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VIP Member
Didn’t some of the cast went drinking without Carrie? I follow Lauren and there were instastories with others cast members but nothing from Carrie. (i think this was like maybe 2 nights ago?)
She’s the person who arrives at the bar after everyone is already a bit drunk “because she’s so busy”, orders a coffee and wants to get in on all the ensemble gossip Because she wants to feel like there’s a connection. There’s no connection.
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I think Carrie is just happy to be cast as the lead in an ALW musical tbh. She considers herself a big deal and this has confirmed it for her. She’s not exactly going to be critical of the (terrible) lyrics and (cringey) storyline because it wouldn’t be good for her career. That’s if she even does realise how bad it is of course...
I think she’s far too wrapped up in being “the star” to realise how terrible the whole thing is.
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She picked the wrong day to fawn over ALW he was trending on Twitter for his stance on vaccinations lots of backlash not necessarily for the stance just the selfishness and privilege arising from his comments.
And let's not forget the time he took a private jet to come back to vote to make poor people poorer and still expect those poor people to come to see his shows!! Disgusting man I despise him 🤢
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I’m not a Boris fan but ffs, they didn’t just close theatres for fun. I agree with what someone above said, why do they talk about theatres as if it’s the only thing that’s been closed and as if they were closed out of spite rather than to save lives.
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Sorry I’m posting a lot at the moment. Just can’t get my head around the fact she has almost half a million followers on Twitter and yet some of her tweets get 4 retweets and two replies. That’s not right.
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Yeah Carrie has very little ability to blend her voice with someone else’s. If only there hadve been some kind of program one could’ve gone through with other singers where they would’ve learnt skills like that
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I wonder if she’ll bring the cast doughnuts tomorrow so they know they are also special, just not as special as her.
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Her three jobs aren’t even full time. She writes when she wants, she vlogs when she wants and she has gaps in between shows. Most people who have several jobs don’t get breaks in between
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VIP Member
He’s so brave, even being willing to be arrested for the cause. As if hundreds of cases of covid being transmitted due to a show is ok providing he is arrested

ALW and Carrie on fro the page of the Mail saying how Covid has unfairly targeted them and that they are its biggest victims
Oh god, please tell me you’re joking? Child abuse cases soared, kids were cut off from free school meals until it was sorted, seriously ill children had care cancelled and hospice stays stopped, people couldn’t say goodbye to their loved ones, care home residents and vulnerable couldn’t see their family, domestic violence rose so much train companies were giving free tickets to escape and yet Carrie and ALW were hardest hit! 😡😡😡😡😡
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Miss Honey was another of her dream roles... tbh, I wouldn't be mad if she went for something like that.
I'd say she's closer to Trunchball than Miss Honey. Miss Honey needs warmth and charm and kindness.

Sad fact is Carrie can't act, and she can't even act through song when she is singing. Unless she actually takes a year or so off and goes and learns her craft she will never get the roles she wants, unless they need her youtube and brothers name to sell some tickets.

Her voice also seems to be weakening too. I don't think cinderella will help on that front either.
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Guys, she’s just tweeted to tell everyone that she got cast as Cinderella two years ago. I had NO idea. She’s hardly mentioned it since.....

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Bringing that many books looks super weird. If it was just one shelf, sure. But this whole display? Donate them to charity bookshops, send out to fans, leave them at actual book exchange places. Idk, sell them anonymously. Now it looks like she's trying to get rid of trunkloads of books and have them be someone else's problem. The cleaners at the theatre sure wanted a bunch of books to dust.
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I was at les mis tonight, and when listening to 'On my Own' it reminded me of how much i used to love Carrie's voice. she had so much power and now i feel as if that's gone and been replaced by volume. Shan was absolutely fantastic!! Lucie was also incredible and really made the show for me, also made me wonder what carrie was like as Fantine?? i really can't see her pulling off the emotion needed to play the role. it was nice to be back at the show after such a long time!!
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She does a pretty good Kermit. Maybe there'll he like a Muppets live thing although then she'd need to learn a new skill, puppeteering.
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Loon, nutter, and lame are all ableist terms. I thought it was well known amongst most people not to use the word ‘lame’ anymore. But then she doesn’t seem to give a shit about that, given her attitude towards autistic people. 🙃
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Forgive my theatre ignorance, but are announcements like that standard practice after cast changes etc? Because if not, holy stunt-casting-confirmation Batman. Also what a slap in the face to all the other original cast that aren’t returning. If I was part of that cast I would be so dirty towards those producers, especially after the whole cast album cover shenanigans
They’re really not common at all. Especially when a show has closed a few years ago and reopens. Most people would be aware that show casts change, and even if they did expect Carrie they will see someone better so shouldn’t be mad anyway. This is really just a fail safe so her minions don’t get pissy when they realise she isn’t in it. I also think it’s super rude to not only all her old cast mates, but the new casts too. It definitely confirms she was just a stunt cast to me, as otherwise there’s no need for it. Also, when I bought my heathers tickets for the tour (in 2019 omg) this disclaimer was not there.
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Hey girls long time lurker first time poster.

I follow a couple of the ensemble members of Cinderella on insta and I just noticed Carrie doesn’t follow most of them but other principals do. Find that very strange. Is it because she’s the lead now she won’t associate herself with people who aren’t the stars? After so many weeks of rehearsal I just... it’s weird isn’t it or am I overreacting?
You watch now I’ve mentioned it carrie will suddenly follow them all and post about them 🤣 #performative
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