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Chatty Member
Id be so annoyed if i was ronan as caroline was in his changing room filming him while he was trying to get ready for the show. Surely he would want peace and quiet and not have to entertain her and her man child before he goes on stage 🤦‍♀️
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Aha! This jibes as Sophie was tagging a youngish looking woman with the last name Wilson during her hols. Must be her man’s grown daughter. They seem to get along nicely, good for them. Poor Mark, though, having to put up with this riff raff for the last week. Hope he’s not too turned off!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Hello all, I have just been reading this after it popped up in my feed and thought I would join. Hope you don't mind. I was HORRIFIED by the actions of these women in Courcheval last week - Juliet Angus, Sophie Stanbury, Caroline Stanbury. While Ukraine was invaded, the whole of Europe stood still, and every other influencer with a brain had the common decency and good business sense to cease all self promotion - this lot were scoffing alcohol by the gallon, drunkenly posing and posturing, and generally behaving like brats. A number of people commented beneath their posts that they were unfollowing, and I unfollowed all of them as well.
Welcome to the group!
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Let's always make this a nice place to come and have a good laugh as we all need it at times. Everyone here is so nice, kind and always bringing good information, it's nice. Anybody have any idea about there new youtube account that they are advertising? It says click here for more info- anybody done it yet? What can the possibly be up to now?

Why are we doing this to each other?

I an not going to participate anymore if this banter keeps going back and forth- she will have won by shutting us down.

Not sure what is going on now but this is not who we all were a few days ago. We got through one misunderstanding and now another one is brewing. I am not going to join in any more if we are starting this crap. She will have got what she wants.

It is pretty disturbing isn't it. You know what I have noticed that even he has aged and not in a good way and he isn only 27 - I think he is already haiving botox or a really strong filter. Not the least bit appealing to me.

I don’t think this is a bad place. I don’t believe anyone has been nasty, rude or mean to another commenter on this thread.

I don’t believe anyone is has said anything to another person on here either.

People ask question when information is put into a forum - by the looks of it some people only participate in this thread only (which is fine) and maybe don’t have an idea what happens on other threads when things like this appear on the thread - because obviously people are maybe false, themselves planting info, etc so people ask and obviously people are sceptical of information & how it came out.

This isn’t a case of banter, it’s people asking questions - querying information & source gather as such (again, some threads have over 100 pages and it’s hardcore) but this isn’t the case on this thread it’s very tame as I said earlier.

But if you don’t want to participate that is your choice, it doesn’t mean she’s won or the thread would close.

What I have wrote is not coming from a mean spirited nasty awful way - it’s coming from a kind place.

But no one has been mean or nasty on this thread. This is is a nice thread.

Nothing is brewing.

That’s all I am saying on the matter.
Back to CS.
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So this trip is promotional and the st barts will be the gift from kristen tutor. Dubai miguel isnt wrong though, theyve been on countless 'honeymoons' and i bet caroline is happy for some intellectual company!
So strange that a CEO of a company in Dubai would have to go on instagram and explain why he is on vacation- it's crazy. I can't understand why he goes public with these two. It's odd to say the least and not very professional. Given her behavior, language and lack of modesty it reminds me I certainly wouldn't risk my professional reputation for a vacation. He did show a little passive/aggressive behavior by posting that response. I kinda liked it though.

Gosh she’s so sunburnt in those latest stories 😂 and the orange fake tan has worn off. She looks like she’s been dragged through a hedge backwards.
She looks so bad. Go back and look at her three years ago compared to what she looks like today. This new lifestyle she so wanted so bad has really caught up with her. IQ27 seems to have really dragged her down despite all she wants us to believe. All this traveling, drinking and eating has caught up with her. This guy keeps pushing for his own selfish needs- just go get a job dude!
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I thought her dress was fowl. It really did look cheap and did her no favours. This was a time to really dress up and they both failed miserably. He needs to start blagging for someone to send him some new shoes pronto. Maybe he should update his manifestation drawing on the bathroom wall 🙄
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I cannot believe how different she looks in non-filtered photos!

