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The bootleg lol.

It's so weird that she focuses on Les Mis so much. I can appreciate it as a piece of art, but for someone coming from a country where the musical has never been produced locally, it took me a long time to even start taking it seriously, especially when compared to the book. It's like a really weird, abridged, dolled-up version of the actual story.
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Chatty Member
If the Oliver rumours are true, I wonder if Cameron will get sam back. She did it on tour for a short time before she got the les miz movie , but she's developed so much since then. Major west end revival may tempt her and Cameron made a big fuss about her

After elsa I'm sure elphaba must be a possible too. Could also see her as Satine in Moulin Rouge, if they are flexible on the race of the role.
We’ll Satine was played by Nicole Kidman in the film, unless they’ve made significant changes to the role for the stage the part could be played by anyone.
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Do you pay for it before it comes?
When you order, the money goes into a pending transaction. Once the person has completed your Cameo within the time limit, the money then gets taken out. In my case, the time had expired so the money was back in my account but they still completed it free of charge!
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I used to be such a book purist when I was younger but now, who has the time to be so prescriptive about how other people enjoy a hobby? I used to think it was sacrilege to deface a book or bend the pages, and the idea of lining them up in colour order seemed against some holy law of libraries.

Now... couldn't care less what other people think, I like my rainbow books that are pleasing on the eye, I know exactly where each book is, and I'll happily write in and bend the pages of my favourite books because the ones I value most are the ones that are worn and tattered and obviously loved. If you're someone who likes keeping your books pristine and alphabetised, no shade at all, that's your choice - but other people can make different ones and that's also fine.

I also read books on my phone and Kindle, just to really trigger any of the aforementioned book purists who are about :LOL:

(Disclaimer: I still think Carrie's lame, I just think there are other reasons to think she's lame beyond how she organises her books.)
Don't worry I deface my books too and i'm in no way a book purist - if you look through my books they've all been highlighted within an inch of their life - I don't care how anybody enjoys their hobby - I was simply saying it would be stressful having them in colour order.
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I must have missed something because she always seemed like she and Oliver were sticking to the rules throughout lockdown and they always wear masks, have been vaccinated etc. I never had her as a Covid denier.

Any frustrations she had seemed to be directed at the governments handling of the impact of COVID on the arts rather than saying there shouldn’t have been restrictions in the first place.

In any case, I hope Oliver is ok.
If I'm honest, I meant 'underplaying', rather than 'denial', which is totally my bad. She just comes across as generally uncaring as to how Covid has affected people worse off than her, such as complaints about not being able to go to Disney (World, not Paris though) whilst people are stranded in different countries to their families and can't justify the £200+ it can cost to get a pre-flight antigen/PCR, then a day two test, plus the isolation until the day two comes back. I know the rules have changed now, but at the time, it felt tone deaf.

Obviously I'm particularly annoyed and jaded by this as I live in the EU, and my family were unable to visit at all due to various entry bans and so on and so forth. So yeah, it stings to see her bitching when I can't even hug my mum.
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I used to have her songs in my itunes and I loved her version of Won’t say I’m in Love but now I can barely hear her singing without rolling eyes which sucks because I actually like the Cinderella song that is a duet with Sebastian (hoping I can eventually hear Lauren’s version of Cinderella at some point)
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But surely it won’t feature carrie because she insists she isn’t the face of Cinderella….!
Sorry to disappoint you but the blurb and tags and picture on the scheduled placeholder all show her name

It will be playable this time tomorrow

Must admit, I thought it already had an official music video, this one:

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Ivano is in this concert performance on 6th Feb. So either this was booked in anyway or they are allowed to be doing other jobs in this time?

Lucy's in it and she's still in Phantom so I assume one off concerts are fine? Would be a bit mean anyway to not be paying them but not allow them to do another job... even for ALW!
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Her hair is such a lovely length at the moment.

Her story post about professional rejection though - she has a platform, she could help normalise rejection by actually talking about the jobs she doesn’t get, the “no thanks” she gets, so more of her young followers learn that it’s not normal for everything to just fall in your lap.
She won’t, though.
to be fair to her i think she’s said previously she isn’t allowed to talk about specific shows that rejected her, or maybe won’t in case her fans attack the person who got the role?
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So I saw Frozen on New Year’s Eve and Moulin Rouge on New Year’s Day and as much as I think she’d kill it vocally I just can’t see her as Satine. She would be a lovely Nancy or Elphaba but you need a certain sex appeal to be Satine and as much as Sam Barks is a queen I don’t think she quite has that appeal.
She did Pretty Woman - defo Sex Appeal! x
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What was her reasoning for not liking Disneyland Paris? She went there in 2019 and iirc she went in 2015 with Pete.
Probably that it’s smaller. Disney Paris is 2 parks whereas Disney World Florida is 4 and has Cinderellas Castle as the main event rather than Paris’s smaller Sleeping Beauty castle. I think she have mentioned having bad memories of Paris with ex boyfriends, but I may be mistaken.
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She's not coming up as follong him on either her IG or his for me. Those follower lists are really glitchy though but it says he follows her...
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Sorry I’m a bit behind but just seen Carrie has uploaded a video called ‘Nominated for a Grammy?!’ Um, no, you literally weren’t.
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