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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Had anyone seen the March of the Mummies hashtag on Twitter? It’s shocking. Women’s entire salaries going on childcare, women getting fired after having children etc. They have my full support, and I’m joining them in spirit but I certainly won’t be joking them in motherhood!
I did see this and good on them!
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My idea of hell 🤣 (hope the link worked)

I have to admire her honesty but they did choose to have 4 of them so I’m not sympathetic 😂 Have you seen this one that comes up in the related videos where they’re in the supermarket and the curly kid is throwing stuff off the shelves? My nightmare life
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
There are stores around me who dont put parent and child next to the front door but make a clear straight path with zebra crossings to the front door.

This makes more sense imo as it means parents who want to use them for the extra space still will. Those who want to park close to the front door can then use the spaces without using extra space.
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This popped up on my Twitter feet (annoyingly, even though I don’t follow this person). But Jesus Christ, the entitlement! Maybe, I don’t know… prepare in advance!!? Rather than moaning that you have a baby with you 🧐

How stupid do you need to be to not realise that the £1 is a deposit so that you’ll return the trolley properly!! 🫠

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Wtf, unless you have one working arm you have a spare hand for the pound. Or if not open your self entilited gob and ask someone would they mind helping. people have always offered to help if I even trydo it while holding kids, , but maybe that’s cos I’m polite , you can just think of the abuse anyone would get if they offered her help
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I'm 31 and can't wait to be past an age where people ask 😅. I dread the questions though as I am never prepared with good answers. We always get asked about marriage too and I feel just as awkward answering that. Why do we have to justify it? 😔
Roll on the menopause 😂
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If men had to give birth it would be risk free, pain free and any side effects fixed immediately free of charge. Either that or the human race would die out.

Female health care is lowest priority.
Have you seen the videos from Somedays (period pain relief company) at a rodeo in Canada? The male partners were absolutely shocked at how unflinching their female partners were while they themselves were doubled over. One of the videos:
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Chatty Member
The fear is real when your friend sends a photo/video/second-by-second account of their child’s morning, but you’re the last one in the group to read the message and have to think of a creative reply. There’s only so many ways to type “Aww that’s so cute!” 😣
Use emojis or gifs!
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Same! Hamsters are the best 😍
I love cats and dogs too but I don't feel like I can commit 😅
They are a huge commitment, the next 10-15 years of your life... Might as well have kids! I adore hamsters, they are so cute 😊 mine has just had his second birthday, so he's a very old man❤
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Chatty Member
Chatting to my neighbour the other week and he told me you're not a woman until you have a child. I didn't know how to respond but it pissed me off.
I'd laugh and say "ok". If she said it as a dig, it'll annoy her that it didn't have the intended effect. If she said it thoughtlessly, I'd hope it'd convey that I thought she was stupid.
There are a lot of opinionated morons out there, I wouldn't give any of them the satisfaction of upsetting me. Her opinion is worthless.
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Also (although that child needs a talking to) a lot of animals get they're dealing with the very young and tend to tolerate this stuff more
Yeah, he did bite her a couple of times though.

So many kids now have no respect for anything. Horrible world to bring kids into when there’s so many vile ones around!
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I think that maybe they get offended because they are projecting of their own feelings/insecurities/beliefs.

I say this because I am single by choice but come from a family of women who rely on men for happiness. My friends were like it too. Never been without a man. I had 2 friends who wouldn't end their relationships no matter how shitty unless they had someone else lined up. I have always been single and faced a barage of "we need to find you a man"/"how can you be happy alone? Aren't you lonely?". I spoke to my therapist about it one day because I was happy the way I was but I was sick of them making me feel like there was something wrong with me, and my therapist said "have you ever thought that they just can't understand how you could possibly be happy single when they couldn't be?" It clicked for me in that moment that it wasn't about ME, it was about them and how they felt about their lives that they were projecting onto me.

ETA: I'm saying this is what it is but I think it could be a similar thing of "well i had kids, how could someone make the choice not to?" If that makes sense? I hope it does lol
Glad you mentioned this, I’m single by choice, it’s great!
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
Yeah my first thought was 'sucks to be you 🤷‍♀️' and I agree that parents shouldn't be on this thread. Is that gatekeeping?
It definitely shouldn't predominate, though I feel empathy for anyone in that situation.

One of the things which put me off having children was that I had 2 unhappy siblings. That predominated the first half of my life with all the strain it put on my family, I don't want the second half to be like that again! I'd feel a bit helpless if I had an unhappy child.
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That is actually a pisstake. I used to spend my half terms either with the childminder, at holiday camp/visiting family, reading books from the library, playing Runescape or hanging out in Topshop. Parenting these days is bonkers, no wonder they’re all so miserable!
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My partner is even more anti-kids than I am.... If either of us were going to have a wobble about having kids it would probably be me. Not that I would. Apart from the dreadful genes in my side of the family I'm definitely the wrong side of 40 now!
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I’m 29 and married also, husband happy with being childfree though lots of people tell me he will want kids one day and leave me 🤔 I swear I was well behaved as a kid - my mum would reason with me, so I played quietly in the morning because I knew she was sleeping, stopped pulling leaves off a plant because she said the plant would hurt, gave away old toys to charity because she explained about poor families that can’t afford them new. Even as a teenager the worst thing I did was have one too many WKDs and throw up - no sex/drugs/disappearing. Spent most of teen years playing games online!
My brother on the other hand was a BRAT who didn’t give a shit who was sleeping and ran around the house from 7am every morning - I only started getting on with him when he turned 18 😂 TBH that was probably the main thing that made me childfree - seeing the reality with a sibling 10 years younger.

I online shop because I hate supermarkets (can’t steer a trolley either!)….
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The pill (progestogen-only pill) with the added bonus of less painful & heavy periods.
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I never answer the door to trick or treaters. We have a living room in the back of the house. So while the front is all in darkness, we are in the back watching films and eating while kids just walk past! Cba answering the door, I’d rather have the sweets!
Our house is the same, it's great! I hate Halloween with a passion, so I don't answer the door. I still buy the sweets though 🤣 is it me or is the build up to Halloween getting like the build up to Christmas?
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