She has the face of someone carrying too much weight, but of course it's all fillers. Such a shame, as she had natural good looks before she started tweaking things.

I haven't heard him speak - just going by what's written here - but it sounds like he talks like Mauricio Umansky (Kyle Richards from RHoBH's husband)! :LOL:
Bloody love Mauricio, the fact that hes been permanently stoned for the last five years or so is hilarious. Seems to be the only way he deals with living with Kyle 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
And why for the love of god does she persist with these fucking bike shorts? Bike shorts are not real clothes!! I mean she walks around Dubai wearing basically a wrestling uniform with her wrinkly lady bits on full display. She is honestly an embarrassment 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m an American who used to live in London during the late 90s boyband era and I would say Ronan Keating is the equivalent of the main dude from the Backstreet Boys. Robbie Williams and Take That were the A+ list boyband and Boyzone were kind of B list. And seems that Ronan and his wife are now C list minor celebs that have to resort to “auditorium” concerts in Dubai to pay the bills. He will not be playing Wembley anytime soon (or ever again).
Urgh, poor Yasmine having to watch her drunk mom and her ass-kissy “Maria Morris real estate” friend doing Jell-O shots. I am telling you: Cem must be absolutely vomiting in his mouth at the sight of his daughter dressed like that and acting like that. What kind of role model is CS for her daughter? Cem went to a good American university. Who wants to take bets that Yasmine at this point would rather follow in her moms uneducated footsteps and skip college in favor of becoming an influencer?

Oh look! Sergio just posted that he “fount” a pic of himself. Must be from his MBA graduation ceremony 😂
Haamaazing mdaadm🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂
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He is absolutely sickening. As a catholic I am offended with his fake religion for the gram. Maybe he forgot about his religion when he had an affair with a married woman, lied repeatedly, broke up a family, brags continously, has no moral compass, the list is endless. What, the two morans are staying at the top hotels in NYC? They rented a place and it is not in the exclusive part of new york. No one to carry their lugage, or get the coffee in bed- how the mighty have fallen. LIke a little school boy he byes cheap flowers, was suprised it didn't have a balloon coming out of it. Did you hear him say, honeeeeeee, honeeee like a fool as she pulled up. OMG - they are so gross.

Maybe for his mum. The catholics mamas love that place!! I do too!
Because he is a fake. As a catholic I know for a fact he is not welcomed in the catholic church as he married a divorced women that isn't catholic. Also, his wedding at the ghost hotel isn't acknowledged as a marriage in the eyes of the catholic church. Trust me I don't agree with alot of the church laws but this idiot in their lighting a candle like he is in good standards with the church is laughable at best.

Did anyone hear her say, " I am star of the show and I get to leave early" as the two numbnuts drove away in a golf cart- anyone know what that was about
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
OK catch up time! Lots to unload here.. What the heck is IQ27 doing a treatment for?? He's 27 years old and a man (well I think). My goodness that is so unattractive, how do you have s*x with that ugh gross and unmanly.
Next : what the heck is she wearing stripper clothes for? That dress is so cheap looking and looks like she is going to score the Vegas Strip.. She really thinks she looks good in that mind-boggling. Oh and the "sirt" that IQ27 is wearing is supposed to impress us because it has his name on the collar? I told you guys that over there you can have custom made shirts for under $100 ($40 is average).
So will they be off to ghost tacky hotel for a freebie or actually pay for dinner this time?

Regarding Nina Ali. She is nothing like CS at all. They rarely hang out together to begin with. Nina Ali is a full on Mom, doesn't drink, is elegant and hangs out with respectable people. You guys see CS hosting a dinner for a prime minister? Just imagine..😂😂
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Juliet has posted nothing but posts about Ukraine since she got back. In fairness to her. Whereas the 'two morans' are continuing to flaunt their luxury lifestyle like anyone gives a flying @#$%! Smug and Smugger.

