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I think my point is that I think culture will eventually find a happy medium where people can disagree without people getting overly aggressive. I do agree that simply standing up for one's self is often wrongly interpreted as being a bitch, but I think that Carrie's decision to go on a blocking spree towards anyone who disagrees with her is a reflection of how personally attacked she feels when people disagree with her. I think that standing up for yourself is a very necessary thing to do, but I think that acting out in an aggressive way may have the potential to escalate situations. In more extreme cases, I can understand using violence or an aggressive voice as a last resort, but in Carrie's case, I just don't understand how she sees her aggressive nature helping anything. I think that there is a middle ground. I just don't think that we, as a culture, have found it yet.
I have actually wondered if Carrie’s aggression comes from a place of insecurity.
For example her reaction to the drama student wondering why there are professional musical theatre actors who can’t read music. She took it personally because she knows she can’t read music and felt as if she was being called out. She knows if she went to university or drama school and studied musical theatre she would have been taught to read music but she chose not to. Even her brother doesn’t really read music. I saw one of Tom’s vlogs where he admits he writes music in one key (I think it was D or E major) and gets his keyboard to transpose into other keys. Then McFly did a tour where they played all their albums in order and he actually learned to play all the songs in the right key. Seeing her brother succeed as a song writer without that kind of training probably gave her a false sense of security. The thing is her behaviour on social media will be offending a lot of people and giving her a reputation she probably doesn’t want to have. If she keeps blowing up at people without thinking, before long no one will want to hire her. I feel that Ollie does wind her down a little because most of her outbursts happen when she is alone. I do think her main problem is that she doesn’t think before she tweets. We all know she doesn’t read her answers before posting them on her Insta Q&As but there’s always typos and she comes across as aggressive when someone asks her a genuine question. She definitely needs social media training. I doubt she ever will though because she always puts down the idea of personal and professional development ie, why would I get dance lessons when I’m not a dancer? Maybe to learn a new skill so you can go for more roles, expand your character type? After having friends in the industry doing everything they can to expand their skill set so that they can go on as many auditions as possible, I do wonder what on earth Carrie did to deserve it? I’ve been rewatching some of her older vlogs and she seemed so much nicer when she was doing Chitty. That was the job she met Scott and Molly on. Addams is where I can see the biggest change. It just seemed to bring out the worst in her as well as being the job where she met Oliver. I wonder if the scrutiny on her relationships caused her to lash out?
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I know I’ve grown very cynical about Carrie and I’m probably reaching 😂 but I low key felt she wanted people to find her house listing. If she’d said nothing at all about moving no one would have known. If she casually mentioned she’d moved and so her vlogging locations would be different, and just left it at that, people probably would not have been very curious. But, she just had to keep talking about and and deliberately saying she wasn’t going to show it to anyone. She kept drawing focus to it and creating interest and curiosity. Then she mentioned locations she was close to, and showed some of the most distinct characteristics of the house, characteristics that were in photos in the public listing. Other very odd things, for someone who complained about stage door a lot, when stage door wasn’t very busy for her, she started posting exactly where she was and what specific route she used going home... that would be foolish even for a non celebrity to share and seemed so bizarre. Especially for someone who you’d think would be relieved to have a more calm stage door and would not want to alert more people where to find her and/or to potentially follow her home...

I don’t know. Maybe it truly was just a whoopsie on her part and I need to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I really don’t trust her at all anymore. It’s like when she covered “burn” from Hamilton and received backlash, she apologized profusely, but all the while was tagging Lin Manuel Miranda, as was her mother. I got the impression the apology wasn’t sincere but her being a martyr and hoping Lin Manuel Miranda would come along and give her his blessing. Probably with a tear in his eye because her cover was so amazing.

Or times where she publicly brought up guru gossip, but said she agrees with the criticism and is working on it. I call bull. I think she quite aggressively disagrees with 99% off the critics but wanted to bring the red meat to her Twitter followers with timidity and false humility hoping her fans would sink there teeth in for her.

I really did like her before. I hope she’s not really this calculating and my distrust of her is unnecessary, but if she’a better person than this, I wish she’d show it. I’d certainly like to regain some of the high opinion I had of her before. But for the past five years or so it’s just been one blunder after another and it looks more and more like the likable, sweet, positive version of her from the past was an act. Despite it all, I still have hope her channel/social media will become watchable again. I personally find the good morning/evening works videos half assed and have only watched a few. Oliver is fairly engaging and gives interesting advice/information but Carrie looks so bored half the time it’s distracting.
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The thing is she made SUCH a big deal about not showing the tattoo and then making a whole post about it? Like when she showed parts of it because she was in bikinis that felt natural, you know?
I wouldn’t be surprised if she poSts a house tour next
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Imagine a world where if you fancy a holiday you just whinge about it on your social media and one gets given to you. Couldn't be me.
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She straight up screamed at Oli in his video this morning because she didn't understand a question properly. He's soooo uncomfortable wtf

Starting at 3:46:

Carrie is trying SO hard to be cute and funny. "I AM NOT DOING MATHS AGAIN!!!!" You're twenty seven years old, you left school over ten years ago, you really should not care about school subjects now.
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Lots of "new members" seem to be very pro Carrie!
i think many “new” members here used to be regulars at the other forum? I was one and I recognize many names. I’ve been using tattle for 2 years but only starting to post in Carrie’s thread recently after the old forum became practically unusable.

