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This is her problem, she overshares and then wonders why people want to know what’s going on. If you have no intention of talking about something, just don’t mention it.
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This is her problem, she overshares and then wonders why people want to know what’s going on. If you have no intention of talking about something, just don’t mention it.
And now she’ll get loads of messages asking what’s wrong and she’ll come back with a whole blog or video dedicated to people invading her personal space, and why do people think it’s appropriate to ask a someone about their personal lives? Despite the fact that she put the information out there in the first place! I don’t know why but she’s really pissing me off the past couple of days- maybe whatever pissed me off caused the drop in numbers. I just can’t pinpoint exactly what it was...
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Yeah he will be starring alongside one of the sexiest leading ladies of the west end in Sam Barks, with an arguably bigger profile than Carrie who is also someone ALW and Cameron like. She has also played the same role as Carrie not only on stage but in the movie as well.
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Is anybody else really underwhelmed by Lucy & Yak clothing? It’s great that it’s an ethical clothing brand but I just find the clothing really blah. I don’t understand why all these ‘influencers’ go barmy for it. A lot of the stuff that Carrie shows off from them makes her look a lot bigger than she is. Obviously there is nothing wrong with wearing comfy baggy clothes, I think I just find Lucy & Yak clothing uninspiring for what it is compared with the price.
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Credit where credit is due, I really liked this answer from Carrie. She definitely verbalised how I feel about continuing to love Harry Potter, without JK.
Whilst I thought that what she said about the situation was good, I didn’t think the part about donations was needed. She doesn’t need a pat on the back for doing that.
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Chatty Member
They also look like there sharing masks either that or they have matching masks I every style!
I don't see a problem with that as long as they're washed at a high temp between uses.
The only reason me and my husband don't share is because his have nose wires for his glasses and I have floral ones but otherwise it wouldn't bother me. We live in the same house, share cutlery and sleep in the same bed. If one of us catches it then chances are the other one is going to get it.
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I mean, she publicly shamed an aspiring actor who asked why performers do not learn sheet music when they are in the industry and said that she wouldn't sit next to him at rehearsal if they where in a show together, so yeah, i can see the irony in her tweeting that
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She is haemorrhaging followers in Twitter too and about to drop under 500K. I’ve been keeping an eye on numbers for a few months and she’s lost 17K in this time.
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There’s a comment on the Cinderella promo vid asking about if there are any non-white people in the cast or crew... looking back at the video it’s actually so true it’s all sooooo white! No shock there has been no reply to that comment
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Chatty Member
Going back to the whole ‘triple threat’ issue- you can’t train at any UK theatre school without having a fairly good foundation in each. And you won’t get an agent on graduating if you aren’t very, very strong in one, like, at least as good as Carrie if not better at singing. You generally need to be good at two if not three disciplines.
There will be a lot of people in the ensemble of her shows who can do more than her.
She is incredibly lucky to be in her career with iffy acting and a frankly snobby attitude towards dance.
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Chatty Member
You’d think that hearing Oliver’s experiences would give her some humility but it’s like she’s immune to what he has to say/what he’s been through to get to where he is now.
Exactly. The fact he auditioned 3 years in a row for Book of Mormon and even got a bank loan to have his braces removed, shows how much he wanted that role
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I still think the last thing we need in this world is this show, but I don't mind this. I like the tempo and Carrie sounds good on it.

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Chatty Member
I passed the theatre that Cinderella will be in the other day and it’s all done up for that show already, with a huge 6 ft odd poster of her face on the side of it. She’s totally another stunt cast role, they saw what kind of numbers she brought in to Heathers and they want a repeat of that. But ALW isn’t as good as he used to be. I can’t see it succeeding. He’s going to wish he kept School of Rock in there.

