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Joan on Third

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View attachment 1118834

Lol which tattlers are these? 🤣 theu must surely read it by now if they havent already?
Oh wow that's amazing! Oh sorry... That's AHHHH maazing 😂.
Well to whoever did that 👍👏👏

What is she doing to her beautiful face?

Stars!!!!! Not star!!! Also he wrote sea place instead of sea plane too🙄
He writes like he talks.. But you know, he has an MBA 😂😂

Behold: he corrected it!!
Sergio, are you reading this???
I don't think he can read..if the comments on his post are still there then he definitely doesn't read

I think it’s a recent addition since he started doing those crypto cartoon yokes with the dodgy looking fellas in the middle of the night on laptops with caroline admiring them. That’s the full job title by the way, don’t dare shorten it at all 😂😂
An other one of those scams...thinking he can get rich quick.. Doesn't work that way you dimwit
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Oh dear... that wedding pic with Sergio’s parents makes me deeply deeply sad. The bags under his mother’s eyes, no doubt from all the tears.
When you are truly madly deeply head over heels in love with someone, then you instantly love their family too, right? You will bend over backwards to win the family over. Caroline has made ZERO effort in that regard, her disdain for them is so apparent. This is what seals it for me that their relationship is absolute bullshit. And it must be so embarrassing and humiliating for Caroline’s own family to see one of their offspring behaving publicly in such a dishonorable way. Really gross. At her age, it’s honestly just unforgivable. The fact that he allows it to happen is equally unforgivable. The deserve each other 🤮
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IQ27 is an absolute lazy joke. He is the worst thing that could have happened to her. He brings nothing to the table emotionally, or financially and actually has allowed her to become more of an entitled, selfish and unrelatable woman to me- someone that is her age with children her age. Having said all that- I do believe that she has always tried to get out there and make a name for herself. What I don't understand is what it is about him that she is willing to put herself out there for. This has cost IQ27 nothing- he has nothing and without her - he will still have nothing. She on the other hand could have done so much better emotionally and financially had she just given herself more time before she rushed right back into a relationship. What was the big rush? She has already said that the biggest reason she got engaged and married to him was that he deserved to be called a fiancee/husband instead of a toyboy. To me that is not a reason to marry someone- especially one that has a zillion red flags like this punk!
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
The soul mate thing where she is sitting on his lap. They had to settle camera up for that. So completely fake and forced. My partner would run a mile if I suggested we set a camera up to capture us like this. Must suggest it and see what he says...😄😄😄

I am laughing at the filter IQ-0 (yup, he is now a -0) has on his phone- he looks more feminine then she does. His passive/aggressive behavior is really apparent now with him - he loves to humiliate her by doing the things like he did yesterday by pulling her shirt off to show her stain on her pants. He is one nasty mofo little punk! He knew it would embarrass her. That cut out dress that she had on yesterday is very similar to what Justin Bieber's wife Hailey had on the other day. On her it looked great, she is 22, tall and very thin. That town house they are moving to is like a billion other ones that they are putting up quickly, it is in the middle of nowhere and are cheaply made. Are we to believe that CS who is all about appearances and name dropping rich and famous people- is now happy moving backwards in a townhouse in the middle of nowhere? All that Cem provided to her selfish arse for all those years and now she is happy with living this way? Selling dog food? I am sorry, I don't buy one thing she is saying. It's all a show so that she doesn't have to admit he is the biggest mistake she ever made.
Yeah he is quite pasaive aggressive isn't he? Saying can you break something to the Osteopath
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Okay, someone help me understand that crazy insane podcast that she just did called Don't Self Destruct. I just listented to it and seriously it is the strangest most crazy thing I have ever heard her talk about. I mean she never properly prepares when doing these podcast and just talks in circles repeating the same stories from one week to another - but this one is at a whole new level. She keeps saying that it is all about her best girlfriends that are self destructing but I am kinda wondering if this is not all about her.
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Juliet did a half marathon
I saw that, and looked up her name and number on the marathon's website. It was 20km and her time was SIX HOURS! Six hours?? I've been on 20km light walks and I did it in 4 hours. Seriously, she must have walked most of the way and taken frequent stops along the route.
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IQ27 is obviously embracing his metrosexual image as he continues to post having facials done on social media and constantly posting videos of himself. What was with the icecream on the face- I am sure that was initiated by CS being liquored up. The dressing like a 2 bit Vegas Stripper to include now the stripper shoes shows just how out of control she is. The overeating, drinking, careless behavior, bad decision making (that's right IQ27 I am talking about you) are clear signs of a person in turmoil. So this week she managed to make a spectacle of herself by dressing like a hooker at Kris Fade's wedding and last night she looked like she was hired for the entertainment. Well, she didn't want the life she had with Cem which was stable, predictable, and she had a somewhat reputation. No wonder she hooked up with the likes of IQ27 he will never put boundaries up or hold her accountable- he is too smart for that. Without her he goes back to LA being a poolboy. Without him she could have grown a whole new audience for divorced women that would have followed her life and dating and probably landed a reality show. Just wait until RHOD airs and everyone gets a look at these two- they have no idea the storm headed their way

