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VIP Member
Does anyone know, are her parents still alive? Does she have any siblings? I wonder what kind of relationship she has with them? She comes across as someone not tethered to anyone or anything, with no roots or support system, at the mercy of the winds of her emotional state on any given day with nobody to talk her down from the ledge or talk sense into her.
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I find her lamenting how the beauty of the world is ignored, because people are “endlessly distracted by external distress” almost too ironic to bear. She has no idea that she is a source of that “external distress” does she?
She causes stress by being so fucking painful but also how much does she go on about these external stressors? Like that’s her thang, literally why any of us have even heard of her. So many lolz
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Oh hard same. Sometimes I actually find myself resonating with what she’s saying. It’s so brief though. So for you you’d be rescuing Carly from the fire I guess? 🫠
Hahaha. Yeah, if forced to choose!
Only because I think that with the right therapist and really honest, consistent inner work on her part, she might be able to drop some of that anger and petulant shit she carries around with her. Anna on the other hand is completely irredeemable, imho. 😏
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I don’t know why her stupid followers are talking about “apologies” they feel they are owed on her dumbass reel. My opinion hasn’t changed, people who refused to wear masks, stay home or get vaccinated during covid are selfish assholes. I think that’s still most people’s opinion, you’re never getting your delusional apologies Carlz get the fuck over yourself and move on.
I want an apology from all the people who blamed the at risk for being at risk at their own fault. Like oh you’re sick and at high risk of death from covid? Stay in your house for three years cos it’s your fault anyway!
Didn’t expect Carlz to rant about Witchery but here we are. The girl is unwell
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How empty does your life have to be to spend all day researching a car and talking about it on your insta stories and calling it an existential crisis. Just buy a new car and shut up about it. Can’t believe she wants to take one of those beautiful Mercedes and make it that tacky shimmery purple colour though 🤢
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Chatty Member
She was liking posts until the 1 Feb so only pretty recent that it all fell apart…
The comment about her never having been an owner is weird. She clearly was heavily involved and had the keys to the social accounts, these are her photos and she is writing as ‘me’ in this post back in September. Maybe not an owner and just helped set it up without investing?


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Carlz soda can has so much internalised misogyny I don’t know how she functions. She champions Jordan P, Gordon R, Post Malone. Not a high profile woman to be seen.
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This particular rant is truly hilarious. She’s suggested that the cover was thrown together by an intern or a “wanker with no real talent”. Just say you’re an unexposed rube who has no idea who Jeurgen Teller is. 😳

It clearly says, right there above her own captions, that this was shot by Juergen Teller. He’s a world renown photographer with a 4 decade career. I’m not a professional photographer, like she claims to be, and even I know know of him. This is literally his signature style. Fucking LOL.

Like the style or not, the imagery was an obvious intentional artistic decision, not the result if an incompetent. But Miss Blowhard needed something to bitch about, while simultaneously tooting her own horn, as per usual. Even made it into a long form YT video. God how embarrassing for her. Here you go, dickhead, I’ve linked some study material for you 😂

"Teller treats all of his subjects — family members, celebrities, and himself with a uniform style of grit, raw emotion and humour that has become his iconic and recognizable aesthetic"

"Teller subjects his models to unflattering angles, uses a bright, harsh flash, and never retouches his photographs, exposing the myth of idealized beauty that airbrushed fashion images offer. Teller’s work is characterized by a spontaneity and genuineness that he believes better evoke authentic desire in comparison to the artificial sensuality often found in commercial photography"

I’m mind blown by how embarassing that whole rant is for her.
It would be like me claiming to be an accomplished painter and saying that Salvador Dalí is incompetent because he can’t even paint a clock correctly or that Pablo Picasso is a hack because the faces he paints have both eyes on one side of their face. 🤯

Not only does it reveal how painfully limited her bogan knowledge is but how intellectually lazy she is that it never even occurred to her to google this guy’s name and get a beat on who he was or why he would have shot this campaign like that.
I don't think Carlz understands what covers are meant to look like.................
Understandable as she's never ever done one (and never will)
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Bwaahahahahahahaha what a salty woman she is.
Jellus TayTay got to spend more time with Postie than she ever would!

‘Shoved him in a corner’ oh grow up.
Ha - I watched the video and Tay and Postie sure have some chemistry - wouldn’t matter how good the song was - she’d still hate it😂
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Now she is ripping into Vogue about their covers. She really thinks she is the best photographer out there. I'm sure Vogue don't even know who she is or care who she is.
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Now she’s ranting about vets being too expensive. 🙄
I wonder if it will ever occur to her that medical care is expensive, whether it be for humans or animals, and that maybe the cost is outrageous to her because she is fortunate enough to live in a country that subsidizes medical care for its citizens and she never experiences the true impact of those costs when it comes to her own healthcare? Then when confronted with the reality of it through vet care she spins the fuck out. Can you imagine if she was faced with the healthcare costs of the average American?

Of course when she’s challenged on it she changes the narrative enough to slip away from the stupidity of her comments and to justify her rage, (like she did with the photographer issue) and all of the sudden the issue is with an incompetent vet. What do poor people do, she asks, euthanize them? Yes, they do, Carlz. What does she expect, for vets to be covered under universal healthcare as well? Like what the fuck, does she ever follow her rants to a logical conclusion? (Rhetorical question, I know she doesn’t.)

Just pretend you’re a normal well-adjusted adult for once, shut that horse face up, find a new vet and move on.


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Carlz the fashion plate/economist/industry disruptor is explaining to her followers that the fashion industry is putting out eye-catching product because it is in the throes of dying a painful death. They are apparently doing dire things to capture consumer’s attention because all of the brands are suffering. Meanwhile, a cursory google search would tell her that that fashion industry has made eye-watering record profits since the pandemic, in particular the luxury sector she is talking about. The hubris you have to suffer from to have some random, convoluted, uneducated idea pop into your head over your cup of tea and then immediately hop online to lecture strangers with it instead of taking 3 minutes first to confirm whether you’re talking out of your ass or not. As per usual with Carlz.
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