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Here’s my issue with the Carrie and Pete issue. I don’t know either one of them. I’m not friends with either of them. The majority of their subscribers are simply that, subscribers.

All we know about them is mostly what they themselves have put out there. They may appear better, or even worse than they really are online. I don’t want to assume one way or the other, maybe Carrie really did have a stressful/scary experience with Pete. Who really knows but them?

That’s what makes her subtle hinting so awkward. She is involving strangers in something very, very serious and private. If Pete was abusive I think all of us would stop supporting him. That’s why a sketchy and vague accusation is making her audience uncomfortable because we don’t know what’s going on. We don’t want to support a bad guy, but we also don’t want to vilify someone unnecessarily.

I most certainly don’t want to minimize anything she’d gone through, but I don’t truly know what she’d gone through. And, if she was exaggerating the situation to hurt his career then I feel really bad about that as well for Pete’s sake. (Pun unintended)

that’s why I think either she needs to make a clear statement to the audience so they can make an informed decision on who they support, or, she needs to keep those intimate relationship issues private. If they weren’t getting along, it’s over. They’ve broken up, they’ve moved on. No reason to publicly drag each other if there is no threat or danger. And if she needs healing from a traumatic relationship, that’s understandable. But close friends and a counselor would be better suited for that, not thousands of strangers who just watch them for entertainment.

Also, to be honest, I enjoyed her vlogs so much before I am still willing to watch her again someday. The only thing I’d need is for her to stop getting into twitter fights, whining about stage door, complaining about baristas or other employees, complaining about critics, fighting with fans, fighting with colleagues, promising content, doing it once or twice then abandoning it etc. I don’t expect her to act like she did in her early 20’s, of course she’ll change as she matures, but you’d think she’d get more professional with age not less. 😂

Her channel used to be so positive and uplifting. As a viewer, that’s what I went to her content for.
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Ripley Rose Kat

VIP Member
Quite agree with these comments.

I may be a former fan but would never wish badly on her. She's a human being and deserves to be happy.

I still watch her older content.

I just call her out when she does something that warrants critism.
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I’ve just watched Oliver’s morning video, I really enjoyed being able to hear about his timeline without Carrie being their to interrupt every 2 mins! I have to say he was very sweet about Carrie I don’t think I’ve heard him be quite so mushy about her before!
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I’d be a bit sad if they did split tbh, they make a nice match and he softens her a bit.
I don’t think they make a nice match at all! She’s so patronising, condescending and shows little interest in him or what he has to say - and that’s going by their videos together. I think she’s very insecure and jumps from one relationship to the next without taking time to work on herself. That’s the only way she will ever be truly happy 🤷‍♀️
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Carrie has always come across like she thinks she’s better/more superior than Oliver. He’s now got arguably a bigger gig than she’s ever had and I expect she feels threatened by it. Maybe a part of her has always believed the previous comments that he’s with her for her fame/house/money etc and so now she feels like he might not need her anymore.

I’m really pleased for Oliver; he has seemingly worked hard to get this role and it’s paid off.
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Hey everyone! Newbie here. I'm posting as I have struggled to find anyone else outside of the internet and places like this who have dealt with or been on the receiving end of Carrie's beat downs when it comes to her fans being critical of her. I've been a long time fan of hers for years now and always supported her work by either purchasing merchandise, books or tickets. I've always loved her YouTube videos in particular and being able to see the behind the scenes of shows always fascinated me because of my love of musicals and theatre in general! Recently I noticed a big decline in her social media engagements - she was always SO negative and so quick to argue with fans who were even remotely critical of her and this was really starting to grate on me. I felt myself bracing every time she posted something in case it was going to be negative and abusive. The other day she was posting about abolishing the police in America (which is something I do not agree with but I won't get political on this thread). I messaged her privately to say I was disappointed to see her supporting this and that whilst I love her work I would be un-following her for a while. I also wished her luck for her future shows and that hopefully theatre would be back up and running soon for everyone to enjoy. What I got in response was the rudest most patronising message I think I've ever received from a creator of her size and she promptly blocked both my accounts so that I didn't have a chance to even defend myself or open up a conversation to have a debate on the matter. I am so disappointed by her attitude and I truly hope that she is able to see the error in her ways and engage in a more positive way with her fans. I now feel I cant watch her videos anymore without this hanging over my head!

