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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Funny that IQ27 hasn't tagged a hotel..or a comped hotel by the Accor Group (which the ghost tacky hotel is part of as well as the Sofitel they went to in Paris). Me thinks they are in an Airbnb otherwise you better believe he would have already filmed the "haamazing" room, "haamazing" bathroom, "haamazing" lobby, etc 🙄😂
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
Uh oh, she's off to do another manic podcast - why does she do that annoying pointing her finger thing? Q27 is demonstrating how much groceries fit in the boot of his leased car!! Jeez, you couldn't make this stuff up.
Oh I thought it was just me that it annoyed 😂😂.. Oh wow IQ27 is really running out of stories.. Does he think it has any value to show us that? I mean seriously what's the goal? So we go "woooooooooowieee look at all those groceries"?? I have 3 people that work in my house you dumbf*kc and one of them has that one job chore to go buy groceries for us 😂😂. So not going to be impressed 🙄

I think whoever said earlier that CS keeps him around as her butler, packer etc is right.. He's only good for being the toyboyhelper

OK now let's talk about that fugly brown dress she insists on wearing it all time? She wore it to the Polo, she wears it probably to go do her nails, she wears it for her instastories.. Doesn't she see that a) that color is not at all flattering for a blonde b) the cut is horrible c) it looks tacky and cheap. As we've discussed this dress before here it just goes to show she doesn't read..
On the the new "house".. As someone had mentioned earlier, it's more a townhouse cookie cutter house than a house. I mean they are visiting one that is exactly how theirs will be.. Nothing fancy chmancy dear's far from being a mansion so calm your horses.

Well she must have done her in house tanning because she's all orange.. Wow doesn't she have a mirror?? See pic
Her fugly Birkenstock from "Sanel"..seriously? Geriatric shoes period. Nothing remotely sexy.
Mr. MBA writing "so existed" instead of so exciting... Omg
I really think that if we all got together and did a synopsis of all the worst things these 2 could do, they do it already.
Oh forgot to add (long message sorry folks!), Cem posted a story yesterday about people who put everything in their stories (see screenshot).. Wonder if he was throwing any shade... If he did, I adore him even more ❤❤❤


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Listened to the podcast. It wasn’t about hindsight, it was about lies. I think CS spent all of her formative years at boarding school, being told what to do and having any feelings beaten out of her. Although she says her marriage to Cem was teacher/child, I do think Cem was trying to hold her to account a bit more. Probably the reason she is with Sergio is that she gets to relive a childhood again.

Life is about making mistakes and learning lessons, but the greatest relationship you’ll have is with yourself. I wonder what that would look like for her?
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Juliet has posted nothing but posts about Ukraine since she got back. In fairness to her. Whereas the 'two morans' are continuing to flaunt their luxury lifestyle like anyone gives a flying @#$%! Smug and Smugger.

Okay her posts today. There with her hugely over-filled lips looking at jewellery and saying she is in her natural habitat. While there is a war going on? Are you tone deaf Caroline? This is so vulgar during these terrible times.
I have no words for this moran. And the people that respond to her post are people that she does business with or people that have private accounts with about 6 followers. You know what- every time I feel a bit sorry for her or give her the benefit of the doubt, she does stuff like this and I think, yup that is why I didn't like her to begin with. But remember, this is the same woman that yesterday went on her podcast and said she would run over her grandmother if it mean sealing a deal.
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OK guys..just received a message : apparently CS had a troll on her Instagram that connected to alot of her contacts and she got a hacker to delete the she's on damage control mode (would explain the low number of stories today).. if she gets wind of this thread, she will try and shut it down.. We have to find a way to find each other just in case this happens.. Let's find a solution..any ideas?
A thread like this can't be closed down.

This is an open forum! Free speech and all.that!
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Okay I've worked her out. After seeing her stupid post asking "do you go skiing with your husband?" sounded very smug-married? I've realised CS is one of those women who just cannot be without a husband. Can't be on her own. Cant be seen to be single. Can't cope with the stigma. Sorry but I cannot bear women like that who MUST be in a relationship no matter what they have to sacrifice. And she has a podcast called divorced not dead yet she was divorced for 5 minutes!!! And then remarried the first person who looked at her. In walks IQ27. And the rest is history. If she had tried life as a single independent woman looking after her kids while still seeing friends, travelling (which she could easily do as Cem shares custody) and enjoying her life I'd have had more respect for her. Instead she has Tinder Swindler shadowing her every move as they flaunt costume jewellery, skim treatments, spray tans, dog food, and whatever else. Also she seems to love him telling her she is beautiful, look at theese lookat those gad! Yes IQ27 look at those lips!!!!!!!!
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
It's the lips and cheeks fillers. She's starting to look different snd she was beautiful already. Shame to see it happening so often with women and girls taking cosmetic fillers too far.
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1001 others

VIP Member
Good grief she's embarrassing! Loved the comments on her post, calling her out for her rude behaviour at the concert.

