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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Its like car crash TV. Hideous dress, shoes, clingy leather rubbery material. Not nice at all. And all the sticking her ass out for the camera. She's is definitely looking more call girl than classy lady. Might start losing some of those luxury brands! And as for him. I just can't understand why she doesn't wake up and see how shallow their lives look. But she keeps on posting about how in love they are. She has something to prove (to her ex?) And she's hellbent on proving it. We get it!!!

And another thing or two;

1. Caroline I very much doubt those shoes and dress on you are every girls dream
2. Their nights out look like my idea of hell - CS always looks like she is faking having a good tike snd would rather be home in her bed
3. A man singing ABBA songs is a complete turn-off. Sorry but that is a HUGE red flag!!!!
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
He is absolutely sickening. As a catholic I am offended with his fake religion for the gram. Maybe he forgot about his religion when he had an affair with a married woman, lied repeatedly, broke up a family, brags continously, has no moral compass, the list is endless. What, the two morans are staying at the top hotels in NYC? They rented a place and it is not in the exclusive part of new york. No one to carry their lugage, or get the coffee in bed- how the mighty have fallen. LIke a little school boy he byes cheap flowers, was suprised it didn't have a balloon coming out of it. Did you hear him say, honeeeeeee, honeeee like a fool as she pulled up. OMG - they are so gross.

Because he is a fake. As a catholic I know for a fact he is not welcomed in the catholic church as he married a divorced women that isn't catholic. Also, his wedding at the ghost hotel isn't acknowledged as a marriage in the eyes of the catholic church. Trust me I don't agree with alot of the church laws but this idiot in their lighting a candle like he is in good standards with the church is laughable at best.

Did anyone hear her say, " I am star of the show and I get to leave early" as the two numbnuts drove away in a golf cart- anyone know what that was about
I'm a Catholic too and love to light a candle now and then but I would never ever film that. It's a private moment of contemplation. He's just such an attention seeker. For me the post of him doing his work out in the gym for her was the worst. He absolutely loves himself!! But he's like a girl!

This one!!🤮

Wow has anyone seen the comments below her latest post? About Sergio allegedly cheating on her?
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I’m finding watching this really quite sad, there’s something really wrong with all of this and it’s getting harder and harder for Caroline to hide her depression. She’s tired more and more, she’s isolated more now than she ever was in lockdown, he is sucking the actual life out of her. If she’s in peri menopause, which is very likely at her age then it can be such a traumatic time for a woman and the last thing you feel like is having a petulant toddler hanging round you constantly demanding attention. It was so lovely to see her just hanging out with Yasmin eating cake, until he comes along and berates her for it, makes her feel like shit and then drags her off to the gym, he just can’t not have the perfect woman on his arm.
So true, he's definitely gaslighting her and she can't see it. Hard to get out of an abuse relationship until she acknowledges it.
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They are at Cap Horn! (my favorite place there BTW 😁).. As predicted, THAT they did tag because it's THE place to be on the slopes there 🙄. Not like that dinky restaurant they were at last night 😂.

I couldn't stand if my husband would constantly say to me "look at deez one".. What the heck, is she just an object or what (clearly).

And I don't know how many "look at deez biew guys" I can take.. It's the SAME ONE AS YESTERDAY you dumb moron!
What's up with Sophie and Juliet not skiing with the 2 clowns of the slopes? Oh wait, the day is not over, probably a get together tonight.. Gaia? La Mangeoire ? Caves ? Which shall it be 🤔😂
Ahahaha, when he says "look at deez one" and he says it constantly it just shows how insincere it really is meant. And she just sits there with those clown lips like she is something. It's great that you know these places because I have no idea where they are but the place they were at yesterday looked like a corner in a breakfast restaurant. That Caroline can put down some food and alcohol, damn!

They could do with some ski lessons, on the beginners slopes. I bet Caz is fuming that Juliet is an accomplished skier
That is the best part- Juliet is a better skier than clown lips. Caroline puts on the outfit and walks around the resort like she is something important. It's all about being seen. That is the one thing these two have in common they are both fake as F...K, and are all about being in front of that camera. Of course she left Cem because he refused to be a lap dog like this guy is- Cem has more respect for himself than to be embarrassed, humiliated, made fun of, and the rest of the way she treats her toy boy.
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Her dress stands out so much compared to the others. It’s like a cheap prom dress. So strange. Maybe they got her that to hide her duck feet walk!!?
Mutton dressed as lamb!

