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She ALWAYS has spots. Is it from the microwave food and constant snacks full of shite aka the diet scam? The cheap knock off make up she’s selling? Or the fact she never bloody washes?! Hmmm 🤔
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Claims to have been stalked, yet shows the outside of her new house just cause she knows it’ll get some likes. Either she made up the stalker (which chazza would never do cause she’s open and honest darlin) or she’s fucking thick.
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View attachment 1627617

Her fashion sense is absolutely horrendous, it’s so outdated. Everything she wears reminds me of something you’d buy from Quiz in 2007 to go clubbing in. Those fucking boots are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen, the belt and the bag with “CD” on them, what the fuck is that about? She bangs on like she’s so fashionable and stylish, she is a cheap tacky chav. And why is her face orange with big white patches underneath her eyes? Horrible OTT make up, hair like a character from a 1970’s American soap opera - I’m actually embarassed for her having such a high opinion of herself!!
They’re Christian Dior bag & belt, and not her initials. Although she probably bought them because it’s her initials.
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I’d be raging if I was out for dinner at Porto and saw her there being loud. I love the lakes and Porto is a beautiful little spot. The ambiance 100% is not for Chazza and crew. I’m over the moon that they wouldn’t let her have a cake and candles. Bet they couldn’t wait to see her out of the door!!!
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Gonna sound a nasty twat but glad I’ve come across a forum for this plastic prat. She’s the most irritating wannabe. 😐
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Imagine buying a one million pound house yet can’t afford to get your bottom yellow nashers done to match your Persil white top dentures 😂😂😂
Makes me bork looking at them everytime she speaks
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Does she bollox😂
Half the ITS stuff and some FU stuff, she’s flogging on Depop for ££
Would love to bump into her and tell her what a feckin melt she is 👊🏼🤬
This makes me mad. Vicky Pattison is the same. Both are gifted loads of outfits and sell them on. They’d look far better in my eyes if they sold them and donated money to charity but no it’s just pure greed.
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God can you imagine working hard to get a well-paying job, saving up for years and years to FINALLY buy your dream 900k house on the seafront and then that chav moves in next door. I’d be GUTTED.
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I dont think its good to come on comparing children and how many words our kids can say and what sentences they use etc. This has been said before it triggers parents who have children with genuine speech delay but who have their kids in good routines etc. Its not relevant and not necessary. I totally agree with how little charlotte does as a parent btw

This is why people were getting annoyed threads back when mums were comparing saying how much their kid who was same age or younger could say/do. All kids develop differently. My friend is a SLT and has said she has seen kids at 3 not talking and then they explode with language. Charlotte draws attention to herself because she does not do much by way of interacting with Noah. But this is absolutely not the case for all kids who talk later. I have a friend whose child didnt start talking until 30 months but when she did she was using full on sentences! X
This word 'triggering' is over used. For the most part, Noah does not meet the vocabulary of the average 20 month old. If your child genuinely suffered from speech delay or is not talking then I assume you would take your child to a health visitor/doctor and get the referred for speech therapy. This does not mean there is something 'wrong' with your child, it means they need a little more help. Own it, stop being so sensitive, and move on.

With Noah, the huge improvement of his speech while scum and scummer were away was actually impressive. Whoever cared for him worked very hard to get his speech up and it worked wonderfully. The fact that he has regressed is 100% down to his parents failing him. His regression is due to him using sounds that please his parents. "Aaaat" - jet? Did you say jet? Good boy! Charwot? Did you say Charlotte? Good boy!
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It wouldn't surprise me if she posts a vid of her shovelling a pot noodle butteh in her gob and telling everyone it's on her scam plan and that it's chicken and mushroom so it's healtheh. She really is that shameless 😂
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I've been away from thread for a while cos she was doing my tits in. I see she's still a massive cunt
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Well she needs to get her ass back to textile college or wherever you go lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Or maybe start using a tape measure ??
You notice she made her own dress the star of the show though (if you like see through lurex of course).

I don’t feel sorry for her at all but I do agree that she is unhappy - Matt does absolutely nothing for her but I think she is a horrible cunt to him behind closed doors as well.

The excessive filming of everything and talking into her phone just screams loneliness to me - she needs attention and constant arselicking from her followers because she isn’t getting it at home.

