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There’s a new interview up people! I can’t listen to it because of sleeping little ones. But…
Lol, those "clues" of deception are not true. It´s fake pop psychology, it´s myth.

About the interview...why is he taking interviews by really young people? I mean, I get encouraging young people who are fans of theatre, but I just cringe a bit at a West End perfomer regularly taking interviews from people who seem to be random fans of theatre who are trying to get a theatre Instagram account going. As a part of the Hamilton cast, should he not be taking interviews from more established theatre blogs, not just random Susie off Insta? No offence meant to the people who have asked him for interviews, it´s a good opportunity for their accounts, and they both have good interviewing skills - I just think it´s odd of Joel to accept.
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Joel is choosing Christmas at the famous, rich families house over his own parents when says a lot and it’s actually quite sad
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Argh I wanted to like Scott’s film as I quite like him. But honestly it’s terrible. At one point they all sing a country and western version of the YMCA while line dancing. I wish this was a joke
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Joel has two days off for Christmas and he isn't going to spend it with his family in Crewe?!?! I bet he is desperately waiting to be invited to do Christmas at The Fletcher's this year and has already a set of matching Christmas jumpers for everyone ready 😂😂😂 Hope he doesn't get invited and ends up wearing his matching Christmas jumper all alone while cat sitting Edgar and editing himself into the Fletcher's Christmas pictures 😂🤡😂
The thing that got me is the fact that he didn't say he'll still try to see them at a later date. I get wanting to stay home on Christmas day, but he didn't even mention about still going to see them the weekend after or something.

They admit that Joel drops everything non work related if Carrie has a day off. They admit that Joel doesn't go back to Crewe anymore because it doesn't fit in with Carrie's schedule.

Carrie thought something was going on (proposal) because he refused to give up plans he made to spend time with her.

It's a very unbalanced relationship.
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View attachment 1773136

You do deserve each other, why would anyone share this super awkward photo, lol.

Doesn’t even resemble an engagement photo.
They look like 80 year olds who just found out they missed the discount at the pharmacy.
Carrie, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Personally I think you look like a bunch of grandparents meeting your grandbaby for the first time but (as Joel would say) hey, ho! each to their own :rolleyes:
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has anyone seen Oliver throwing Alessia over his shoulder and lifting her back up (beneath his crotch) - in his instagram story? very different content to Carrie's 😅 she might feel inspired to "subtly" reenact it with Joel now..
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Why is Joel always reposting Tom and Gi’s content?? He does know he won’t become a Fletcher when (if) he marries Carrie, right 😕
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I'd say the phrase is outdated. People these days tend to 'ask for your blessing'. To me then, you're saying 'I love your daughter, I want to be her life partner, I hope I'm good enough for her'. It's less about what you gain in terms of a wife/object and more about what you can do to serve her.
But shouldn't you talk that through with your partner and not her parents? How is it any of their business? And if a conversation like that is happening, shouldn't it be between the parents and their daughter and not between the parents and the future son in law? Because every implication I can think of is that the woman is not capable of making that choice on her own.
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But shouldn't you talk that through with your partner and not her parents? How is it any of their business? And if a conversation like that is happening, shouldn't it be between the parents and their daughter and not between the parents and the future son in law? Because every implication I can think of is that the woman is not capable of making that choice on her own.
I agree asking permission is silly and outdated but personally I took the “traditional” element of it but just asked my partner to give my dad a heads up. It was in no way that my dad was making that decision for me which is what you’re saying. I’d talked at length with my partner about us getting married and equally my parents knew I wanted to marry him.
But now I have this lovely and quite funny story of this moment of pure happiness between my dad and partner and I absolutely love it.

Everyone’s got different views on it tho so I can see why you feel that way!
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Is her necklace a piece of popcorn?


