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VIP Member
Having their yearly bath?
The XR mob are a strange bunch.

A mix of the unemployed (whom don't ever want a job) but are happy to leach off our benefits, whilst roaming around protesting about the 'ills' of society.

On the other hand, Islington leftists in million pound plus properties, with the gas guzzling car parked on the street outside. Money is no concern to them, nor is their moral compass, which seems somewhat skewed.
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They should be charged with theft, as while they didn't remove any milk from the premises of those shops, they still wasted it to the point that none of it can be sold. Therefore it's as good as stealing it.
I think it's criminal damage anyway? In front of witnesses, recorded on shop cctv, and of course footage conveniently uploaded to social media as evidence for the prosecution and a nice easy comment from the judge that while speech may be free, milk most certainly is not. Fined £2500. Next!
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It's got glass in front of it, and I suspect they knew that when they picked that particular painting - maximum impact/headlines but minimal actual damage.7

Best thing about that video is the booming "SECURITY!" voice! And then the struggle to get the cap off the superglue.

But yea, someone should probably ask her what her superglue is ultimately made from, and her pink hair dye.

And then throw them in jail for five years minimum, maybe oil will have run out by then? I am sure when I was a kid in the 70s we were constantly told that oil was going to run out in a few years.

p.s. Should have been a Warhol can really.

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Chatty Member
I don't know much about it apart from the leaflet I had through my door about it last night but can't take any organisation or whatever they are seriously when they are leafletting about climate change
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Love the German approach. Just dig a chunk out of the road, take the moron out of everyone's way, hopefully leave the chunk of road attached to his hand for a few days till it falls off naturally, then ask him was it really worth it. Ideally tell him there's no money to treat him in hospital as patching the road up will probably cost €50k.



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Chatty Member
I know one who says that certain types (i.e. people with less money than them) go on "the wrong type of holiday"
Their thrice yearly foreign holidays are absolutely fine though!
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Chatty Member
A bit ot but Vodafone are acting as if they solved the climate issues with using recycled plastic. How about not using 90% of that unnecessary plastic 🤦

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Upper middle class prats with too much free time on their hands looking for a bit of attention.

Their end goals are unrealistic at best, and it’s strange that they don’t openly criticise China or India.

Pay them no mind and they will move on to the next “cause” that’s in fashion.
Plus workshy soap dodgers who spend their lives moving from protest, to protest at our expense.
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I can see the confusion when we have to adjust the usual excuse - "sorry I'm late, someone else was stuck on the m25" 🤪
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My God that sanctimonious woman at the front. "It's just one day". It's not though, is it? I want to slap her round the face with a wet fish. Love how she has no hesitation in wedging the other woman in front of the car even though she's saying "ow!"😂. Total dedication to the cause.
One day but the woman who had to wait 6h for an ambulance is left effected for life.
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They've suspended their protests until the 25th but something like this was always going to happen - next time it might be worse.

Quite frankly, tough luck for the IB protesters.

If they block the road, expect iriate drivers, threats of violence, or some trying to ram them out the way.

They make a rod for their own backs.
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Here (Germany) tampering with transport has already happened. In my city alone, multiple times, these weirdos have slashed tires of "big cars" during the night, which helps exactly nobody. Victims need minimally 1 new tire, but more likely they need 2 (you need to changed by axis..) or even all 4 replaced, often perfectly good ones. Saw one victim down the road, it was basically a new tire they slashed. nobody is going to get rid of their car because of this either. Some of those absolute tools also slashed electric cars, which I thought were all the rage for them.
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Ranvih Singh and Richard Madeley on GMB were brilliant with dealing with that rude and abnoxious idiot from IB this morning.

Tracey from IB claimed to be disabled and on benefits, yet seems able to travel to and walk onto the carriageway of the M25 on a regular basis. Her home doesn't appear to be insulated either.

My advice to her is if you can travel around the country and protest, get a job. You are clearly fit and able enough to be able to travel around protesting, but not when it comes to getting a job and paying your own way. The money being paid to you in benefits could be spent insulating homes instead. Stop being an utter hypocrite.

IB also seem to dig themselves ever deeper into a hole, everytime one of their representatives appear on TV.
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Chatty Member
We need the police to act like this a bit more often.

I like the woman in red bleating and bleating "I'm trying to leave". Too late for that now petal. Hope you enjoy getting an arrest record after just ten seconds of "activism".

Well done, the coppers !
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Chatty Member
They've stated it can damage the lichen and other organisms that make the stones how they look.

"it washes off" isn't good enough.

They need to charge and lock up the organisers, not just the easily led foot soldiers actually doing the spraying on the day.
I wondered about the micro fauna/flora too also possible surface damage removing it from the Preselli Bluestone (going off memory for stone type here so may be wrong)

However there is no appetite for dealing with these protestors from the judiciary. As such these "actions" will just run and run untill someone gets seriously hurt/killed accidentally I'm sorry to say.

They are scared of the wrath of "white van man" so are now concentrating on the English heritage/National Trust demographic. It's both cowardly and pathetic IMO.
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VIP Member
How did they manage to do this without anyone being aware?!

What's the significance of the colour orange with these people?

That's a lot of work to be doing for free. Why not get a spray painting job and get paid?

I'd like to know how many of them have been assessed for mental illness.

How long before they're tampering with transport to cause deaths when they feel no one is obeying their demands?

It's highly embarassing for Stansted Airport that's for sure. I did a contract once for a private jet company and they were terrified of the Civil Aviation Authority who regulate the whole industry, I'd imagine they are already asking a lot of questions about the security.
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VIP Member
I think it's down to boredom.

Climate change hysteria gives bored people a sense of "purpose" even though they don't really know what they are protesting about.

Anxious people latch on to uncertainty and are easy meat for those behind the "professional" demonstrators organising the chaos.
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