Matt’s never around helping with anything from what we see, they don’t appear to spend any quality time together unless it’s at a piss up/coke fest, Noah is constantly inbetween them in bed.

Same with her ‘friends’ - she only seems to spend time with them when alcohol and drugs are involved. That’s not true friendship.

The huge OTT parties probably makes her feel special for a few hours, even if it’s only for the gram.

I definitely don’t feel sorry for her though, she is a nasty, selfish, lying cunt and a shocking excuse for a mother.

The only person I feel sorry for is Noah growing up in such a toxic environment. She should probably start saving for his therapy bills now.
You’ve summarised it perfectly there. I expect her whole life she’s been put on this pedestal of being the great Les Dawson’s daughter and she’s been expected to live up to the imagine of being a laughing, gurning show woman just as she’s now doing with Nowhere. It’s been so indoctrinated into her that she knows nothing else and she’s found that in her early years when she acted the class clown she got a reaction. Unfortunately instead of maturing and blossoming into her own person as a mature confident woman she’s carried on this charade of being the class clown. I actually think her late father would be embarrassed about her but instead Trace just encourages her to continue. It’s time she took a good hard look at what SHE actually wants in life and starts putting that plan into action. She is actually not that bad looking and has a good figure if she lived with what she’s got and didn’t try to make out she’s 5 sizes smaller. As for career I think she needs to give up on the celebrity idea as she will never be an A lister as she hasn’t anything to offer but she could do much better at the lifestyle/influencer route if she found her niche and stopped scamming people. Sad really but I hope her 30th will be a turning point for her as heading into her 40’s and 50’s it will all become more tragic and embarrassing. I also fear that this charade will be carried on with Nowhere and even more so if she has a daughter.
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Frankly Mr Shankly

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How fucking insulting to us 'brave' 'strong' women who have actually suffered miscarriage. How dare she call me that.
Constantly tripping herself up and tying herself in knots with her shit....a 10 week miscarriage is hardly a clot, the words she uses are so immature and insulting.
Also, notice that her stories have been deleted from IG of her naked child this morning, wearing just a shitty nappy and posting him on social media!
I can see the car crash before it's even happened

Thing is I can understand throwing together tinned food or whatever if you’re working long hours and you’re a single parent and you’re burnt at both ends with no energy to contemplate cooking a meal for yourself and your kids. What irks me about Charlotte is she doesn’t work, she’s home with him 24/7, it would take nothing to buy a cookbook and learn to cook meals with fresh ingredients. She has the money for it when a lot of people these days can’t afford to make their children good, nutritious food. She has zero excuse.
She hasn't done a full days work in her life, lazy bitch
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granite grandma

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Use Google like everybody else you beggy bitch.
View attachment 1657824

75% of the bloody scam. Let's hope people have started waking up to her bullshit. She's an absolute fucking orange joke! 🤡
View attachment 1657946
Back filming herself in the hallway - lazy cow. No proof reading the text, same old spiel. Anyone who buys her tat needs to give their head a wobble. Thinking of reporting her to trading standards, she keeps banging on about all the work she’s done to develop her tan and make up - complete lie, it’s an off the shelf formula just labelled with her name. Same with belleh blaster, showing supermarket ready meals as her recipe. She’s not even a good liar. Wish someone close to her would do an expose and blow it all wide open. It’s time these insta influencers got found out.
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Chatty Member
So up to now it's looking like everything "gifted" of course, wouldn't expect anything else. What is wrong with this country that we "gift" things for the wealthy? Shes showing off her "wealth" all over insta but let's give some freebies hey?
It will be interesting to see if both Paul and Jazmine are invited?!
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Microwaved spinach, a crumpet, poached egg? Microwave meals, Cheetos and some dunkers?! THATS her idea of eating healthy?! No home cooked meals?! And people are paying for THAT?! I need a lie down.
Ive just seen that story - what an absolute piss take! I cannot believe people are paying 1. To do that 'diet plan' 2. Then going out paying for shit ready meals that are on said diet plan.

Fucks sake , shes at home all day why cant she throw summat in slow cooker. You can even buy veg already chopped etc. No excuse other than fuckin laziness!
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