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Chatty Member
Did anyone just listen to Dirty Juan's story where rubber lips is laughing up because she called her 10 year old son a pussyboy? (sorry for foul language) Yet again we see Dirty Juan laying in bed when she comes in just happy and said seh called him that name and blamed it on IQ27. She thought it was abosulety hysterical. Dirty Juan not so happy when she tells him. LIke what is wrong with this lady? I never say a positive thing about dirty Juan but i must say that the look on his face says it all. He is just disgusted by her some times. In his words "you are a horrible person"
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Pity w
Honestly am out of words and comments on these 2 losers.. I don't know if it's just us here in this group catching on about the reality of their Life or the ones that don't know yet are who not aware..
Just want to add that we are now beginning to have bits and pieces coming out before the show starts 🍿
It's a pity we can't all get together to watch the show, we'd have such a laugh 😂
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
By the time this show is over the only thing they will be invited to is to leave the damn country! She is hoping that she can get the fan base she had during LOL and they will welcome her. She already said that the States is her biggest fan base. I don't see many people here liking this women now. We are watching Erika Jayne from RHOBH and her husband steal milions and millions from widows and orphans and she is on televsion still showing her stuff. Her fan base is almost non existent compared to what it was like. If rubber lips comes on acting like she does now- she will get a chilly reception from alot of americans. And once again- I degressed- sorry for the novel.

Joan should we start a new thread yet? I think you did the honors of setting us up last time. I don't want to lose any of my peeps but I have a feeling this show is going to have people jumping on here big time.

I don't know what it is about him that irrates me more sometimes than she does. I think it is that he is so damn fake. The guy is clearly questionable in his life choices ( not judging him just trying to understand). He portrays himself as this loving, doting (to the extreme) to a women 18 years his senior but his overal apperance and actions scream something completely different. The fact that he lied to her 3 times about his age, slipped a pill in her drink so she would be knocked out while he did his crepe paper and baloon decorating- makes me suspect to anything he says or does. I am actually shocked that he hasn't taken down that video of when she says ' you slippped something into my drink without me knowing it' and he replies 'oh yes that was funny" i mean talk about a manipulator- she has no idea who this guy really is.
Yes I was thinking of starting a new one on June 1st actually so if new people come on Tattle after the show airs, we will have a fresh thread lol.
Regarding the trailer I think Nina and possibly Sara will be the kindest ones. I'm already having an issue with C. Brooks and her narcissm.. I don't know if you guys saw her stories last week when she was in Cannes but she's an other one that thinks she's Angelina starring in a billion dollar blockbuster.. I think Chanel will be funny and Lesa boring. We'll see. But just as you said, nothing will beat IQ27 being THE MOST annoying one 😂

BTW, do you think they will put subtitles when he speaks? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Al Barari would be considered fairly exclusive to be fair. The house they are buying is pretty small in comparison to others there but it’s still over £1million in real estate. I know Dubai very well 😁 It makes sense for them to live there due to where the kids go to school.

Regarding the IVF - it looks as though they are ‘harvesting’. With CS’s age they probably need to do this a few times to get some decent eggs. Odd to be drinking and smoking whilst doing it though.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Oh my goodness!! As I guessed it was for the "confessional" and that moron thinks she's Angelina Jolie nominated for an Oscar. His phrases are pathetic, I just can't. Then he films the studio where she was.. It's beyond ridiculous.. SHE'S IN A REALITY SHOW you idiot!! Not a 100 million dollar movie!
How now did she manage to get a dinner party comped once again? Clearly it's a new restaurant that is opening and she probably promised a huge opening of clients..little does that chef know that she holds no weight and influence in Dubai..poor guy has been had.
Not only is she the laziest person I know but to even prepare a nice dinner table, she's incapable of that. The dishes are from the caterer and that big box of flowers was one of her birthday gifts. Not even a simple thing to put a nice floral arrangement and candles she's capable of doing! Wtf.
And what's with that dress..hasn't she realized yet it's cheap plus she doesn't have the body for it??


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I dunno. Andy Cohen seemed to like her...and him. So it will all depend on how its edited.

What on earth is she wearing now? Where is she getting these awful clothes??..Also she has a nice figure for a woman of her age but the clothes she wears sometimes are so unflattering. This top for example does nothing for her.
View attachment 1187985
So here's where she's getting those horrible clothes from. Not cheap, and they're only polyester so she'll be sweating all night!
Go splash out on some beautiful resort wear, these just scream cheap.


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So yeah the meme about Will and Jada means they think Wills' slap in front of the whole World was right to do? Also does that mean they think loyalty means accepting cheating in a couple (Jada cheated on Will)? Man are they DUMB!!
I know right, they think it is so cool to repsond to that. Total and absolute morans

He has a bit of a cheek posting this!

View attachment 1192842
He is a piece of work isn't he. This is his passive/aggresive behavior coming out.

What a load of Crap
Are they on Drugs ? 🥴
He’s been saying it for so long now, I think he really believes it 🤩View attachment 1192626View attachment 1192626View attachment 1192631
Look at how unprofessional it looks. I wouldn't invest one dollar of my money to this place...geez!!!!!

