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I hope they turn up with the wrecking balls the day after he’s put his Christmas decorations up. Cannot wait for this 2 door house journee!
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Of course he’s got Hocus Pocus on pause on the tv 😂 I bet he’s never watched it in his life, that probably went straight off after he got the pictures, the little scrotum sniffer. I honestly cannot believe a man who is almost FORTY years old is acting like this. I couldn’t live my life through Instagram, posing and staging everything to get the perfect picture, not to mention spending money he can’t afford - all for Instagram! It’s so concerning how he springs into action towards the end of the year because he doesn’t do anything or go anywhere but of course in autumn and winter it’s perfectly normal to stay inside all the time. Roll on the summertime depression which only seems to have materialised since he’s been on Instagram because he knows he has no life in the hotter months. Imagine being this tragic at almost FORTY years old. Such a wee knobber
I said this when he went on his bespoke hiatus in the summer - he takes the huff coz in summer insta is all days out, drinks in the garden, firepits in the garden etc and he can't do it coz he lives in a tenament and doesnt seem to go anywhere other than work!

Oh my god, how have I never noticed this pink lamp before 🤦🏻‍♀️ clashes beautifully with the orange Marion, you interior designer you 😂
Karma on your arse hen - the lamp is "grey". I know it looks pink in the daylight, dusk light, lamp light and night light... But it is grey hen. Even tho youse aw think it looks pink, its grey *clutches beak*
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I'm mortified again at this prick, he had a ring with his name on it and a sovereign ring in the 90s because it was the fashion 🤣 Yeah it was the fashion if you were a scummy wee ned. He says he only wore them coz they were 'in at the time' so he was even being influenced back then before it was officially a thing 🤣 And the walking contradictions continue..."A don't wear or like jewellery, apart from ma 2 engagement rings and ma watch and youse aw no A love a bracelet" Speak properly ffs! He says A instead of I all the time, I'm not posh but I can string a sentence 🙄 What a CockWomble.
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Since you like positivity and quotes Marion I’ve got an old Scottish one you could learn from -

Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.

The fact he has to constantly tell us he’s happy, tells me he ain’t the least bit happy.

Should he be paying tax on the commission he receives from his discount codes? Surely he should be declaring all his gifted items as income too? I’m right oot my laine here ma lovelies, but something tells me he does not. I mean the cunt can hardly string a sentence together let alone do a self assessment
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I wish someone could sign him up to that old programme with Kim & Aggie “How Clean is Your House?” I’d love Kim to rock up to the bedsit and give him a telling off for being a stupid fanny. Tutting at all the mess behind the kitchen door n calling him an adulterer just for laughs.
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I’m not sure that velvet sofas and headboard is a good idea as Delboys hair looks like Velcro to me!!
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So he’s got to wait at least 7 weeks now until Halloween is over before he can change all that and therefore have content again.

so definitely expect a ‘comma’ or two where he disappears for weeks.

Also, a bit awkward for Hannah’s birthday now, how will he live up to that present?
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Fucks sake! That’s cheered me right up that has. Only yourself to blame hen. No one else’s fault you haven’t saved but your own. I hope they get put in an even worse area and shit hole bedsit. Maybe he’ll disappear off the gram then and start living life as it should be lived 😂😂😂😂😂

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Dawn Dayn

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He thinks that much of his “Childhood classmate”…. He himself doesn’t even follow him, fuck he fills me with steaming bespoke leaf spitting rage 😤

There aka their … fucking wanker 😠
How many mistakes in a short post. 🤦‍♀️ If he had a brain he'd take it out and play with it.
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Philimena cunk

VIP Member
Everything we predicted has come true. The fact he's been wasting money has now just smacked him in the face.

If he's that concerned about where he will be housed why doesn't he buy a house. He's already stated with a click of his fingers that he can "buy a house just like that" so why doesn't he do so?
I'd laugh if wee Deek was rehoused, did a moonlight flit and didn't tell arsehole 👍👍👍😅😅😅😅😅
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Angel you illiterate twat, not angle. Honestly. He needs enrolled in some basic English language classes ASAP or he needs to just stop speaking and writing. It’s embarrassing, especially when he’s posting about people losing loved ones.
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
Right I am back lol 😂 so sadly the fruit of my loin is a boring cunt like oor Maz as they said they don’t remember much apart from he worked on men’s wear and kept himself to himself 🙄😂😂 I am now considering if said child was swapped at birth 🙄🙈
Did he nick that collection of expensive make up. Did he shag any colleagues. Is he as thick as he comes across. You're doing the Lords work here ma lovelie. 😘
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