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imagine accepting this sack of tatties who offers the bare minimum? “Carved out some child free time” this the same man who fucks off to the football every Saturday? He boils some pasta once a month and maybe hoovers once in a blue moon whilst she runs around after him like he’s her fourth child. Couldn’t be me Charl. It’s been a heavy PR campaign for Frank this month.
Absolutely this. 👏 She's so blind to it. He just feeds her crumbs and she's just grateful that someone would be with her. Charl, he's given you back your ring that the insurance company paid out for, as your wedding anniversary gift!!! Wake up. That's not a second wedding anniversary gift or gesture, he's fucking playing you.
To the outside world he looks like the sort of bloke who's rubbing his hands with glee at the meal ticket that's been thrown at him. He moved into HER house and appears to do absolutely fuck all. And yet he's a fucking saint for cooking the pair of them a bit of pasta once a week. C'mon, get a grip. She'll never leave him, and whether the Hazel rumours are true, he fucking knows Charl won't chuck him out either, regardless. Her family have got the measure of him I reckon, and that's why they are rarely in each other's company.
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If I didn't have a job like Charlotte, I'd join a gym, go to some classes, go on long dog walks, do some charity work at the food bank. So much Id love to do. Can't believe how much time she spends slapping that make up on every day, I spend all of 10 mins at 6.30am putting a quick bit of make up on then off to school and work we go. I've got home and quickly make a cottage pie for the whole family including hubby who will be home later and can just heat it up. Still in my work uniform and won't sit down til tonight when the kids are in bed. How she goes on about not having time and playing her little violin is shameful and embarrassing.
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She spends way too much time on Tik Tok and Instagram because she has nothing else to do and copies what other people are doing. No ideas of her own.
She’s a walking advert for TikTok shop. Any viral product I’ve seen on there she’s bought.

The way she spends so much money on herself and gets the kids second hand stuff is appalling.

Don’t get me started on the decor in her living room. Looks shite and those paper things will be covered in dust and dog hair in no time.
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When I first came across her, I swear she wore jeans and normal clothes. Now it's always stretchy bottoms, so it's no wonder she still thinks she is a size 14. I would feel bad for her as she's clearly fibbing to herself, but then I see her cooking from scratch for her and the poynton serial killer (who literally nobody fancies because he is an x-box hoodie-wearing lazy-arsed man living as a teenager with his "mum") and all sympathy goes out of the bloody window. And she works hard????? Come fookin on, girl!
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The simpering over Mark is fucking pathetic. He put a film on - wow what a hero. They will end up getting divorced as they don’t have an equal partnership. She has always felt he is better than her and she is punching, their relationship is totally unbalanced. The constant telling other people how amazing he is and how much he loves her - it’s always these couples feeling the need to endlessly romanticise and try to convince others they are so in love that end up not going the distance.
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The constant bigging up of mark is so cringe 🥴 he’s so funny, he’s such an amazing dad, he’s so supportive of me blah blah blah, who is she trying to convince? Surely you would only go on like that if you’re trying to prove it to someone. I’m thinking she’s trying to convince herself or someone in her real life who’s previously doubted him/slagged him off. Also that ring story was absolutely hilarious 😂 I cannot believe that made her cry. The bar is honestly so so low it’s really embarrassing.
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Fruit and veg that are high in carbs make you gain weight..... Carbs and sugars make ANYONE gain weight. The contraceptive pill makes you gain wieght because of the synthetic hormones affecting the blood sugar and craving more refined processed carbs and sugars..... So yes, it plays a massive part plus the fact, no willpower against it. Fruits are full of fructose that increase insulin resistance so that's the facts regardless of what the mainstream BS tells you.. Low carb and no sugars, high protein and good full fats is the key to a healthy life
Wrong again! You can literally eat anything. Sweets, pure butter anything you want. As long as you’re eating in a calorie deficit to lose weight or calorie neutral to maintain. Fruit and veg are good for weight lose because they’re high volume and low calorie. None of these medications say weight gain they say increase in appetite. Even you yourself said it makes you crave more sugar. And that is 100% will power. Some people have will power some don’t. But you’re completely in control of what goes into you’re own mouth.
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I remember my boyfriend saying “Those who talk about sex all the time are the ones who aren’t getting any” 😝 Makes me think that the whole “isn’t he wonderful” is all for our benefit and to disguise what really happened before and during the holiday to Wales 🤬
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How on earth she thinks its ok to give her kids Greggs for lunch then McDonalds for dinner and then a bowl pf sweets is honestly beyond me. It’s actually repulsive. Im sure we all on occasion get the odd maccas or whatever but not ontop of crap like Greggs a few hours earlier. I dont understand her at all, theres lazy and then theres just being completely devoid of making any effort whatsoever.
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imagine accepting this sack of tatties who offers the bare minimum? “Carved out some child free time” this the same man who fucks off to the football every Saturday? He boils some pasta once a month and maybe hoovers once in a blue moon whilst she runs around after him like he’s her fourth child. Couldn’t be me Charl. It’s been a heavy PR campaign for Frank this month.
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no. No, he’s not Charlotte. The dog is sleeping. A perfectly normal, boring, run of the mill dog doing a perfectly normal, boring day to day thing. Its not remotely funny, nor interesting or entertaining. Get off your fat arse and get a fucking job you imbecile.
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She's fucking vlogged it!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 What a twat. I said on Friday that not only are they tight as arseholes, they're thick as mince. THEY ACTUALLY DIDN'T MOVE A SODDING THING OUT OF THE ROOM! WTAF!! What did they think was gonna happen? How can you get to 35 and not know how to clear a room in prep for workman. Did they really think the floor guys job was also to shift plants with fairy lights on, shoes, door mats, rugs?! They are unbelievably stupid and inept. Embarrassed that she's posted that.
And she's still making the urchins walk to grannies in broad daylight in their pyjamas for her Friday night piss up then!!!
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Did she mean to upload this? What a sad, neglected area - thought she was an avid gardener? Or did that last as long as the swimming...
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So she did fuck all with the kids the day of Mark’s birthday and spent most of the time cleaning. Gave the kids yet another crap dinner.
Sat at the island again plugged into devices whilst eating.

Today they are both hungover, have a day off work, and for the last day of the summer holidays have done sweet fa with the kids, yet again.

Everything is about her and Mark. My husband would think I’ve lost it if I organised balloons for his chair in a restaurant for a dinner with just the two of us!!! So cringe.
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The bit at the end where she’s covertly filming herself chatting and having a good time is so so CRINGE 😬
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Selling stuff she has been gifted needs to be declared to HMRC. Not if she keeps the stuff but if she’s selling it’s seen as income.
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I don't think Charl was even in when she dropped it off! Why did they not communicate about a time to come over with it? They live within spitting distance, don't they? If you listen to her stories she was unsure about the succulent tray and then that message about the candle! You'd have already had that laugh about it in person! They have very little to do with each other and Frank could well be adding to the issue. It's all very odd considering Charl thinks they'll all such a 'close' family and doesn't have a proper 'job' so has ample time to see her mum and dad, even if it's just on her own!
It’s SO odd. They never just pop to each others houses for a cuppa and a chat, never go to each others houses for dinner, the kids never have a sleepover at their grandparents, never meet for lunch during the day. I honestly find it so strange.
Considering how much she cried about not seeing her family during lockdown. I think she saw them more then than she usually does!
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