My original sentiment still stands and I wish her well with all her future endeavours, but I just can't support her anymore and needed to talk about it with people who maybe understand?

I also really think she needs to take a break from social media. It doesn't seem to help her when she struggles with mental health problems.
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See, I used to really like her fashion sense a few years ago especially during the Chitty tour. I really liked the floral dresses with the docs or combat boots, I think it was a good look for her.

I'm not sure whether she thought one day that she needed to dress "older" but her style is definitely that of someone who is a lot older which is why I think she looks frumpy as I don't think her style is that of a young woman, it seems a lot older.

However, I'm no psychologist, but I wonder if she dresses this way because she's very insecure nowadays with the way she looks. I am not going to fat shame her at all but she did put a lot of weight on during Addams and I wonder if this still effects her now.

At one point, I would have still defended her and supported her till the end but she has done things that are, in my mind, unforgivable.

I've said this before so I won't try and be a broken record but it's a few things for me that made me dislike Carrie:

- the know-it-all attitude and the way she talks down to people. You call tell by the way she acts that shethinks she's really intelligent and knows more than everyone else (she's a smart girl, there's no denying that) but don't act like you're better than everyone else

- her attacking people in her industry particularly the person she had a pop at regarding the sheet music saga

- being snippy and passive aggressive to anyone who questions her

- not taking constructive criticism well or on board. Getting offended and just blocking people if they disagree with her in any way shape or form

- not wanting to improve herself. Not taking the time to learn sheet music, not learning to be a better a actress or dancer

- being very quick to vilify and accuse people of abuse to the point it could ruin them and their livelihood/careers

- acting like she works super super hard all the time. I have no doubt that she did at one point but when she acts like she's the hardest worker in the world...

That's just to name a few, I don't want to bore people with my extensive list! 😂

For me personally, the way she was with Pete accusing him of abuse and violence was the straw that broke the camel's back. She was so quick to accuse him and then be very vague and sketchy about it. For one, liking people's comments when they asked if it was Pete but not actually explaining or backing it up. Then back tracking later on. I am aware she doesn't owe anyone ANYTHING however, you don't do that. That's so fucked up. She could have ruined him completely and I've often wondered if that's what she was trying to do to get back at him somehow.

I am not victim shaming but the way she handled that situation was appalling. It could well be true but the way she'd speak to him in videos was disgusting and bang out of order. That was only what we saw on camera as well so we can only imagine what she was like behind closed doors.

She appears to have lost a lot of mutual friends after they broke up as well.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adored Carrie at one point and I still watch her old videos. However, I feel like she's just getting worse as time goes on.

We all change and grow but I feel like every since Addams something has changed to the point where I personally don't recognise the girl I once adored and looked up to. It's really saddening.

Well done if you've read this, here's a slice of cake 🎂😂
You've hit the nail on the head here. That's the thing, as much as Carrie wants to paint us all as big meanie haters or trolls, most people on here and GG used to be fans of hers.
I loved her stuff for years - bought All I Know Now and my friends and I had even debated overnight bus-ing from Scotland to London to see her in Les Mis - until I came across her thread in late 2015 and it made me realise how much her behaviour had changed and become something I didn't like. I often describe it as that 'glass shattering moment' because it did open my eyes to how much she criticised and attacked others while simultaneously attacking anything vaguely negative that might possibly about her.

