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Well-known member
I'm confused as to why she never does a full days work. Like I know she has the kids but Ian is there as well. Why can't he take care of them and she get the head down for 8 or 9 hours getting on top of her emails and a couple of hours getting orders shipped. It's not rocket science like. Utilize Ian in that sense instead of the two of ye sitting around and her dictating to him what to write in the emails. What an actual waste of valuable time!
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A few drinks vs getting plastered a few times a week is a big difference. Also with young kids..they must be lying in bed at night hearing the 2 of them roaring arguing and roaring singing at all hours. It’s not a nice environment to be in tbh. It’s inappropriate. Once in a while, maybe. Every week? No. Sure the 2 of them could pass our drunk and not realise if the kids need them. Kids waking up to cans all over the kitchen and living room, stinking of booze, parents both with heads on them. It’s not right. It was also pretty upsetting to hear her say she was screaming at the kids with a typical narcissistic theme of everything being about Claire. Kids shouldn’t need to worry about them struggling with a mortgage and things like that. They’re too young to be made to worry about their mother and her self inflicted problems.
She’s studying and trying to get a new business off it’s feet in a difficult time, she needs to have her head screwed on for that, not hungover and listless. She uses her platform to market it but comes on looking rough, unprepared and with a shitty attitude. It’s a terrible image to portray. The Mas and Galz who adore that carry on won’t be the customers she needs.
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Am I wrong in saying that trua is a weird random thing to happen. Like it was a quick thought and slapped together. First I heard there was a shop, then they were looking for one in the clontarf area.
Ian seems to be the one that does the most of order packing, and computer work. It seems he’s the driving force because claire loses interest in everything so quickly. Everything is a nuisance at some stage to her. It’s like she wants money and doesn’t want to work for it. Doesn’t want a boss cause she’d be making money for them and not her.
I think the whole family have gotten so unhealthy in the last year or 2... it’s sad to watch in all honesty. I do want claire to succeed but she does herself no favours. She seems to be going through something mentally that she should really talk to someone about. It’s like shes holding onto her hair loss (which was always 75%, but changed to 90%) story because that’s who she thinks she only is. She’s gone passed that and I think she focuses too much on hair which puts her in a bad place. I get she wants to help people (which for ages she didn’t want to - wants to charge now) but sometimes what you went through isn’t always a good thing to try and specialise in.
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Cannot take to Liz whatsoever
Liz Reaney is a dose of the highest order. Never witnessed anyone so determined to let all and sundry know about all the charity work she does, all the people she helps, how she's basically a celeb in Cork etc. Needs praise all the fucking time. I'm convinced she only has a following because she makes people feel better about their own lives when she gets shitfaced and makes a complete tit of herself before deleting it when she sobers up. Better be careful what we say here though or she'll out us with all her contacts and friends in high places and all that 🤣🤣
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Just watched a bit there... deffo drink on her and deffo making a dig at pelo sayin they dont give enough time to wigs etc... I'd be disgusted if I was denise to be honest... and any hairdressers that specialize in wigs .. as shes basically sayin they arent good enough.

Pelo was good enough for years for you hun.
. Remember that 🤷‍♀️
She is a nasty piece of work. She would have lost relevance 2 years ago if it wasn't for Denise who took her under her wing. Supported her, gave her tons of free haircare and products and foolish opened a business with her. Denise introduced her to Nessa from Vanity fair and that led to more exposure and paid try ons and free clothes. Claire was vile to customers in Pelo and that was fed back to Denise and when she spoke to Claire she blew and walked.
Denise is well rid of that horrible creature.
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That's it exactly. The amount of money they spend on booze to drink at home, plus the takeaways. If she cut down she could do more with the house and could have repainted earlier that 10 years after they bought the house. They had 2 incomes and from what I say no childcare to pay. Her or Ian's mum picked Elliot up from Montessori and Ian was finished at 3PM so they should have had more money than most. She said before they got the house cheap and didn't have a huge mortgage so I don't understand why they don't have savings.
I have a feeling her parents have her a loan of the money to start trua. I know from my friend who is friends with Denise that she didn't invest in Pelo Dublin. She was just a employee (manager) Denise let her do what she wises as it was good publicity and Claire was going to be managing it.
Really? Yet she stated she put thousands into opening Dublin that’s why she done the live shows to be able to make money to put into salon.

