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She loves us AAAALLLL so, so much 😂
Awwww aren't we lucky! 🥰😆😒

My name is Chazza D
and I'm not one to brag,
But my dad was Les Dawson
I'm practically him in drag!

I didn't actually know him,
But I'll just pretend I did,
It'll get me some recognition,
and I can make a few quid

Our Tray said I'm just like him,
He was always on the telleh,
But I didn't have any talent,
So id just gurn and grab my belleh!

I thought and thought what my talent was,
But couldn't think of nuffin
So I adopted a new persona
And started saying chuffin

People would think I was down to earth,
Like they could all relate,
Until I got bored of empowering women,
And ended up losing weight

I pretended it was a health scare,
And had to get all healthy
But I saw that there was money to be made,
and Chazza needs to get wealthy

So I invented my scam,
I called it belleh blaster,
I got good at conning people,
I learnt it from our Tray, the swindling master.

I'd tell em it was half price,
But finishes this week!
So they'd hurry up and sign up,
And it'd pay for the weekend's beak.

But it all started going wrong
When I got slated by nasty trolls
Just cos Noah's a party animal
and loves going on his hols.

So all you haters can chuff off!
Cos I'm doing the best I can,
It's not easy riding my dad's coattails
and flogging scam after scam.
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This is the most bizarre comparison - but does anyone else think her fiancé looks like a stereotypical bully from a 90s kids film? Like he looks like he'd stand on a corner near school in baggy jeans and beat you up for your lunch money. I only saw him on that bumps and famous program (that's a stretch..) but that's what he reminded me of 🤔
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I watched the Les Dawson show at The Fringe yesterday. I am pleased to report that there were many references to Meg and kids. NO MENTION WHATSOEVER OF TRACEH AND CHARLOTTE 🤭
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Imagine when he's older what he's gonna be telling people, youknow what kids are like they just come out with random information. Just imagine if he's in class and the teacher says today children we're going to be making a rocket from cardboard. Next thing Noahs hand goes up and he says "My grandad is made from cardboard but sometimes he is made of metal and we give him chips" poor kid has no chance 🤣
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Same old shit from the skank.

  1. Morning stories: Noah in nappy and t-shirt doing fuck all (This is hilarious apparently)
  2. Various undeclared Ads
  3. If she is heading out on the lash: The skank will getting her make-up done with her hair in curlers telling everyone how hard mum life is for her. (This is hilarious apparently)
  4. 10 Stories of undeclared Ads
  5. In between face fucking her phone she will be filming Noah being a toddler (This is hilarious apparently)
  6. Ads (reminder of some shit she advertised last month)
  7. Mid-day ish: Noah eating some beige carb or Noah doing fuck all (This is hilarious apparently)
  8. 11 Stories of undeclared Ads
  9. Usually quiet during the afternoons but she may go out to the pub with Noah for a drink, if Noah is lucky they might walk there. (This is hilarious apparently)
  10. If Noah is dressed we will be told where she got his outfit (No one asked and it is another undeclared Ad)
  11. Cue Noah being allowed to annoy other patrons by walking around said location, while being filmed by his mother. (This is hilarious apparently)
  12. 25 stories of undeclared BB Ads
  13. If the skank is out she will be pissed up already and in everyone's faces (This is hilarious apparently)
  14. 30 stories about trolls and THAT WEBSITE
  15. If she isn't out then we will see 5436 stories of Noah doing fuck all (This is hilarious apparently)
  16. If she's out we will see her being very unfunny and drunk. (This is hilarious apparently)
  17. If she isn't out we may see her trying to get an exhausted Noah to sleep by allowing him to jump around the bed (This is hilarious apparently)
  18. Late evening we get tanning ads
The woman is a talentless bore.
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She’s even got him in pull ups for convenience😂 she’s deffo the type… he won’t let me change him… he won’t let me put him in his high chair… he won’t let me have a line in peace😂 Genuinely though I fully believe the pull ups are being used for an easy life so she can just rip the sides and slide them on. We stopped using them because we didn’t have any luck potty training my boy he’s not quite ready yet, but they also don’t last very long and we were buying loads. But by the looks of how long his nappies are left they probably last her quite a while… poor boy it looks so heavy😫
She’s a bad mum but honestly since when was putting a kid in pull-ups an indicator of that?! They perform in the exact same way as a tab side but are easier. You want her to have the hassle for what? To prove she’s not a lazy mum? Are Mums lazy then for not using reusables?
I know, I know “It’S nOt MuMs NeT” but having a go at using something many parents of toddles use, not just when potty training because they didn’t work for you is and saying she’s ‘the type’ a a whole new brand of mum shaming I’ve not heard before
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This person that she claims keeps making accounts.. when you block someone on instagram you have the option to block any other accounts made from that device (I believe?). If this has been going on for 2 years how many devices does this one person have access to?🧐
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never knew les dawson as he’s not from my generation but my young mum friends all follow charlotte. wasn’t going to say anything until after i’d finished work the other day but i’d gone home&fell asleep&forgot. anyway i’m a uni student and whilst it’s summer i’ve taken up hospitality agency work. i’ve been working at all the races since about may (york/chester/haydock as well as concerts and a few festivals). usually on race days we get assigned about 3 tables each to serve. we do get briefed beforehand to ‘look after’ people in the public eye (basically be at their beck&call) & charlotte’s table wasn’t assigned to me but as the day gets busy, management stop caring & tell you to just serve whoever needs it. the pics on her insta from the other day were all took by waiting on staff&there was no thanks when she did. on the other hand i’ve met saffiyah vorajee twice (met her in june at chester races) and she is very lovely&quite meek but probably not feeling quite herself due to Azaylia’s 2nd birthday being days away. anyway i did end up bringing drinks over to the table full of people that charlotte was on&she was very easy to spot. very vulgar&loud, lots of swearing. there was a specific ticketing system in order for drinks as some table’s bar tab was covered & some not which means we needed to print reciepts to make sure all drinks served were accounted for, paid or not. charlotte asked where her drink she requested was, i asked her what it was as i didn’t take the order & she said ‘well if i can just go up to the bar i’ll wait’. i said it’s no problem and let her know the person who put the drinks through may be on a break or in the loo, she said ‘it’s fine because i ordered my drink separate to the table’ and then shrugged&laughed. i told the whole table i’ll find out what’s going on & they all just ignored me which i understand because to them i’m just a peasant but it was just a bit disheartening 🤣but anyway
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Someone has been trolling her for a while now. Does sound pretty nasty and they’ve been contacting her mum & sister too. Also making mock-ups of Noah’s name on a headstone.

