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OMG- did anyone see the video of IQ0 coming through the door at the ghost hotel with no shirt on and his hands in his pockets of his white pants and just strikes a pose. It is so funny!! He really thinks he is some suave good looking guy that we all should be commenting on. I just busted out laughing when I saw it. He really thinks he is something hot. CS enough of you trying to defend this guy, his behavior towards you has become very aggressive and he is outwardly showing now how he physically and emotionally comes at you. What is it about this little punk that has turned your life upside down? Maybe if you help us understand we won't judge you. The more this idiot puts things like he does on his instagram page it is ruining your reputation - you don't see it but that doesn't matter everyone else is seeing it.
YUP, i just saw that. He is going for the european model look because he can't seem to get a job doing anything else. CS you have to stop this rambling on and defending him by comparing him to Cem and puttting down Cem because IQ0 is worthless. What is so funny is that you would never put up with Cem living like IQ0 does- imagine Cem putting you in a town house, or having you selling dog food? You just said on your last podccast that he does not allow you to go out with your girlfriends but you are hoping he will allow you to do it one day. This is absolutely ridiculous that you have changed your way of living and expect people that have followed you for years to believe it without questioning it. You got to do better if you want people to continue to follow you.
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Where are all their staff, haven't seen anyone since they got back and they have been grocery shopping themselves. Perhaps they have had to cut back......
I just love it- here they say the are living in a penthouse with a frekin elevator that takes them up to their apartment. Now how many people living in Penthouses in NYC where IQ27 says his penthouse is like- actually roll a basket full of groceries into their apartment. Come on - do they thing we are all idiots? They are trying to show they are this cute little young married couple that do their weekly grocery shopping together. They are just going from one thing to another- one minute they have butlers waiting on them in bed to rolling a grocery cart into their apartment. OMG- they can't make up their mind what to do with themselves. Oh, did you see on CT instagram's her and IQ dancing in front of the ghost hotel. Mr. Suave twirls her around and goes to pick her up and you can tell she is a bit heavier as he looks like he is struggling. I know I shouldn't say that and I promise I will get better with that but this damn woman and no problem calling out Juliet as Fatlina on multiple posts. What was the video of her eating 20 donuts as she was laid out on the bed.

Yeah if this picture below doesn't scream gay I don't know what does! I have some gay friends I showed his Instagram and a couple stories to earlier at and they they said "oh yes he's one of us but being bi for the moment until his gig is up". I did not in any way influence them... I just asked them to look at this Instagram account and tell me what they thought and it went off from there (we were having a few drinks 😂😂). They also said that "the woman he married who looks to be 20 years older must either be very dumb not to see it or it's a business arrangement it's not possible".. So there you have it, this coming from gay men (and if you guys saw them they are so gorgeous and manly not like this loser who's all scrawny).
Ditto on that - if he isn't then he needs to tone down his feminine looks because he looks more like a woman then CT does. This relationship that they have tried to sell everyone this happily married couple is just not believable anymore. He has really managed to take over her instagram page as she isn't allowed to go out with her girlfriends for drinks. She said it on her podcast he doesn't ALLOW IT were her exact words. So he goes with her if she wants to go out- no break from him ever so he is in every picture. He is making himself look younger and her look older. He is a nasty mofo. Making fun of the way she walks up the steps the other day - just horrible guy!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Omg that's it, they released the trailer for RHODubai! IQ27 is loving it lol. Pretty certain he's getting in shape like that as he hopes to be discovered now 😂😂
Guys we need to create a new thread, we are almost at 1000 😂😂
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You said it wrong... It's "Ahhhh...maaaazing" 😂😂😂... Now one thing I noticed, she's still in her ski pants lying on the couch..even too lazy to shower and change for dinner 🙄
This is Sophie’s payback for accepting those freebie stays at the ghost hotel in Dubai 🤣.
She must be mortified at having to host these two inconsiderate, classless fools at her boyfriend’s chalet 🤦🏽‍♀️. Do you think the four of them will sit around the dinner table tonight to discuss what’s going on in Ukraine or will Sergio just be filming the amaaaaazing biew and the unbeliebable caviar while Caroline shakes her tatas at the camera?!
Oh you are so right- paybacks are hell. These two clowns are taking over that place like a bunch of college kids on spring break. No class, bring noting as a hostess gift, she is laying on that man's couch with no shoes on- just sickening. Sergio the giglio postted some lame broken heart emoji and pray for Ukraine earlier but that was just for show. Nothing from her, she is too much in her selfish miserable world to see the what is going on in the world. Karma will come to the both of them. They are smiles now watching fireworks and movie night as they have found a free place to mooch off of and someone to wait on them. Sophie, you deserve what you get by letting these two stay with you. She is your ex/sister in law you were married to her brother who left you in finanacial disaster and appears to be lazier than she. You owe her nothing- but keep being a doormat for her- she will dump you and just keep moving on.