Also agreeing with finding her taking an ad with Potter to be totally at odds with her stance on Rowling. If she was a real ally she wouldn’t be taking any more money from that franchise and wouldn’t be advertising them. I’d call out her hypocrisy to her on twitter but I don’t have the time to block all her crazy fans that would come for me. Or the TERFs.
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She comes across as a teenager who is acting like they think an adult acts. Like shes had sex for the first time and is now all grown up and 'cool' (not saying that's true, just it's that attitude she is putting out). The problem is its actually having the opposite effect
I agree, I find this with her aggressiveness too. It's like she's trying to "clap back" or say something edgy and cool, but it just comes off as rude.
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Has anyone noticed she has privated all of her old vlogs with Pete - I wonder if she has been reading here and has deleted the videos so there is no more evidence of her being an arse to him 😂

I know I’ve grown very cynical about Carrie and I’m probably reaching 😂 but I low key felt she wanted people to find her house listing. If she’d said nothing at all about moving no one would have known. If she casually mentioned she’d moved and so her vlogging locations would be different, and just left it at that, people probably would not have been very curious. But, she just had to keep talking about and and deliberately saying she wasn’t going to show it to anyone. She kept drawing focus to it and creating interest and curiosity. Then she mentioned locations she was close to, and showed some of the most distinct characteristics of the house, characteristics that were in photos in the public listing. Other very odd things, for someone who complained about stage door a lot, when stage door wasn’t very busy for her, she started posting exactly where she was and what specific route she used going home... that would be foolish even for a non celebrity to share and seemed so bizarre. Especially for someone who you’d think would be relieved to have a more calm stage door and would not want to alert more people where to find her and/or to potentially follow her home...

I don’t know. Maybe it truly was just a whoopsie on her part and I need to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I really don’t trust her at all anymore. It’s like when she covered “burn” from Hamilton and received backlash, she apologized profusely, but all the while was tagging Lin Manuel Miranda, as was her mother. I got the impression the apology wasn’t sincere but her being a martyr and hoping Lin Manuel Miranda would come along and give her his blessing. Probably with a tear in his eye because her cover was so amazing.

Or times where she publicly brought up guru gossip, but said she agrees with the criticism and is working on it. I call bull. I think she quite aggressively disagrees with 99% off the critics but wanted to bring the red meat to her Twitter followers with timidity and false humility hoping her fans would sink there teeth in for her.

I really did like her before. I hope she’s not really this calculating and my distrust of her is unnecessary, but if she’a better person than this, I wish she’d show it. I’d certainly like to regain some of the high opinion I had of her before. But for the past five years or so it’s just been one blunder after another and it looks more and more like the likable, sweet, positive version of her from the past was an act. Despite it all, I still have hope her channel/social media will become watchable again. I personally find the good morning/evening works videos half assed and have only watched a few. Oliver is fairly engaging and gives interesting advice/information but Carrie looks so bored half the time it’s distracting.
You're not wrong - I was one of the people who found her house listing and it literally took me less than five minutes because of all the information she had given about it. Though I think most of her anger at us finding it and the reason she threatened us with lawyers is because she was embarrassed at how many people were saying how ugly her house is, especially after she had ranted about it being her dream home! 😂

She always seems to prattle on about keeping things private and upholding her boundaries, but then she seemingly can't resist showing people/telling people about everything. Like her new tattoo. She said she'd keep it for herself, we had no business seeing it, but she kept bringing it up and now she's posted a picture of it on Instagram.

It almost seems like a compulsion, perhaps because she is such a narcissist! She's always talking about herself and inserting herself into topics that don't include her, especially on twitter. I honestly think she's incapable of talking about anything without redirecting the spotlight of conversation onto herself.
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I feel like her behavior very accurately reflects the shift in our culture from women who have an intense desire to make everyone happy (which is impossible), constantly trying to please others and put one's own feelings in a box, to women who are now staking claim of their identities, sometimes in an incredibly aggressive way. I think the pendulum has swung from an era of very quiet, trying to be sweet and nice women to women who have decided to speak out and fight back, but have gone into aggression/defensive territory. I remember in music school, I had this female conductor who was the nicest person I knew and never gave the orchestra any criticism. When the annual anonymous professor evaluations came around, a lot of people criticized her. They told her that she was too lenient and that they thought that she should raise her standards to make the orchestra perform better. This resulted in her completely changing her approach- she yelled, snipped and berated us at every. single. rehearsal. The band conductor, on the other hand, (different from orchestra) knew that he didn't have to be mean to have high standards. He didn't have to scream and snip to be heard.