The more time these two morans spend sharing their lives on social media the more you can pick up on how dysfunctional their relationship really is. No normal couple would spend vacation without their own children but with another couple's children. It just doesn't make sense. She couldn't have planned this trip for a time when she could have brought her own children? He is really showing his true colors the longer they are together- he is more aggresive with how he responds to her now. She is drinking more, eating poorly, dressing very risque, horrible hygiene habits - I mean she is just a mess. They aren't going to keep up this act of being a loving couple for much longer. We are seeing his real personality coming out. And we are to believe that they would have a child together, sure!
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I thought it was bad enough watching these two lazy arses call their staff and tell them to bring them coffee in bed. Now, to see this guy literally wiping down their sunglasses just sends me to another level. I am sure it is part of the pool staff to do that, but you know what, I would politely tip the guy and say no thank you. But not AssBrain- IQ, he has to film it. Actually, if he didn't sell his soul and marry clown lips he would be doing a job just like that. I truly think that she thinks she is going to be the break out start of RHOD like she was on LOL but I don't see it going that way. People are turned off now by wealth flauting and her snobby attitude- and not to mention when they see her fake it to you make it sidekick. i may be wrong but this may turn out to be disaster if social media has a negative reaction to them both. Can someone explain to me what "having a baby boy on ice" her words- means? She said this on a podcast with Tamara Judge. The way she said it is exactly how she probably feels - there was no excitement about it as if she was talking about one of her animals. I can't see this women having a child and giving up what she has now- she will give this child to him , pay him child support and maybe that's how it ends. She certainly isn't going to get tied down with a newborn- my gawdd...she doens't even take the time to wipe of her makeup after a night of drinking.....
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Are we to believe that IQ27/Dirty Juan who is having her swinging from the chandeliers in bed- is so shy/innoncent that he just refered to his private part as his pee/pee? This is coming from a man who is living with a women with the foulest mouth I have heard from a women? So she just spits out the word dick with no problem and he calls it a pee/pee? Really, who is this guy? It must be bad as they have posted a first grade video where they are already talking about how they are going to be coming after them....her toyboy, he has nothing, sounds like this is what these women must end up saying/thinking about him after they have spent time with him. I can't wait. She really went into this thinking she would be this hard/arse women and belittle people like she did on LOL the difference is these women could care less what she was in London- they are intimated. Someone expain to me how she got on this show. She owns no home yet- except the town house they are havng built. IQ27 keeps saying this is a dream home and shows the model home and says it's their home. He has not job that we see him go to. She has nothing but selling dog food and empty hotels. She has done nothing that is note worthy like other women have. She married this toddler and using him as her story line. Cem was smart and didn't want to be a part of it. Exit Cem, enter Dirty Juan. He is so desperate to be noticed that he is willing to humilate himself. I think he has underestimated just how cruel people can be. Once this show airs- they will either like them or hate them. Either way, why would she put herself through this at her age? Sorry for the rambling novel I just wrote-I just could go on and on with these two.
I never watch her videos to give her engagement, but I did this one , to see what she would say about the ladies . You are absolutely spot on, she is rattled about the toy boy comment after watching the trailer. The video was unprepared, they were low on battery and Sergio asked stupid questions. His question about doing a second season 🥱
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
As we all know she's a lazy slob, I am beginning to think that she just likes to have him around as a sort of assistant as that is exactly what he's doing! Going to get the coffee, packing, filming her every move like it's a documentary, shadowing her everywhere etc.. It's like he's a replacement of Luke in a way.
I am flabbergasted at the level of sleaze these 2 are, when you see the state of the bedroom! And what's up with him doing a tan and whitening like HE'S going to be on the show? Even Michael made a comment on IQ27's post. The guy is insufferable and a loser.
I don't get why all the other Housewives are staying in a different hotel than our 2 idiots.
CS has no idea how brutal this show is going to be on them as people are going to tear them apart, especially IQ27.


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Microdosing is taking small amounts of hallucinogenic drugs. I’m sure she isn't doing that in Dubai. It also explains why she is acting so unhinged! She needs to get all that filler dissolved and start again, especially the mouth. It just looks wrong.
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I was speaking to a lady who had messaged IQ27 about the terms he was wrongly using in terms of the IVF process "15 babies in her belly" etc. She explained this was wrong and explained how it's great to encourage people to look after their fertility and show the process but that he needs to get the facts straight when posting to these vulnerable people. He replied and said that he knows the right terms but was only being 'funny' on his stories 🙄. Oh ha ha
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Wow CS has got to be the most lazy b*t*h I have ever seen in my Life! She spends her whole day in bed except for going to the supermarket to buy food (yeah, room service is too expensive for these 2 as only hotel room is comped not the rest).. Then she gets a massage, then a drip IN Bed!? Can't she sit in a chair ffs? I mean how embarrassing.

Oh and of course IQ27 has to do the exact same thing she does and also get a massage and a drip..

Did you see the mess in her hotel room? And that moron films it like it's normal.. Seriously these 2 are just pigs.

Looks like the rest of the crew are coming to NY probably to do a launch with Andy Cohen.. IQ27 will definitely try and sit on it lol. Speaking of which, did you notice that the only guy that was at the filming of the promo of RHODubai was him???

I tell you, this show is going to be brutal for them, especially him 🍿
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Patsy Fritatas

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I can’t with those shoes. They look like something you would attach to your feet if you were stranded on a desert island and had to attach two pieces of bark to your soles, held together with rope.

She has the ability to look amazing! But I still get Ivana Trump vibes.
The shoes are ridiculous. She is such a beautiful.woman but her clothes and shoes lately are a bit weird. Maybe it's Dubai and always having to be in beach wear or light stuff. I am not a fan of all the brown clothing that's around at the moment.
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Patsy Fritatas

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You are not missing anything, I just look once a day now as it's boring as anything. Anyway you get the recaps here with stories and pictures attached 😂
I had a look earlier. She had had her hair done and they were lying around on the bed? I like the snippets about her kids doing cooking and stuff. More of that please and less of the orthopaedic sandals, sun damaged cleavage and her looking alluringly into the mirror phone in hand!
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