Our two favorite fake it to you make it couple are definetly reading these comments and it feels so good. They are posting on their instagram these fake dms that say "oh you two are so cute in the snow- you look like I love lucy Caroline" or " I have watched that video 3 times and can't stop laughing you two are adorable" it's absolutely hysterical. Good work for your staff to try to work on damage control. I sure hope that the health clinic that I am sure put you up for a week for free isn't getting negative feedback when they see frik and frak less than 12 hours stuffing themselves full of carbohydrates and drinking so much alcohol you may have been unable to get down the mountain? Regardless, you two are sloppy, you can't even be grateful for freebies without looking foolish.

Yes you are right that is mr honnneeeee himself, thought it wasnt but it is 😂
Okay, I mistook the cab driver for maybe being sophie's boyfriend. That makes sense. The cab driver just sat there probably thinking - stupid , rich people - little does he know. i personally love seeing them lugging all that luggage from one place to another.
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When she was in London she was a somebody on the social circuit, her family were old money and Cem earned good money so they had an affluent lifestyle, she had a marriage, but also freedom as he worked away so much, it really was the perfect life for her. Fast forward to now and she is a nobody in Dubai, she’s not independently wealthy so can’t mix with the elite, no one is knocking on her door for her company and to be seen with her, she’s much older and looking it because the drinking and constant eating/purging is showing on her body no matter how many treatments she has.

It’s quite sad to watch really because she’s just clutching at anything and everything, dog food, shoes, NFTs, cannabis, and whatever else she can get her hands on. I can’t even bring myself to discuss the car crash that is Sergio and what he’s done to her, but when you catch in her off moments, when she’s not performing for the camera she seems unhappy, depressed and troubled, I think she knows her house of cards is crumbling and she just can’t stop those cards falling.
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I really doubt the kids are keeping her there, she is detached from them and probably would be extremely happy if she only had to deal with them on school holidays and leave them in Dubai with Cem during the school term.

I would say the real reason for her staying in Dubai is to keep herself afloat financially, she has a few sponsorships there, which she would not have anywhere else, certainly not in LA or in London, she got the RHOD gig only because she was living in Dubai, she certainly wouldn't get on any of the other RH programmes. The house help, the cars, property etc would be unaffordable elsewhere. What else could she do, she has no career to fall back on.

"when did she become so obsessed with her sex life and hanging on chandeliers and all the other stuff she says now. Why all of a sudden is she obsessed with sharing such a initmate part of a relationship?"

What is that saying 'the lady doth protest too much' ...... I am really beginning to believe he is gay and either she knew it from the outset and was okay to have what she thought was a young cute guy at her side to try to bring interest and enhance her profile, , or he still has not fully come out of the closet, maybe in denial to himself. But when you see him with the other gay men that Caroline hangs out with, it is very clear that he fits right in.

I had a friend who had a boyfriend who turned out to be gay, needed a girlfriend for his career and the circles he was hanging out in, she said he knew exactly what to do with a woman's body during sex, took her a while to realise something was not right about it all. It took her ages to recover from the betrayal of finding out he was gay.
Exactly. She has sponsorship deals and get freebies in Dubai. Anywhere else, especially in LA this wouldnt happen. Dubai is all about being showy and glamorous but a lot of people that live that life there are living beyond their means. Caroline receives all these freebies otherwise she wouldnt be able to live the 'instagram lifestyle' they like to showcase on their socials.
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I dint really understand what that's all about to be honest. Who received that message? And if

Joan what is it exactly? Who was that sent to?
Something to do with Caroline getting hackers to shut something down and apparently she’s going to try and get them to do the same to this thread, made no sense to me to be honest 😂😂😂.
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Caroline is looking knackered and so old, not a good look for that clinic she just came out of. They all look so much older than Sergio, like they are the friends of his parents, what a boring life for a 20 something year old. Sergio including Sophie's boyfriend in his stories,