I think that that's the stage that Carrie (and a lot of nice women in particular) are going through right now- finding themselves while also being bombarded with a black-and-white mindset. If you're overweight, you need to slim down; if you're skinny, you have no ass and aren't a real woman. If you speak up for yourself, you're a ranging feminist, if you don't, you're a sexist coward. I truly think that Carrie wants people to be happy, so when she sees a negative presence (of any kind- whether or not the criticism is constructive- her first reaction is to demolish it. But that doesn't work- people are rarely evil for the sake of being evil. They act out because of sadness or fear. Bullies are just trying to protect themselves (though this obviously doesn't excuse their behavior).

I think that this is why I don't really understand or necessarily want to be around "nice" people. They have amazing intentions, but in the end, they lack a backbone, and the honesty it takes to assess life situations accurately. So, when they get criticized in any way, they attack you for being "unpleasant." I isn't "pleasant." It really isn't. It's a mix of good and bad. I think that oppressed groups (woman, POC, LGBTQ+) will eventually find a place on the spectrum of finding themselves where they don't feel like they have to attack in order to be heard. I also think that a very simple reason for Carrie's behavior being interpreted as being so aggressive is that she has a very powerful voice, so when she talks, she just naturally projects and it comes across as quite loud lol

Of course, I could be wrong, these are just my own thoughts, I've really enjoyed hearing everyone else's perspectives.
My question for you is, would you hear the nice person if they tried to make a stand in a nice way? If a nice person ‘grows a backbone’ they start to come across as bitch. Confident women are constantly called out and there is no middle ground.
I was very quiet at school and my confidence grew as I got older. A lot of people called me a bitch when I was just standing up for myself- I wasn’t being mean or a bully,I was just letting my voice be heard.
Carrie goes on the offensive when people criticise her. You can understand why, but at the same time she’s had yes people around her since she was a child. Her brother was a pop star, she was in the West End as a kid and left school at 16 to write a musical with her brother in LA! Can you imagine what she would be like if she’d been through a-levels and University/drama school? Probably a completely different person. If given the same opportunities she may have dropped out of uni to do Les Mis, but it’s interesting to think about how education may have changed her.
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Can't (well, I can) believe she's actually posting whingey pouting videos over losing some instagram followers. Bigger things to worry about. Get over yourself.
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When I first heard it I truly thought it said 'Call me fat Cinderella' and I was like what the actual f
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On the one hand, I think when friends, family or public figures post personal and political views, you can just let them express themselves and leave it at that. Even if I disagree, I just try to think of it objectively that they felt strongly enough they wanted to vent, and I just let them have that space without backlash. I don’t want people to be scared to share even controversial opinions. I think different views and difficult discussions are important and we can’t have them if everyone is too scared.

However, when you do drop controversial opinions in your friends, families and followers laps, it’s only realistic to know you’re inviting a discussion. if someone rages or attacks you, I totally agree that warrants a block. But, if someone is just politely disagreeing I think it’s fair game. Now, it is her social media account so she can post and block however she wants, but, she will alienate people if she is going to create a controversial, aggressive and hostile environment. If she’s cool with that being her reputation, then so be it.

If your going to cast a line out you can’t be surprised when you get bites. it’s also worth noting that she argues and blocks people over even petty topics or even misunderstood praise. Again, she can block to her hearts content, but it does make her look hot headed and foolish. it would be better if she ignored people who disagree, or, if she must respond, she could take a minute to think of a respectful, thoughtful reply and be the bigger person. It would be much better for her image and her brand, which is mostly what her public social media is for. Publicity and freebies. If someone tells her she’s losing a follower, she can just let them go without the fuss. Angrily replying then blocking feels like “you can’t fire me, I quit!” And childish “last word” behavior, which, again, makes her look like a jerk.
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