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Imagine telling the world you are plunged into happiness. But then spend time on social media blocking people who like comments. If you are so happy as you say then you shouldn't need ti be blocking people and responding to these comments. Just go and be happy as you say.

It is not projection. People are voicing concerns over what they see because they see similarities between things they have seen. I am sorry for the people who are.blocked, but it's probably for the best
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The sweet justice of seeing such an insufferable human go from having a leading west end role basically given to her, to crawling into bed with Shrek after a long hard night at the panto. In the words of Taylor Swift, “Karma is her boyfriend/fiancé” 😂
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That video of her and Oli makes me so sad. Their relationship was similar to my previous one, 5 years living together and then all of a sudden he decided he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore.

I was so heartbroken for Carrie because I saw myself in her. I even wrote her a letter with my story and hoping that she would find solace knowing she's not alone and you can get through the dark time.
However. I spent a LONG time getting over it and moving on. I absolutely did not jump into a relationship with red flag creep.
And now her behaviour makes me ashamed and sad and I just wish I could knock some sense into her.
Honestly same. I joked a bit about being nostalgic for Ollie cause he had his faults too and their whole getting together was uh..less than mature. But you can see their feelings for each other, it seems like a genuine connection. There just isn't any of that with her and Joel. Given how much she usually films her and her previous partners it's odd that all we really have of them is photos. Like other tattlers have said it would be interesting to see them just interacting with each other. It's all a bit...forced.

Maybe she feels humiliated at the idea of having second thoughts about the engagement and the relationship after such a big deal has been made of it. Honestly though, the majority of people would be relieved if she decided to walk away and probably hugely respect her for it.
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The wording he is using is so bad and worrying (and in red?!) really shows his anger about this whole situation that he choose for himself by proposing when he did!!!!!

Again HER plane was delayed Joel not her fault you idiot...

Is that the look of LOVE we can see on Carrie's face?! I really don't think so!!!!!!!!! I knew he bought her flowers as you could spot them in Scott's stories last night. Sad Joel wasn't wearing his Fletcher t-shirt at the airport though 😂😂😂
ALSO if you watch the video carefully you can see Debbie Fletcher and her husband making a swift exit when arriving at the gate instead of going to say hello to Joel it is quite entertaining to watch 😂🍿😂

Carrie 👋👀👋 I would be disgusted too if I had to come back to my own place with creepy Joel Shrek living in. Run Carrie Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Is he not embarrassed to be at the party knowing all of the guests have witnessed him crying like a big man baby for the past 12 days
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(Add this into the pile of 'Joel reminds me of my abusive ex' because there's been loads of posts about that now!)
Most of the posts on here now are coming from a place of genuine concern, and I'd hope Carrie would struggle to brush all of them off as meanie haters.

Her only options then are:
1) Many people on this thread have had toxic past relationships and are projecting this onto her perfect relationship because of their own trauma. In which case, surely you'd have to ask yourself - what about the way we're portraying our actually healthy relationship is triggering this, if it's not a reflection of reality?

2) Joel's behaviour reminds many people on this thread of a traumatic relationship they've been in/around and are giving her the warnings they wish they'd paid attention to before things got worse.
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She can be seen in Scott's stories in her PJ's in her house as Scott is going to be living there for the next couple of weeks (probably as an excuse so Carrie doesn't have to spend too much time with her Shrek husband to be...🤣🤣🤣
I have the feeling that Joel absolutely hates Scott being there since he doesn’t have Carrie all for himself now… after her absence of 12 endless days.
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🤦‍♀️ I'm out here.
This has sparked some anger in me...

Has she not noticed that Joel is posting pretty much every moment of their relationship online?! They may be strangers but they are hardly private people 🙄 there is proof of Joel's worrying behaviour!!
Also, how can she accuse people of constructing false narratives when she is doing that with how she and Joel started dating?!

This is exactly why you cannot comment your concerns to her. She will be passive-aggressive and stubborn in her response.

Don't wasted your energy being concerned about Carrie, it's up to her to get out of this relationship if she wants.
I'm just glad I don't have to spend the rest of my life with Shrek.
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How come so many people on this thread can see the red flags but no-one in her life can (or they’re not telling her if they do!). It’s baffling.
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She’s deleting and preaching about “choosing kindness” 🙄 Carrie, people ARE choosing kindness. They’re warning you in the kindest possible way. For once in your life, listen to people rather than digging your heels in and refusing to accept the truth.
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It's ironic that her "meanie haters" are the people trying to help her see the red flags and get out... meanwhile her diehard fans are encouraging Joel's toxic behaviour
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I have no words for how scary I find this whole situation.

I genuinely hope that Carrie will see the light (c’mon, you were Rapunzel once!) and run as fast as she can, away from that crazed being. But honestly, I fear her desperation and stubbornness to prove everyone ‘wrong’ will keep her there. The post she made before she went on holiday about having found ‘the thing everyone wants, but so few find’ feels like a testament to the fact that she is fully onboard with this absolute mind boggling craziness.

Then again, the Haunted Mansion is her favorite ride, and her ‘mansion’ is for sure haunted now…
The 'everyone wants but so few find' is even more hilarious in light of the past couple of weeks. Carrie, I can promise you none of us want a desperate, creepy, love bombing manbaby in our lives 😂
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It does seem like Joel is pushing things more than Carrie. One example is the joint Instagram account they have. It was created by Joel. He followed it first, and then Carrie a while later. He's forcing this
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🚩 The queen of Halloween has a Halloween party going on at her house but isn’t posting any pics on social media.
🚩 the only time we’ve seen her today was the story that he shared and then she shared and then he shared again
🚩 Joel is very pally (sp?) with Scott after not even tagging him in the T-shirt pics.
🚩 Joel missed the opportunity to do a couples costume??

Does she just have major Jet lag? Sick? (Amazing Joel’s recovered so quickly!) Questioning life choices?

I believe it hasn't been said yet, but what annoyed me also was his comment about "Carrie's future condition" (once she's pregnant, or has delivered the Ogre offsprings). Him proclaiming that she won't be able to go to Disneyland/miss out on rides and everything will be about their children. Yes, it isn't exactly advisable to go on rollercoasters when being 8 months pregnant, but to me it sounded like yet another excuse to lock her up. I can see him constructing womb- like, medieval birthing chambers, forbidding her to exit the room for 9 months and beyond, while shoving cameras in her face.
Oh God… the birth is going to be a live IG isn’t it 🤢
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