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All these ghoulies and ghosties will give our trace ideas for a new scam , she'll be claiming she can speak to the dead. Imagine at seance at their gaff 😂
No that Sam Giffen his mum does something to do with readings 😂 job done, keep thinking Trace
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Awwww aren't we lucky! 🥰😆😒

My name is Chazza D
and I'm not one to brag,
But my dad was Les Dawson
I'm practically him in drag!

I didn't actually know him,
But I'll just pretend I did,
It'll get me some recognition,
and I can make a few quid

Our Tray said I'm just like him,
He was always on the telleh,
But I didn't have any talent,
So id just gurn and grab my belleh!

I thought and thought what my talent was,
But couldn't think of nuffin
So I adopted a new persona
And started saying chuffin

People would think I was down to earth,
Like they could all relate,
Until I got bored of empowering women,
And ended up losing weight

I pretended it was a health scare,
And had to get all healthy
But I saw that there was money to be made,
and Chazza needs to get wealthy

So I invented my scam,
I called it belleh blaster,
I got good at conning people,
I learnt it from our Tray, the swindling master.

I'd tell em it was half price,
But finishes this week!
So they'd hurry up and sign up,
And it'd pay for the weekend's beak.

But it all started going wrong
When I got slated by nasty trolls
Just cos Noah's a party animal
and loves going on his hols.

So all you haters can chuff off!
Cos I'm doing the best I can,
It's not easy riding my dad's coattails
and flogging scam after scam.
This is absolutely brilliant 👏🏼
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Or just allocation of resources? Like in any profession. For instance in A&E, a child with a non-urgent case will be triaged against a “higher priority” child. Not sure why you think social services would be any different?

And in relation to another point, yes there are other types of abuse such as emotional neglect. However, how can you say her child is emotionally neglected? It doesn’t appear, from what she has said, any healthcare professionals have raised concerns. The nursery were spoken to and they haven’t raised concerns from what we can gather. Is her child acting out, displaying problematic behaviour, self harm, concerning tendencies with other children?

I’m just not sure what, in cases like this, people expect social services to do. They’re hardly gonna whip the poor lad into care. If someone can give me a tangible thing that would satisfy them from social service intervention then I’d be all ears. Something that would benefit her child and not just “teach Charlotte a lesson”.
I think there has been an accumulation of concerns in the last few months.

"Teach Charlotte a lesson" perhaps Chazza needs to learn that what she puts out on SM is going to raise concerns with some people? That people will comment. She appears to be surrounded by enablers and not a single family member or friend who has pulled her up on anything she's posted with regards to Noah in the last few months . Notably exposing his genitals more than once recently. Could that be why someone called SS ?
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My brother does call our Mum sometimes by her first name - it would be hard for me to switch to that as an option but I believe although it's not the norm, it is fine to let your kids use your name.

The poor boys nappy was gross at the start of thread - he can't be comfortable. Lol the crown Noah toy box is chav tastic.
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What an absolute joke that video was!

“Using photos of me before my belly blaster” the fuck you still look the same but with skinny legs!

telling people to be kind yet you’re a bully and a racist?

Matt is cheating on you, no one is trying to split you up you’re both doing that yourselves.

“always drunk” you both are ALWAYS drunk and you both post it everywhere? That’s true,100% plus drugs AND you co sleep with your child. You’re not trying to be a good mum at all, you’re acting like a single person without any cares or worries.

noah always IS injured in your care. He was taking to hospital and you’re too busy getting drunk and then taking selfies with him. That’s not being a good mum!

I don’t agree with telling someone to k- themselves nor the profile pic of the gravestone but not a single person on here has said anything like that. You’re just a shitty person who makes shitty selfish choices and we all agree Noah deserves better care and better parents.

the crocodile tears are cringe, grow up.

SS should’ve taken a look at your SM and seen the drunk coked up person you really are. It’s a shame it was dropped.

if you don’t care why did you make a 10 min video begging for sympathy from your ‘friends’ who behave just as disgusting as you do.

ugh this women is vile 🙄
Is this on the latest stories? Still catching up.

Damn it. I saw the start where she said she'd been scratched but its been cut...... 🤔
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Heels in the air

Active member
I think there is absolutely no doubt she needs to be spoken to with how she shows Noah via SM. That little boy has zero privacy and its been said on here more than once when she shows him naked or half dressed she has no idea who is viewing her stories and where those images end up. That needs to be dealt with and taken seriously because Chazza clearly has no issues with it.
Yes and nobody wants him to be taken. X
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Just because you do something and think it’s the norm doesn’t mean it is. It is not the norm for people to call their parents by their first name, sorry. You do you and all that but it’s not normal and you can’t expect everyone else to agree that it is.
Okay no problem. I just wanted peoples polite opinions on why they think it’s weird. I haven’t been rude to anybody
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Just out of interest has a balloon ever floated in anyone else's garden? I had a yellow one once, if I go off chazzas methodology I'm getting pregnant soon and yellow must mean I'm going to give birth to the telly tubby sun baby. Wow can't wait
This killed me 🤣🤣🤣
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