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VIP Member
I'm confused as to why she never does a full days work. Like I know she has the kids but Ian is there as well. Why can't he take care of them and she get the head down for 8 or 9 hours getting on top of her emails and a couple of hours getting orders shipped. It's not rocket science like. Utilize Ian in that sense instead of the two of ye sitting around and her dictating to him what to write in the emails. What an actual waste of valuable time!
I’m actually shocked that she would leave people hanging on waiting for her to reply while she goes furniture shopping, paints & makes a balls of her kitchen, heads off on a mini break, spends a day in bed hungover & not even able to get up for her kids while customers who are probably going through a very stressful time wait on her to get back to them. It’s a disgrace & I hope they take their custom elsewhere, she doesn’t deserve anyone’s loyalty because she has shown she couldn’t give a f**k about them. She has been in their situation, she knows how difficult a time it was, wouldn’t you think it would push her to crack on at keeping on top of things for her customers. Oh wait, only people that care would put every Oz of energy into their clients
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I'm still not the better after the hedgehog incident the poor little thing.

Also it irks me to see the whole Denise versus Claire thing. Denise works really hard everyone can see that but Denise also married a well known "gangster" and it was him who funded her business in the beginning. She built her business up from blood money and that doesn't sit right with me.
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Well-known member
Agree. Although it’s actually funny that she’s so bad these are the people she should be aspiring to
It's also hilarious that her friends are comparing her to them in a business sense. Selling shampoo from your ma's gaff for a fee months vs multiple years of growing a national cosmetics brand which is also in hundreds of Primark stores across Ireland and the UK. Bit different love.
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I think she genuinely has an interest in hair but just because I had thrush more than once doesn’t make me a gynecologist. She seems like a very unhappy person, and maybe if she sorted that or tried to at least, other things would fall into place for her.
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Oh my god those stories from last night!! How is she not mortified?!

Ian looks like he’s one can of Heino away from needing a triple by pass 🤣
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I didnt say it was anything to be ashamed of or disgusted by.
No but maybe be a bit more careful how you word things “like who would take a picture of their own bald head, I certainly wouldn’t”.

I took inspiration from the likes of Georgie Crawford, Jayda McCann etc. and I proudly showed my bald head for pictures and put them on social media.
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What they said was that she had no qualifications to run the business herself with just her and Ian. Someone said just because they broke their ankles doesn't mean they can now fix them. In other words just because she has lost her hair and had treatment doesn't mean she can open a business and expect everyone to flock to her. I don't think she is cut out for owning a business. If someone makes a complaint she can't scream and them and block them. She will need to really work on taking cristism.
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I’m genuinely considering finding her gaff and robbing that manky rainbow jumper off the washing line and burning it. She lives in it I’d say it reeks. Has there been anyone in the history of the world love the sound of their own voice like Claire her tiny little mouth (way too small for her face) never shuts up.

And what’s the deal with her fellow hair loss gal Sarsiebell that girl has some serious issues I’ve followed her a few months I heard of her through a call out page, she never stops talking about illness and moan moan moan, I’m convinced she’s got Munchhausen syndrome like never stops talking about being ill. Davvvvvid took her to a wedding in America and she spent the entire time moaning she wasn’t well. She’s a serious fun sponge
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The voices, the mania. She's probably crying in her mammies spare bedroom at this point... I mean WAREHOUSE.

Calm down Claire. Take the constructive criticism. You're not qualified and get on like a brat. Have some humility and thanks for what you have and tryyyyy not screaming into the camera at every opportunity.
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What does It matter what she speaks about her husband he speaks the exact same of her if you watch it ( sofa that’s been left out for years). Little miss perfect who never swears around her children and knows off the top of her head how many presses she has 😂😂 what’s lacking in your life that makes you feel like you can overanalyse other peoples. It’s really really SAD. We all know her business is gonna go tits up but you should really find other ways of filling your day without being obsessed with others. And best of luck with your perfect house and children with no badlanguage 😂😂 it’s actually laughable. You obviously care a lot about Claire if you go out of your way to watch her stories and come on here and voice your opinion. Maybe you should find other ways of filling your time maybe introduce your children to the FUCKING real world 😂😂💯
Hello Claire,
Yeah, I think it's great my kids don't hear me swearing and that I speak to my husband respectfully and him to me. Yes, I also know how many presses I have. You clearly don't :)
We also clean our house, cook dinner, shower, don't piss in laundry baskets, work full time and manage to play with the kids, get out for a walk, read stories, bake and live a "normal" life.
So yeah, thanks for the concern but my kids know the real world.

