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Chatty Member
Not to compare the two (light years and galaxies apart tbh), but Dolly Parton said "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap," and with Hirons that's true except without the grace, self awareness, incisiveness or humour that Parton has. Hirons has gone from "never spend more on a bag than on skincare" -which was a glibly patronising thing to begin with- to never showing up without a £££££ designer bag while bemoaning the cost of living crisis and pushing basic formulas at luxe prices to her brainwashed or self-esteem-decimated followers.

She's made an entire cohort of women feel like shit about their skin and how they look (and that's not mentioning the regular ageist barbs she spews) but doesn't hold herself to her own exacting standards. When will the caul fall from the Freaks eyes wtr her behaviour?
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So, haircare products and travel sizes, two things Hirons has scrunched her face up at mention of previously being in kits or her business umbrella are both included. For (probably) the millionth time today: Hirons is a complete hypocrite.

And for £75? M&S and Look Fantastic have similar for way way less and with a decent range of products. Heck, if you're desperate to burn some money you could also wait a week or whatever for Cult Beauty or Space NK to do one of their inevitable big GWP sets with a minimum spend, plus you'd get to re-up on something else you probably use.

The Freaks should be renamed The Lemmings, tbh.
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The TS posting is also engagement farming, I'm sure of it. She's seeing how it spikes whenever she posts about her and can't resist a cheap boost to her stats. But yes if Healy was still copping off with TS you can bet she would have been right in there begging for tickets and desperately hob nobbing with whoever she could get her hands on. And finally, saying "I just don't get it" about music is infantile. You don't have to like everything. Just move on.

But it seems to be a comment very often directed at TS. They can't stand to see how successful she is so they have to make out something is fundamentally wrong with the situation. They are right and everyone else must be wrong. Music is subjective. And anyway this is from the woman who went to see Nickelback!
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I just realised I don’t really like the podcast name. It sounds quite… passive aggressive? Patronising? Almost like being told off by a teacher, especially with Cazza posed like that in the picture (hands folded under chin), “glad we had this chat 🙃

Exactly. Someone else here said it was like something a horrible manager would say after an awful one to one
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Just seen this on Trinny’s Instagram. I love how she’s being so positive about Taylor Swift and I’d like to think Trinny saying “She is a woman who supports over women and in my mind there’s nothing better” is a dig at Ma Hirons.
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She’s probably doing an antioxidant serum with 0.0000001% vitamin c and other actives …buuuut she will never beat Niod who does survival 0. Amazing price point , amazing science.!!! Hirons just has overpriced shit of nothingness
Hey there’s a new trademark for her! 😜

Overpriced Shit of Nothingness™️
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What in the over-filled chin is going on here?! And that hair. Whenever I see it I think ‘that’s on purpose, you actually went in and sat down for ages to look like that’. The neck too 🫣
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Jelly Bean

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I took one for the team and listened to this week’s podcast. High/low lights were Hirons referring to Amber’s braided hair as ‘locks’, Amber saying that 2 or 3 of her ride or die products were by Dr Sturm 🤭, Hirons continually referencing Ava 🙄, Hirons acting like they are best mates (evergreen, be prepared for her to turn on you Amber). Then in the question bit, Hirons telling a story about Ava, in which Ava pointed at herself and said to some bloke ‘what about *this* makes you think I’d settle’ (Hirons then referred to her as ‘my queen’🤢), Hirons not allowing Amber to answer any questions because she was too busy saying how she couldn’t answer the question because these things simply wouldn’t happen to her, Hirons slurring her words then saying it’s because she’s ‘had a lovely cup of tea’ (yeah, I don’t know either), and loads more
I watched the Amber Q & A. Hirons at her most obnoxious and that is saying something. Amber seems quite pleasant and interesting (if we ever could ever hear what she said) but Oaf shouts over her, answers all the 'questions' first at length and of course bangs on about her completely unremarkable family.
And at one point she says she likes Superdrug as they don't do prescriptions so you get less old people there (nice). Eh? My two local Superdrugs do prescriptions and have a pharmacy.
And the Ava 'what makes you think I'd settle' anecdote is so fucking cringe.
Also Oaf proudly banged on about how Ava doesn't know if she wants children, and how she (Oaf) thinks that's great as there should be no expectation for women to have children. Next breath - 'I say to her don't get married, just be happy, and give me a grandkid at some point' 🤪 Can she not hear herself?
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I saw some of the live on Monday. Everyone was asking her to get trinny on her podcast. Hirons kept saying “trinny has her own podcast, she doesn’t need to go on mine.” Finally by the end she said” trinny has not invited me on her podcast so I’m not inviting her on mine.”
Trinny doesn’t want you as a friend anymore because you are a backstabbing bitch. I have not listened to the podcast because I just can’t face that kind of fake nice. I thought she told it as it is but only to us little people haha
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Chatty Member
Hilarious her crying poverty having to cancel a holiday when she has two homes - Central London pad and a Georgian mansion in Somerset. Not to mention her it’s not a pop up in Liberty and the endless staff she has.

