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VIP Member
That would be so shitty if she literally just used that company to collab with to get them to do all the work but find out how the process works and what she’d need to set up her own! If she has gone down this route because she wants a bigger cut for herself or something than she’s more of a calculated cowbag than I thought!
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“Itz ya boy Roy” on Instagram has a reel of going there today, the boyf manchild is on the door letting people in, there’s someone I don’t recognise who looks like a new staff member as she has the staff top on, and then there’s Leslie (business partner) and wait for it….Rach “bff” behind the counter!! So all the BS about “staff and team” “looks like she’s actually only employing one person atm but as usual over inflates it and has dragged people around her in to help, hope she’s paying Rach for her time! She also got the press involved and got on BBC Derby so no wonder it had a queue as she went full out with the press! It’s whether it can still be profitable week in week out that’ll be the true test!
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Well-known member
So if she’s not working in the shop full time what’s her excuse for lack of videos this time? 😅 honestly how do people still fan girl over her she’s such a lazy out of touch content creator if you can even call her that! I’ve never known someone who complains and begs for sympathy as much as her
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VIP Member
The average person who likes Harry Potter isn't going to care or even know about the author's views, they'll keep reading/watching/going to the studio tour/theme parks... Online spaces make it seem like boycotting is everywhere but in this case especially, people largely don't know and don't care.
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VIP Member
Is she going to be insufferable this Valentine's Day because she has a boy? Place your bets!!!
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VIP Member
Going by that 'nauseating positive post' 2024 is going to be fairly the same as 2023 for Cherry, self indulgent and idle.
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VIP Member
Not much happening is there. She's working very hard on her new project I expect.
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VIP Member
Who bets she's fuming over those reviews and was less than professional with the staff in addressing said issue?
Yep! I bet it’s also hard for her to be professional and actually face up to these responsibilities by having to come across as caring in her replies, as usually she’s so passive aggressive and snarky when someone says something she doesn’t like, she’ll prob come out with “ the customer isn’t always right” soon enough! 😁
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VIP Member
Chilling out the whole bank holiday weekend whilst keeping your shop open and making the staff work is a bit of a piss take tbh
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Well-known member
Anyone think the location for this shop is bizarre? Granted if it’s in York or another historic city with a lot of tourists but seems it’s on a random road opposite a garage!? Hardly a magical location!
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Chatty Member
The last 6 months? 😅 she literally took the whole of December off, not to mention the amount of days out she’s had with her friends during the week, honestly so out of touch! The fact she can also take so much time off as well is a privilege in the cost of living crisis most people have to still work when unwell! Can just imagine her sitting there taking 10 selfies and checking which one makes her look the most sick! She’s a grown women she’s pathetic with the constant attention seeking!
Oh yes and just before the shop opened she took a week off and went on a retreat where she locked her phone away whilst poor Leslie slogged his guts out in the shop.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone know why Warner Brothers seem to have cut ties with her ?. I’m surprised she wasn’t at the Return to Azkaban launch event at the studio tour , normally she’d be at those kind of events.
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Chatty Member
“Some time”…. Which means she’ll swan around for half a hour then go for a late lunch whilst the staff run around like blue ar*se flies 😂
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VIP Member
She's got an ask me anything going. Was sorely tempted to ask how often she rubs one out now that that's part of her angle, apparently.
I mean we only have to look at his crap roast dinners to tell us that he’s a snooze fest in bed, she’ll be asking for another to be sent at the rate she’ll get through them! 😬
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Well-known member
He has a shed load more commitments than her though, another shop and in his bio it says he’s a husband and father, & the fact his life is based in Scotland he’s doing all the travelling to her, she’ll have to pull her finger out and actually work at it!
i agree but lets be real we all know she wont, give it a month and she'll be coming out about how its negatively affecting her mental health etc if anyone dares have the conversation that she needs to put more effort in
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Well-known member
She must have zero self awareness. She’s talking like she’s been a nurse working during the beginning of Covid and working 18 hours every day with no break. I understand it must be a huge thing opening a shop but come on.
we also all know that 6 months is utter bullshit, she put in a week of work tops, other than that it was her usual 3 'days' a week with weeks off in between
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