Ronan and his wife "Stormy" (real name: Sharon) have a thread here all of their own - she is extremely painful and he loves himself.
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I know each of our lives evolve but comparing C now to her Cem/LOL days it is quite sad.

Back then she looked great, sat it her amazing office, had a respectable gentleman of a husband.

Now she looks 15 years older than she is, has a bloated belly, her office is her lounge, that man child thing is constantly stuck to her side.

I cant stop thinking about the previous bedroom with the random tv and wires everywhere. And the constant beauty treatments. She must be exhausted trying to be someone she isn't.

Im also convinced she is incredibly jealous of Juliet and her marriage. I wouldn't have her near my partner.

All in all Caroline I feel really sorry for you. Hopefully you find happiness, but we all know what you are portraying aint it.
I agree with everything you say with the exception of feeling sorry for her. She is narcissistic and is one of the most nasty, selfish, self absorbed women that chooses to share this fake life style with the world. When you go public with your life then she needs to be prepared for the reaction to things that come out of her mouth.
You are spot on with how she looks now compared to when she was married to Cem. Despite what she wants us to believe she has fallen so far from grace that she and her lifestyle look like two different people's life.
Looking at the cluttered rooms, pets crawling all over the bed and house and IQ27 following her around the house with that damn video camera and his constant blubbering - its all disgusting.
Her foul mouth and her dropping the "f" bomb every other word just makes her look and sound like trash.

Yes a nice MATURE man who can actually take care of her financially (instead of having to schlep around to make a living) and support her in being with the children.
She is so jealous now of the fact that she has married this loser IQ17 who she is finally realising that she is going to have to support him financially forever.
She wants us all to believe that she wouldn't want a man closer to her age - regardless if he is wealthy.
So what is it Caroline, you are trying to tell us that you can't wait for IQ27 to hit it big so you can stop working and we are to believe that if a wealthy man showed interest in you and gave you the lifestyle you really want- that you would turn that away? Don't buy it, no way!
No middle age man would want a woman like her - as she brings nothing to the table as far as personality, businesse ventures ( declared bankruptcy), the most foul mouth, kids that look like they are a handful, has shared way too much about her personal life, and finally hooking up with this loser has made any chance of her ever having the life she expected she was going to have with this loser.

I totally agree. He needs to give her space. She needs time on her own with female friends on her OWN. But why doesn't she say this to him??? It's not entertaining it's like she is being controlled.
I have thought about the reason why she puts up with him and I think I may have figured some of it out. If she tries to be truthful about how bad this guy really is and how difficult her life has become - she would have to admit that she has made a huge mistake. She isn't the type of person that will ever say that she is sorry so imagine if she had to admit to everyone that things are a mess and she is stuck with this guy. Every avenue in her life that she puts out there for people to analyze - looks so chaotic and staged. The only chance she has of trying to turn this mess around would be to get rid of him quickly- and stop selling everything that she can. She is totally unrelatable to most people. She should get off social media for awhile and regroup. Once RHOD comes out and people really see her and this mess she is married to now- she won't be able to handle the stress of what will be coming at her.
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View attachment 1118834

Lol which tattlers are these? 🤣 theu must surely read it by now if they havent already?
One is them is me !

Great question maybe he will let us all know now that they know where to find us? As much as he likes to brag and show off one would think he would use this instagram platform to springboard his brand/products. The only thing that remotely looks like a job would be flying that annoying drone and taking videos of everything that has a pulse or moves. I think his innovation is to cling on tightly to mama the money train and take as many vacations he can get for free ads or gifts to put on social media. Perhaps he should sit back and think of just how far ahead most people his age are in their careers. You know the ones that actually get up and go to work everyday instead of riding bikes around a island that you got a freebie on. Good hard work makes you such a better person in all areas, builds character too - maybe he should give it a try.