She says if she were on a housewives show her tagline would be "these should have been balls, not boobs".
Well, maybe she should grow a set and get rid of that man-child that's dragging her down to his level.


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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
I have no words for this moran. And the people that respond to her post are people that she does business with or people that have private accounts with about 6 followers. You know what- every time I feel a bit sorry for her or give her the benefit of the doubt, she does stuff like this and I think, yup that is why I didn't like her to begin with. But remember, this is the same woman that yesterday went on her podcast and said she would run over her grandmother if it mean sealing a deal.
My exact same sentiments.. I was beginning to also feel bad for her but then I realized that she ALLOWS IQ27 to invade her Life so she clearly likes it. The coffee run today with Caroline Brooks and him tagging along like a toddler was pathetic.. How she has any respect for him is beyond me
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The woman she was meeting is the founder of L’Agence, the clothing brand and very well established in the fashion industry through her family in both the US and Europe. Caroline does have great connections, her parents were in high end fashion and retail for years. She knows how the business works, she needs to ditch Sergio and his ‘crypto get rich quick’ schemes and get herself a proper job or business up and running. It is clear that the ‘honeymoon is over’ with these two. I think this will be a make or break trip. She rolls her eyes at him filming her so often, she needs to just walk away, she owes him nothing.
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I suspect RHOD will be short lived.

It is going to generate awful negative publicity for the UAE, it will put the global spotlight on the human rights abuses there and the medieval legal system. The UAE don't like negative publicity.

I think anyone involved in the show are going to be tarnished by it, while it might raise their profile, outside the UAE and Gulf, they might find they are not viewed in a very positive light.

As Poshbritishmummy says, their publicising of their antics is so offensive, and even today Caroline and her friend posting fun photo with big smiles is just unpalatable.

I also find it dreadful that Caroline's household 'staff' have to wear 'maid' uniforms, it is noticeable when you see them in the background of her stories. They are wearing the cheap 'maid uniforms' which are usually only worn by the household staff of middle eastern families. . Everyone knows they are 'the maid' when they wear those uniforms. None of the expats I know have their housekeepers wear those clothes, they give them an allowance to buy comfortable clothes to wear when working, they don't have to supply their own clothes. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she like to make the distinction.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Wooooow..just got back and did a little tour to see the clowns of the slopes and to my surprise not many dumb repetitive phrases from IQ 27"look at dees biew so ahh..maazing"!
No comment on the dancing as it is a party place after all. Apart from the fact that there is a whole population 🇺🇦 fighting for their lives, the respectful thing to have done is not plaster it all over social media, it's not a good look and makes them look tone deaf.
Well tomorrow is probably time to leave day and we will get to see one more time the stories of the suitcases "look look at all our zoutcases" by IQ 27🙄
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Really? Uniforms? That's SO nouveau/eurotrash/tryhard.
Wow, you are right- they are!!! Shouldn't surprise me just how awful these two are- but it did. I am so sick of watching these two especially IQ27 who has never worked a day in his life have people in uniforms, with masks waiting on them like they are royalty. It's disturbing and very upsetting.

I just forced myself to listen to her latest podcast and this woman is completely lost her mind. If you haven't listened to that podcast you just can't imagine the stuff that comes out of her mouth. What is worst is that she really thinks a listener would believe any of it. First of all, what is her podcast suppose to be about? All she does is talk unscripted for 25 minutes repeating the same stories week after week. She can't even keep her stories straight. She doesn't take the time to book a guest or research a important topic that may help women or causes. She uses any platform she may have had to try and get back listeners/fans to believe that she really is doing okay and didn't muck her life as bad as it really is. This podcast may have started out with a valid direction as she opened up about the ending of her marriage and regrouping. But it was all a lie back then- she had already been in an intimate relationship and was living with IQ27. She is now on every week doing her therapy session with us as her sounding board as we listen to her tell us how great things are and it goes on and on. The worst was she would run over her grandmother for a business deal- clearly she didn't mean it literally but who says things like that. She is spending all this time trying to convince listeners that she is married to a savior and he is the answer to everything. She wants us to believe that she is so much in love with him and they are living like billionaires and want for nothing. How absolutely stupid does she think the average person is? What part of any of that would a average person believe? She has told 2 stories that she has said 2 seperate times that she froze her eggs. Does she not realize she told us she did that back in the summer? So now it was done? She needs to get off social media and get herself together- she is truly on social media making a total ass of herself.