That backfired on Denise then as it got publicity alright it wasn’t good.

I like Denise think she is a powerhouse when it comes to work she’s the passion and fire for it the way she treats people with hair problems is beyond words so much love care & compassion i experienced that first hand with Denise. Claire would have destroyed her business completely if she had a another year in it. I went into Dublin in December never felt anything like the sneering or ignorance of Claire and how rude she came across and then refusing to bring me upstairs for the camera that she can look at my head downstairs. I walked out of the place felt so disheartened and a burden. I did ring Denise took my issues up with her headed to her other salon and got looked after.

I’ve emailed Denise x amount of times in a year for the last 4 years regarding my hair each and every time she will always reply and do voice notes ask for photos depending on the issue.

Claire has done nothing but moan about replying to messages emails is 3 weeks behind on trua she’s not got a chance to make that business thrive.
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Who the actual fcuk wants to see them singing drunk and out of tune every other night.
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Chatty Member
Have to admit I don’t understand the fascination in knowing what happened between her and the Denise woman from Pelo ... loads of colleagues or business partners part ways sometimes not in good terms 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ll be slaughtered here but I like her I think she’s funny 😬😬🤣
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I think she absolutely loves being talked about on here. It feeds her narcissistic sense of importance.

The absolute irony of her roaring about being the only person on Instagram with a bit of integrity. She’s deluded. Integrity? I won’t bore ye all by listing all the contradictions but come on.

She sounds unwell in those latest stories. Like someone who needs help.
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Well-known member
I don’t buy it about her being ashamed to show her “bald” head. She’s not ashamed to show off her manky house, her mouldy jumper she lives in, her pissed and roaring down the camera 5 nights a week, telling stories about pissing herself, openly having ZERO work ethic or pride in her new business. You name it, the woman has zero inhibitions.

if she genuinely lost 85% of her hair, you best believe there would be pictures of it posted. She says in her latest post that she was ashamed and disgusted by herself when she lost her hair - why does that sense of shame/pride in her appearance not translate to anything else in her life?

Makes no sense.
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Chatty Member
I went to school with Claire. I know it’s been a fair few years since then but the type of person she was would make a chill run through you. She was an outright bully, always slagging people and running through the corridors roaring and screaming. There was a girl in our year who walked with a limp and I remember her always mimicking her.
She lied, cheated, stole. She was awful.

I'm actually a bit thrown by this. Claire annoys me somewhat but under it all I believed her to be kind.
Don't know what to think now , but adds up as she can be very mean in her comment's.

Calling her daughter a baby hippo.
Slagging off other insta huns and claiming she's different or better because she's real.

I remember some birthday party for one of the kids and she was giving out about having to deal and talk to the other parents. Imagine seeing that on stories and you're one of the parents.

Getting sick of listeningto the " I lost my hair" stories. Yes we know , yes it must have been devastating but ffs you have your health. Stop bawling into the screen because you're coming across so shallow.
I'm actually a bit thrown by this. Claire annoys me somewhat but under it all I believed her to be kind.
Don't know what to think now , but adds up as she can be very mean in her comment's.

Calling her daughter a baby hippo.
Slagging off other insta huns and claiming she's different or better because she's real.

I remember some birthday party for one of the kids and she was giving out about having to deal and talk to the other parents. Imagine seeing that on stories and you're one of the parents.

