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Chatty Member
I’ve just had to unfollow the prick! This morning was enough when I’ve just seen her announce to the world that Noah has had a massive shit!! I’m actually done!!
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So Noah was in neo natal for two days.....what has that got to do with the Lucy Letby trial?
She really is a dog!
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Norfolking Good

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Does her setting up an insta page for the house mean that they are on the beg for companies to give (grifting) them free furniture, because if they are spunking £1m on a place they should be able to afford a bed and sofa.
Makes me so mad when these companies should be helping those really in need and not sun-zlisters.
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Chatty Member
The maker of the dress, renekcouture, has put a good bit on her stories. Including Chazza ripping the sleeve off her dress. Can't you just tell these things are free? Easy come easy go....
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Magazine deal?
It's going to be one big old chav fest piss up...all the women will sporting orange tans and wearing shiney polyester tacky outfits ...Instagram will be flooded constantly with filtered pics of her and her mates pouting and acting like tits...she's nothing but predictable 🙄
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Chatty Member
The actual fuck is this 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
That person needs sectioning! Fucking WEIRD!!!!
Who the hell gets the keys to their new house which is empty when they haven’t sold their current house …. To go round and Set up the biggest over the top display of light up letters and numbers ….. balloons etc ….. just so they can stand in front of it all glammed up with a stupid tacky fucking hat holding a big fuck off cake just to have hundreds of photos taken to post on the gram ??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣the woman actually needs some help .

People are choosing between food and bills and dicks like her do OTT stuff like
This ….. it’s nauseating . Yet
Companies will gift these dicks sofas ???!!!!

Surprised she doesn’t have a photo of her with her dad and a glass of champagne 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Wnat do they even do to earn money ???? To love this lifestyle ??? Fuck all …… they are a set of lazy twats if you ask me .
You’ve made my night I read your comment as ‘people are choosing between food and bills and dicks’ 🤣🤣🤣
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No, it’s not. It’s in lytham st Anne’s just off the seafront. Not a gated community. Just a very nice road of big houses. I think cannon & ball and Peter Kay once had/have houses around there. Quite a few small ‘celebs’ have lived around that area.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice area BUT she’s chose the most boring house there is. There’s some beautiful old massive houses round there and cheaper.
Imagine spaffing £1m on a house and you don't even own the land it sits on? Fucking strange.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Her whole lifestyle is free. This party was free. It was a publicity party organised by the agent, filled with her clients. The dresses free, free catering, venue, gravy fountain, hat and all the rest of it. Show me one thing that wasn't @ 😣 fake insta life. TOXIC.
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The brand must be thrilled at all the effort she puts in to showcase the overpriced polyester they send her, stood in her hallway with the stairs as a backdrop. That's how much she loves the brand! Not one of these outfits will see the light of day - she's a bullshitter.
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Sir John Elton

VIP Member
Got a stalker and is worried for their safety , but in the past 24 hours alone we know the nee address , where she is now and how long potentially they’re going to be away for, her own home therefore empty and where she has eaten. Ok crocodile tears !!!
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She ALWAYS has spots. Is it from the microwave food and constant snacks full of shite aka the diet scam? The cheap knock off make up she’s selling? Or the fact she never bloody washes?! Hmmm 🤔
All of the above as well as the Colombian marching power up her nose

What sort of person dresses like to pick pumpkins with a toddler. We went pumpkin picking today and not one person was dressed like that ducking clown 🤡🤡
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The dress she wore for her mates wedding in Italy was nicer than any of these monstrosities! And why do the papers never report anything negative on her? They rip people like Molly Mae to shreads with every word she says yet only ever positive about Charlotte when she’s a scammer and a liar?! I don’t get it!
Because the only time the papers ever report anything about her it’s because her management have pushed them to, she’s insignificant really so they wouldn’t go looking for anything on her
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Chatty Member
The fake family announcement is that the shit stained house with Casper aka dead Les is up for sale. It still hasn’t sold because it’s a shit hole. She’s trying for a baby because the fake miscarriage didn’t give her enough attention and melted Ken is fucking everything which breathes apart from the gurning cunt. She’ll probably bribe him with drugs and cash to insert his wotsit in her alley tonight. Also the pretend troll has probably sent her a message which she remembered suddenly even though it was 5 years ago, she’ll bring it up and have a sob whilst bestie squidward is kissing her arse. Maybe she’ll admit that belleh blaster is shite and a scam and she’s going into business with the well needed bunion blaster! Hopefully bagpuss our trace is going in a home, whilst chavva is sectioned.

im sure we’re all doing a countdown because we can’t wait for the massive announcement 🙄
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Chatty Member
This absolute tone deaf cretin uses World Mental Health day to flog her scammy plan 🤬🤬
She is feckin deluded 👊🏼
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Chatty Member
You can tell Matt is totally turned off by her, he looks at her with such disgust it’s actually sad! Clearly only with her for the perks & not having to work, the lazy orange twat! She’s a laughing stock, but no one around her would advise her to change because no one is real! That Bliss girl is a school friend but doesn’t bother with her much only the big parties, she must cringe at how she’s still acting the total fool even though she’s a mum now! She’s created this character to try & be like her once famous father but she will never be respected like he was. It’s tragic to have to humiliate yourself for freebies & “likes” from people who are basically laughing at you for all the wrong reasons. I wouldn’t trade my life with hers for a second, it’s the saddest.
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