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Chatty Member
I’ve just caught up on the jackanory story for her so called loss, and I still don’t believe her. Her fake crying is a joke. And her timeline of events she omitted the fact that Noah was rushed to A&E where he was concussed and vomiting! And why on earth would you tell all your friends and family you was pregnant when it’s not confirmed, and why would a sonographer who isn’t a midwife tell you’re absolutely NOT having a miscarriage. Charlotte Dawson is full of shit and a compulsive liar!!
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see this was the exact point I got put right off her , was Noah’s 1st birthday party - where everyone was clearly pissed and it was all about the adults , blaring music etc my child’s 1st birthday was at a soft play with her cousins and a family afternoon tea party where the birthday girl was the main focus whereas here main focus is pissed up chazza bouncing on a space hopper wrecked out her nut - they are actually embarrassing the lot of them. And again have a night out get a sitter for your child don’t drag them around pubs - honestly absolute clampits!
And the fake Scottish accent is so offensive! Makes me rage can’t believe I used to like her :sick::sick:
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Chatty Member
Her house has been listed with a new estate agent. This one has a floor plan and a video tour. The utility room is unpainted, Noah’s wardrobe has missing handles, the whole house is tatty and the back garden is like a back yard and full of weeds. No wonder it hasn’t sold. She is so lazy not to do it up ready to sell.
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VIP Member
Well done for letting that feral kid stand on a restaurants seats flicking his food everywhere, other people have to sit at that table when they’ve gone. Learn the kid some manners FFS for when he’s out instead of thinking its funny and showing the world how he’s being dragged up.


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Chatty Member
To be honest I’ve recently seen so many of these zlisters who’ve bought big houses trying to downsize and not being able to afford the upkeep on these houses. There’s not a chance that she’ll be able to keep that house functioning. Imagine the electric bills 😱
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
This story she had shared about the dark side of being an influencer is an utter crock of shite.

What these fake fuckers refuse to acknowledge is they decide what people see of their children. They make the decision to show their kids crawling around filthy floors and getting injured at adult parties, ending up at A&E at 2am. They are the ones showing their kids eating off revoltingly filthy tables in pubs. They are the ones deciding to show their kids naked. They are the ones deciding to feed their kids eating shite food. They are the ones deciding to show their kids awake at all hours because Charlotte mum doesn't like mornings! They are the ones exploiting their children when they cannot consent.

Don't like people caring about and having more respect for your kids than you do? Don't fucking exploit them then! Get them off the internet you fucking pricks.
View attachment 1627700
Fancy telling the whole internet SS has visited you because you're a shit, neglectful parent :oops:
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Frankly Mr Shankly

Chatty Member
Well, what an anticlimax :ROFLMAO: The most boring party and so predictable.....those fireworks ffs, I can fart better than that!!
A complete waste of money for a shit party with all your 'fambo' :sneaky: it could have been amazing in that venue but can't buy class.
She's not a stand up is she? The same old stupid accent and 'thanks for cummin'
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She can choose the aesthetic of what pics/videos get put on her grid all she wants but thanks to her trampy mates we see what really goes on and what she really looks like without the filters and sucking her belleh in 😂😂😂
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VIP Member
Don’t get on instagram and announce that your kid has done a massive 💩
Just set about dealing with it by changing his nappy, no need to even mention it.
If my daughter was online coming out with stuff like this about my grandchild I’d hang my head in shame.
How vulgar and uncouth she is.
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Is this a common theme to get pissed up at a child’s 1st birthday? I had a couple of spritzers at my daughter’s, but there’s not a chance I would have been getting hammered and I’ve never come across anyone else doing this either. The loud music and the dance floor, I don’t understand, if you want to get pissed up organise a night out, why do it at a child’s birthday party?? Bunch of sad pathetic twats.

also on another note, anyone else get absolutely irate at that “awwwww” noise she makes when Noah does pretty much anything? It literally makes me so mad I HATE it 🤣🤣🤣
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Can’t believe she took cardboard Les to her shite party. Her belleh blaster is clearly worth every penny too judging by how svelte she looked in her dresses🙄
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VIP Member
Todays the day darhliiiiins !!

hope you’ve all got your chavveh outfits at the readeh and you’re prepped to get pissed and put your little cherubs at risk of serious injureh!!!

lets get fucked up gals 🥳🥳🥳
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Long time lurker.
Yous all make me feel normal with my irrational despising of this money grabbing scammer. How can ppl not see through how fake she is?
Imagine living with that fucking voice and put on personality, Graveh, Belleh, chuffin, chazza, nowhere , face pulling nonsense. She is an absolute embarrassment.
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Chatty Member
Another belleh blasther microwave meal 😭😭😭😭 imagine spending £80 a month to be told to go tesco and buy yourself a microwave 😭 can’t make this shite up
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