Getting sick of listeningto the " I lost my hair" stories. Yes we know , yes it must have been devastating but ffs you have your health. Stop bawling into the screen because you're coming across so shallow.
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😂😂 the recent moaning about her shite hair drier worked not a Dyson like she wanted just the bog standard everyone on Instagram is sent, and the minging jumper was on her again seriously it was roasting yesterday I was sweating in a T-shirt and that one in that crusty jumper again has to be stinking
The days of the subtle bragging are long gone.
"I'd love an extension"
"I am in desperate need of a staycation"
"I reallllllyyyyy neeed a new hairdryer"
"Jaysis, the kitchen units need to be upcycled"
It's never-fucking-ending.

CLAIRE, nobody owes you anything! Just because you overshare, usually in a drunken heap, on IG or any social media platform does not entitle you to free shit. K!!!
Get up off your lazy arse & work for something you want or need; y'know, like the rest of us. :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
I certainly wouldn’t use Trua, only for what I have seen on her own page. She doesn’t give a shite about it. I think it was all just set up as an immature “I’ll show you” when she and Denise fell out. I would be into Pelo straight away if I had any scalp issues seeing how professional and hard working Denise is.
She really doesn't give a fuck, she's making that quite clear from her Instagram stories. Selling shampoo online is easy money and I agree that she rushed into setting something up to peacock to Denise. I believe that she wants to help people who have experienced hair loss - I think her emotion and passion around that seems genuine. Even if her own hair loss was 10% or significantly less than she has reported, I think any hair loss is traumatic. But I don't believe she has the drive or patience to actually complete a trichologist course. She feels like she's an expert in the area already and if she could, I think she would have started 1:1 consultations already. But her advice-giving would really amount to "this is what worked for me" and a rehash of everything she learned from Denise. I think social media followings have deluded some people into thinking they can fast track into areas of expertise that they are wildly unqualified for. Just like Sinead Heg feels like she's an authority on relationship advice and meditation etc. Reading some books and having some life experience of a phenomena is a useful start, but then proper qualifications should follow before you start to posit yourself as an expert or before you start to ask people to part with their hard earned money
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Oh here we go Ladz. Beggy Mitchell in full action, tagging EZ living and pointing out all the stuff she wants for her gaff. So far we have a green velvet sofa, cushions, Ooh and that gorge little table. Could she be any more obvious?? Absolutely scarlet for ya hun. 🙈🙈🙈🤮
I am MORTIFIED for her!! She’s frantic with the excitement that she might get something for free, camera wobbling around the shop loving herself 🤣
If they gift her anything, they are absolute dickheads.
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Nancy & Donald

Chatty Member
What does It matter what she speaks about her husband he speaks the exact same of her if you watch it ( sofa that’s been left out for years). Little miss perfect who never swears around her children and knows off the top of her head how many presses she has 😂😂 what’s lacking in your life that makes you feel like you can overanalyse other peoples. It’s really really SAD. We all know her business is gonna go tits up but you should really find other ways of filling your day without being obsessed with others. And best of luck with your perfect house and children with no badlanguage 😂😂 it’s actually laughable. You obviously care a lot about Claire if you go out of your way to watch her stories and come on here and voice your opinion. Maybe you should find other ways of filling your time maybe introduce your children to the FUCKING real world 😂😂💯
Hiya, the hangover must be bad today.

You care a awful lot about what being said about Claire. Wonder why.....
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I stopped watching her after three stories last night because frankly she revolts me. The look of her, her attitude, she’s carrying on like a wan youd see in an early house, piss running down her leg. Her business is well and trua fucked.
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Active member
I’d love Claire to explain the USP for Trua. I mean it’s a shop, that sells products, much akin to a hairdressers, except she has no qualifications, so more like an online shop like Look Fantastic without the well known reliable brands, but she will be a trichologist, but not yet, but until then you should listen to her because she was allegedly bald at one stage, so just buy these products that didn’t help her herself or in her words ‘fuck off’ okayyyyy?
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My daughter is in Farraghs school. Really don’t understand what she’s giving out about? They’re trying to make life easier for us. Email said uniform is optional, I don’t understand how she could take that and make such a big deal of it??
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