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It’s an “all day job” because they haven’t bloody moved anything!

That is totally ridiculous and completely unfair on the workmen.

Part of the reason she will be too anxious to go downstairs to get her cleaning stuff is because they will have come in, sucked their teeth and said this is an all day job love - because you’ve not bloody moved anything off the floor. Another bloke has had to be sent for because it’s a two man job to move the furniture. Charlotte wasn’t there to help as she’d fucked off for therapy and cream buns with Suzanne. 🙈🙄. No thought of the workmen’s mental health or whether this might be a rather stressful situation for them, of course
There will now be a big long story about how the floor men specifically SAID they didn’t want Charlotte and Mark to move ANYTHING as they really didn’t want a lunch break that day and actively welcome people making their lives harder. In fact, send in the CRAZY DOG to lie all over the floor whilst they work 🙄🙄🙄. The floor men will now be “friends”
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I had to pop into a Starbucks at 6pm a few nights ago and it’s where all the teenagers go! I was shocked!
Whilst I was hanging out behind the cricket pavilion drinking white lightning as a teenager, today’s teenagers are hanging out in Starbucks 🤣🤣
I’m sure Charlotte thinks she fits right in!
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One hour in nicu is horrible but we did 7 months and my daughter is still life limited and in and out of hospital- pump fed- wheelchair etc- I’m not saying oh don’t complain as disability isn’t a game of top trumps- but honestly! My son was in for a week as he swallowed poo on his way out and had lots of ivs and tests and lumbar punctures but I never mention that as it is now insignificant as he is fine and I see how truly lucky I am-
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So she made that video to try and show how busy she is every day and I’m assuming to justify why she doesn’t need to get a job. Interesting because she said it took her 40 minutes to film her restocking the cereal tubs and explains how she needs to get the angles right so that is is aesthetically pleasing. Does she not realise how ridiculous that sounds???

The things she does in her day are what most people have to do aswell as working. I don’t think she gets that at all
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God ducking help her if something has happened to a relative. Nothing actually serious or bad has actually happened to her thus far and we’ve seen how she reacts to mundane, nothing issues.

Also find it so infuriating when people like her say “hug your loved ones tighter!” I don’t need tips from self obsessed influencers about how much to love my relatives, thanks.
Let's see if she cries as much as she did when she got locked out of her Instagram account
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They aren't babies and she was nearby, I think you're overreacting a bit!
I don’t think I’m overreacting. Everybody knows her address and their routines, (ie Mark tends to be absent at the weekends). We’ve seen the way Daisy and Stan play with the dog, which is sometimes quite rough. I don’t think I’m overreacting by saying she should supervise her kids.
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Fuck me! Poynton’s answer to Heather Small has went more than an hour without snivelling “I’m proud of myself” over some random small thing
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Penny Sweets

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And she's wearing the same clothes! Probably the same earrings and we can't tell with the makeup it's the same all the time.
Barley cup sounds like an old people's drink, they need to rethink that name. Unless its marketed at old people?!
Guess they could only get Charlotte to market it as I've not seen anyone else do an AD for these.

Hate her AD too with the tapping on the lid of her stupid mushroom cup and then shooing the camera away so she can drink it.
To be fair, their marketing department probably thought she lived in a nursing home and didn’t delve beyond that
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Omfg look at the state of the Polo Shirt 😡😡😡
And that’s before the first day begins!!!!!

All the money she makes off them and she can’t even buy nice, fresh and good quality school items plus it’s roasting hot and she’s got tights on the little girl!!!

She didn’t even get a back to school haircut!!!


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I'm sorry but why is she making such a big deal out of the kitchen floor being replaced?? its not like she's having to rip it up and replace it herself! the kids are at school/there's plenty of other space in the house for them to be, all she'll be doing is potentially peeping around the corner with the vlog camera and editing it to some royalty free music. realistically she doesn't actually need the kitchen to feed the kids anyway... them seem to exist on precooked beige 'picky bits'
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I still think something has gone on at home. The last couple of weeks have been really off, the weird cutting short of their break in Wales, the lack of long rambly talking stories and she has been much quieter on Instagram in general. Very odd.
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OMG the singing!!!! I’ve heard it before but every time it is just splurt out my branflakes HILARIOUS. Whoever let her grow up thinking she could sing - I’m looking at you, Karen and Auntie Debbie - has serious questions to answer. And imagine filming yourself singing to watch it back (kinda acceptable of itself….) and then PUTTING IT ON THE INTERNET. Wtaf?!!!! Midsize clearly has a full on case of delusions of grandeur.
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I can’t believe they went to Liverpool on a beautiful day to go to Smyths toy store for 15 minutes so she could film them playing with playdough, to home bargains so she could buy some Halloween shit she’s seen on social media and for lunch so she could get in the booze and then they left. It’s all about the money.
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I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist posting something like that about not doing much in the holidays. She is so predictable.
You don’t have to do something every day but all they have done is go to the cinema once, a free day at the zoo for her work and a couple of days in Wales which she cut short. Oh and they went to Primark in a Manchester for free stuff.

It’s really odd to me that she does nothing with them. No day trip to the seaside which is not that far, no museums(surely they might like to see the mummies at Manchester museum? No theatre trips even though she claims to love theatre, she claims she loves culture but didn’t visit the YaYoi Kusama exhibition that was really family friendly(and would have made good content), no visits to the usual kid places like trampolining/climbing/bowling/light railway, ,no national trust visit even though she claimed before that they go regularly, no visits to more interesting parks with a picnic and a ball or frisbee. Just the same sad dog walk and small playground in Poynton for her kids.
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JFC that Sainsbury’s ad. She clearly has zero scruples (no surprise there) and must be so desperate for brand ‘work’ she’ll take anything going, because we all know - and more importantly she knows that her followers know - she shops at Tesco’s and Waitrose. FUCKING IDIOT.

I may even have to send her a message this time - it’s pissed me off that much.
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Nothing says 'relaxing bedroom' more than a spider-magnet dried flower wreath on the wall above your heads, surrounded by bread baskets.
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