did a contract once for a private jet company and they were terrified of the Civil Aviation Authority who regulate the whole industry, I'd imagine they are already asking a lot of questions about the security.
My garden shed has more security and there isn't anything in there worth taking. It's just inconceivable there's no alarm? Security camera? Manned security? Locks? Same security as when they make bodily contact with MP's. If they get that close your security needs sacked.
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I know you have to kick up a fuss as a protest in parliament Square is so easy to ignore, but this isn't it

I'm not even sure retrofitting insulation even works, can cause so much problems doing things like filling a cavity that was designed to be a breathable void!
This is getting to the point of a mass punch up likely to occur on the M25, by those drivers held up for the umpteenth time.

People are getting highly fed up with these idiots and the utterly useless fuckwits known as the Police, for doing little to stop them and move them on in the shortest time possible.
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Well done to the drivers who tried to move the Insulate Britain idiots from the M25.

If the Police continue to be f***ing useless at dealing with these law breakers, then what do they expect? They really have no grounds for complaint when members of the public step in to do what they should be doing in the first place.

Moving them on ASAP.
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Whilst I don't agree with the way they are going about things, throwing ink at them is a bit much. How long until someone does something even more dangerous and throws something more serious at them?
If they didn't sit in the road and deliberately block traffic, it wouldn't have happened to begin with.
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Well-known member
I read that the "German branch" of one of those activists sends out questionnaires when you join. They ask whether you're willing to go to jail for your "activism", and for how long, they've got what comes down to bail bonds and they pay some members a wage. That's not activism to me, that's a full-fledged industry of shit-stirring.

Don't get me wrong. I very much believe in climate change. I believe in needing to stop certain activities that further fuel climate changes and destroy our environment. But I do not believe in the way these people go about it. They're not only destroying things as part of their misguided activism, they are just annoying the broader population so much that they will stop caring. I bet you everyone would see much more actual innovation in this regard if companies were allowed to innovate on solutions instead of just being policed into things and these people declaring everything ni the world as bad. I bet we're not allowed to breathe soon. Did you know that it emits carbondioxide? Please stop breathing, activists.
It seems like the majority of "activism" (not just for climate, for all kinds of things) these days is aggressive people screaming "THIS IS BAD" and "YOU'RE EVIL!!!!" on social media, and feeling self-righteous by turning up to "protests" but not actually doing anything helpful to create change. Because that would require hard work and intelligence, and you wouldn't get the virtue signalling points on social media for doing vital background work, nor the thrill of causing trouble.
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If this mob and Greta are fronting the climate change movement then the Earth is doomed.
I was never clicking with Greta and her shouting at people but she lost me forever when she said she "didn't care" about celebrities flying around in private jets because she wasn't telling people what to do.

I know she's barely out of childhood, but FFS. How can even one person find her worthy of listening to after that?

I don’t know even know what they’re protesting about anymore, they’re just causing chaos for the sake of it. But we’re talking about them, so I guess they’ve got what they want - attention!
Supposedly their aim is to cause annoyance to the extent that the government will listen to their demands, or something like that.

I just see a vile mob hijacking a critical issue to get away with murder, at this point.
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Scarlett O' Hara

VIP Member
Old but rules for thee not me:

"He spent some time enjoying the luxuries of the the 315ft, £110 million Vava II superyacht - which produces as much carbon from sailing seven miles as the average car produces in a year - during his latest jaunt abroad".

View attachment 2301315

Really disgraceful. What utterly repellent behaviour from that woman. Jesus, as an aside, the dye from the cra**py confetti could have stained the brides dress.:eek:

One of these days someone is going to sustain a serious or fatal injury. Nothing would surprise me with the beaviour of these freaks with their contentious stunts.:mad:
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Thousands of people will have trained for a year to run in the London Marathon, raising money for charities etc.
These protesters really annoy me, they ought to head for one of the globe's biggest polluters - China, & try protesting there, a truncheon across the face or worse, would be the outcome.
These trust fund kids only want soft targets. I imagine it get boring being rice and privileged so they need something to brighten up their lives. But never enough to put themselves in any sort of danger.
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Having their yearly bath?
The XR mob are a strange bunch.

A mix of the unemployed (whom don't ever want a job) but are happy to leach off our benefits, whilst roaming around protesting about the 'ills' of society.

On the other hand, Islington leftists in million pound plus properties, with the gas guzzling car parked on the street outside. Money is no concern to them, nor is their moral compass, which seems somewhat skewed.
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