Oh and her paying FULL price for that Stella McCartney number that made her look like a bouncer 🤣
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Jelly Bean

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Those Apple reviews made me laugh so much thinking how absolutely livid she’ll be with them 😂
I know 'Her home life stories are mundane and nobody is here for them' OUCH.
Chickens coming home to roost. This is what happens when she moderates all her lives so there are no negative comments and surrounds herself with absolute toadying arselickers. Her family is boring. Most people's families are. But her staff are forced to guffaw at all the hilarious tales of Princess Ava being so crazeee. So Hirons believes everyone is as fascinated. Remember when Ava was at the office all morning doing people's horoscopes - which they all 'loved' 🙄 I bet they all cringe when she walks in sprawling all over the place and showing off while Mummy keeps saying 'what's she like eh? Mad. Mad. We're all mad in our family'.
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She handled that re the SJP pod badly. This is the trouble with her. Had she said 'yeah, I was so nervous and when I'm nervous like that I talk more than I ought' or words to that effect. But yeah, let's blame the proximity of the talking microphone.
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I saw this yesterday I'm surprised you didn't hear the massive eye roll from me 😂

It's a competition with the Freaks who can post the most shit in the vain hope their Kween comments on it

I'm waiting for the OG freak that wants other idiots to believe she's not used SR's before to do a praise post for the sisters grim and how the counter looks amazing. Whilst carrying her camo tote bag and her autograph book 🙄🙄

The sisters grim are more grim in real life. My husband was not being subtle when he took the picture of them 😂

You'd have thought they might have tried to get me over to try and shill SR's. Although I may have been sending them don't even try it vibes😂 There wasn't any interaction between those two and other counter staff either.

I was surprised how big Trinnys section was obviously Liberty have got that one right and as with Lisa's counter the staff look interested and helpful. I can't see Hirons being in Liberty much longer, no amount of favours Hirons has called in will matter when Hirons concession is bombing and not making them money.
Without even taking the actual products into account , Trinny and Lisa have class and on their social media channels they keep it professional , are courteous and don’t go off tangent on slating other businesses and fellow media personalities. They don’t moan , they’re positive and keep on brand .

They’re both appealing , charming , discreet and keep their opinions about others firmly to themselves , their business success reflects that, people like them. The staff they both employ sound like their bosses ( friendly and professional) .

The greedy, money grabbing , jealous , bitter oaf who gets revenge on her detractors by buying up domain names is anything but professional and friendly.
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Chatty Member
We really should normalise that looking your own age is not a sin or a proclamation of hagdom. Why is it such an insult (just for women) if we don't look years, nay, decades younger? I hate it.

The same "oh i got carded and I'm [YOU'D NEVER BELIEVE IT BUT I AM number between 30 and 80]!!!!!!" people are the same ones having fucking panic attacks about how they wear their socks now, so they look younger than a Millenial, because now even being a Millenial is "too old". FFS there's really not enough time in the day.
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I think Hirons has surpassed herself in terms of the crapness of the travel kit. Literally the only product I'd be slightly tempted to use would be the JR Hydrating Accelerator and it's a tiny size. Not sure even that does anything for my skin but it feels refreshing on a hot day and I like the herby smell. I've not bought it for over two years as it's overpriced IMO and I'm no longer a freak so have left those days of thoughtless buying well behind me.

So...the kit won't ship to the USA this time but don't worry "We're looking after you next time and binning Australia". Did she actually say that??? Binning Australia! She's reached new depths of rudeness, even for her. If I was Australian I'd never buy owt from her again (if I was still doing so at this point). So casually dismissive. Can't imagine Trinny behaving like that. Absolutely vile Hirons.
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Chatty Member
Wow , she’s such a nasty woman. If Taylor was still involved with old hag Welch’s son , she wouldn’t say this nasty catty stuff. She’d be begging to get into Wembley Stadium this weekend and wanting backstage access. Hypocrite Hirons strikes again , and she STILL shouts “women supporting women” from the roof tops. Hirons tearing women down more like. God she’s so awful.

I am a huge Taylor Swift fan and she does far more positive stuff in the world than Hirons.


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