You can tell CS is a smoker, you can hear it in her voice on her podcast.
For sure- drinking, smoking and tanning! No wonder she has aged...........and she tries to counteract it by having botox and whatever else she can get injected in her face.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
OK so the information from Dubai isn't really mind boggling because it's pretty much everything we already know : they are known to be freeloaders, he's the dumbest person they have ever met (those were the exact words), when they are out with "friends" he never pays, no one understands what she is doing with a guy like that (also exact words) and lastly my friend said "we don't know if he's gay or not" . The rest I already mentioned in previous comments (shunned from the "high society", etc) so nothing mind blowing.
OK now to the stories.. Ah heck what's the point it was just lame as usual..apart from her eating a ton of minicupcakes, guess the diet lasted one day this week lol

How funny is that video? He comes storming through the door and strikes a pose like he is a Tom Ford model. I actually laughed out loud when I watched it. What is funnier is the comments from his fake/private accounts that responded to it saying "OMG, beautiful you are so hot"!! Get a damn job IQ-0 were you are actually working. You have managed to be 27 and never do a hard days work but are on social media vacationing and eating like a wealthy businessman. Without CS you are nothing but another wannabe.

It's funny that all of a sudden she has her daughter on instagram the day after we post that her friends spent 4 hours shopping with this kid. I don't understand why she keeps talking negatively about her life with Cem- is it to make IQ-0 feel better for his inadequacy? All she does now is talk about how terrible her life was and how unhappy she was. Okay, she left him and met someone else- what is the problem, why still complain. If Cem was that bad of a person then it was right for her to get out - but looked at what she landed in? She had no time to be alone with her thoughts and enjoy being single with her children before this punk stalked her and moved to Dubai while she was working her marriage issues out. This man packed up and moved to Dubai without a job or knowing anyone. Who does that? That was such huge red flag that she missed because that was him controlling her to make a decision. The other red flag was when she said she became engaged to him because he didn't want to be called her toyboy he wanted to be taken seriously. Then that wasn't good enough for him he pushed for the marriage so that he knew he would always be a part of her inner circle. The guy is a text book case of a manipulative, controlling man- it won't get any better. Their are many husbands that support their wives on social media but this guy is fighting her for the attention.
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
I think she's lost the plot. How is it a honeymoon when there are other people there with them? How does she expect people to be excited for them when they're just back from a 2 week and, quite honestly, boring looking trip. This is just another dull trip which now seems like an excuse for then to post content. Her normal life, time with her kids, ex husband and all, is more interesting than these dull never ending trips. Also she keeps posting How much she loves her husband. She is really dragging this wedding thing out. And its not even her first so it's old news now.

IQ27: "How are you feeling honey?"
IQ47: "I'm beginning to switch off"

What??? Switch off from what? Spending one week at home with your children?

Lying about on your bed while your maids do everything for you even walking your dogs?

Going on endless holidays???

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Oh dear... that wedding pic with Sergio’s parents makes me deeply deeply sad. The bags under his mother’s eyes, no doubt from all the tears.
When you are truly madly deeply head over heels in love with someone, then you instantly love their family too, right? You will bend over backwards to win the family over. Caroline has made ZERO effort in that regard, her disdain for them is so apparent. This is what seals it for me that their relationship is absolute bullshit. And it must be so embarrassing and humiliating for Caroline’s own family to see one of their offspring behaving publicly in such a dishonorable way. Really gross. At her age, it’s honestly just unforgivable. The fact that he allows it to happen is equally unforgivable. The deserve each other 🤮
You're right about her distain for his family. I recall her calling them "the dad" and "the mom" on one of her infamous podcasts. So disrespectful 😒

Looks like their sleazy traveller mate with the bad highlights is back. SC must be slumped in a corner somewhere off her face🤢