she then says she won’t mention ‘that’ website. Tbh it does sound awful what she’s going through but I don’t think someone from here would stoop that low so she shouldn’t put them in the same category.

she said it makes her want to quit Instagram etc and get a ‘normal’ job. I actually think that would do her wonders, you should do it Char 👍🏼

someone reported her to SS regarding Noah being injured in their care. Saying her and Matt are always drunk etc. sounds pretty accurate to me. Although it was put down as ‘malicious’ I hope it has made her think of her choices when it comes to her son.
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Chatty Member
Is it safe for a toddler to eat whole olives?
Are they not a choking hazard like grapes?
You obviously don't have kids or yours are quite boring at not at the "toddler party animal" stage.
it's perfectly safe to let a small child eat a whole olive, supervised via a phone lense BUT only if you make the child perform a shakey shakey whilst olive is in situ. 😵
*disclaimer for thick fucks.....this is sarcasm*
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Speaking as a social worker (not in her area I might add) there should have been a referral made by the hospital when Noah was in A&E although this wouldn’t have been described to her as anonymous.

Having access to her number means that it was either friends or family, or it was a hospital referral and Charlotte knows this - it just doesn’t fit the narrative of what she’s selling here (poor me I’m being trolled and trying my best).

I can’t speak for the social worker, we do look at social media although it’s hard to make anything stick going about it this way, it is quite possible as well if no one has been out to the home as the thresholds differ from area to area that the social worker did not know she was ‘Charlotte Dawson’ as all we see is names on a screen at referral, hence why social media may not have been looked at.

I agree with most things that are said about her parenting on here and definitely think they could benefit from early intervention and support.
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It makes me sad when you see Les & his real family, thank you for finding.

I have known about money mad/fame hungry Trace for a while and how she got her clutches in a vulnerable depressed ( the love of his life was dying & he being the carer ) man, who was turning to drink as many do.

While I understand the hate for Chazza sometimes I feel our hate spills over to Les which is 💯 Trace & co fault. His poor family are seeing their beloved dad being humiliated by these absolute imbociles.

Have to add I am not policing as I am disgusted at Trace & Chazza only x
I agree, Charlotte and Tracy are fair game but I think Les shouldn't be insulted. It's not his fault his daughter is a complete and utter freak and from what we can see he wasn't a bad guy. He would probably have been embarrassed by the pair of them.
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The fake accounts and messages of abuse etc are disgusting. That’s online bullying and isn’t acceptable.
I think what a lot of people don’t realise is this is a forum to discuss the i social media pages and people who run them (choose to put their whole life out there for judgement)

I personally haven’t ever left a nasty comment regarding her appearance or anything just to be nasty. I think most of the comment on here are genuinely shocked by the amount of times her little boy is out late at night around drunk people, hardly ever seems to be out of a wet nappy and always snacking on crisps etc. I do think since the incident where he ended up in hospital she’s not show him out as late.
If she read through this thread she would realise people don’t want to hurt her or anything bad to happen. They just want her to wake up and realise life changes after having a baby, they need a stable home and routine, meals and bedtime.
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My mates going to lytham on Wednesday, I asked her to dine the les statue and tell me if there chips and graveh on it…
So of course she thinks I’m a nutter… but she’ll look and send me a pic if there is! 🤭

also anyone else annoyed by the way she hung her washing out? Just flung over, not pegged at the top/bottom ir on a seam?

Just me, I’ll get me coat
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Social work clearly don’t see their socials 🙄
The report could have come from an A&E employee who saw she was there the night Noah hit his head and got concussion. To turn up drunk as she did and with her child injured she should have automatically been referred by the hospital.
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