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Well-known member
I’m a bit late but does she want her child to get bullied .... wtf

Imagine naming your daughter after a holiday location of horny teenagers that party loooool at this point she deserved wat she gets sns
I said the same ages ago. It sounds like Beefa which is horrible
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Chatty Member
Does anyone know where she's from? I know she's English but I always think she sounds a bit Australian?!
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I knew she had a JW background but haven't seen a lot of evidence that she's still one.

I was brought up as JW and everything she's about is really frowned upon. They're all about a simple life and modesty. Not heavy make-up, piercings, coloured hair, partying...
I would get into trouble with church elders for being out with a skirt above my knees.

You're right though, she hasn't celebrated Xmas. If she's still one she's deliberately hiding it.
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This is my first time posting on this thread!.
I’ve been watching CC for a few months now, and I’m really not sure how I feel about her, or her lifestyle…🤔
There’s a part of me that likes her, she comes across as a genuinely nice person, and is intelligent and articulate (compared to a lot of other ‘influencers’).
Her husband seems quite a humble guy and is quite shy, but he seems pretty genuine.
I’ve watched some of her older videos, from say 4 years ago, and she seemed so much more ‘normal’…. sweet, humble, and less OTT physically (which to me is more attractive).

Call me old fashioned, but I just don’t understand the need for YouTubers/influencers to film their whole labour and birth, they are all starting to appear the same to the the point that they just don’t appear authentic, and hearing CC’s screams whilst giving birth could be really triggering to people who have experienced birth trauma (it’s a very real thing unfortunately), but of course it’s all for the likes!.

I’m not against unusual baby names, but the names that CC has called her kids just make me wince (she clearly hasn’t thought about the school years, not to mention the teen years and beyond).
She keeps saying about how nerve wracking it is to share her babies on SM, and it makes her feel so ‘vulnerable’ -then why do it then! 🤷‍♀️.
She clearly wants to carry on with the party lifestyle despite having 2 little ones, and has even taken her best friend/glorified nanny on a supposed family holiday, why??!.
She is either finding it genuinely hard to cope with her babies (despite having her husband there) or she is planning to go off and party 🤔
Haha I agree. I like CC too, and I was pregnant with my 1st at the same time as her. She gave birth a month or so before me and so I watched her vlog as I was so near birth myself. Oh, my god her vlog TRAUMATISED me. Birth was a scoosh compared to the fear I felt after watching that 🤣
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VIP Member
Oh wow, I just went and looked that up, so they both left together.
You can see from the comment she's replying to how toxic and judgemental the religion can be.
It's like being in an abusive relationship, you're told that you can't possibly be happy without them, your life will turn to shit if you leave etc which is what this person is projecting.
Not sure if CC and Buzzy where in the religion before they got together/married but I was brought up as a JW and my parents were basically in an arranged marriage, you couldn’t marry anyone outside the religion they left the religion and divorced shortly after, both my aunties did the same thing. It’s a toxic environment to be brought up in. I’m surprised she wasn’t kicked out as looked as if she was doing things they are really against.
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Active member
Can someone explain what’s going on with her and why she’s been absent? I don’t want to watch the video and hoping someone has and can give a summary on here 😂 TIA x
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New member
I just serached this girl up because one of my friends has been a bit upset cos of her

didn’t even really know who she was cos my friend didn’t tell me I had to Google her 😂

This influnecer has looked up her nose at my friend who had just brought her first home and also kept laughing at her loudly and giving her very dirty looks...

My friend is young and works hard and is very exotic and beautiful maybe this girl was being very jealous don’t usually post on forums but I’m sticking up for my friend who felt a bit harassed

my friend did try her best by being friendly and ignoring. my friend felt uncomfortable she didn’t understand why someone who didn’t even know her was being so horrible🤔
I just wanna say if u have millions or thousands of followers doesn’t mean ur superior 2 people..
How was she horrible to her? Did she say anything or. Do anything to her? Or was it just some dirty looks?
How was she horrible to her? Did she say anything or. Do anything to her? Or was it just some dirty looks?
How was she horrible to her? Did she say anything or. Do anything to her? Or was it just some dirty looks?
I think one day my friends parcels got delivered to her house and when she went to get them she kept knocking on the door and the girl was refusing to open the door she could see she was just sitting there and eventually when she came to open the door she gave my friend a very horrible look as if to say what the f do you want. My poor friend also said she used to laugh really loudly whenever she walked past and make my friend feel uncomfortable
Which is funny cos whenever she used to lose her cats my friend and her DP would help out and look out for them
This was years ago though so doesn’t really matter but I wanted to say something cos it’s not okay to put people down like that
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Chatty Member
I also don't know how she got so many followers. I only heard of her when she released the song and someone shared it. I thought she was predominantly a singer but that seemed to be a one off single and now she's back to beauty. Is she actually an MUA or just an influencer? Didn't realise she was in the fyre festival film.
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I’ve a dear friend who CC tried to rip off!!
She didn’t pay for treatments she had and my friend had to chase and chase for weeks after!!!!!!
and then also tried to steal her unique offering by then blocking my friend on social media and then set up a completely identical business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she is a phoney , a fraud and completely up her own arse!!!
That’s awful.
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Active member
I hope this thread livens up now, I used to enjoy watching her but now I just find her so irritating and fake
I’ve only recently started watching her (I’m currently pregnant and stumbled across her birth blogs!).
I’ve watched a few of her older videos, and she was so different -much more chilled and down to earth.
She us definitely chasing the whole celebrity lifestyle now!
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VIP Member
I think she is so image conscious, that’s the way she comes across to me and she had 2 babies back to back pretty much which I don’t think was in her plan tbh I think she’s really struggled with 2 under 2 which I would say anybody that has 2 under 2 does. I dunno about Birdie but I wouldn’t say Goldie was planned. She had Birdie about 4 months before I had my 1st and I know everyone is different but seems like a lot in such a short period of time 2 kids and building your own house and whatever else she’s trying to do or accomplish.
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I wish she'd come out properly as there are thousands of young Jehovah's Witness girls who she could be a role model for.
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Active member
Is anyone else annoyed with her constant over the topness. How she keeps smacking her over inflated lips together? She is such a pretty girl as well.
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Active member
I wasn't sure about this, but there's never been any mention of birthdays or Christmas on her Instagram 😯 very unusual for an influencer.

She said recently that birdy will be 1 soon, so we'll have to see if there's any celebration...
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Active member
I’m telling you now this child’s not being watched. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FUCKING MASSIVE YELLOW BRUISE ON HER HEAD!! 😡😡😤
She said it was from her foundation in her latest vlog ! 🙄

So someone tried to mug her when she was in London, and the first thing she does is do a video about it on her stories!
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