Okay her posts today. There with her hugely over-filled lips looking at jewellery and saying she is in her natural habitat. While there is a war going on? Are you tone deaf Caroline? This is so vulgar during these terrible times.
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True. She HAS to be bored with this now! Thisbis what I think the situation is. She cannot leave Dubai as Cem is maybe insisting that the kids live there until they're 18. Because other than that I cannot see why she would want to be there at all!

I really doubt the kids are keeping her there, she is detached from them and probably would be extremely happy if she only had to deal with them on school holidays and leave them in Dubai with Cem during the school term.

I would say the real reason for her staying in Dubai is to keep herself afloat financially, she has a few sponsorships there, which she would not have anywhere else, certainly not in LA or in London, she got the RHOD gig only because she was living in Dubai, she certainly wouldn't get on any of the other RH programmes. The house help, the cars, property etc would be unaffordable elsewhere. What else could she do, she has no career to fall back on.

"when did she become so obsessed with her sex life and hanging on chandeliers and all the other stuff she says now. Why all of a sudden is she obsessed with sharing such a initmate part of a relationship?"

What is that saying 'the lady doth protest too much' ...... I am really beginning to believe he is gay and either she knew it from the outset and was okay to have what she thought was a young cute guy at her side to try to bring interest and enhance her profile, , or he still has not fully come out of the closet, maybe in denial to himself. But when you see him with the other gay men that Caroline hangs out with, it is very clear that he fits right in.

I had a friend who had a boyfriend who turned out to be gay, needed a girlfriend for his career and the circles he was hanging out in, she said he knew exactly what to do with a woman's body during sex, took her a while to realise something was not right about it all. It took her ages to recover from the betrayal of finding out he was gay.
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Chatty Member
Oh trust me I put my comments in there too! They are so disgusting-- enough is enough. Her standing up there waving to people like she is part of the show- is sickening. I don't even know who this guy is but figures these two would try and steal the spotlight. I was surprised to see that amount of people negatively comment- people are finally seeing what we have been seeing.

Welcome, we are so glad you found us too! We are like a big happy family here and enjoy sharing stories together.
Ronan used to be in a boyband called Boyzone, they were huge back in the 90's. Not surprised he's friends with SC, as he's a bit of a dick. He had a fling with one of the backing singers, then left his wife and kids. He has a new family now.
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Caroline is 46 this year not 43. And believe me, I’ve just turned 47, middle age loves to creep up on you.
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They are wearing helmets today I see, except the pea brained moron only has his sitting on his head and not strapped correctly beneath his chin.

I guess his hair is more important to him than his brain, which I guess is not surprising considering how little use he has for his brain.
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The guy with him at the "meeting" couldn't have looked less interested, on his phone the whole time.

How far away from the dining area is that barbecue!😆 it's like an underground parking lot!
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Chatty Member
That house would be great for her and the kids. She needs to ditch Sergio asap. He was a rebound guy and it got serious so quickly because of lockdown, and I assume she had to marry him for his visa status. I believe a divorce is very easy to get in UAE so she should just ship him out and move on. It is clear that she is unhappy and trying very hard to fake it, she doesn’t need this guy. She will do so much better on her own!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
So Lesa Milan celebrated her birthday with 3 other housewives : Caroline Brooks (watch guys, she's going to be our next target..she already bugs me.. ALWAYS with a gum in her mouth chewing like a cow), Chanel Ayan and Nina Ali (the most elegant of them all).. Missing was our national idiot CS and Sara Al Madani (love that girl, she's full of positive energies, classy and so cute).
Now Caroline Brooks is attending Yasmines birthday party (like I said earlier on an other post, CB and CS banded together against a few other housewives during the filming of RHODUBAI) because of course she would. She's the kind to also go to the opening of an envelope
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