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Good lord… I found this thread last Sunday. I’ve had a flu virus all week and I’m now so invested in this car crash I can’t stop reading/watching. I used to follow Carrie years ago I just CANNOT believe she is with this creep. I think watching this 12 days of Joelmas has made my flu much worse than it needed to be. He genuinely makes my stomach turn. I am really hoping this silence from her means she is reassessing her life Tom and Gi have taken her home with them… right?
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Whenever anyone shares these posts on here it seems obvious to me and no doubt Carrie that it's from a Tattler. Those 4 people that liked it have probably been blocked by her already.

Keep it on Tattle is the rules. I would never comment anything like that on her socials. What's the point? She will just delete and block and call them a troll.
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She’s liked this comment. She only wants to be surrounded by yes-people. Good luck Carrie.
A picture or one minute video? We've got 12 days of Joelmas where he's acting like a petulant child, A TATTOO, the tshirts, the tiktoks etc etc

That's way more than just a picture and a 1 minute video
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I agree 100% with the comments about his wording. I think he must have the king of all victim complexes (which she does too so their parenting journey is going to be WILD) - he’s always the hard done by one isn’t he?

*Edited for spelling and grammar (a worthwhile task that Joel could do on his new insta perhaps)
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I’m genuinely so confused how she doesn’t get the ick with every social post. Like whatever he’s like in real life, it’s so painfully cringe. I adore my boyfriend but if he posted like this I’d have to have serious conversation with him.
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Wondering if that new joint Instagram profile was created with the plan of trying to get gifted things/find sponsors for their upcoming wedding...
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I know Carrie is arrogant and brought this situation on herself, but I really do think her social media presence the last few weeks has been extremely odd for her. Especially this past week. She’s barely spoken about Joel at all, has never expressed she misses him. Didn’t comment on any of his Joelmas videos, and every time she reposts him she either does it with no commentary added, or something really flat and forced.

Carrie is normally a very overly expressive over sharing type of person. If she missed Joel and was happy with all the weird shit he’s been posting recently, she would express that. I do honestly feel like her silence is kinda defeating atm. Maybe it really is just jet lag, and once she’s back to 100%, she’ll start to match Joel’s insanity? But her current vibe atm is bizarrely subdued considering she just got engaged to the supposed love of her life. She should be bouncing off the walls but she just doesn’t look like a blissfully happy or excited person rn??
It was noticeable how in his latest video (about doing what "the wife" tells him to do) he tells Carrie "I'm really glad to have you back" in this icky, cutesy voice (while eyeing the camera, of course, famehungry weirdo that he is). And she just offers back the most bland "I'm glad to be back 🙂". Without looking at him, no mention of whether she's glad to be back with him.