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I noticed the filter and thought how sad it was. This wasn’t a party for Yasmine it was an Instagram opportunity for her mother and the sad hangers on. Yasmine’s body language screamed “get away from me” in that awful hug picture.
Yea, this was a party for her to post on social media another hyped up party! Her circle of friends has certainly shrunk hasn't it? Anyone that was a close friend has put a lot of distance- and that was a smart move on their part. Her ship has sunk
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More to the point, what the hell is she wearing !!!
Her Grandma Legs (Super Knobbly Knees) with those Vile Grandma Shoes (which make them look even Knobblier)
And earlier the Ugly Trousers!
Then she has the Nerve to plug one of her many ‘try to make money’ ventures - ‘Aquarius Luxury Concierge’ for people to go to, for How to Dress Advice 😱
I know. A couple of months ago she was glammed up to the nines..... Look at her now.
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Just seen the last post on Caroline’s insta, she really has aged since she has been with Sergio, make up is far too heavy and the fillers don’t help. Don’t they ever just want in a night in together on the sofa, watching a film with no phones and videoing every second. Something seems off with the relationship, truly connected people would want some privacy surely, I don’t buy the chemistry between them at all, just trying to create a brand which I can not see happening, quite the reverse actually. It’s been mentioned here before but she would have done far better navigating life as a single women dating and doing business on her own for her social media content
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Sergio’s stories of her looking super stressed at the airport make me laugh. In the past when she stayed at places like Six Senses and travelled first class, there would have been organised transfers with flunkies to take care of the 7 large bags and get them on the plane. Not anymore! It’s almost like Sergio is enjoying her discomfort. I find it all really odd, no one needs to see this content, what is it for?
Well he HAD to film the "zootcases omg look at all deez guys" but most importantly the First Class check in.. You think he took any consideration that she didn't look happy? He doesn't care, it was more important for him to show the check-in

I actually feel for her. She’s tired, she’s over it, she looks like she’s missing her kids desperately and this fool is shoving a phone in her face. LEAVE HER ALONE MATE. You have no idea 🤷‍♀️
Agreed, leave her alone.. He's worse than a toddler omg how can she put up with him.. Next is the stories on the plane sitting in Business Class with a glass of champagne..rinse and repeat..
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Clicked on this thread because I recognised the name, I used to watch her on Ladies of London the drama show, didn’t realise she was an influencer now?
Trust me she is not! Welcome! We went to continue our thread before and can't get Influencer off the title. Glad you found us or maybe not depending on how you feel about her and her toyboy, giglio, uneducated, selfish husband.

Their father, Ron Tutor, is a real estate (developer) mogul; more recently, he bought into Miramax. Here's an interesting article about that:

Did anyone see the episode of Million Dollar Listing where Tracy visited Dubai to make a business pitch? She visited Caroline and a whole lot of people were like, "What?! How on earth do they know each other?" So learning about the Kristin connection now is helpful.

Welcome! 🤗
I am not sure how they originally met- maybe through their first husbands but Tracy is for sure keeping a arms distance from these two morans. As much as Caroline wants to act like they are close friends- I think it is more Juliet and Kristen friendship and Juliet introducing clown lips to the tutor family. Juliet may have known Kristen from when she lived in the US? Not sure what the connection is there. Clown Lips smells money in the air and runs towards it so if she knew this family had this type of wealth you best believed she is waiting in the wings. Classy women like Shiva who was her best friend for years has no connection with her since she left Cem.

She's not, the "influencer part after her name is meant to be sarcastic". The last thing she is IS an influencer : she sets a bad example of a mother, a bad example of being classy, etc.. She just promotes now a hotel(a ghost hotel in Dubai which is a tasteless as a Vegas hotel), an esthetic company in Dubai, health clinic in Austria and whatever she can get her hands on for FREE.. Freeloaders galore
as always, beautifully said!

View attachment 1088859
Only gone and given himself a job title! 🙈 I’ve followed this thread since first one and her since LOL days you are all brilliant at articulating exactly what I was thinking 👌🏻 This is my first post
Welcome!!! Yes, we are a close knit group here don't really miss much. When we first started this thread it didn't have the traction it is getting now- it's great. The majority of social media she and this moran get are negative and the followers (cough,cough) that respond to their instagram post are made up accounts or people that may actually like them but between her podcast and youtube videos and this daily interactions not many redeemable qualities for these two.
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Spray tans gone wrong

Osteopath session with the "sooooz" on you forgot! 😂..
What's with the mom jeans? They are horrendous.. She needs a stylist asap. When you see the other Dubai housewives (Nina Ali, Sara and Chanel) they are so elegant and classy (the other 2, I am on the fence with still especially Caroline Brooks)
Yeah I was thinking why is she still wearing her soooz? Lol

Spray tans gone wrong

Osteopath session with the "sooooz" on you forgot! 😂..
What's with the mom jeans? They are horrendous.. She needs a stylist asap. When you see the other Dubai housewives (Nina Ali, Sara and Chanel) they are so elegant and classy (the other 2, I am on the fence with still especially Caroline Brooks)
Yes can we tag Gok Wan? 😀 Does he still do styling? Yes that other Caroline is a bit Dawn Wardy! All money no class.
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Misty Morning

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I mean, Of all times you can really justice/need one. is when you’re Skiing !
Very Strange 🤔
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