Have another chicken roll and a few more cans

Same well at least 37
She looked fantastic last night. The Jean's, tee and blazer really suited her.
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Loosing your hair must be an awful thing and I guess people would do anything to get some e kind of treatment or cure for it, but I urge them not to ask Claire, she seems to find answering queries extremely hard work and she isn't fit for it, plus she isn't qualified. She just wants to sell a few products from her mums bedroom... Glorified ebayer.
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That’s Carlow paints on my list of never buying a thing from, the list is getting long !

They wouldn’t take no for a answer, yeah right ‘
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Nancy & Donald

Chatty Member
Denise is really good friends with one of my friends.
Denise told her that Claire didn't lose all the hair she claimed. Only patches, she had seen the regrowth. She reached out to Claire and they became close friends fast but she seriously regretted going into business with her. Claire was unreliable, unprofessional and all over the place. She treated the salon as a party house and when she spoke to Claire they mutually agreed it was best to not continue. Denise has been really hurt by the digs Claire keeps giving and was shocked by stories coming back to her of Claire behaviour in the salon, with the staff and customers.
Claire is a compulsive liar, bully and all round user. She will say or do anything to her own benefit
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SCARLET for her she’s the absolute definition of a Beggy Mitchell today walking around tagging EzLiving all her sanctimonious mocking of every other blogger is seriously biting her in the arse now because she’s shamelessly using her followers now to get free stuff...... Scarlet Claire your a sell out 😂
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I dont understand what this new business is. She's studying the scalp and how to help people with hair loss and then there's a salon and hair loss products and wigs too that not what she had in Pelo? I taught they had a scalp area upstairs and a scalp camera and hair pieces and she went on about helping people there. So she leaves Pelo for misterious reasons, saying it wasn't for her, she wasn't a hairdresser, saying she had a 'major opportunity' and then backtracked and said she lied about that and that she just left Pelo for no reason and then six months later she sets up the exact same thing again? Where is she getting the money, what bank manager is loaning her money for a second business in 18 months that she couldnt make a sucess of? And does she even have this new premises? A few days ago she was saying oh there will be three treatment rooms and i don't want to say anything until I have the keys in my hand but its nearly all sorted' and then today on her site she said people buying shampoo off her new website will allow her to "save" for a new premises. so which is it does she have a premises ready to go or is she saving for it.

as well as that, did anybody else see her stories a few weeks ago where she was talking about hair loss and she said something like "the only thing that will help with hair loss is time, nothing else" and then she straight away backtracked and stuttered and went "Eh, eh, I mean some products will encourage hair growth of course" and then she stopped talking about it. Shot herself in the foot there cos she wants to flog her shit products now when the reality is shes right, there isnt much products can do for alopecai you just have to wait for the hair to grow back.

I agree with someone above as well who said shed want to be careful slagging off scalp specialysts she said before there are only 5 or 6 people in Ireland that deal with hair loss and she needs to do case studies and work experience with a practising specialyst yet shes on her Insta saying they are shit and over priced and will rip you off. Its a small circle she would want to watch herself.
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Chatty Member
Lads, Will someone please tell me is Claire in any way professionally qualified to give hair advice?
Why would anyone order from Trua over ordering from the likes of Pelo?
I personally would prefer to contact a hairstylist and spend my money with people who have trained.
Claire worked on reception in a salon and was let go or walked out ( who knows) 7 months in.
Who are all these people placing so many orders and asking so many questions that she can't keep up?
It just doesn't make sense.
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Chatty Member
I’ve followed Claire since snapchat and yeah sometimes she shouts and says it how it is but I can bet she’s just saying what a lot of people are thinking but won’t say because of the reaction it will get. I think Claire was too good for Pelo. It seems to me that Claire spoke up about how she felt Pelo is very expensive and she could obviously see the profit the company is making and she simply didn’t agree with taking such financial advantage on vulnerable people because she knows how vulnerable that person is going through hair loss. I suspect that Claire confronted Denise about this and they came to blows. Claire been the honest person that she is wouldn’t stand for it and is going to provide a one stop shop. I really wish Claire all the luck in the world. ❤
The sceptic in me wants to say Hi Clair/Ian/whatever friend you are
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Is she for real on her story’s tonight giving out about her customers all over social media! She’s running the business about a week and already running it into the ground with her bad attitude 🤦‍♀️
I wouldn’t be surprised if she only has a handful of customers & she’s trying to make it sound like she has loads. Think about it, a product she never used personally, no qualifications & a failed stint in a salon. They’d hardly be lining up to buy from her
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She has a 3 week backlog of messages on her 'business' Instagram account and she is spending the day painting? 🤔
Something isn't adding up here
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