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Chatty Member
What irritates me the most about this whole thing, is that had Joel been in any other profession and pulled a stunt like this, he’d be fired.

He really expected everyone to believe he was too ill to perform for 10 minutes each day Carrie was gone. But he was well enough to film 12 five minute videos and sit through a tattoo.
The tattoo part is insanely cheeky. I know some people speculated he had covid, but he can’t have if he went and did that. So he really did take a whole week off from work whilst Carrie was on holiday, just for a sniffle. So childish and self absorbed.

I know Carrie is arrogant and brought this situation on herself, but I really do think her social media presence the last few weeks has been extremely odd for her. Especially this past week. She’s barely spoken about Joel at all, has never expressed she misses him. Didn’t comment on any of his Joelmas videos, and every time she reposts him she either does it with no commentary added, or something really flat and forced.

Carrie is normally a very overly expressive over sharing type of person. If she missed Joel and was happy with all the weird shit he’s been posting recently, she would express that. I do honestly feel like her silence is kinda defeating atm. Maybe it really is just jet lag, and once she’s back to 100%, she’ll start to match Joel’s insanity? But her current vibe atm is bizarrely subdued considering she just got engaged to the supposed love of her life. She should be bouncing off the walls but she just doesn’t look like a blissfully happy or excited person rn??
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Whenever anyone shares these posts on here it seems obvious to me and no doubt Carrie that it's from a Tattler. Those 4 people that liked it have probably been blocked by her already.

Keep it on Tattle is the rules. I would never comment anything like that on her socials. What's the point? She will just delete and block and call them a troll.
Surely you are allowed to have the same opinion on and off tattle, also doesn't mean it's a tattler. The red flags are obvious to anyone who's ever come across Narcissistic behaviour.
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Hahaha I love Joel’s tiktok replies, they tend to be less saturated with Carrie’s weird super fans compared to IG so you get less fawning and more sane reactions
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I have no words for how scary I find this whole situation.

I genuinely hope that Carrie will see the light (c’mon, you were Rapunzel once!) and run as fast as she can, away from that crazed being. But honestly, I fear her desperation and stubbornness to prove everyone ‘wrong’ will keep her there. The post she made before she went on holiday about having found ‘the thing everyone wants, but so few find’ feels like a testament to the fact that she is fully onboard with this absolute mind boggling craziness.

Then again, the Haunted Mansion is her favorite ride, and her ‘mansion’ is for sure haunted now…
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So after all this talk of Oliver I went to check out his Insta and as I’m following Joel (cause I cannot look away from the train wreck) it shows that he also follows Oliver. I know he probably did from before he was with Carrie but you’d think that after getting with her he’d unfollow out of solidarity. Do you think he’s keeping tabs to try and one up him or something? 👀


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French toast

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It's really no problem being blocked by Carrie, since all her posts are also on Joel's account, such is their utter co-dependency.
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Why aren't HIS family stepping in?? If your son did this, wouldn't you tell him he's coming across as a freakshow and to leave the poor girl alone
Sadly they often don’t, my ex’s family didn’t, in fact his mum enabled his behaviour and was just as bad. Parents, especially mums, often don’t want to believe their son would ever do something like that.
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Joel has so little personality that the had to dress up like one of his girlfriends favorite characters, because he couldn't think of one himself
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Don’t be apologetic for getting emotional… it’s not sadness you’re feeling but love! It’s that missing jigsaw piece that without the puzzle isn’t quite complete, it’s making two coffees out of habit when making yourself one and then realising that one will go cold, it’s knowing that someone is thinking of you even when they’re not around! Be your true amazing authentic self - Missing the person you love or feeling overwhelmed knowing you’re actually appreciated and cared about shouldn’t be something you feel the need to be apologetic about; if more people in the world felt like this it would be a better place!!

This was from a comment on Joel's latest video on FB. STOP ENCOURAGING AND ENABLING THIS MAN CHILD. His s/o went on a holiday that was planned months before they got together. He wasn't invited because he is not part of the family. She was gone for two weeks. Not years. Stop acting like it was some long distance thing. JFC these people are wack.
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Sorry but carries only got herself to blame when this goes wrong. She would've said yes to any man who proposed before she turned 30. We know she reads here so she would've seen all the people warning her. And when her actual fans dare to question Joel's disturbing behaviour on Instagram she blocks them
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I’m actual shocked at the lack of even slight critical thinking from Carrie. Like yes she can be happy in a new relationship, but can she not understand why some of these comments are arising seeing as shes engaged within 6 months after a blindsided break up and the amount that has been shared from both her and Joel. Like if she is happy and this is what she wants then fine like you do you, but surely she must know how their relationship has progressed at speed and the extent that has been shared online creates this narrative. Nobody is making up narratives out the blue, its literally commentary on what’s been posted.
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Carrie no one is jealous of your ogre fiancé. He's a walking red flag. Good luck trying to get out when you change your mind
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At this point I think Carrie is just mad cause all she wants is for her relationships to be seen as rElAtIoNsHiP gOaLz and those comments prove this shit show is just the opposite of that lol.
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Dear Joel,