I'd normalised so much of it too - to the point I used to tweet using her full name when I was like 16/17 because I knew she was more likely to see that than if you @'ed her, just from how much she searched her name.
Now I do know other creators/bands/brands/etc that do that too but nearly all of the ones I've seen use it to reply to fans/use it to promote themselves positively e.g. responding to 'what happened to x band?' or 'I miss x' with "Hey, we actually have a new album/project/etc! Hope you'll like it!" But with Carrie, it was only ever passive-aggressive likes and replies, which is not only leaves a bad taste for whoever was on the recieving end, but was super disheartening as one of many young fans who would have thrived from just one liked tweet/comment or most basic of polite replies - yet were ignored in favour of liking a random's tweet in a convo to someone else entirely that mentioned her (by, like, initial) being a bit pitchy in one song or something equally minor just to embarrass them 🙄

It's been five years since then and I just find it wild how much I've changed and grown while she just... hasn't. 😕
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Ooh, interesting - thanks for that!

Is it on Twitter that people have spoken up?

I remember her being very rude to someone on Twitter when they called her out on not being able to read sheet music, a long while ago.

To be fair, I completely see where people are coming from. Must be very frustrating working really hard for roles and she gets the lead without barely lifting a finger.

I have no doubt she worked hard at one point but she's absolutely bone idle nowadays. No effort to perfect her craft, learn sheet music, dance or acting lessons either.

Just to add to my previous comment, Carrie's Twitter numbers are dropping like mad.

Have a look on Social Blade, wonder what's causing such a huge drop?

It doesn't seem like her posts on Twitter seem to get many likes or comments these days either.
I know that Sabrina Aloueche who was also an eponine and a bloody good one too doesn't like her, she made a sub tweet about Carrie to someone over the sheet music thing and the whole stage door fisaco.
Quite a lot of them are very done with her just being Stunt casted for her name not for her talent, yeah Carrie is a good actress just not good enough to carry a show. Heathers was a prime example, absolutely dreadful!
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Chatty Member
It’s definitely calling her out but I assume if she’s liked it she’s misunderstood audacity as meaning she’s ballsey or something?!
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in regards to the jk rowling discussion, my thoughts are that if she truly wants to be seen as a trans ally/someone who disagrees with rowling, she wouldn’t take jobs/paid promotions with the harry potter franchise. it’s fair to say she has seperated the art from the artist in respect to still enjoying reading the books and watching the films etc. but continuing to partner with the franchise (and so promote it professionally) is very iffy imo. she should practise what she preaches and show an ounce of integrity by not promoting a franchise that represents rowling to her fans.
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and the Frozen artwork is a million times nicer than the awful Cinderella one. It's like they dont even want to try and make the show look good
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Chatty Member
Those black and white pictures with the bralette, she looks really good and it's more proof she is an average size and not the plus-size queen she wants to be.
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just like her insistence that Gryffindor = Good, Slytherin = Bad. (Side note: she has no Gryffindor characteristics at all)
Yeah, she's definitely got a lot more Slytherin traits and that's not even meant in a bad way. She clearly has some drive and ambition, even if it seems more a desire to be seen as the best rather than pushing herself to outright be the best (e.g. the triple threat thing - she doesn't need to be one because she doesn't regard that status as worthwhile). Her self-preservation is second to none but you can tell she still highly values family and connections too.

Obviously a lot of people are still going to view Slytherin negatively because it was written to be quite the 'evil' caricature but if we've learnt anything, it's that Harry Potter no longer belongs to R*wling and her narrative. It's evolved into something so much bigger. Death of the Author and all that. 🤷
Accept the snake, Carrie.
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I will say, opinions on skill and quality aside, writing and finishing a novel is an achievement. I can understand why she was so proud of it. Also, I think it was still fairly new that youtubers were getting book deals, and I think she may have naively believed she was getting a book deal based on talent. I think since then reality has set in that she is very much a novice writer and her book deals have been very much because she has a larger social media audience. Tattoos are personal and she can do as she pleases, but what I don’t get is the need to show strangers. Or, tell them you won’t show them, then show them...if you want to keep it private, just...keep it private...
But Carrie lives for screaming about her boundaries but then inherently not having any!
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