Why do they feel the need to put on insta that they went to the cinema? In the afternoon as well?
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Sorry, but these nudist beach photos are genuinely sickening. I’d be fucking horrified if any one of my colleagues was posting shit like this. She deserves to never be in work again. Literally nobody wants to see her arse. That’s not body positivity. It’s TMI. And the fact that she thinks these photos are actually attractive to show that world? She’s got an ego the size of Mount Fuji.

Thanks for ruining my appetite for the next three-five business days with that shite.
It’s even more disgusting the fact that she’s implying Oliver held her back from being herself and all that shit. She had nothing bad to say about him until he dumped her and even then didn’t until Joel came along and then this narrative of finally being able to ‘be herself’… bore off Carrie and stop playing the victim
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Exactly. We all have body hang ups and we all have a choice (to a degree) as to whether we do something about them.

I haven't taken care of my teeth over the years. And I can either whinge about them being crooked and yellow or I could do something about them or I can keep my mouth shut (literally and metaphorically :ROFLMAO: ). I'm not about to start blaming other people/the universe for my dental hygiene.

She just has this weird, innate impulse to blame all of her insecurities on other people and refuses to look inward and admit her own shortcomings. Even down to her WEL performance last year. She couldn't just think to herself "well fuck, I sure gave a shit performance just now. Oh well, shake it off Carrie." she had to publicly blame technical difficulties, threaten to write a tell-all book, and Streisand-effect the whole performance by having recordings of it removed from social media. She wrote a whole post back in March, freshly post-breakup, saying "Do not spend your precious time figuring out how you can become less for someone [...] That is their insecurity for them to work on and it is not your job to shrink yourself down to make them comfortable." and like... is it? Is it really someone else's insecurity to work on? Because at the point of her posting that, I seriously don't think Carrie was in Oliver's thoughts at all anymore. But there she was, clearly still in the midst of feeling insecure about it all, but finding a way to shirk the responsibility onto someone who had already moved on.

She just always thinks she's right and justified about everything she feels, and if she's feeling crappy about something, it's never her issue to face and address herself, it's someone else's fault. "Don't like me posting kissing videos of me and my boyfriend? Deal with it!! I'm going to post even MORE. Everyone who's repulsed by this is clearly a hater, and that's a THEM problem". Like is it, Carrie? Why are you so afraid of admitting a mistake, shortcoming, insecurity and/or personal problem to the world? To yourself?
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I can't believe Carrie doesn't know to wait for applause/boos to die down before continuing
Then again she didn't know you should be quiet whilst waiting in the wings either
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Why is that people suddenly get arsy about weight comments? Stop projection it's not about anyone else.

Funny how anything else can be said about Carrie and it's fair game but if it's about her weight it's suddenly mean spirited.

She's overweight. It's a fact.
Yes, this. Also - if she were just quietly existing at her size, I might actually agree with avoiding talking about her weight here. But she's made being plus-sized goddess, eating 4 desserts, telling her doctor off for calling her obese, etc. part of her brand. If she wants to be defensive and constantly talk about her weight, then I think it's fair for people on here to have an opinion about her weight. Also when her doctor warned her about her obesity she was in Heathers and notably smaller than she is now. At this point she's deep into the obesity category and cleaning her giant steak 3 sides plus dessert plate every time she eats out isn't going to help
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All of the gifted advent calendars!

I’m actually kinda jealous - I thought about getting the bird and blend one but I couldn’t justify £38 for a tea advent calendar!!
Remember, she was the cheeky one who asked for Nespresso freebies in the first place, she wasn't important enough for the company to approach her 😬 😅
Screenshot 2022-12-01 191326.png

Yeah, she never got that Lush deal but happily accepted her fans' Lush gifts of which she got a lot. That was when she still liked stage door.
Fans probably only bought her Lush stuff because she said in the past that she throws a lot of gifts away, and I don't think she would throw away Lush stuff
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But the villain should be over the top with audience interaction...very odd not to do that.

But yes very lazy vlogging not to know who wrote it. Also, those jokes are very niche and you'd have to not only be a hard-core theatre fan, but also know what went down behind the scenes and know cinderella somewhat too.
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