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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
She does seem to have low self esteem / confidence and I think that's what its all about. She needs constant reassurance about looking good & to be complimented to feel ok with herself. Her outfits rarely scream that she's someone with body issues either. Like she's either got her tits or legs on show, enough to attract looks / attention. I know when I've put on a bit of weight and feel uncomfortable with myself, I just want everything hidden. Such a shit place to be and I hope she sorts herself out.
but see i struggle myself my partner makes me feel amazing i dont feel like i need validation from strangers to make me feel good i mean she must have some deep rooted issues if thats the case for her

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Is she having a bloody joke?! 40g of cucumber is so ridiculous and unhealthy!
u know when you think she cant possibly do anything worse or do anything else to make herself look a right twat
i just dont understand if my partner saw me eating that he would be encouraging me to eat more to fill me up shes a joke

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Wtaf she is preaching to maybe people who use exercise as punishment plus chloe get gifted some Workout clothes and shower afterwards its grim as fuck. She just can't be bothered she is lazy don't put the work in don't expect to see results
she expects it too fast realisticly you wont see results of weight loss for around a month of two proper results i mean not bloating going which naturally happens over the month anyway she needs to learn when u r less bloated your not losing fat your losing water retention so is not really losing weight at all her mind set is so so dangerous she was activiley encouraging people on her stories well guys its ok to have a takeaway just starve yourself before hand

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Honestly you’ve hit the nail on the head!! I think half the time she’s also bored and demotivated because she doesn’t get an ounce of fresh air, I couldn’t be cooped up in a flat all day! I have a massive terrace balcony & still have to go out for a walk everyday, even when we weren’t on lockdown! Plus walking helps the weight loss along too! 😂
You’re so right, there are sooo many fakeaways you can have & I’m eating foods now that I never thought I could have & trying new things that I’ve never ate or bought before. The plan is only as hard and restrictive as you make it, and all this guessing is no good. She should either stick to the real plan or not promote it on her socials tbh & keep it to herself
who wants '''farty ham'' mate i binge ham and fucking love it hahaha joking obvs but this is her issue she has such negative things connected to food
have you seen her proper fit about wanting a cheese string and then goes i dont even like cheese strings is this chick for real ?

everything is either digusting or makes her feel gross so that restricts her more ................ i just dont understand

and if the only thing u get excited for in your life is takeaway and naughty food when u have a family that love you and 2 amazing little kids and Aaron who loves the pants off you thats really sad actually


New member
how do you know people have messaged them about it :\ im not commenting too much on lauren as i dont know she seems a bit odd but that doesnt really make her a bad person sadly i have seen a lot of evidence towards chloe being a total bitch there has been endless amounts of people saying stuff about the girls mouth page how she allows certain behaviour for money and how she has been mean to people through her admin group chat too i personally just think there all bitchy and they come across like it especially chloe but ive not heard enough about the whole situation to judge on lauren sorry

i personally havent really heard any of them talk about the situation either so how do u know so much has been talked about in regards to lauren being the bully ? i think we all followed the stories but i dont re call anyone mentioning it
I know a few girls that were friends with Lauren they had a group chat with her after she had a group chat with these girls and the same thing happened there, she fell out with one of them and because the others didn't take her side she left the group chat and blocked them all.

I've seen her lives calling people out like that mamasaurus account and hayley who she used to do lives with every single night. I just think there's a reason she goes through 'insta besties' so quickly, it can't always be everyone else to blame?

Thats what I mean if everyone was bitchy it would be all over their Instagrams too like you would of thought they would want to defend themselves?

That chronicles of Lucy got so much hate since being friends with Lauren and doing lives with her that I dont think they even talk now either.

Like I said I dont know any of them but you can't expect to be such a negative person 99% of the time and not expect people to have enough of it, all I can say is ive noticed how many friendship groups shes had in such a short space of time :/

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I think continually posting that she doesn't deserve kids, you hope they grow up resenting her and that they are neglected is just too far.
She is 1000% a lazy parent from what we see, not taking them out on her own, more interested in filming content etc. I have no doubt that those boys are loved by her & Aaron, they are fed, happy and have a roof over their head. Its things like that, which can give 'tattlers' bad names.
ok i accept maybe i was wrong with that sorry if i offended any of you i truly am and sorry chloe if you read this and that upsets you i choose not to comment further in the future regarding her kids because i dont want to say anything that may offend anyone in the future :)

hope you lot understand that and sorry again

Pussy Galore

Well-known member
Peppa pig world probably costs the same as her fillers . Just saying
She's probably thinking that fillers will bring her some more business in 😂

ok i accept maybe i was wrong with that sorry if i offended any of you i truly am and sorry chloe if you read this and that upsets you i choose not to comment further in the future regarding her kids because i dont want to say anything that may offend anyone in the future :)

hope you lot understand that and sorry again
Not offended at all, just if she sees it and then cries troll we will just look shitty and bad. I fully get how shit it is seeing her way of parenting, 100000% x