Snap, we were writing the same thing at the same time :):)
Haha- you both wrote the same thing at the same time. Sergiooooo (mr. limited vocabulary) looks so out of place in this crowd of middle aged fools. What he actually looks like is the sober driver in the crowd and a young man that married an older woman for her money. They can try as much as they want to change the narrative to this story but because the go on social media and post these over the top fake lifestyle- people don't take any of it serious. He belongs with a young woman (?) closer to his age that has no responsibilities and experience first things together. She is making a complete ass of herself climbing mountains, skiing down mountains (and geting stuck) riding jet skis, driving around racetracks in a race car all to make it look like she can hang with this 27 year old. It's worn her arse out and the more botox and facial work she keeps doing to try and look younger for him - the worse she looks.

Still think these 2 don't read anything here... See now change.. Give me a few days and I will make sure they actually do 😅
Have we told you how happy we are that you found us!!! When I joined this thread it was just a few of us that kept it up daily but now we are really getting more people joining in on convesations and everyone brings so much knowledge - I don't know about you all and I am not embarased to tell you all but as soon as I get up - first thing i do is check this thread.

He looked like he had gone to his happy place 🤣🤣
We need to see a bit if personality and hear some interesting conversation!! Dull is so right. Noone ever has an interesting conversation! Just so hamazeeeeng honeeeeeee or ooh look how lovely the snow is daaaahleen! Or drunken singing. Can we see some personality please. If you're reading this?
Juliet's husband looks like he would rather be in the kitchen washing dishes then sitting entertaining this group of people. What conversation can toyboy have with any of these men? What would they even talk about? Doesn't she think for one second that maybe these husbands may feel a bit uncomfortable as they were probably friends with Cem? I can't imagine what they would even hold a converation about- he brings nothing to the table.
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Geez, I can't get over the amount of food this woman puts away! Damn, now she is eating this huge sausage sub. I am all for eating healthy and enjoying food especially when you are on holiday but she just left a health clinic (cough, cough) Also, they keep talking about these damn helmets they both have and I am wondering if they actually purchased them or they are renting them? Why would they buy 2 ski helmets to add to all this other damn luggage they are carting around and have to get home. Would be more sensible to rent ski equipment but why make a big deal and make people think you bought them if you didn't?

people are leaving some unkind comments on her instagram page after she posted a picture of the two of them with a caption "hanging on for dear life" imagine - the insenstitivity of that comment during this time. She is absolutely in a world that is not real. He is posing with the floral pants her mother bought him. And there is he sitting right next to her like a good lap dog does for his meal. Pathetic two but Karma comes around and isn't kind. Maybe you should put humanity on your vision board numbnuts!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
They are at Cap Horn! (my favorite place there BTW 😁).. As predicted, THAT they did tag because it's THE place to be on the slopes there 🙄. Not like that dinky restaurant they were at last night 😂.

I couldn't stand if my husband would constantly say to me "look at deez one".. What the heck, is she just an object or what (clearly).

And I don't know how many "look at deez biew guys" I can take.. It's the SAME ONE AS YESTERDAY you dumb moron!
What's up with Sophie and Juliet not skiing with the 2 clowns of the slopes? Oh wait, the day is not over, probably a get together tonight.. Gaia? La Mangeoire ? Caves ? Which shall it be 🤔😂
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
I would love to see Caroline’s reaction if Juliet made fun of her for not being able to ski the way Caroline makes fun of her for being Fatalina. First of all, Caroline is the one who eats candy in bed like a toddler and has no table manners whatsoever. Juliet is in shape, athletic, and eats like a normal person rather than being on a constant diet/cleanse/binge they way Caroline is. Also did y’all see how Caroline and Sergio today wished happy bday to their BFF Kristin Tutor? This is Juliet’s former longtime BFF. I suspect that once Caroline realized how rich Kristin is, she moved right in on that friendship and somehow caused the rift between Juliet and Kristin.
Juliet while a painful show off, is living her best life. Looks amazing, can ski like a pro, gorgeous clothes, always with her kids. Her posts about Ukraine were heartfelt too as I think she's Polish.
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I too unfollowed her ages ago, don’t listen to her podcasts, and now only look at her Insta if someone here mentions something that is worth looking at for its laughability.
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Ang irish on here know Maria Doyle Make up? She sounds like she's from Dublin. Would love to hear all the craic from her? She must see it all since she's there every day!!
Never heard of her until the recent CS posts, and I lived in Dubai. I checked her bio and it seems she was a hairdresser and beautician, the beauty school she went to is in Dundalk, so she must be from that part of the Ireland. She went to Australia for a few years and landed in Dubai. She seems to have a good CV going by her bio, although a lot of the recent stuff is her work with CS.

