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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
She said all that?? 😱 I mean his job is to "make her look good"?? So why does he film her looking like crap sometimes?

Well looks like she is going along with the baby 😱.. She's insane

Will she now stop drinking and smoking? 🙄
No if she does it, and she'd be mad to do it, I can see them using a surrogate and then employing a nanny. She she can keep smoking and boozing away.

I wonder if Cem still pays for her health insurance, surely not. I assume you can’t have IVF in Dubai unless you’re married but why won’t she call herself Mrs Carrallo? She is mad to have another child at her age. The risks are high for both her and the baby.
I've friends who had their babies at 43 and 44 and they are all fine but she just doesn't seem to be very interested. Maybe she is? time will tell!
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Says a man in a dress who thinks a woman's place is in the home. Please.
An odd thing to say at best, offensive at worst. Judging by your comment I would hazard a guess you've never spent more than 5 days in the UAE and have 0 knowledge of local culture and mentality. Very bizarre conclusion to draw honestly.

Just an FYI, that's not a dress its a kandura still proudly worn by Emiratis and people from across the Middle East and North Africa. Clearly you have no idea but to label someone a "man in a dress" you've just outed yourself as ignorant.
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The Middle East or Asia is the best place to have a baby, she will just hire a baby nurse to bring up her kid, there will be no need to do anything herself at all. I’ve know families where the parents don’t even live in the same country as their children, and it’s seen as perfectly normal. I still think she is mad but as someone said previously, she will do it for the storyline to stay relevant and on RHOD.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
So, it was the Freebie, Ghost Hotel, yesterday !!
He calls that a SURPRISE 🤩
OMG, Is he completely stupid/brainless 🤷🏻‍♀️
He made such a performance online about it.
When she got there, they must have had a massive bust up.
He was Offline the whole day & night
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Apart from when she stands up & the skirt looks like an oversized belt 🤩

And only by a load of Narcissistic or Weirdo Numpties 🙄
Yes because his surprise was what? The Tacky Ghost Hotel and those frigging balloons?? He really has an obsession with balloons..maybe as a kid he never had birthday parties... Every time it's balloons here and balloons there. All they did is take the balloons from the hotel and brought them at the apartment lol. As someone said earlier, if it was such an amazing surprise he would have done 50 stories about it. The fact he was offline all day yesterday until this morning is quite indicative..especially after making a whole thing about doing a surprise lol

This guy will take whatever crap she gives him (most probably yesterday was one of those days) and verbal abuse because he has no choice but to take it all. He has nowhere to go...she's his meal ticket and she knows that and will not change her ways with him because she knows very well he will stay and never leave.. If I was his mother I would be mortified
Any guesses where the party will be tomorrow? I say either Ghost Tacky hotel or Sonara Camp (which is owned by her friend that was on the yacht with her last week), because both will be freebies. Could be at the apartment too
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Local laws have relaxed enormously in the past few years, and to be honest there are bigger fish to fry/more disrespectful ‘influencers’ to clamp down on before these two. However if someone watching their stories took a screenshot and filed an E-Police report about a genuine concern regarding something they’ve posted, it would have to be investigated.
The instagrammers that fly in and fly out, for sure don't seem to have a clue, remembering the 20 naked ladies in the Marina photoshoot LOL. Even in the short few years since we left things have relaxed, living together and being unmarried and pregnant is not illegal anymore, But It's the offensive language she uses in her podcasts, insulting her ex husband etc, I guess as long as they don't offend the wrong people and stay in with the right people, they will be okay.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
View attachment 1177567Didn’t realise Sergio was a cast member

CAN HE NOT LEAVE HER ALONE FOR 5 MINUTES. As far as I can tell, no one else’s husband tagged along to New York. Probably because they have actual jobs
Yeah and he also made a story just before saying "going to film Housewives" with the singing voice he uses now to say anything. Am telling you he's like her PA and filmographer to record every step of her Life. Yesterday he did a "Life of a Podcaster" video but I refused to watch it lol
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Now this outfit is lovely on her. So she's meeting with Carole Radzewill! Of course. Royal connections!!! I wonder how many of them were friends with Jeff Epstein. Caroline's name was allegedly in his little black book which is something she keeps very quiet about.

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Wow he's such an idiot : he commented on the "biew" of hotel and its a frigging parking lot!! I don't know about you guys but I find their room horrible and cheap. Nothing glamorous. The Fish restaurant is nice though!
OK now what's going on with her stomach.. I've never seen this dent on both sides like that. It's not a six pack so how does one get a stomach like that?
She uses a machine at Cosmegross (my new name for Cosmesurge- because between her and the alien Dubai Miquel - that place does horrible work) anyhoo, she said when they put they machine on her stomach it is equivalent to hudreds of sit ups that give her abs. Its on her youtube channel- the results are horrific so she probably should stop.

Wow he's such an idiot : he commented on the "biew" of hotel and its a frigging parking lot!! I don't know about you guys but I find their room horrible and cheap. Nothing glamorous. The Fish restaurant is nice though!
OK now what's going on with her stomach.. I've never seen this dent on both sides like that. It's not a six pack so how does one get a stomach like that?
Hahah, I thought the same thing. Assbrain doesn't even think before he talks....always running his mouth! The room is the usual tacky and cheap places that they seem to seek out for a freebie.

