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VIP Member
I don’t know even know what they’re protesting about anymore, they’re just causing chaos for the sake of it. But we’re talking about them, so I guess they’ve got what they want - attention!
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VIP Member
This is when the police, highways and government all need to say no, if you want to sit on the road like a dick then you and solely you take on that risk. If you don't understand that risk, do some reading.

Why should everyone else pander to their demands when one they won't let the likes of an ambulance though and they put themselves there. Get a job or a hobby.
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VIP Member
Carbon net zero will just mean restrictions for us using travel, with no effects for those with private jets.
My employer has a carbon net zero goal and it basically means that plebs like me never travel for business again, even though we are a remote company and I have zero chance of seeing team members, even if it did us a world of good. Meanwhile the big wigs jet all over the l place, one of them splits their time between Europe and the US.
I don’t even disagree with some actions against climate change, overhauling the company etc, but quite frankly, the best my company could do for the planet, emissions-wise is to simply cease existing. Since that isn’t an option, maybe other ways should be locked into and that includes billionaires not jetting all over the place all the time, there’s no innovation in the world that would make it net zero.
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Chatty Member
Part of me wonders if they assume people will think that and it’s sort of a double bluff!

I just wished they’d stop now. I don’t think they are helping their cause.
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VIP Member
These morons should be classed as a terrorist organisation! And they need hefty jail time
I now of the mindset they need a public kicking - quite literally.

The Police won't act effectively against them, so the public should do their job. I'm sick and tired of the pussy footing that occurs around these idiot protesters.

Taking the law into your own hands should not be a crime if the Police won't act, or don't bother to turn up.

My mindset is hardening by the day. The reason is due to our useless leaders, Police and public services failing to sort things out in society.
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VIP Member
Yes, if the police attended and picked them all up and moved them as soon as they arrived instead of pussy footing around them it would be sorted and would cause as much anger as it does.
That is what causes the most anger.

Being stuck for hours on a road, whilst the Police mess about with the 'welfare' of the protesters. What about the welfare of those stuck in their vehicles?

Next to no-one supports IB now. So the Police should not be afraid to deal with them in a swift manner. Any complaints IB raise about 'mistreatment' by the Police will fall on deaf ears with most of the public.
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Briar Rose

Active member
They are blocking 13 Amazon warehouses today.

Don't seem to have thought that even though Black Friday will create waste, there will be people genuinely waiting for important items they need. Such as me with the ear drops I ordered yesterday and am desperate to get because I'm in misery with clogged ears that are causing bad coughing and a relentless clicking noise.

Can't we just put them all in a one-way rocket to the moon? They are scum.
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VIP Member
Is this the group that shut a major road and a man couldn’t get to his dying father in time?
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VIP Member
I'm irritated that the Magna Carta two were supposed to be in Westminster Magistrate's Court the other day but there's absolutely no news about whether they were or not, or what stage their trial is at since. All news stories relate either to their arrest at the British Museum, or their numerous previous arrests and court appearances when they should have been locked up.
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VIP Member
Should have thought about this, before breaking the law. No doubt some numpties will contribute to this idiots 'begging bowl'.

I shall be giving nothing, in light of him knowing the consequences, plus his family being worth a few quid. Why isn't his sister tapping them for the money?
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Well-known member
In a statement, Insulate Britain said: ‘We demand credible action now.

‘Proper jobs for hundreds of thousands of people to start the first real step – to insulate all the homes of this country – which pound for pound gives us the biggest reduction in carbon emissions.

At least their not deleting the comments on their page.

Ffs emergency services need to get through.

"There has also been a serious road traffic collision on the anti-clockwise carriageway at Junction 9 involving 4 vehicles, which police, fire service and ambulances services attended."

I was greatly inconvenienced on the M25 today (funny how they don’t protest in the rain like yesterday).

Once I got home, I ordered a garden incinerator off Amazon which I’ll use every time they inconvenience me further. This time, I simply moved all my recycling into general waste. Great job guys!
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I wonder if those chiseling demonic old bags were ever charged. What the hell is wrong with these people??!?!
Even if they were honestly concerned about climate, vandalising public property is not going to fix that. They're fascists.
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VIP Member
Because they are doing what bullies always do, going after the weakest. Could you imagine these bedwetters in communist China or Russia? They wouldn't dare.
Like all raging SJW's they just go after soft targets
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VIP Member
The problem is that the drivers slow down and stop. Can you really be blamed if someone willing walked in front of your moving vehicle?
What position would you be in if you were driving at 60/70mph and one of these idiots walked out in front of you, or didn't give you enough time to brake and you hit them?

Surely you wouldn't be liable if that was the case, as they were the ones at fault and took the risk being in a place they shouldn't have been.

It is. I think there are likely more people in the country close to snapping point now than ever after the last 2 years. They’d be wise to consider that.
Unfortunately they don't. I no longer have any time for the Police in this country as they proved themselves to be utterly useless, incompetent and authoritarian during the covid lockdown periods.

They'd happily fine you for driving 1mph over the limit, or not wearing a face covering, but not do jack about dealing with real issues, such as this Insulate Britain mob.

No wonder crimes rates are soaring, when people are emboldened to commit crime by the lack of action the Police take.
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Chatty Member
This brisk walking in high vis described as swooping in on them is pretty funny 😆

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Chatty Member
It's become a gap year activity for a small minority of the well heeled thats the truth of the matter.

RE the older protestors a chance to relive their youth and a guilt thing because they've done all their world travelling. That and the perennial "nice but dim" religious types which has always gone on.

I've said this before and it needs saying again-why not protest where it counts? Why the puerile hit and run stuff at sites policed by older folk who are volunteers or on minimum wage?

The funding is there but that would be a bit too dangerous/intense for them.

To effect meaningful change you have to get everyone on board including "white van man" but they are cowardy, cowardy custards lets be honest here.

The judiciary will do the bare minimum because they often come from a similar well to do background and the protesters remind them of their well to do grand kids and it gives them a chance to do a bit of virtue signalling themselves.

Protest better plz.
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Chatty Member
They seem quieter during the winter. Perhaps they hibernate? Sorry for stereotyping the following, but I would to see them protest at the next Millwall game, the next Slipknot concert and anywhere in China or India. I appreciate that walking to the latter two may take a while.
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VIP Member
It seems to be just as much about Free Palaestine but since it is also about climate... they are at it again. Targeted multipile Barclacy's banks across the country with their thuggery. If feel awful for the people who have to clean it up. This is not peaceful protest and I am sick of it. I don't think they even care about the causes they claim to, it is just a fun day out for anarchists. Lock them up for God's sake!!!
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