I thought the party looked okay to be honest. Nothing terrible. The two 'morans' aren't being as annoying as usual this Sat and Sun...Will give them a couple of hours lol

I'm thinking of my daughters 16th, and her friends 16th, it was just all about their friends, the parents made themselves scarce. I think IQ27 is trying to present himself as a wonderful stepfather.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Just watched the "morning" stories..she films IQ27 as if he was her 10 year old child on vacation with. He's seriously the most annoying guy.

I don't know what's happening to her face but she seems really bloated these days. The quantity that she eats is mind-blowing especially as she doesn't do any sports.

On to the next island, here we go with the "zoutcases", "oh my Gad look at zees guys..AH maazing", rooms stories etc...

Oh forgot to say: when IQ27 was on the slide she said "it's hard being an influencer".. Excuse me? Influencer of WHAT?? 😂😂😂😂
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So not only do those shoes look like Hollywood Blvd hooker shoes, but the worse thing is the spray tan mark! How can she not see this?! She's going more and more down the gutter and IQ27 isn't helping her case.

Why is IQ27 traveling with shorts on?? First off, he's going to NY and the weather is cold, second it's not classy! My husband (who is 41) always always wears a blazer when we travel and looks elegant and we met when he was 27! I would be mortified if he started dressing like a 12 year old with a backpack on 😱.

What about what she is wearing to travel? My goodness she didn't used to dress so bad. That tracksuit she is wearing is not flattering at all and she looks fat in it..the crop top to travel to NY is once again as idiotic as traveling with shorts on.

I hope that once in NY she will make an effort to dress more classy
OMG- this woman is so out of control its alarming! I went back and looked at her instagram pictures from before she met IQ27 and what a spiral downhill for her. Before she met this frekin loser IQ27 she posted all the time pictures of traveling with her children, she looked so happy and healthy. She just looks sloppy now and that is what is shocking.
Like the picture of hooker shoes she just posted its' bad enough the shoes are absolutely hideous and what age group is she targeting to wear those shoes - but to take a picture of them with your horrible orange tan lines is just sloppy. I have said before that I think he is watching her go down the tubes and he hopes to take the spotlight- I woudn't trust him.
He rolls up to NYC in shorts and a hoodie-it's freezing here- and I have no idea what she is even wearing! It's like she doesn't care anymore or she is doing to much trying to stay afloat that she can't keep it together.
She has to be hurting for money as her lifestle has taken a big hit. I don't care that she says she is doing so well- it appears just the opposite.
When she was with Cem life was so simple and she looked happy.
Fast forward to 3 years later after hooking up with IQ27. She appears to be working hardier then she ever has so she must need the money. She is living in a 3 bedroom apartment (not a penthouse) she is doing ads now for everything from empty hotels, dog food, shoes, her personal clothes, shady deals with scary looking people, the list is endless.
Obviously, he wasn't the golden ticket she thought he was.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Morning peeps! So here we go this morning with the "affirmation textbook", "zootcases" and of course stories of the fugly color car driving to tacky ghost hotel for a night away lol. Yeah, much needed time away from the kids as they do so much for them ugh. Going to be an other boring day of stories of tacky ghost restaurants, tacky ghost pool, tacky ghost hotel rooms... Even we here will run out of things to comment on as it's always the same boring and predictable crap 🙄
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is Caroline actually a Katie Price in that she is very cash poor... always eating and staying places on someone elses dime...? A bit like Ronan Keating... everything has to be tagged...
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Have we told you how happy we are that you found us!!! When I joined this thread it was just a few of us that kept it up daily but now we are really getting more people joining in on convesations and everyone brings so much knowledge - I don't know about you all and I am not embarased to tell you all but as soon as I get up - first thing i do is check this thread.
Hahha me too, with a cup of tea 😂
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