IQ27 appears to be highly insecure ... probably because he knows Caroline cheated on Çem with him, and he is now in poll position to be cheated on. And it is only a matter of time before she does cheat on him.
Poor guy needs to get a high paying job to keep her accustomed to her previous life with the ex. But he can't get a job - keeping an eye on CS and who she socialises with, is a 24/7 job.
There is a saying "When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy." Same goes for a woman who marries her fellow adulterer.
I saw that - he just can't leave her alone. The other saying is -you lose them the way you found them. He acts like he is her bodyguard that he needs to be with her 24/7. The reality is he needs to be with her all the time because he won't miss the chance of a picture being taken of her and he isn't in it. This guy is so obsessed with fame and being seen in social circles that he wouldn't miss the opening of a grocery store. Most men have enough self respect for themselves and enjoy breaks with their wives - not this guy he has nothing else to do , no friends and the love of fame. She spends more time with this fool then her own children. What does that tell you. I can' only imagine what everyone there says about them
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
I’m not down with the weight comments and she’s hardly fat guys 😂 think her body looks fine . Will comment on the stupid face fillers though.
Agree. Fat shaming is wrong. And as far as I'm concerned she can eat what she likes. She's not a rabbit! I just think she should ease off on the fillers too for her own good.

Did anyone see her strutting across the beach like she is on a runway. Of course he is filming her but like everyone else has commented she has really gained some weight. They are in a canoe and her back is not only burned but you can see how large she has gotten. Why is he telling her to keep paddling because he is filming- clearly this guy is enjoying humiliating her now on social media. It is subtle but he gets his digs in a lot more now then he did in the beginning. A lot of passive/ aggressive behavior between the both of them. Yesterday, she wanted to push him off the boat- stuff like that. This trip has been an absolute social media nightmare for them both. The pictures are horrible, the place looks like ghost hotel (where is everyone?) she is falling asleep all over the place, and he is narcissist and full of himself big time. Again, when does he work and how do they find these places that allow them to mooch off of them for a free place to stay and eat and drink for 4 days?
I think she's exhausted from all the travelling. Needs some time at home.

Well, next bike ride will be to the playground so he can play in the sandbox.
He looked really pissed off in that clip with the ice cream. As if he'd just been reading this page 😳
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
I cant believe any woman would want to be away so often to so many different places without her children. The odd trip away with your partner yes ok even if he, IQ27, is a massive pain in the ass. But surely it's time for her to take the kids. Maybe the NYC trip will be for the kids. Let's wait and see!! Anyone want to place a bet? Will she take them? Will she not take them?

Oh dear god he's showing the staff packing their bags. He just cant help himself can he? Disgusting arrogant man.
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
OMG!!!!!!! These two numbnuts look like bigger fools then they really are. She is wasted big time. She is literally sitting on the steps backstage like some groupie and moran is right there trying to get her up. Imagine what Ronan's wife thinks watching this drunk woman lusting openly over her husband- but I guess she is use to it? They are dancing in front people that have paid for front row seats unlike these two freeloaders who of course paid nothing for their tickets. They must have thought this was their private little concert until security told them to sit the freg down. I bet Dirty Juan/IQ27 was so mad watching her lust over that guy.

I will have to listen to his music but the fact that he is friendly with these two numbnuts and has similar ways - I have a feeling I already don't like him. Too many other singers with beautiful voices to listen to.
Don't waste your time listening lol
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They remind me of friends I had in my late teens early real responsibilities...go where ever there is a free lunch...won't help...think you should be pleased to have their company.
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OMG- did anyone see the video of IQ0 coming through the door at the ghost hotel with no shirt on and his hands in his pockets of his white pants and just strikes a pose. It is so funny!! He really thinks he is some suave good looking guy that we all should be commenting on. I just busted out laughing when I saw it. He really thinks he is something hot. CS enough of you trying to defend this guy, his behavior towards you has become very aggressive and he is outwardly showing now how he physically and emotionally comes at you. What is it about this little punk that has turned your life upside down? Maybe if you help us understand we won't judge you. The more this idiot puts things like he does on his instagram page it is ruining your reputation - you don't see it but that doesn't matter everyone else is seeing it.
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