Can’t talk for others but I don’t wish her failure. I used to be a fan after all. But when she grates on my nerves (which happens quite often) I’d certainly say so. 🤣
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Ah, she had such a glow about her back then, didn’t she? Her hair was a beautiful iconic lion mane and she actually smiled from time to time. Comparison time - Now she‘s just an angry, mousey brown shut-in. Barely recognisable from those days 🙃
Photo on the left looks like someone I would want to say hi to and get to know. The one on ten right I'd cross the road to avoid (the duck pout alone is enough)

The problem is, and this isnt just aimed at Carrie, but influencers/social media stars think they are above everything and mostly have no self awareness. I hate the term 'haters' as now anyone who disagrees with someone is a hater and these social media stars think they can do no wrong. No, you're putting yourself out there, trying to influence people and their lives, you absolutely should (and should expect) to be questioned on things you put out there. Great leaders (that's what influencers are trying to be) lead by example so it is very important to be authentic otherwise people will eventually pick up on it. Too many of them think it's just posting a photo for likes or advertising. They don't get the bigger picture and issues. The public shouldnt just blindly follow people, after all some of them promote (at best) pointless or (at worst) dangerous products/lifestyles.

You want to try and be an online influence, fine, go for it. BUT you have got to expect to be questioned and challenged. You're no better than anyone else.

Also, comments can be invaluable from a business perspective. Views dropping off? not growing your following? maybe listen to what people are saying and consider maybe you are in the wrong

One final thing lol. deleting comments and blocking people to control the narrative just because people disagree with you is what dictators and Donald trump do...
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I can't see the little quote button (maybe as i'm a new member?) but I can insert a quote so hopefully this works! thanks for the help :)

But she is a public figure? If she had a private account I would understand but she publically shares her life across three major social media platforms.

She still has no obligation to continue a convo or accept opinions she doesn't agree with, regardless of whether she is a public figure.

I was also blocked for just saying she shouldn't take things so seriously but it is her right to block me lol
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And another 1000 Twitter followers have gone. The Cinderella website says she has 516K Twitter followers. She’s lost 17K since then!
  • Wow
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Regarding the DM situation, I don’t think it’s an issue to DM/reply to a public figure is bad, if your genuine intent is to open up a dialogue about something. Saying ‘I don’t like what you posted so I’m unfollowing’ isn’t inviting a dialogue though. Was she supposed to beg you to stay, or vow not to post her opinions on things anymore?

I do think Carrie would benefit from just not replying at all and moving on, but people really can’t complain when someone replies to you in a way you don’t like when you’ve essentially said ‘your opinions are no longer worth my time’, because whether intended to be rude or not, it’s not really a necessary thing to say at all. Especially when it’s a political view that’s very open to varying opinions and sides, rather than calling out a problematic behavior
This is true. While some polite disagreements and responses should be expected when posting your opinions online, I think Carrie should either respond graciously or ignore the rude ones. If a fan/follower says “I disagree and I’m unfollowing” it does seem a bit pointless and aimed to hurt. One could just unfollow and not tell her. Respect goes both ways. Even so, I think she’d be better off to just ignore rude comments, but she almost seems to be addicted to either arguing with or blocking people.
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I was trying to find out what GCSEs Carrie actually did and came across this old video. I think I'd already stopped watching her by this point (ironically because I'd just started uni) but it just feels so aggressive 😬

"I took the long way round"... Like, lmao, you literally took the shortcut of going straight into your career?
But yeah, this slightly barbed video gives quite an insight into what she thinks of higher education - keeps calling it "a bit of paper" and only thought about studying as a way to shut others up 🤦
But I wouldn't be surprised if this video/rant is also how she views reading sheet music.
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Does she only play characters where she can wear Doc Martens now? I feel like every time she is in a role now she wears Doc Martens.
I doubt it’s her personal choice, more likely it’s because she’s being type cast by the people stunt casting her.

Carrie Hope Fletcher in the role of Carrie Hope Fletcher
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[QUOTE="Illogic_ally, post: 2207494, member: 125093"

It’s pretty much the definition of first world problems, but that doesn’t make it any less valid for her to be down and anxious about. I agree that vague booking is annoying, but she’s still a person with feelings who might be going through a rough patch

For sure, I didn’t mean to dismiss the validity of whatever she’s going through. But, rather, just acknowledging the confusion it creates when she toes the line of getting too personal. For example, now people are already speculating on if it is a relationship issue, financial issue etc. when it could be something no one would even guess.

