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I downloaded a walking app to try and shift a few lbs and it asks for your body type - these are the only options 😬
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This is the first New Year that I've looked forward to since 1998/99 (when I was 12 and before things went to total shit.) I know that I still have a way to go, and things that I can work on, but I can honestly say that I never dreamt I would feel as good as I do now. Me on NYE 2020 wouldn't even recognise me tonight, and I can't wait to see what progress I can make in 2022.

And I hope that 2022 brings lots of health and happiness to you wonderful silly bitches.

Right, sappiness over - I'm about to go watch Shaun of the Dead (with the non-stop fireworks, a housemate's girlfriend getting tattle knackered :eek: and the gaggle of incredibly drunk teens outside I have built in sound effects!) but will be back before midnight!
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I feel you, it was a pain leaving home yesterday morning. Didn't get easier today 😂

I was feeling much better yesterday after my bread and sugar free breakfast. Today I had some pb&j and not only have I had palpitations for an hour, now I'm getting a headache 😩 I never eat sweet stuff for breakfast but I felt like it today and regretting everything tbh. I'll need to find some bread free breakfast ideas. Love eggs but can't be arsed with making an omelette or boiling eggs every morning, I don't know what to eat. I feel like a giant bowl of yogurt will just make me queasy.
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watermelon sugar

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Where are you going for you tea?
to this random Italian by ours but it’s crap! Their so bossy they never let us decide 😂 they literally summon us, just text us a place and we know we need to be there within the hour. Once they text us saying ‘lunch.’ I replied saying ‘when?’ And they were waiting on our drive in their car 😂 😳
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Morning! I’ve just woken up. Must have been mr peaches resolution to let me sleep in or something cos he was fully up, had done breakfast and I was fast asleep. Why do I feel guilty about it?

Little peaches tried coco pops for the first time and had declared they are disgusting. Who’s child is this please? What 5 year old doesn’t like coco pops?!

We’re not doing much today. I undressed my tree yesterday so just waiting for my fella to take it outside. I’m tempted to say ‘I’ve been waiting since last year’ 🤣 need to take little peaches one down too and find space for all these fucking toys.

We’ve no food in either I need to do a food shop but not sure shops are open?!
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Chatty Member
Morning! Hope everyone’s first day back at work goes ok. I’m dreading logging on the only good thing is I’m doing it from my living room.
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Do people genuinely make money selling feet pics online? Asking for a friend. Not that my friend has particularly nice feet, all feet are minging really aren't they.... but times are hard and needs must. Can you do only fans without showing your face? Asking that for my friend too. My friend has eaten slightly too much over Christmas, but there must be a niche audience for chubsters.
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I feel absolutely knackered, and not the good kind! So I’m gonna enjoy a nice long hot bath with this little fella then I’m gonna have a nap on the sofa!

have a good evening everyone x
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Penny is great thanks for asking! @Raymond Luxury-Yacht ! We’re actually going to see her in a bit


my mums dog is actually called Penny as well, she actually stole the name from my mil 😂😂


I admittedly don’t like my mums Penny as much as mil’s Penny. The baby is proper cute, he loves dogs and he can say Penny really well. Whenever he sees her he goes PENNNNY! Woof woof, it’s dead cute 😂
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Morning all!

Glad you had a good sleep @ordinaryjelly and I'm so sorry to hear middle jelly's teacher was so rude to him!

I can't believe it's only Thursday, feels like it should be the weekend again :sleep: I've been at this job for a year the other girl is part time and works from home but has been here for 3 years and was on maternity that's why I started, but my boss always go to her now she is back and I am literally in the dark about everything. People phone the office asking to speak to the other girl or say XYZ and I'm like I'm sorry but I don't know what is going on and I look like a right bellend. I sort of said something and apparently she took it the wrong way and now thinks I said that everything is going to shit ever since she came back from maternity. All I said was that I'm not told everything and don't always know what is going on and now she doesn't reply to any of my emails 🙃
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VIP Member
Can someone clarify the main social rules for the chit chat thread. Thx.
must like mash potato sarnies
Must like the big light
Likes 🍆
Shops at b&m

eta - forgot the big one, do not, and I repeat NOT insult the Asda
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so i managed to complain about period pains so much that my bf told me to get cozy and he will pack, but not only that, i can tell him how to pack 😍
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Good morning! I’ve got a bit of a funny laugh and I laughed before and my fella went ‘is Mummy Jimmy Carr?’ To the baby now the baby keeps coming up to me going ‘Jimmy Carr Jimmy Carr’ 😭
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Morning everyone!

I can’t believe I’m awake that early! Had a wonderful night of tossing and turning and falling back asleep only to wake up twenty minutes later, and now I have a weird stomachache of sorts that makes me queasy and won’t let me go back to sleep. I’m due on so hopefully it has something to do with that. Despite everything, I’m pretty determined to have a nice day for once and hope you all do, too ❤
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Happy new year everyone!

ive just got in bed and went to drunk text my boyfriend - but sent it to his Mum instead 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅
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It's my bfs nieces 3rd birthday today and her Mum has just text me asking if I wanna go round for McDonald's for dinner as all day his niece has been asking where I am :ROFLMAO: Yes, yes I do.. Stupid question really.
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