She's really not going along with his performance as much anymore. Which, good for her, I would want no part of this either. It's really making me think, as much as I never really got her and Oliver as a couple, it seems like it would be so much better for her to date someone who uses social media sparingly the way Oliver did. Just, she seems to have such an unhealthy relationship with social media herself, and such a problem drawing boundaries. It feels like the last thing she needs is Joel, who's already preparing their oversharing-married-couple-instagram account. He overshares even more than Carrie, which seemed impossible. I mean, he is ready to full on turn their relationship into a brand. Hopefully finally getting this much relationship validation from the internet will make her see it's not a healthy dynamic, and go date some chill guy with an office job who'll just post about her on her birthday or something.
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Echoing others here that I have followed Carrie for a long time, I think I started when she was secretly-not-secretly starting to date Pete (Tangled video), watched all through les mis days and addams etc. I dropped off during the pandemic cause like another tattler said everyone's videos became super long. I don't hate Carrie. I think there are valid points of criticism in the way she conducts herself at times, but I have never wished any ill will towards her. Suffice to say if you do read here Carrie, I know your instinct is to dismiss any comments about Joel and the speed of this relationship as just jealous horrid people who have nothing better to say. Who knows, Joel would probably try to say the same to defend himself. But there are people here who genuinely care and are deeply concerned for you. Many of us have been in your shoes with the absolute FEAR of being 30 and thinking WTF AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE, we understand. It is legit terrifying, but it will settle down and you'll be able to feel a little comforted that the world doesn't suddenly end. The partner I was with when I turned 30 would not have been a good match long term, I even considered settling but he turned out to be a completely different person full of secrets and infidelity and I look back now with relief.
You look so radiant and happy in your photos in Disney. That's how it should be with the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with. As someone who has often ignored their gut when something felt off, please listen to your instinct. Know that we will respect and support you if you do decide to break it off or even just pump the brakes for a while.
It feels bizarre for this to come from a tattle page of all places but honestly, the unity in this thread speaks volumes.
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My ex used to do the same with the love bombing and constant filming with compliments. It made me feel so uncomfortable. In that last 12 days of shrekmas when he says she's back, and starts kissing her forehead, she looked uncomfortable. I used to do what she did and make small talk to make it stop (her pretending not to remember the Neverland joke so she can get some distance from him)
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THIS!! This! This! This! I always absolutely loved seeing Carrie and Oli together. She was so very clearly BESOTTED with him. Her entire body blushed and she smiled like a Cheshire Cat even 5 years into their relationship. You could literally feel the love she has for him through your devices. I’ve not felt that even a little bit at all with her and Joel. How he can’t see that baffles me 😂 she even looks at Scott with more love than she does her “future husband”. It’s such a car crash…
Yeah like we can say what we want about them being mismatched / her clearly caring more than he did / etc. But at the end of the day they did have a connection that was fostered over 5 years. Even if the romantic spark went out, they still knew and cared for each other in a way that grew over time, rather than jumping into married on the first date.
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If she really wanted to put a stop to these comments, instead of posting childish stories she could very easily just limit her Instagram comment section so that only people she follows can comment on her posts.
But of course she’ll never do that because she desperately craves attention and validation from all of her yes-men fans. She couldn’t last a week without all that blind praise.
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"Look at my gorgeous gorgeous fiancée at Disney, she looks so pretty, I mean I just couldn't be prouder, she's just so cute, just the best, my gorgeous girl. Would have liked to have been there instead of being left after proposing to her but hey ho what can you do. Made myself a t-shirt so I wouldn't feel left out" ✋🤚😬:coffee:
The emojis are meant to depict Joel's weird gesturing and coffee chewing, just in case that wasn't clear
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You’d think that tattoo is something you’d want to get together with your fiancée. But instead he went and got it alone while she’s away like a madman. I’ve said it before but I genuinely can’t believe how unhinged he seems
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I’m actual shocked at the lack of even slight critical thinking from Carrie. Like yes she can be happy in a new relationship, but can she not understand why some of these comments are arising seeing as shes engaged within 6 months after a blindsided break up and the amount that has been shared from both her and Joel. Like if she is happy and this is what she wants then fine like you do you, but surely she must know how their relationship has progressed at speed and the extent that has been shared online creates this narrative. Nobody is making up narratives out the blue, its literally commentary on what’s been posted.
i don’t think she’s capable of thinking critically about it right now to be honest.

her brain is just: i’m engaged. he’s obsessed with me. i wanted this, didn’t i? i’m so happy, everyone is being mean and doesn’t understand us. i’m so happy.

being with a lovebomber is tough because they act in a way that you’re SUPPOSED to be flattered by. it’s what makes them master manipulators. she thinks she wants this, she’s created a narrative which is now even bigger because they’re being “attacked”. all of it helps her avoid the actual situation.
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Carrie could actually come out a winner after all this shit if she just dumped this absolute freak. Growing some *balls* and turning it all around as a strong independent woman could win her more fans, more respect.
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Feeling v sorry for the fans she blocked today. Especially as I'm sure some will have no idea why.

Also nothing but love for everyone here who's shared a story about their own toxic relationships. Sorry you all had to go through that.

Hope the poster who suggested there's going to be an intervention is right, but I might take Miss Fletcher's advice and unfollow. At this point it's just sad.
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