I think it is perhaps a contributing factor to why her social media is such a wreck. She can’t stay consistent on where her boundaries are or what type of content she’s going to make. When I used to think of her online personality it used to be positive, motivating, inspirational and informative. There were the occasional moments where she was snarky, or the are they/aren’t they relationship games she’d play probably for attention and views. That being said, I actually thought she did better at separating personal stuff from her public persona back then. Even the dear Tom and gi videos kept things pretty light, when you’d think those could have easily wandered into too personal territory.

Right now when I think of her social media, I tense up. If I’m going to look at her twitter or Instagram or even YouTube, I have to be prepared to encounter negativity. Either an angry rant, complaining, or attacking someone. If it’s at all positive, it’s at least awkward because it’s too personal, it’s breaking her own boundary rules etc.

I think while some of her critics would never watch her again, I think a lot of us would like to see her get her public image under control and get her social media behavior cleaned up. She’s just so hard to watch now. I do wish her happiness and I do care if she’s having a rough time, yet, at the same time, her fans are not her friends and she needs more consistent boundaries. If she wants to confide personal stuff to thousands of strangers, that’s up to her I guess. But she needs to pick a lane. Set boundaries and stick to them or don’t. The inconsistency is obnoxious and confusing to her fans who have trouble figuring out where her lines are drawn.
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It's perfectly fine for fans of HP to not support JK Rowling anymore, since she totally invalidates their existance, and still love HP. As far as I have seen these series have been a huge part of ppls lives.

You don't have to support some time to be like their work. Personally, I read Potter in my late 20s and it's just fine.

Cinderella isn't going to go well because it's boring as a theme. I want to see new musicals about things that haven't been done before.
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The thing that was really jarring about her calling Pete violent was that she only did it as a throwaway comment to say how perfect for was for the role in Heathers. It would be totally different if she were doing a serious video about relationships or giving advice for people who may be in an unhealthy one, like when Sammi Maria did a video for ChildLine. But she just said it casually to promote her show and defend her stunt casting.
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She straight up screamed at Oli in his video this morning because she didn't understand a question properly. He's soooo uncomfortable wtf

Starting at 3:46:

Ooh this made me need to comment rather than stalk. I think this is so telling about her attitude to life that she feels she hasn't learnt anything in the last 20 years that would improve her life now. I would love to go back to my younger days and learn from my mistakes or to be able to ignore peer pressure to not do the things I love because they were considered uncool. Also the attitude of just wanting to know everything without putting the work in. I don't know why her answer to this question made me so angry 😂
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This might be a bit controversial, and apologies to anyone of the same generation, but I do wonder if for Carrie and a lot of these influencers in their 20s it's a generational thing. I'm not meaning to tar all millennials together, but as a collective it is a generation that hasnt been told no as much or received as much criticism. Now when people do criticise or challenge them they feel attacked as they aren't used to it
No, it’s a ‘being a bit famous thing’. People who are famous, regardless of their age, end up living in a bubble where the people in their lives become yes men and do nothing but praise them. This on top of having lots of adoring fans. You then start to believe your own hype and your ego inflates and you change. It is then hard for them to take any criticism, anything that isn’t the echo chamber of praise that they’re used to is seen as ‘hate’ and they block it so they can continue to live in their praise bubble.

It might seem like it’s an age thing because these influencers are mostly in this age bracket. But it comes with being famous. Carrie’s not as famous as she thinks but she behaves this way cause she believes she’s the shit.
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I wonder why she blocked me after asking about it to then do a blog post? The question wasn't phrased in a nasty way and she could just choose not to answer it.
I stopped following her after I got blocked from seeing her stories because I realised I hadn't enjoyed her content in a while and was sort of hate watching her anyway. I felt better not seeing her annoying stories anyway! She still pops up on my recommended a lot though.

I actually copied that paragraph from my GG post from the time. It's still all true but some aspects of it have gotten worse since getting pregnant and having my little boy so I am considering getting some advice on it.

I've always been shy and emotional since I was a child and have always been an introvert so I've not seen it as an issue.
I always just think that everyone has anxiety to some extent so just have to get on with it.
I totally get where you're coming from as I always thought the same too and just thought I should get on with it. I was a very shy anxious introverted teenager and assumed I'd just grow out of it or learn to cope myself.

I eventually sought help in my early 20s as it was just getting worse and I couldn't see any signs it was going to improve. When I spoke to my GP, he pointed out that you can learn to cope with it but you need someone to teach you those tools so that you know how to do it and you're not necessarily going to learn to cope by yourself. He then referred me to have CBT and that helped massively because I know how to deal with the anxiety now and not let it stop me :)

Sorry majorly off topic.
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