Okay, someone help me understand why clownlips keeps talking about her "brand" and how her "brand" is just off the chart because she is so busy. What is her brand? Is she saying that she is so great that just being herself is a brand? I am listening to one of her damn podcast (i know I am my own worst enemy) but she is talking on this podcat that she and Assbrain are building a hotel together? This podcast is from October, 2021. OMG it is so laughable listening to her talk this nonense..but they are building a hotel? Is this going to be in the dessert? I mean they are building a hotel! She said that he likes to see her on billboards and he is happy to sit back and let her take the limelight. Hmmm, I guess he does, you are paying for everything clownlips...why would he mind- you are a cougar supporting him. He will never mind you being in the limelight, he photobombs you all hte time anyways.
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I think he is trying to show us what a fantastic lifestyle he is living and we should all be so envious 🤣 He is a fame hungry, mumbling dick head who hasn’t worked a day in his life. He is a scrounger and she is his meal ticket. Can you imagine their conversations about whose belongings they can scrounge next or ringing the ghost hotel for a freebie. The constant begging would give me a headache. Here is one for you…. how’s about getting yourself a job and then show us with pride how your hard work has paid off?
I seriously cannot believe CS has fell for him and his cheesy lines 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Which article in DM was this comment from?
This is the article Joan

Another article to read which will make you laugh out loud! She says "I don't know where I got it, but you can get it sitting on the toilet, for God's sake, so grow up"
Also, she was taking antibiotics - which, unless she had a chest infection - won't work against Covid, which is a virus . Bless her, if she'd a brain she'd be dangerous


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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
As an American I can say that I find her poshy plummy English accent annyoing. I don't think I am alone in my thinking here in the states. I. You can tell she is a smoker...she sounds harsh and almost manly. Between that and her foul mouth (every other word is the f world) I don't think she is going to be this break out star she was in LOL like she thinks. Once people see how much she and her Assbrain flaunt their fake wealth it will all backfire on them. She would have been a real hit if she never hooked up with this loser and stayed single. For sure they would have been more of an audience that would have been more interested in watching her date, raise children, coparent and work while being recently divorced. Now all they are going to show are free vacations and him acting like he is her knight in shining armor. Not going to work- audience will be turned off quickly.
So you keep saying but I think she seems to have a lot of fans by the comments on her posts. The series could be a big hit. I've gone off the Real Housewives shows as there is just too much unrealistic arguing among the women. Noone behaves like that.
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Misty Morning

Well-known member
Her Life’s work is sourcing Pathetic Clothing & getting out of the house & Dubai, as often as possible
A total sad moron
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Good detective work Joan on Third on uncovering just how long these two dimwits have been together. So tell me if I got this right- This immature, unemployed, giglio goes to a women's conference in May, 2019 and meets her. ( First clue- any 27 male that goes to a women's conference is either going to check out the audience or (?)) According to what Joan uncovered, by June he is already posing with her on the red carpet? And she is still legally living and married to her husband in a country where adultery is met with very serious consequences? She goes on her podcasts and lies to everyone about the whole relatonship timeline. They are both just so ignorant- it shows in almost all they do and say. I wouldn't believe anything either one of them say or do. Remember, she has said he lied to her more than once about his age. Even after she asked him to be honest, he continued to lie two more additional times about his age. What I found out that was worst than that was when she said on that damn youtube channel they have was that he put a pill in her drink without telling her - (so he could decorate for valentine's day)
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As an American I can say that I find her poshy plummy English accent annyoing. I don't think I am alone in my thinking here in the states. I. You can tell she is a smoker...she sounds harsh and almost manly. Between that and her foul mouth (every other word is the f world) I don't think she is going to be this break out star she was in LOL like she thinks. Once people see how much she and her Assbrain flaunt their fake wealth it will all backfire on them. She would have been a real hit if she never hooked up with this loser and stayed single. For sure they would have been more of an audience that would have been more interested in watching her date, raise children, coparent and work while being recently divorced. Now all they are going to show are free vacations and him acting like he is her knight in shining armor. Not going to work- audience will be turned off quickly.
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😯😯 The one in the purple T shirt, wowzers !!

Just saw that he posted that one, another unflattering one from her darling husband.
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Okay having watched the stories...point no 1..I would absolutely kill him if he was my partner and he'd arranged for his mum to arrive the morning after a big birthday bash when I'd probably want a nice lie in!!

Second....Dubai Miguel's face is starting to look scary!!! Too much work?


Third...was it a joint birthday bash with Laura Anderson?


Finally...what's with the leg up round IQ27 when she's trying to look sexy?? Always with the leg!!😂😂

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Yes. Kristin was Juliet’s BFF from college. They fell out a few years ago, and based on cryptic memes and other internet sleuthing I gather that Kristin’s new Friendship with CS had something to do with it. (Juliet introduced them). Kristin is the perfect mark for the asshats - more money than she knows what to do with, no real job, an ex-hub in jail, and obvi she is desperate for a sniff of fame herself. (Sister is Tracy Tutor of million dollar listing). I actually wouldn’t be too terribly surprised if Dirty Juan tried to climb into Kristin’s knickers as she would be a true sugar mama.

Also, Cheval Blanc is hardly the nicest hotel in St. Barth’s. It’s not a dump, but it’s not where the real jet set stays.

And oh yeah just one last thing - that rear view of CS in the godawful black dress was MEAN! from the back you can see how bad her posture is. She looks 100 years old from the back the way she hunches and shuffles. From the front she is dressed like a 22 year old wannabe Fashion Nova model 🤣
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