Here's how your future wife looks when she's actually in love and obsessed ;)

We always used to say that Oliver didn’t seem interested in Carrie, and I know that this is just a selection of images but it does make it look like he actually loved her. (Which is good because staying with someone you’re not that bothered about for 5 years is pretty twisted).
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So I have been on holiday (what timing....) and have been attempting to catch up - not quite there, but I have a theory. Carrie was always saying nobody had a bad thing to say about Joel and this is what she liked so much. OK, sure. I have now come to the conclusion this is because people are terrified he will just fucking murder them. This man is just.....unhinged.
Maybe people don't have a bad word to say about him because they engage as little as possible with him and don't give him any more oxygen than they need to. If it were me, I'd just avoid him as much as possible. Out of sight, out of mind.

Poor Carrie.
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Joel, the holiday was planned for ages, you just decided to propose before she left.
Exactly this. The framing is 100% 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Also - why didn’t he check the arrivals before setting off to the airport? For someone who’s perpetually online it’s a bit odd.

Or did he know and turn up anyway to add fuel to the woe-is-me-we-are-CRUELLY-SEPARATED-BY-FATE narrative? Because if he’s trying to create an us-against-the-world thing… 🚩🚩🚩🚩
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Right. I am (broadly speaking) up to date on....this *gestures at the C&J shitshow*

I mean, I could go ON given all the absolute shit that has happened over the past few weeks, but I don't think I could cover things as eloquently as many fellow Tattlers. But I do want to say two things (probably not as concisely as I should....)

1) Those SA messages (absolute credit to you, @LilytheSunflower - I really hope I have the right handle - you handled yourself beautifully given a really challenging subject, especially with Joel managing to be a special kind of absolute bellend. I am so bloody sorry for what you experienced, both personally and because of Joel). To me, in those messages, Joel shows who he is. What's the saying, 'when people show you who they are, believe them'? Well, Carrie, there's your future husband. Unable to listen to sense, reason, showing himself to be entirely incapable of supporting SA and SH survivors. Reading those messages, I was absolutely disgusted but not at all surprised - but the idea he can support and excuse the behaviour of such despicable people is truly upsetting. As I know will be the case for so many of us here, I experienced SA and SH, unfortunately at the hands of a family member. I was told to my face I was a liar. That pain has stayed with me; years of counselling has helped and continues to help - but the idea such an odious man with such heinous opinions is someone Carrie wants to legally attach herself to is honestly sickening. I'm not expressing myself well; a combination of anger and jet lag. Men like him are the reason I keep my story locked in a very small box, away from questioning and away from judgement.

2) I have been married a long time. I am very, very lucky. We knew early on, had been friends, and there isn't a day that goes by I don't feel grateful for the partnership I have. If I could ever give any kind of advice to anyone - but, really, what I mean is if I could give any advice to Carrie right now....people will tell you marriage is hard. That every day is a challenge. But actually - marriage can be easy. But ONLY when you are married to the right person. Engagement, wedding? It's nothing. The wedding especially; it's one day. You have to know that you are going into something that will hopefully last for your lifetime. I'm going to be celebrating close to 2 decades in a few years; but it barely feels like it. Because we chose each other then, and continue to choose each other now. Not because of a fairytale or a wish to tick a box by a certain point. It's your life and you only get one, do you ever want to look back and think 'shit, I made the wrong choice?'

Lastly - where is the fucking joy?! I remember being recently engaged and felt like I was on cloud sodding nine - I haven't seen anything even close to that from Carrie? I'm conscious that photos and even videos only offer a very small snapshot of life, but even so. She looked so resigned when she saw him at the airport; if its like that now, how does she expect it to be ten, fifteen, twenty years down the line? It's really, really sad.
I agree, I see no real love from Carrie, zero chemistry, I would be holding my new fiance's hand over the table at our engagement dinner not my mobile. She literally has more chemistry with Scott.
I think she seemed the happiest with Pete in photos, as a couple. With Joel everything seems forced, not a genuine loving smile from her. I really don't think this is what she imagined feeling like being newly engaged.
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