Awww, CS just posted her friends that sent her a picture and said they miss her. Who are these people? Lets be totally honest here- the CS from LOL wouldn't have given those people in that picture the time of day 5 years ago. I guess her elementary cut out vision board that is taped to the window has helped her become more inviting. Just curious of who she really is, the CS on LOL was a wannabe socialite that wouldn't be seen with the type of people she is now calling friends. So who is she really, the one we see now or was the one on LOL a fake?

Bravo, bravo to whoever posted us to their site- that was genius. Someone in that circus of people they surround themselves with will read these posts. If not for anything more than being curious as to what is being said. I do believe that they are thinking that they are this super great couple and everyone looks to them with admiration. Well, by the time they go through 2300 post I think they may be a bit surprised. Just wait until RHOD airs and people start to search threads like this out.
Someone replied to a comment I made mentioning tattle and I replied saying yes I am a tattler
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Patsy Fritatas

Well-known member
Well he HAD to film the "zootcases omg look at all deez guys" but most importantly the First Class check in.. You think he took any consideration that she didn't look happy? He doesn't care, it was more important for him to show the check-in

Agreed, leave her alone.. He's worse than a toddler omg how can she put up with him.. Next is the stories on the plane sitting in Business Class with a glass of champagne..rinse and repeat..
IQ27 ALWAYS shows the check-in. If it's first class

Wow in the queue for check-in she looked like she was either going to cry or shove his camera where the sun don't shine. It must be intolerable that phone in her face constantly
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Well-known member
I just went to the website and he is charging $45 dollars for one person and $315 for a business. Okay, what business would use him for a Cameo appearance. He does 2 seperate examples and he has his shirt off and he said he is here for us women just book him. I will never be the same after watching that.

If anyone uses him, which I very much doubt, let’s hope they can understand what he says!
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
One more thing (sorry, guys you know I am a rambler) I know alot of us don't listen to her podcast but I can't help it- it's a damn guilty pleasure of mine. Anyhoo, this last one she did was so revealing about herself. She admitted that she is a liar and that she did not go therapy because she would have to tell the truth. Damn, as a business woman I don't think I would go on social media and tell everyone I am a liar. For whatever reason she talks so negatively about her past life with Cem and dismisses all they had. Why speak unkindly of the father of your children? You didn't want to be with him anymore so you left- good for you, but why even bring him up in these podcasts? I would take one day of Cem being horrible or unkind then 3 seconds of sitting next to dirty juan/IQ27! CS if you are so happy then leave Cem out of our podcast- you got what you wanted.
I will never listen to her podcasts so thank you for doing it for us!
I think she's just talking bad about Cem just to justify her decision to leave him and to justify her relationship with Dirty Juan. What's that expression again? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks". She must know by now what people think about that moron and by talking bad about Cem, this is her way to tell us "my Life is so much happier and better today".. Yeah right sure..peddling dog food, steaks, ghost hotels etc, moving into a cookie cutter townhouse in the suburbs of Dubai is really a step up from her previous Life.
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Joan on Third

Chatty Member
So Mr IQ27 who supposedly has an MBA, can't spell the word "star"?! The Michelin (it's only one "l" moron) 3 start restaurant 😂.. At first I thought it was just an honest mistake as well all do sometimes, except when I saw he wrote it several times I remembered he was just dumb as a rock.

Oh yes like yesterday when they had to cross the bridge to the restaurant, it specifically said ONE PERSON AT A TIME (and he filmed the sign!), and the idiot still tries to get on even when CS wasn't done walking on it.. I think we are giving him too much credit with IQ27..he should be a 7

So far I give this MaldivesVacay “3 Michellin start”⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Does this guy not have bloody auto correct on his phone? I mean the absolute lack of effort to craft polished, mistake-less posts - what would any brand gain from working with these two? And oh lord, the sight of Caroline parading around in pajamas with wet hair and her orthopedic sandals? Listen, I sympathize with the hair situation as I’ve got frizzy hair and therefore look insane in all my family holiday photos - but Caroline is there with her 500k followers to try to promote a glamorous vacation. She could at least make an effort. In those PJs with her stringy yellow hair she looks like my German Grandma. (Who Is adorable and looks amazing for age 93!! 😜)
Ha ! We wrote the same thing at the same time 😉
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Imagine having to sell yourself for $45 :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:, its comical ! how much does CS charge ?
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