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
just a random thought does anyone else wonder what they have spent all this money in she said they maxed everything out such as very karna all the stuff like that they do not have an over fancy house not brand new everything yes nice tvs and ipads and i know for a fact these companies are forth coming in giving you more money especially if you spend it in my experience anyway i do wonder what the hell they spent it on and it makes me wonder if everything she claims is gifted is actually gifted other then the ipads and tvs and maybe phones she does not seem to have much to show for the fact shes apperently in all this debt if this makes sense ? could totally be out there but it just does not make sense to me at all

i know the boys have tablets and have broken tvs but i just can not work out if this is true whats she spent it on sorry if this is random just randomly thinking about it as it never made sense to me lol


VIP Member
Made me laugh the other day when she ordered from zara for the 3rd!! Time and it didn't turn up 🤣 mate the first time it didn't turn up I wouldn't be ordering again lol. Bella thornes of is also gone on sale so maybe its everyone doing it but still 🤣 she really thinks she's something when really she's posted her real body so there's no point trying to make out its not like that

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
What a negligent piece of shit, letting them kids go without hot water for months. She had no sense of priorities at all, you see chloe when you push kids out your vag you're meant to do whatever it takes for them and put them first. I'm so angry she's been out drinking and on weekends away when her boys couldn't even get a hot bath.

And also, course she fancies Vernon kay he's a cheating scum bag and chloe is scum herself
exactly she said they had to boil the kettle which ok is fine but still really shitty i know shes housing asssociation but she hates talking on the phone so i bet she has not been chasing it up either the other day said she had heating now she does not so what is the actual truth? i bet they have not had heating for months exactly thats what pisses me off shes all about her self

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
She didnt mention her only fans on fb did she only that she is an influencer and Is doing slimming world 🤣🤣🤣
she goes around the slimming world pages n promotes herself yet doesnt do it i did complain to the admins but there atttitude it its down to people what they do or not but they shoulnt allow fake advertisement though


Active member
I remember her saying a few months back that a company would be gifting her fillers once she stopped breast feeding.
I really hope she’s researched the company and not going for it just cause it’s free 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
They will be fine when they settle but if she's this dramatic about swelling she's not ready for the big lip look she wants to build up to. I'm guessing there was very little aftercare or home care given
Yes thats what i think she needs to b careful otherwise they could b infected if she messes around does not look after them properly they do look massive however i think once sswellings gone there b ok i think she will b crying tommorrow bout how she regrets it kinda showed she did no research though because surley u would expect it otherwise ,?

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Reminds me of Mean girls when Kady is trying to fatten up Regina George, by giving her protein bars pretending they’re diet bars 😂😂😂 am I the only saddo who’s watched that film. That’s the biggest waste of £20 ever, just another fad!
it wont last long anyway whats betting tonight she gets a takeaway?

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Yeah that’s true. I’m back to disliking her anyway as I’ve just seen her begging for followers on girlsmouth. Tries to make it acceptable by adding “what’s your insta? Post below” but what’s the betting she doesn’t look at that post again, let alone follow any of the people that have posted their insta. Ugh she makes my blood boil 🤮
true shes just begging for followers and engagement i swear brands just look at followers and not enagement rates tbh

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Homestly I'm not too sure. I know this was before her instagram days. People use to find her annoying on girlsmouth, a lot of people who got removed of girlsmouth would slag her off on ddr. Like when she tried to make girlsmouth t shirts and mugs to sell she got taken the mick out of. She thought she was pretty famous even back then as well tbh
hmm i can understand maybe thats why people disliked her ?

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Can't wait to see chloe exercise tonight guys, what's the bets she doesn't bother her lardy arse? 😂😂 All those calories and protein are just gonna store up as fat cause she won't get her arse off the sofa, chloe you can't be arsed to run about after your kids in a park you're hardly gonna spend your Saturday night exercising

View attachment 319040. Good to see your priorities are still fucked chloe, £20 on protein bars when for nearly the same price you could have gotten an extra heater for the house, you really are the lowest of the low
she is shes scummy no other words for it